MTL - Lord of Souls-Chapter 11 information exchange

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When the four big characters of the Soul Intent Secret Society resounded throughout the Soul Palace, the inexplicable sense of oppression suddenly disappeared.

Xia Lin changed his sitting position, more lazy, more casual, and more down-to-earth.

He smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

A sense of distance is necessary, but too much distance is not conducive to the cohesion of people's hearts.

At this moment, the Soul Soul Secret Society is officially formed, and Xia Lin will also selectively show his "kind and amiable" side at certain times.

Tian Qingqing and An Dong applauded in unison.

Tian Qingqing didn't speak again until his palms turned red.

"Since the name has been decided, the next step is the code name..."

"It's not appropriate to use your real name at the Soul Will Secret Meeting, but there must be a name for each other."

Xia Lin ignored it.

Being kind and amiable doesn't mean you have to end up mingling with them, that would be too brainless.

Xia Lin just needs to pose and show off.

And things like the code name, the soul master doesn't care - you can discuss it yourself.

From the beginning, Tian Qingqing had mastered the rhythm of communication. After she finished speaking, Anton could only nod in agreement.

"Yes, you have to have a code name. If I keep calling you Tian Qingqing, your disguise will be in vain."

Under the mask, Tian Qingqing frowned slightly.

I don't know if the bronze man in black is against him, or if his emotional intelligence is too low to speak...

I didn't care about these little things, Tian Qingqing said directly.

"Code name: Baihuang."

She got up quickly.

Because her real code name is Bai Huang!

The lady of heaven.

But Anton was confused.

He never thought about this...

Until a little inspiration appeared in his mind, Anton thought of the evolution of the mountain monkey he saw in the Soul Hall for the second time.

"Code name: Mountain God."

Lord of the Soul of Myriad Tribulations: "Cough, cough..."

Thinking of Anton's fat face, and thinking of the code name of Mountain God.

He also thought that if one day he would stop disguising himself and reveal his identity openly and aboveboard, he smiled and said to An Dong: "Mountain God, come and pay homage to the great Lord of the Soul of Myriad Tribulations..."

Xia Lin felt that he couldn't hold back anymore.

Um, sins and sins, always thinking about letting my brotherhood die, what kind of psychology is this?

In short, An Dong was slightly embarrassed for a moment, and then decided on the code name of Mountain God.

Then I heard Tian Qingqing speak again.

"The code name is confirmed, and the next step is the meeting process."

"The first is the orientation. If there is an orientation session, the first step is the orientation... Lord Soul Master, I propose that Mengxin joins for the first time, and there is no need to pretend. This can enhance the sense of urgency for newcomers, as well as the desire to join the Soul Secret Society. sense of urgency.”

Everyone else has it, but you don't.

Then do you want to have it? Want or not?

The reason is very simple, it is not troublesome to do, but the effect is excellent, there is no reason not to do it.

In fact, Xia Lin felt that Tian Qingqing's proposal probably originated from "you have to go through the hardships I have experienced".

But it doesn't matter.

"Then is the second step of the meeting, information exchange."

"In fact, the most important function of the secret meeting, and even the meeting, is the exchange of information. Even if the soul master and the soul hall are powerful, there is no need for us to give up the essential function of the secret meeting."

An Dong hurriedly nodded: "This is good, this is good."

Nonsense, can this be bad?

Tian Qingqing was the champion of the last 18th National Congress! And now Xia Lin and An Dong are preparing for the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China... If you can get some information from Tian Qingqing's mouth, that is pure profit.

Seeing Anton's reaction, Tian Qingqing under the mask smiled knowingly.

She didn't know Anton's real name and appearance, but from Anton's reaction just now, she probably guessed Anton's identity in reality.

Without breaking this point, Tian Qingqing continued: "Finally, this is the most critical process of the Soul Will Secret Society."

Needless to say, several people present understood what the so-called most critical process is...

The four stone tablets.

The biggest attraction of the Temple of Myriad Tribulations is this.

Once the rules are set, everything has a charter.

Xia Lin spoke first: "Now, I announce that this secret meeting of the soul will officially start. There is no welcome session today."

Tian Qingqing answered: "Then enter the intelligence link."

"I didn't want to ask."

When Tian Qingqing finished speaking, Xia Lin and Tian Qingqing looked at An Dong at the same time.

Seeing An Dong's simple words, he immediately said, "Tian Qingqing..."

"Call me Bai Huang!"

"Okay, Miss Bai Huang."

"Call ma'am!"

Anton: "..."

"Ms. Bai Huang, I would like to ask you something about the assessment of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China."

Tian Qingqing was not surprised.

"Mr. Shanshen, what do you know? What do you want to know?"

An Dong's father, An Lei, is a middle and high-level person from the Ministry of Education. Regarding the assessment of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, An Lei will inevitably reveal to Anton some things that are not written in the assessment provisions.

An Dong was about to speak, but he heard a knocking sound, so An Dong and Tian Qingqing both turned to look at Xia Lin.

The great soul master said lazily.

"So, what is the assessment of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China?"

Xia Lin certainly knew what the 18th National Congress examination was.

But definitely not as much as Anton and Tian Qingqing.

He is also preparing to participate in the examination of the 18th National Congress, and also wants to do more preparations in this matter.

Seeing that the soul master seemed to be interested in the 18th National Congress, Tian Qingqing and An Dong only thought that the soul master wanted to listen to a piece of entertainment for entertainment, and Tian Qingqing opened his mouth to explain.

But what Xia Lin said was basically what Xia Lin knew—what kind of exams, the selection of outstanding soul masters, and so on.

However, the 18th National Congress assessment rules... are quite complicated.

"The assessment is mainly divided into two stages. The first stage is the field survival stage, and the second stage is the stage of the championship competition."

"For talented soul masters, the second stage is the stage for them to play - in the form of a ring competition, they will compete with soul pets under the attention of everyone. Until the champion is decided."

"But in fact, in the whole assessment process, the second stage is not important. The second stage is the performance, and the first stage is the exam. For most candidates, the second stage is completely optional. First stage survival in the wild."

In the second stage, the national champion (the strongest freshman this year), the runner-up, the semi-finals, the semi-finals... But Xia Lin has no idea about this.

It's not a lack of ability. As the soul master, Xia Lin felt that he could really make a move.

It's just that the benefits are not big enough.

In addition to the reputational benefits, such competitions definitely have prize money. In addition, if candidates get good grades, in order to attract candidates, major colleges and universities must also give extra bonuses and resource tilt after admission.

For ordinary candidates, the bonus is considerable... But Xia Lin has the Temple of Myriad Tribulations, so the demand for these resources is not great.

He values ​​the first stage more!

Because of this, it is the basis for deciding whether to be admitted to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it also involves the "fake body plan" in Xia Lin's plan.

After Tian Qingqing finished speaking, Anton spoke again: "Eight years ago, the Ministry of Education carried out a drastic reform in the assessment of the 18th National Congress, from simply focusing on the qualifications of soul masters to testing the overall quality of soul masters."

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China after the reform aims to select candidates with excellent comprehensive ability. Although strength is still a decisive factor, it cannot determine everything.

"In the first stage of assessment, the Ministry of Education will place all candidates on Longmen Island. Longmen Island is the examination room."

Longmen Island is considered a secret place in China, carefully built by the Ministry of Education. The island is full of wild soul beasts and all kinds of spiritual things. When candidates enter the island, danger and opportunity coexist.

In this pure wild environment, it is easier to see how high the overall quality of the candidates is.

The rules of the first stage assessment are based on this.

"Seven days, candidates need to survive on the island for seven days without materials. After seven days, candidates who have not been eliminated by nature will pass the assessment and can freely choose any college."

There are no rules on the island, but there are examiners, but the examiners will not participate too much in the assessment. At most, they will show up when the candidates encounter a crisis of life and death to ensure the safety of the candidates.

At the same time, there are many resources on the island - this is what those who have the ability can get.

How much you can take is yours! Even if you wiped out the entire Longmen Island, the legend of the Ministry of Education of UU Reading would not say a word.

And the team formation mentioned by Anton before is actually within the scope of the rules - because this assessment will not care whether candidates form a team or not, the Ministry of Education will only see if you can last for seven days.

The method is not important, the result is important!

All of the above things are written in the assessment documents and can be viewed by anyone.

And what An Dong and Tian Qingqing said next are things that ordinary candidates don't know...

"I have a map of Longmen Island. I drew it myself during the last assessment. It also marked some resources and the locations of some soul beasts. Do you need it, Mr. Shanshen?" Tian Qingqing asked An Dong, which made An Dong look surprised. .

"I want!"

"I'll give it to you for free at the next soul secret meeting."

"Thank you, Ms. Baihuang."

"You're welcome."

An Dong said again: "I heard from me before... A friend of mine said that the Ministry of Education seems to be preparing to increase the difficulty of this assessment. I wonder if Ms. Bai Huang has any inside information in this regard?"

Tian Qingqing pondered slightly, as if hesitating. When she saw the aloof soul master out of the corner of her eye, she took a deep breath and nodded.


"I don't know where the increase in difficulty will be implemented."

"But I know why the Ministry of Education made this assessment more difficult, and I also know that the national champion and runner-up in this assessment will receive far more amazing rewards than the previous ones."

An Dong bowed slightly and said politely, "Ms. Bai Huang, can you elaborate?"


"Then, Mr. Shanshen, have you heard of the word soul world?"

Xia Lin immediately pricked up his ears.