MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 846 far away figure

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"Bell...Bell..." In the office of the President of Songjiang Soulwu University, an old-fashioned wired telephone buzzed.

In the dark room, a slightly hunched figure dressed in thin clothes came to the desk tremblingly and picked up the telephone receiver: "Who?"

Mei Hongyu's expression was a little dignified, and a call in the middle of the night often did not do anything good.

"President Mei, I'm sorry to disturb you so late. From the library, Professor Wang Tianzhu has left." A young teacher's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Leave." Mei Hongyu confirmed.

"Yes, Principal, I asked Professor Wang Tianzhu where he was going so late and if he needed to accompany her, but she looked a little dazed and ignored me.

There is obviously something wrong with Professor Zhu's state, you see..."

Mei Hongyu: "When?"

"Just now, she is heading towards the school gate now, and I dare not stop her."

"Well." Mei Hongyu frowned, put down the phone receiver, and turned to look at the night outside the window.

At the same time, the south gate of Songjiang Soul Martial Arts School.

When the two students who were vigilant saw a "monk and nun" approaching, they couldn't help but look stunned.

The students who can guard the gate of the school at night are of course senior students.

Although the students had rarely seen Professor Wang Tianzhu in the past few years, such a unique appearance reminded the two students of the reclusive librarian.

"Professor Wang?"

"Professor Bamboo?" The two students asked tentatively, sensing that there was movement at the gate, and a few more students came out of the duty room.

Unfortunately, the respectful greetings from the students did not receive any response.

The students had little contact with this "soul-sweeping monk" and could not understand Wang Tianzhu's temper. Seeing her walking towards the iron gate, the students hurried to open the door.

Wang Tianzhu is a teacher, and she doesn't need to explain the reasons to the students if she wants to leave.

Taking ten thousand steps back, Wang Tianzhu is a powerful soul warrior, and it is not something that a few college students can manage.


The characteristics of Songjiang Soul City are still the same. In the middle of the night, the street lights on the street have long been extinguished. After leaving the brightly lit campus, Wang Tianzhu walked into the snowy night alone.

Such a picture made several students confused, and one of them hurriedly returned to the duty room and contacted the duty teacher by phone.

As soon as the students here called, a figure fell.

"Principal Mei."

"Principal Mei!" Several students hurriedly said with sharp eyes.

"Have you seen Professor Zhu?" Mei Hongyu's hoarse voice was very characteristic. In the dark night, it made people feel creepy.

"Yes... yes, Principal! Professor Zhu just went out and walked west along the street."


The students only felt the flowers before their eyes, and the old principal rose and fell into the night.

Although the streets of Songjiang Soul City were covered with snow and covered in silver, it was not as cold as imagined.

Against the backdrop of the lantern paper cage, Mei Hongyu tapped her toes and moved forward, and found the figure of the monk and nun walking alone.

At one glance, Mei Hongyu felt that the situation was not right!

The insider looked at the doorway, and Wang Tianzhu's footsteps were too heavy.

Even if she doesn't use snow treads and doesn't want to tread on the snow without a trace, the "squeaky" sound between the pair of cloth shoes and the white snow can still attract attention, revealing her position.

Whether it is Mei Hongyu or Wang Tianzhu, they are all top-level soul warriors killed from the **** corpse mountain, and even the ancient gods who witnessed the rise and fall of the northern snowy realm. How could they make such a low-level mistake?

Habits left on the battlefield of life and death have been integrated into the body's instincts, unless...

Mei Hongyu leaped lightly, landed on Wang Tianzhu's side, walked with her, and said dumbly, "Tianzhu."

There was no response, the expressionless monk and nun seemed to be immersed in his own world.

Mei Hongyu's dry palm rested on the shoulders of the monk and nun, and said again, "Tianzhu?"

Finally, the monk and nun had some reactions.

She was indeed in a trance. She turned her head and looked at her companions for a while before nodding her head in response: "Hongyu."

Facing the old comrades who had struggled at the same time, Mei Hongyu had a rare and pleasant look, and laughed softly: "Why, come out and breathe?"

Wang Tianzhu was silent for a moment, then said, "Go to some places and go back to your hometown to see."

Mei Hongyu: ? ? ?


Mei Hongyu thinks she is not old and confused, and Wang Tianzhu's home is in Songjiang Hunwu University.

She has never been married in her life, and has been guarding Songjiang Hunwu for decades. During the war, she is occasionally sent to Wan'anguan to guard the city wall.

The Snow Realm contains almost all of Wang Tianzhu's life trajectory, the only thing that is not covered is the years when she was young.

Her hometown is outside the snow!

Mei Hongyu had an uneasy premonition in his heart: "Do you think your body is ill?"

Although Wang Tianzhu looks much younger than Mei Hongyu, Song Zhumei is a contemporary.

Chinese people do pay attention to returning leaves to their roots.

This was also the only reason Mei Hongyu could think of and Wang Tianzhu left without saying goodbye.

"No, I haven't reached the point where I'm going to die of old age." Wang Tianzhu finally had some expression on his face, but the smile was a little bitter, "My brain is a little confused, and some memories are pouring into it, I think, I have to go back to my son. look where you are.”

To be honest, Mei Hongyu really thought that the old comrade-in-arms had run out of oil and dried up. Hearing her say this, Mei Hongyu was relieved.

Ordinary old people can faintly perceive something when they are about to die, not to mention this group of soul warriors who destroy the world.

Such people have a very high degree of development of their own bodies, and their judgments of bodily functions are extremely accurate.

Mei Hongyu, who knew her old friend well, knew that she couldn't speak, so she relaxed and said doubtfully, "It's not like you to leave in such a hurry."

It is indeed too abnormal for Dashan, who guards Songhun, to leave without saying goodbye.

"Yes, which one is the real me?" Wang Tianzhu sighed softly, "Is this world real..."

Mei Hongyu was completely stunned, that is, Wang Tianzhu was talking to him, but if it was another person, he would be kicked up!



Wang Tianzhu: "In my mind, suddenly a memory was unsealed.

In those memories, the things I experienced when I was young, the people I met, did not match my cognition.

I was like... like watching a stranger's childhood memories, but thinking about it, that stranger seemed to be me. "

Mei Hongyu looked at Wang Tianzhu silently, under the natural law of birth, old age, sickness and death, it is possible for her to suffer from any disease at such an age.

If it is an ordinary old lady, that's all.

But Wang Tianzhu?

And Wang Tianzhu, who wants to get out of the snow and enter human society?

If any accident happens, it will be an unimaginable disaster for the society!

Mei Hongyu pondered for a moment, then said, "Since that's the case, I'll accompany you to see it."

Wang Tianzhu shook his head gently: "Go back, Hongyu, take care of Songjiang Hunwu, and stand on the last post."

"I've been standing on this last post for a long enough time." Mei Hongyu laughed dumbly and walked forward tremblingly, "If you want to go out of the snow, summoning Xue Yejing is a good choice."

Wang Tianzhu: "..."

Even an idiot could see Mei Hongyu's inner worries.

And Principal Mei did not hide this feeling. He pointed out the matter of "rushing to summon the snow night terror" very bluntly, just to inform Wang Tianzhu, I hope you can recognize your trance state at the moment.

For a certain kind of people, every day alive is history.

For example, Mei Hongyu at the moment.

No one would have imagined that Principal Mei, who carried the banner of Soul Martial in the Snow Realm and stood in the Snow Realm for decades, would quietly abdicate on an ordinary night.

Such an iconic character had an incomparably brilliant life, but when he left, he did not give anyone a chance to say goodbye, nor did he give the world a chance to thank him.

That night, at the entry and exit checkpoint of Songjiang Soul City, two soul warriors who were admired by the world were welcomed, and two elderly people were also sent away.

Songjiang Soul Wu University-Yanwu Hall, in the lounge of former teacher Sihuanian.


The phone on the bedside table hummed, the screen glowing slightly.

On the bed, a white arm reached out, groped around the cabinet, put the phone in front of his face, and saw an unfamiliar number.

"Who?" A unique smokey voice lingered in the silent room.

Chen Hongshang patted the person beside her with one hand, as if to comfort him, but also as if to coax him to sleep, she answered the phone and whispered, "Hello?"

"Hello, is Mr. Xiao Ziru there?"

Chen Hongshang: "Yes, who are you?"

"This is the checkpoint of Songhun City. I am the police officer on duty in Songhun City. Just now, Principal Mei Hongyu and Professor Wang Tianzhu left Songhun City." The principal asked me to give Teacher Xiao a message."

Chen Hongshang sat up and turned on the speakerphone: "What?"

"President Mei said, let Xiao Jiao manage Songjiang Hunwu University for him."

Xiao Ziru frowned slightly: "Where is Principal Mei?"

"President Mei and Professor Zhu have already left. I don't know where they went."

Hearing such a response, Chen Hongshang and Xiao Ziru looked at each other, without saying a word for a long time.

After a long while, Chen Hongshang said, "I see, thank you."

"Okay, bye."


Listening to the busy tone of the phone, Xiao Ziru put his body on one hand and slowly sat up.

Chen Hongshang looked worried: "Let's look for it?"

Even though she said this, Chen Hongshang also knew the result of her search.

Since Yanhong and the two entered the Yanwu Pavilion, Mei Hongyu has held several meetings these days.

At the level of Mei Hongyu, in such an important position, naturally he didn't want to retire when he wanted to.

Mei Hongyu communicated from top to bottom, arranged various matters in an orderly manner, and recommended Xiao Ziru as the superior.

To say "recommendation" is nothing but a term used in the civilized world.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is Mei Hongyu's "choice".

Of course, Xiao Ziru's resume has nothing to say. Under the review of various layers, everything will come naturally.

However, what Xiao Ziru and Chen Hongshang did not think about was that this day came so quickly.

"Don't look for it." Xiao Zi subconsciously touched his pocket, and then he remembered that he was sitting on the bed and wearing pajamas.

Aside, Chen Hongshang has already handed over the cigarette.

Xiao Ziru took the cigarette silently, and said a rare long paragraph: "Principal Mei has already arranged everything. Since he chooses to leave at this time, he just doesn't want to make a big deal or be disturbed."

Chen Hongshang hesitated for a while, but just handed over a lighter and didn't speak again.

After all, Mei Hongyu didn't go alone, there was also a professor Wang Tianzhu. Doubts and worries are understandable, but Chen Hongshang is indeed not qualified to intervene in the affairs of the older generation.

Moreover, compared to herself, Chen Hongshang cared more about Xiao Ziru's feelings.

Although Xiao Ziru and Mei Hongyu have a huge age difference, they are real old comrades-in-arms and old friends.

They have gone through the most difficult period of snow together, and faced ups and downs together for so many years.

Xiao Ziru would be a little sad when his old friend left so quietly.

Chen Hongshang looked at the man who silently lit the cigarette, and comforted softly: "The old principal knows that our wedding is scheduled for October 8th, and he will definitely come to attend. We will see him soon."

"Well." Hearing this sentence, Xiao Ziru, who was in a dreary mood, was relieved a lot. He wrapped his arms around the woman he loved beside him, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

If you want to understand a truth, you will no longer be sad.

Mr. Mei has been busy all his life, dedicated to the Huaxia Snow Realm, and when he is old, he can finally retire and rest. Why should we be sad?

Should be happy and happy for him...

Since he chose to leave quietly in the middle of the night, all we can do is not to disturb him.

Rong Taotao received the news of the abdication of Principal Mei Hongyu the next day.

At that time, he was standing on the scorched earth in the vortex of thunder, holding the imperial lotus umbrella in one hand and looking at Gao Lingwei not far away.

Gao Lingwei, who was surrounded by thunder, returned to the surface after getting used to the environment of the sea of ​​clouds, trying to act with more information hitting her mind.

At that time, in front of her stood a huge Lei Teng elk.

Gao Lingwei, who rarely encountered a friendly spirit beast here, was trying to raise her hand to touch the dazzling elk king horn, and heard Rong Taotao's call behind her.



"Yesterday, in the middle of the night in Songhun, Principal Mei left the school and entrusted Songjiang Hunwu to Xiao Jiao."

Gao Lingwei was startled: "The old principal chose to retire."

Rong Taotao nodded: "It is said that he left very suddenly. No one was notified in advance, and no one knew where he went."

Gao Lingwei pursed her lips, feeling a little guilty and regretful in her heart, her eyes darkened a little: "We couldn't send him off."

Even if she can't do at least she should send the old principal.

Without Mei Hongyu, there would be no Rong Taotao in the juvenile class, let alone her at the moment.

Since the two entered the school, the old principal has been shielding them from the wind and rain, from the school to the depths of the snow vortex...

The kindness of the teacher is like a sea, and it cannot be finished in a few words.


Seemingly aware of the girl's low mood, the elk shook its huge antlers and gently rubbed the girl's elemental palm.

"Well..." Rong Taotao was silent for a moment, and sighed silently in his heart.


Those who say they want to leave with great fanfare are mostly just temptations.

And those who really want to leave you, even close the door softly.
