MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 864 kill!

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The beautiful Royal Lotus Bone is like a drill, spinning at a high speed, traveling all the way, over the forest and the lake!

Under Gao Lingwei's personal helm, Rong Taotao didn't need to ask for directions at all, he was carried away by the big pillow and it was over~

"Tao Tao, bear with me."

After just a few seconds, the girl suddenly left a sentence in Rong Taotao's mind.

Rong Taotao secretly thought something was wrong!

Sure enough, when Rong Taotao was energized, Gao Lingwei suddenly shouted: "Stand there!"


Rong Taotao only felt his brain buzzing, and all his heart was mentioned in his throat!

Although Rong Taotao's forehead soul bead is not a spiritual barrier, he also has a nine-petal lotus, Zhulian + colorful auspicious clouds, black clouds!

In other words, in Rong Taotao's mind, the spiritual power is as strong as the sea!

And this terrifying spiritual ocean was completely shaken by Gao Lingwei with a loud shout, triggering a "tsunami"...

No way, the two are too close.

I have to admit that at this moment, Rong Taotao was moved!

Hmm... the kind of shivering, heart-pounding...

Like Rong Taotao, the other party was obviously greatly affected!

The old Viking without the support of the spiritual treasure was even more unbearable. In the process of escaping quickly, his legs softened and he fell directly to the ground.

Physiological reactions are difficult to restrain. Similarly, the subconscious natural reactions of the old Vikings who have fought all their lives are also jaw-dropping.

But the moment he saw the old man kneeling down, his dry palms slammed upwards.


A cuboid filled with white mist slammed down!

It is like a tombstone, and on one side, there are dense flashing runes?

Cloud Top Soul Skill Epic Level Wu Zhiming!

This tombstone made of white fog not only made the old Viking calm and calmed down quickly, but its effect covered a wide area, making Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei also beneficiaries.

It's just that this huge tombstone fell from the sky, and it seems to have calculated the travel route of the lotus bone.

With the help of the soul skill, Wu Zhiming, Gao Lingwei's mind became calmer, instead of advancing, she retreated, and suddenly accelerated!


The rotating flower buds drilled straight through, reaching the old Viking.

From the moment the Baiwu tombstone appeared, the old Viking also suppressed his mind, and turned his hand to aim at the thorned lotus flower.


A thick electric shock wave blasted past the lotus bone.

Gao Lingwei's eyes suddenly widened:! !

It was too late to react, she was already bathed in a violent electric shock wave!

Dalia was not wrongly killed!

It is also an instant skill, this violent thunder and lightning shock wave is even three points faster than the three-inch Xingsha!


Gao Lingwei, who was sheltered by Yulian Guduo, recognized a truth.

If you want to really avoid this spirit ability, you can only predict in advance. When the opponent raises his hand, you have to hide, it is absolutely impossible to see the move!

"Humph!" The old Viking snorted coldly, and there was no chasing soldier in sight.

Because the thunder and lightning were entangled and intertwined, forming a thick electric shock wave, which completely submerged the lotus bones.

Is the hair long?

Dare to come after me?

If you want to die, I will fulfill you today... what?

The old Viking's color suddenly changed, and what was visible to the naked eye was the appearance of the electric shock wave splashing everywhere.

In the thick current, the shape of a "flower bone flower" was actually outlined!

What is inch-by-inch nailing in!

What is unstoppable!

The old Viking saw that the momentum was not good. Under the increase of Wu Zhiming's effect, he would never act impatiently, his feet collapsed, and he tried his best to jump away.

It's worth mentioning that the old Vikings chose the usual action - jumping and dodging, rather than shattering their bodies into electric currents.

Facts have proved that the Royal Lotus Bone, which is enough to penetrate the entrance of the Leiteng Vortex, can also penetrate the current shock wave of the Viking old man!

Professional counterparts belong to...  


The Royal Lotus Guduo exploded directly on the field, and a big pit exploded in the snow forest, stirring up the snow and mist.

However, the most fearless thing for the Snow Realm Soul Martial Artist is the heavy snowfall!

Snow Realm Soul Skill·Legendary·The Realm of Controlling Snow!

In just an instant, Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei found the embarrassed figure of the old Viking.

Rong Taotao immediately raised his hand!

Snow Realm Soul Skill · Palace Level · Snow Ghost Hand!

In an instant, a snow ghost hand broke through the snow from under the old Viking!

To be precise, it was a thick and long snow finger that broke through the snow. From the moment the snow ghost hand appeared, it was a fist with four fingers and one finger was raised.

Those sharp nails pierced the lower body of the old Viking...

The knife pulled the butt, opened the eyes of the family~

In the snow and fog, Rong Taotao first time stamped out sharp fingernails, and Gao Lingwei also held up one hand, holding it out of thin air.

The two people in the Royal Lotus Bone couldn't use the soul skills released from the body, and could only be summoned from the outside.

A huge Fangtian painted halberd was quickly put together in the snow and fog, and it was photographed viciously!

"Pfft" came a strange sound.

The sharp fingernails of the snow ghost's hand poked the **** of the old Viking, and the old Viking did not hesitate, and his body shattered into mist.

Immediately, the snow ghost hand protruding from the ground slammed heavily with the Fang Tianhua halberd falling from the sky.

In the realm of snow control, Gao Rong and the two clearly felt that the target disappeared.

"Atomization!" Rong Taotao shouted in surprise, following his father's teachings, he summoned Xuelian immediately.

But in this level of battle, the opportunity is fleeting!

Others know the fatal flaws of Yunding Soul Martial Artist's atomization, how can I not be clear about it?

In the snow and fog, the old man's figure reappeared and quickly ran diagonally upwards.

Not only did he flee, but he also wanted to leave the snow fog range as quickly as possible. With no vision, he was too passive in the snow and fog.

Gao Lingwei shouted angrily again: "I'll let you stand there!"

Rong Taotao couldn't help shivering, why is it always me who gets hurt?

Although Gao Lingwei was the target of scolding, she was too close to Rong Taotao.

Having said that, it is thanks to Rong Taotao who accompanied Gao Lingwei, but anyone else would have been shocked by Gao Lingwei's indiscriminate violence!

High in the sky, the old Viking's body froze.

In the snow fog, Rong Taotao simply gave up the royal lotus, only to see that he was picking up the snow lotus petals in his right hand, and his left hand was empty, connecting with the frozen snow ghost hand again.

"You come back... come back." Rong Taotao's words were very domineering, and his actions of using snow ghost hands and swatting flies were also very strong.

It's just that the tone was weak, without the slightest imposing manner, and shivered under the pressure of Gao Lingwei.

Poor, humble... but powerful!

The huge snow ghost hand slapped his head and covered his face, directly photographing the old Viking!

Rong Taotao raised his spirits. As long as the old man's body shattered into fog, the snow lotus in his hand would blow out a violent storm, stirring the opponent's soul.


"Little bastard!" The old Viking squeezed out a sentence between his teeth, his body was crushed heavily by the hands of the snow ghost, and he was slapped to the ground.


The old Viking actually shattered into a pile of electricity again, running around along the palm lines of the snow ghost's hand...

"He's out of strength!" As the cold voice was imprinted in Rong Taotao's mind, Rong Taotao only felt a tightness in his waist, Gao Lingwei's long arms were wrapped around, and the figure shuttled away again.

In the snow and fog, no one could see the splashing electric current.

Even if there is no snow and fog, the pursuers may not know which current to follow, after all, the current flows in all directions.

However, the Viking old man has encountered a tough problem today, Gao Lingwei, who has Bafang Thunderbolt and Muffled Thunder!

The particularity of Lei Teng's treasure always guides Gao Lingwei in the direction of the future.

The electric current burst out of the snow fog and flowed rapidly in the snow forest.

Gao Lingwei didn't give up too much, Xue Zhiwu was full of firepower, and Xue Jizuan hurriedly shuttled.

"Attention." Gao Lingwei said, she was quite confident about whether she could catch the target.

The situation on the battlefield is easy to judge. The two have intercepted the old Viking several times, and the old man did not hesitate to break into the fog to escape the pursuit.

If the other party can be broken into electric current arbitrarily, then there is no need for him to take risks.

Sure enough, everything was as Gao Lingwei said, the Viking old man is already at the end of the shot.

Two hundred meters away, the currents reunited again and pieced together the body of the old Viking.

The tall and thin body had just been formed, and a snow-colored line in a spiral pattern cut through the snow forest and was already killed behind him.

The keen sense of smell on the battlefield once again saved the old man's life!

Sensing that the situation was wrong, the old Viking had just pieced together his body, but he chose to shatter into fog for the first time!


"Whoosh~" Gao Rong and the two had two square-shaped halberds, instantly piercing through the mist-shrouded body, slashing the ground!

Although it was not a hit, Rong Taotao looked happy.

He landed heavily, but he didn't blast a hole in the ground, and his feet didn't sink deep into the snow.

Snow Realm Soul Skill, Snow Step!

Coincidentally, Gao Lingwei's choice was surprisingly consistent with Rong Taotao's.

You say this is a tacit understanding?

It doesn't count, because the two did not cooperate, they just chose the exact same thing. It can be seen that the overall fighting ideas of the two who have cooperated and fought for a long time are infinitely closer to unity.

The two of them arched their legs, leaned forward, and slipped upside down on the snow.

Gao Lingwei raised the halberd in her hand in a throwing shape.

And Rong Taotao had already abandoned Fang Tianhua halberd, holding his hands in front of his face, the snow lotus petals were sacrificed!

A violent snowstorm rushed straight ahead, and almost at the same time, the misty figures quickly assembled!

Gao Lingwei seemed to have expected it long ago, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in her hand was fiercely thrown out, and she shouted sharply, "Look straight at me!"

True chess meets opponents!

The two sides have clashed several times. Under the fierce pursuit of Gao Rong and the two, the old Viking's flaws are still terrifyingly small!

The method of its cracking has brought the effect of soul skills to the extreme.

And Gao Lingwei's "Look straight at me" killed the old Viking...

Face to face, the old Viking trembled.

The two of Gao Rong who slipped out had a strange light in their eyes.


It was the sound of the mental barrier shattering in the old Viking's brain.

Since he was chased, he has no idea how many times he has reshaped the mental barrier. If it weren't for the mental barrier, then after he kneeled in the snow for the first time, he probably wouldn't be able to get up.

And this time, Bafang Thunderbolt · Muffled Thunder and Snow Realm Soul Skill · Fenghuaxueyue are seamlessly connected!

"Huh?" Gao Lingwei's face was astonished, and her romance did not catch anyone.

On his side, Rong Taotao, who was holding snow lotus petals in front of his face, successfully caught the old man's attention and cut his beard smoothly!

If at this time, according to the time flow rate of Rong Taotao...

Strong winds, heavy snow with goose feathers, Fangtianhuaji with flying thorns, Gao Lingwei who slipped upside down, and Viking old man with a stiff face.

Everything, everything is fixed.

This means that Rong Taotao is using Snow Lotus, and his emotions are not in line.

Otherwise, he would definitely not use the soul skill Fenghuaxueyue, but the Nine-petal Lotus Zhulian!


In the romantic world, the old Viking only felt that the surrounding light dimmed, and the whole world changed.

Under the night, a splendid castle appeared in front of him.

Behind him are gardens, fountains and rockeries, and the sound of the water flowing from the fountain can be faintly heard.

This is... Manley Manor?

"Old guy, you can run very well?" Rong Taotao suddenly appeared in front of the old man, and the big summer dragon sparrow stabbed directly!

The old man was startled and hurriedly dodged sideways.


However, behind him, a cloud knife still pierced his chest, and the blood-stained tip appeared in front of his face.

The old Viking's pupils shrank slightly, this... is this?

This is no longer a problem of speed, it is a problem of the illusion world!


Subconsciously, the old Viking figure shattered and turned into endless clouds.


The jade hand held the cloud knife and easily pierced the cloud and mist.

"Uh..." A painful hissing sound came suddenly.

This knife, which should not have caused any damage, made the cloud and mist form a human shape again.

Back then, in the vortex on the top of the cloud, the fog dragon with no substance, Rong Taotao could make it taste the taste of being bitten by the flesh.

Are you missing a tiny human race?

"Stop! Let's talk!" The old Viking endured the pain and hurriedly spoke.

While speaking, his wrists had been nailed to the castle gate of Manlie Manor by two cloud knives.

The position of the old Viking did not change. It was the first hand that moved the castle gate. It was the whole castle that moved by itself and appeared behind him with the gate...

In this world dominated by Rong Taotao, everything is according to Rong Taotao's wishes.

"Yo? Are you finally willing to communicate?" Rong Taotao grinned, "Speak human words!"

Viking language, Rong Taotao can't understand at all...

Dalia and Ekaterina stood in front of the gate, two pairs of palms and four cloud knives, aiming at the Vikings who were nailed to the gate.

"Stop! I told you to stop... uh..." Before he could finish the words, the screams came again.

Rong Taotao: "I'll let you speak human words!"

I can't understand I can understand English?

It is said that no culture will suffer,

I'm so illiterate today, I want to see who suffers...


"呲!" Manlie's mother and daughter are still crazily stabbing the old Viking's body, with one knife after another, they are bound to nail the enemy to the gate of Manlie's manor.

The old Viking was gasping for breath in pain!

With a distorted face, a strange Chinese word suddenly came out of his mouth: "Mud...mud howl!"

Rong Taotao: "..."

All you need to do is force and leave the rest to the miracle?


Ask for some tickets~