MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 888 Shi Ling, God of Creation

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  Chapter 888 Shi Ling, God of Creation

   "Well, I will help you gather all the gates of the avenue."

  An indifferent voice sounded, but Su Yi still couldn't tell which **** was speaking.

  Qin Duzun and Qin Xueer looked ahead curiously.

  They walked behind Su Yi and asked who the two figures in front were.

  Su Yi shook his head, until now, he has not figured out who the other party is.

   "We are the Father who created God, I am Immortal and He is Eternal."

  Another voice sounded, and the three of them were stunned.

   What is the Father of God who created God?

  Qin Duzun stared wide-eyed and asked: "Creating gods is creating gods? Those ancient gods who created the source **** race?"


  The indifferent voice sounded, he should be Eternal.

  The immortal voice has more emotion.

  Qin Xueer asked curiously: "Who is more powerful, you or my father, Emperor Tiandi?"

   Hearing the words, immortality and eternity are silent, and there is no answer.

  Qin Duzun glared at her and said, "Don't be rude."

  Qin Xueer stuck out her tongue and smiled embarrassedly.

   At this moment, the Dao Gate in Su Yi's body flew out of his body uncontrollably.

  He subconsciously reached out to grab it.

   "Don't panic, this is the connection between the gates of the avenue."

  The eternal voice sounded again, making Su Yi calm down.

  I saw the gates of the avenue tearing apart the space and flying into this boundless palace.

   This scene made Qin Duzun and Qin Xueer's eyes widen.

  They have also heard of the gates of the avenue, but this is the first time they have seen so many gates of the avenue.

   Less than a moment.

  Thirty-six avenue gates gathered in front of Su Yi.

  Su Yi took a deep breath, feeling very excited.

  He has searched for the gates of the Great Dao for countless years, and finally gathered them all!

   "Okay, you can go first."

   Immortal opened his mouth and said, Su Yi and the others felt dizzy.

   I don't know how long it has passed.

  Su Yi's consciousness recovered, he opened his eyes, and found himself in a dark space, surrounded by countless corpses, including those of the Dark Royal Family and those of the Luo Family.

  Three war beasts are suspended around. In addition, there are thirty-six avenue gates.

  Looking at the gates of the avenue, Su Yi became short of breath.

  He immediately took out the Nantian Small World and released Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue.

  Nan Xiaopao widened her beautiful eyes and exclaimed, "The gate of the great way! One, two, three..."

  She began to count, and after counting once, she counted again, for fear that she would make a mistake.

  Xi Qingyue asked curiously: "Who are those two from the highest God Realm? They were able to find all the gates of the Great Dao so easily."

   "They are the fathers of the creator gods, the creators of all source **** races."

  Su Yi replied, but he was thinking about the Emperor of Heaven in his heart.

   Immortality and Eternity are so powerful, how strong is the Heavenly Emperor?

at the same time.

  The highest **** realm.

   Immortality and eternity still sit, stand still, like gods.

   "I didn't expect Emperor Su in this life to be amazing."

   Immortal sighed, his words were full of embarrassment.

   "That's right, he has developed the Divine Body of the Emperor of Heaven to the extreme. It seems that Father God wants to put that mission on him."

   Eternal answered, his tone fluctuated slightly.

  Listening to what they said, they clearly knew Su Yi's first Emperor Su.

   "Let's wait and see."

   "Well, there will be a good show."


  In the dark universe.

  Su Yi began to fuse the thirty-six pieces of the Great Dao Gate. Behind him, Nan Xiaopao embraced Xiao Tianfeng who was in a frozen state.

  The three war beasts hovered non-stop, looking very cheerful.

  Nan Xiaopao asked, "Do you want to touch your father? He didn't say how to use the gate of the avenue."

  Su Yi said: "Wait for me to integrate the gate of the avenue first."

at this time.

  A figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

   is the Emperor of Heaven.

  Seeing the Heavenly Emperor, Su Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "You're here."

  Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue were suddenly embarrassed, subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to look at the Emperor of Heaven.

  It feels like an ugly daughter-in-law seeing her in-laws.

  Tian Di made a move with his right hand, and Xiao Tianfeng flew from Nan Xiaopao's arms to him.

   "Merge the thirty-six avenue gates into one, and then inject it into this kid's body, and he will become a primordial spirit, a god-like existence."

  Heavenly Emperor said, his face was expressionless and his tone was indifferent, Su Yi knew that he was just a clone.

  Where is his true self hiding and watching?

  Su Yi nodded and continued to merge with the gate of the avenue.

  The atmosphere became silent.

  The Emperor of Heaven is as motionless as a statue.

  Nan Xiaopao and the two girls were nervous and did not dare to speak.

   "Relax, he's just a clone, don't worry too much about it."

  Su Yi opened the mouth and said, the two women subconsciously raised their heads to look at the Heavenly Emperor when they heard this.

  The Emperor of Heaven rolled his eyes, scaring the two girls to bow their heads again.

   "You have completely controlled the Divine Body of the Emperor of Heaven and awakened it into an indestructible form. It is quite good. You are already the strongest among the children of the Emperor of Heaven."

  The Emperor of Heaven stared at Su Yi and spoke again, with a hint of approval in his tone.

  Su Yi asked: "If the divine body of the Emperor of Heaven touches, will they absorb each other?"

   "This will only happen when it is activated. It will automatically absorb the weaker Heavenly Emperor Divine Body. If you didn't take advantage of the trend to break through the source of transcendence, it might **** your brother dry."

  Heavenly Emperor nodded and said, Su Yi frowned.

  Nan Xiaopao and the two daughters were curious, could it be that what happened between Su Yi and Qin Duzun?

   "Why is the God of Heaven so perverted?"

  Su Yi asked with a bit of resentment, with the cultivation base of the Emperor of Heaven, he should be able to control his own blood.

  The Emperor of Heaven replied: "The Divine Body of the Emperor of Heaven is the strongest divine body, and they are incompatible with each other. Is it difficult to understand?"

  At this time, Su Yi successfully fused the thirty-six avenue gates into a giant silver gate.

  The Emperor of Heaven made a move with his right hand, and took the giant silver door into his hand.

  He drove the silver giant door directly into Xiao Tianfeng's body.

   "After becoming Shi Ling, his cultivation will increase rapidly. Parents, you have to be careful."

   “Great power makes it easy to get lost.”

  If the Heavenly Emperor had a deep meaning, Su Yi raised his eyebrows.


   Is it possible that this kid still dares to beat his father?

  The Emperor of Heaven jokingly said: "It is possible, you want to beat your father, let alone your son?"


  Su Yi was speechless, while Nan Xiaopao became nervous, and decided in his heart that he must educate Xiao Tianfeng well.

   "By the way, when did you go to the Great Source Realm? Almost all of your brothers and sisters have gone."

  The Emperor of Heaven hugged Xiao Tianfeng and continued to ask, he and Su Yi seemed to be chatting about family matters.

  Su Yi didn't feel wrong, but in the eyes of Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue, he felt inexplicably warm.

  The Emperor of Heaven is not as lofty and unreasonable as in the myth.

   "Is Dayuanjie good? Let's talk about it when my son grows up."

  Su Yi replied casually that he was indeed interested in the Great Source Realm.

   But he didn't want to go alone, he wanted to bring his wife and children with him, as well as Emperor Suzong.

   "In this life, you were first reincarnated in the Earth Immortal Realm, and I have already transferred the Earth Immortal Realm to the Great Origin Realm. If you want to end up in the former world, you can only go to the Great Origin Realm."

  The Emperor of Heaven said leisurely, and Nan Xiaopao was moved.

  The earth they come from is in the Great Source Realm?

  (end of this chapter)