MTL - Love Like the Galaxy-Chapter 16

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After dinner that day, Mrs. Xiao caught Shaoshang, who was planning to go to her brother to continue chatting about Taixue, and said she wanted to greet everyone in the Ge family. Shao Shang knew that he would stretch his head and shrink his head, so he simply agreed. Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the guest house, Taigong Ge and Uncle Ge were not there, only Cheng Cha lay on Aunt Ge's lap and wept lowly.

“…Auntie, take me back. I want to go home, I want to go home!”

"Hey, silly, this is your home, with your parents and family..."

Who knew Cheng Cha would cry even more: "Since my aunt taught me filial piety, my father was lonely, and I could still serve one or two. But mother, mother she... I came to Cheng's house on the second day, She drove the curl away, and I later heard that curl almost died! These days, she didn't say a word to me, and every day she just spoiled her, scolded her father, and told her aunt in front of her eldest mother. I'm so ashamed, I'm really ashamed... I can't stay here any longer, auntie, take me home..."

Aunt Ge's heart also ached when she heard it, and Cheng Chashang hugged her in her swaddling clothes. At that time, she had no grandchildren, and the rest of the children were all grown up. This little girl was her meat stick. Raised with meat, she grew up from babbling, she was well-behaved and sensible, honest and honest, she really loved her life.

She said tearfully, "Auntie, listen to my aunt, you have a future in the Cheng family..." Before she finished speaking, Chengcha cried, "I don't want a future, I want my aunt and uncle. !"

Mrs. Xiao sighed and hurriedly called the maid to report.

Shaoshang on the side said: Well, it seems that Cheng Cha is not familiar with the previous Cheng Shaoshang, which is quite good.

When entering the room, Shaoshang saw Aunt Ge and Cheng Cha were trying their best to wipe away tears and tidy up their clothes. The two sides knelt facing each other and exchanged a few words. Only then did Shao Shang know that Taigong Ge was old and frail, and he had already rested early, but Uncle Ge was pulled by Father Cheng to drink and catch up.

Mrs. Xiao secretly sneered, with a smile on her face, while urging her daughter to salute and say hello. Shao Shang hurriedly took out the results of these days of training, raised his arms sideways, bowed down in one breath, and bowed his head respectfully; thinking of the New Year's gift that the Ge family specially brought to her, this ceremony was not acceptable. deficit.

After receiving the salute, Aunt Ge was full of praise, but the focus of praise was on the appearance and salute of the young businessman, and the rest of the traditional lady talents such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, housekeeping, housemaids, etc., she was very considerate. Did not mention.

"My uncle..."

Originally, Aunt Ge wanted to make amends for Ge Shi again, but she was interrupted by Mrs. Xiao as soon as she started, and said: "Sister, don't say it, our two families are next to each other. I don't know what's wrong with living here. Didn't my sister suffer from her pain? My eldest sister-in-law is a mother, but she can't be beaten when she should be beaten like a real mother, and punished when she should be punished. Say!"

Aunt Ge sighed and said, "My sin is over, and then she married into your family, and it's your turn to suffer." Mrs. Xiao shook her head and smiled: "Now she is brought back by the grandfather. Home, you have to suffer again. Speaking of which, I'm still sorry for you."

Aunt Ge waved her hand and said with a smile: "I'm so old, how could I still allow her to bully me. Before leaving, Uncle Jun had ordered people to clean up the neighboring village, and let her go back when I went back. Live in the past, and cultivate your self-cultivation well!" Ge Shi thought that he was still the daughter of the Ge family who was a precious and precious boudoir back then.

Mrs. Xiao remembered Uncle Ge's angry slap in the daytime, and nodded: "That's good."

The two of them were discussing Ge Shi and measuring the two girls beside them. I saw that Cheng Cha was embarrassed when she heard her biological mother being discussed, her hands on her knees, her head almost dropped to the floor, but Cheng Shaoshang looked calm, neither angry nor gloating, and only looked sideways at the furnishings of the guest house. He also rolled up his sleeves and helped the maid who came in with the food tray to place the buttermilk in front of everyone.

Aunt Ge secretly amazed, thinking that she is the daughter of Mrs. Xiao and General Cheng. Although she has been delayed for ten years by Ge Shi, she still has extraordinary bearing, neither arrogant nor cowardly, and she seems to be shrinking. No.

Mrs. Xiao frowned as usual, feeling that Shaoshang and Ge Shi had been together for ten years, so indifferent, no matter whether she was angry or could not bear, it was really heartless.

Aunt Ge turned her head, pulled Cheng Cha out, and said earnestly: "Don't feel embarrassed when you hear this, the more you wince, the more people will stab you. Don't lower your head , it's not uncommon for your biological mother to divorce or even remarry, it's not your fault. You are the daughter of the Cheng family, just remember this. How I taught you before, your parents are not only affected by your hair and skin, but also by you If your parents have the right character, you should learn to follow them. If your parents are not good enough, you should take precautions. Remember, your words and deeds are the best ornaments on your body. Now, hold your head up !"

Cheng Cha raised her head hard, tears in her eyes, but she still tried her best to hold her shoulders up.

Mrs. Xiao showed admiration for Aunt Ge, and Shao Shang also put away her contempt. Originally she wanted to raise a family like Ge's, and it would not be much better, but now she knows herself Short-sighted.

Aunt Ge added: "It's said that a boy's ambition is in the Quartet, so can a daughter always depend on her parents to live? Children grow up and always have to stand on their own, and elders can't be your support for life. When I was young, my aunt could not have imagined that the world would be in chaos. The poetry and songs I learned before were useless. I had to work hard with your uncle to plan food for the crowd, and I was in constant fear every day. Not to mention your aunt, who would have thought that such a catastrophic disaster would come. But she gritted her teeth and stood up!"

Mrs. Xiao burst into tears and said, "When my family was destroyed, my sister and Xiao's family helped a lot."

Aunt Ge clapped her hand, turned back and continued: "Chu, if your life is smooth, it will be blessed by the gods. But life is very long, and there are many unexpected things. Only with perseverance, With strong limbs, you are not afraid of falling mountains and seas. No matter where you go, you can be like a big tree. Not only can you stand up on your own, but you can also protect the weak flowers and vines under the tree. Do you think so? Now the world is almost at peace. , as long as you learn three or four points from your aunt, you will be safe in the future."

Shao Shang was in awe of Aunt Ge in his heart, and then looked at Cheng Cha, who was sobbing silently, nodding with his shoulders, and his teeth were sore. Mrs. Xiao smiled and wiped away her tears, and said, "What did the elder sister say? She is so honest and dignified now, and she is all an elder sister who has learned from her. No one would praise me." , Shao Shang secretly rolled his eyes.

After talking a lot, Aunt Ge finally brought out the key point and entrusted Cheng Cha to Mrs. Xiao with tears in her eyes. , you just teach her well. Although she is stupid, she is better than being honest and obedient, so don't dislike it." Then she put Cheng Cha's hand in Mrs. Xiao's hand, and Mrs. Xiao solemnly responded. .

Looking at the pretentiousness of these two, Shaoshang rolled his eyes: Baidicheng Tuogu is nothing more than that.

Fearing that it would be difficult to meet in the future, Cheng Cha stayed that night to speak with Aunt Ge. Mrs. Xiao led Shaoshang back, and on the way she kept telling her to remember Aunt Ge's good words; in fact, Shaoshang was very much in favor of what Aunt Ge said just now, but now he got bored by Rory's words and hurriedly interrupted. Said: "...Why don't we go to find Grandpa, or give Uncle Ge a salute. But what to do with Taigong, I haven't salute him yet, why did I rest so early?"

The corners of Mrs. Xiao's mouth curved, and she said 'Forget it' - the old man feels less sleep, what rest, he must be training girls at this moment.

The young businessman successfully stopped Mrs. Xiao's instruction. When he stepped out of the guest house door, he looked back and saw that a room that was three or four spaces to the east of Aunt Ge's residence was dimly lit. light.

—Ge Taigong was indeed training his daughter at this time.

Ge's face was full of snot and tears, and he almost washed off the ointment he had just put on his cheeks. Is it? Me, I don't want to end marriage with Zirong! I really don't know that you didn't ask your nephews to enter Taixue, and you have to worship the master separately. I thought it was that bitch... oh no, it's the wife who is making trouble..."

Ge Taigong's face was indifferent: "You know regret now? It's too late to regret it. Don't blame Mrs. Xiao for bribing your mother Fu, it's a good thing to think about it, if you really do something irreversible How can the Xiao family let you go, let go of the Ge family? Tonight I'm here to tell you that we will leave early tomorrow morning, so don't cry and go on your way."

Gess was horrified, and said sharply: "Father is so cruel, what should I do when I return to my hometown? Wouldn't it be ridiculed to be brought back by the Cheng family! I have no credit and suffering for the past ten years. Lau, I..."

"The villagers already know about it." Taigong Ge said coldly, "After marrying into the Cheng family for so many years, you don't know how General Cheng acts? Or do you think he will save face for you? The person who reported the news was General Cheng's personal accomplice, and he said everything in every detail."

Gursley was dumbfounded and murmured 'everyone knows it', she has been strong since she was a child, and has always been invincible in front of her relatives and friends, but now she has to lose such a big face, and it becomes even more difficult Ken is back home.

"If I don't go back, I won't go back!" Ge Shi suddenly shouted frantically, and Taigong Ge slapped him in the face with a backhand, but his strength was not heavy, but he woke Ge Shi. He said: "Do you think General Cheng is as easy to bully as Zirong? You don't go, hum... Where are the families who occupied the Xiao family's fields and houses in the chaos now! How did they go? If you don't go, he will Troops will be sent to **** you! Driven away with whips, beaten with clubs! Are you going to be disgraced like that!"

Ge Shi covered his face, fearing in his heart: "It won't stop... The Cheng family treats me like this, and I'm not afraid of criticism from the village..."

"Even if it's not the Cheng family, I want you to go back." Taigong Ge lamented, "When cattle and sheep are whipped, they know how to protect their cubs; Get behind and tell the cub to run away. But when you were dissatisfied with Xiao Shi's birth of a twin, you used the sorcerer's words to say that you were a hindrance to your child, and forced her to come home. The child who just turned one year old, hurry up. You are willing to go a long way, but being a father made my heart chill! You didn't know filial piety before, and I thought you were young and ignorant; but now I can't lie to myself any more!"

Ge's knelt down in front of his father, grabbed the hem of his old father's clothes, and said repeatedly: "No, no..."

"You are not only unfortunate, but also evil-hearted!" Taigong Ge continued, "The Tian family is poor and has been relying on the Cheng family to help, and the Tian family's children have been with General Cheng since childhood, and even more after the incident. Loyal and loyal. How did he die? He died in order to pierce his heart with thousands of arrows for General Cheng's palace! In the chaos of the army, there are no bones left!"

The old man's face was full of tears, "General Cheng pity his old mother, widow and widow are weak people, just rewarding gold and silver property, afraid of being conspired by others, he will be sheltered in the trilogy , just waiting for Tian Ding's son and crown to take his post. No one in our village doesn't know about these things, and they all praise General Cheng for his kindness! But what about you, you..."

Ge Taigong also got angry: "That year, General Cheng sent someone back to the capital to pick up his daughter, but you obstructed it. The wife of the Tian family was angry and said you were wrong. The widowed mother was sold, what a beast! Do you think no one knows about this? Tian Ding's widowed wife remarried a few years ago, and her husband's family is nearby. What news can't get out? It's over! The Cheng family has left you, and the villagers can only applaud!"

Gr. grabbed the hem of his father's clothes and refused to let it go, crying: "Don't let those two **** ruin my reputation outside!"

Ge Taigong kicked her away and scolded: "One, you want to put your own people in the manor, and the Tian family's wife is in the way, you have already wanted to get rid of it! Wrong? It's useless for you to keep the general's daughter, you just want to make Xiao's heart feel bad! Such viciousness and viciousness are rare in the world!"

Gursley was irrefutable and could only cry.

Ge Taigong sighed deeply: "For many years, you have disobeyed me in everything, which is unfilial; it is disrespectful to your brother and sister-in-law, and to rob General Cheng and his wife; Telling right and wrong at your husband's house, bullying your husband, is not virtuous; coveting riches and honor, and using the name of a general to collect money is for stealing! I am ashamed of you for such a bad appearance! If you don't go, I will tie you away tomorrow! "

Seeing his father's firm attitude, Mr. Ge was at a loss, not knowing what to do in the future.