MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 29 reappeared yesterday

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The next day, it seemed like this was going to pass.

Everyone rested in the cave for a day. Everyone was well fed, warmly dressed, and had a bonfire, and they were quite at ease.

Lu Mang recovered from his injuries quietly, and Sun Xingyu's condition recovered a lot. Perhaps it was the credit of Li Ziyi, who was always by his side.

It's time for the night vigil again, but this time, it's only a one-person vigil.

In order to take care of the injured Lu Mang, Sun Xingyu arranged for him to be on the first shift.

From 9 to 11 o'clock in the evening, it passed like this. At Lu Mang's call, Sun Xingyu got up and prepared to be on duty for the second shift.

However, just after 12 o'clock in the night, a few more people, with wind and snow, came to this cave...

"Hello! Anyone?"

Another male voice with a friendly attitude and a voice full of surprises.

Everything is like yesterday's reappearance.

Sun Xingyu held the spear in her arms and stood at the door. Under the red cotton cap, a pair of beautiful big eyes quietly looked at the person who came.

On her face, the enthusiasm of yesterday was no longer there.

"Hello?" The shorter boy stepped forward, his face flushed from the cold, but he tried his best to smile, but Sun Xingyu could hear the chattering voice of the other party's teeth.

Sun Xingyu pursed her lips, but she also saw two tall figures a few steps behind the boy.

three people......

"Don't be embarrassed, classmates, if it's inconvenient, we'll leave." The boy suddenly said such a sentence, making Sun Xingyu's heart even more hesitant.

After hesitating for a while, Sun Xingyu turned around and walked into the cave, saying, "Wait a second."

Walking into the cave, Sun Xingyu said, "Tao Tao."

"Ah." Rong Taotao, who was in a daze, couldn't help yawning and said, "It's three o'clock? It's my turn?"

Sun Xingyu's voice also woke up Li Ziyi and Lu Mang, who were already asleep.

Sun Xingyu: "Three classmates came outside, obviously wanting to stay overnight."

Rong Taotao rubbed his eyes and muttered, "I don't want to join the group."

At the entrance of the cave, the male student who tried to listen to the inner voice shouted loudly, "We are individual tourists."

Rong Taotao: "..."

Does this guy have a good mouth on the outside? Can you handle this?

Rong Taotao: "How many people?"

Sun Xingyu pouted: "Three of them. Judging from their body size, it seems that there are two more girls."

Hey my Xing'er, what does this have to do with men and women?

They are all students of the soul martial arts assessment. They are different from the normal delicate girls in the society. They should be beaten and killed without delay...

"Lanlan, come back!" A beautiful female voice came from outside the door.

"Yeah! It's really a scroll!" The girl called Lanlan was very fast, she had already entered the cave, and waved excitedly to Rong Taotao.

As the situation happened, everyone in the cave stood up.

And Rong Taotao, who had one hand on Fang Tianhua's halberd, was a little stunned when he heard the other party's name.


What do you mean?

Rong Taotao pointed at his nose: "You called me?"

Rong Taotao slept with a cotton hat on, and he couldn't see the natural curls at all. How did the other party know?

"Yes, Juanjuan, I didn't expect to meet you here, it's really fate!" The girl's happiness did not seem to be fake, she took off her colored goggles, revealing a pair of long and narrow eyes.


This pair of phoenix eyes, coupled with the slightly raised eyebrows, made her look heroic.

If she didn't speak with a smile at this time, she would have looked very sharp.

Rong Taotao watched for a full 2 ​​seconds, and then he remembered, this is not who...

That that... one of the girls who practiced at the martial arts arena that morning.

A few days ago, on the morning when Rong Taotao was beaten by Teacher Si Huanian, there was a pair of twin girls who fiercely practiced on the outdoor martial arts field, attracting a lot of onlookers.


Rong Taotao suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

He thinks that his martial arts skills are not bad, and he also knows the martial arts skills of Sun Xingyu and Li Ziyi.

But Rong Taotao had seen the battle between the twin girls with his own eyes, and they were not joking!

Rong Taotao first regarded them as college students. On the one hand, they did develop a little early. On the other hand, their fierce, swift and fierce offensive made it difficult for people to think that they were two junior high school graduates. .

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

At this time, Lu Mang was dragging a stump leg, and his combat effectiveness plummeted. If there was a conflict, or if the other party had some malicious intentions, it would be fun.

While thinking about it, another tall girl also walked in, but, depending on what she meant, she wanted to drag her twin sister back.

But it didn't matter outside, as soon as she came in, the girl saw piles of packages piled up in the corner of the wall.

In an instant, the girl who came in later looked at Rong Taotao, pointed to the package of supplies in the corner, and said, "Is this the reason why you only accept individual tourists? Is this a black shop?"

Rong Taotao shrugged his shoulders and said, "If I said that we kindly took in a team last night, and this morning, they tried to occupy the magpie's nest and occupy this foothold... Do you believe it? ?"

The two girls were obviously stunned for a moment. "Lan Lan", who was the first to come in rashly, could see his expression clearly because he had pulled off his goggles.

Lan Lan was a little surprised, but then she laughed and said, "So you guys have won! Kicked out those guys who didn't know what to do, right?"

Rong Taotao nodded: "If you believe it."

"I believe." Behind, the shorter boy walked in.

Rong Taotao: "Oh? Why?"

Boy: "Maybe it's because you have a good eye. You look cute and don't look like a lie."

Rong Taotao looked confused: "I use you to praise me?"

The boy smiled and said, "Fate, it's amazing."

Rong Taotao looked at each other, but he still saw Sun Xingyu's slightly complicated expression.

Sun Xingyu is still kind in the end, even after a fierce battle, she is still willing to make the right choice in her heart.

Rong Taotao looked at Li Ziyi again, and Lu Mang, who no longer expressed his position. He said, "How do you say? You are also staying overnight and leaving early tomorrow?"

The boy took off his goggles. Unexpectedly, behind the goggles, there was another pair of glasses. Due to the temperature difference, the glasses were covered with frost at this time.

Rong Taotao was not happy at that time, you and I are here "destined" where is your sister?

Did you see me just now?

I saw the boy wipe his spectacles and said, "We are FITs, I don't know if your team has been reduced, but now, you are obviously understaffed, and there are still wounded.

I think, I can join your team. "

Sun Xingyu's face was startled, and she asked curiously, "Are there any wounded in our team?"

The boy smiled, probably because he took off his glasses, so he narrowed his eyes, gestured to Lu Mang, who was still wrapped in his sleeping bag, and said, "He's injured, isn't he?"

Having said that, the boy finally put on his glasses, looked at the people in the cave, and said, "We are outsiders, and we are also competitors, the three of you stand up and hold weapons is a normal reaction.

And this person who is still lying in the sleeping bag seems to have some inconvenience to move. He should be a wounded person. He was injured when the two teams were fighting this morning? "

"Yo, your little flat head is also interesting, right?" Lan Lan looked at the man with glasses in surprise, as if she had discovered the New World.

This kind of performance seems to confirm from the side that they are indeed FITs, at least Lanlan is not familiar enough with this boy.

The boy looked at Lu Mang with a dignified expression and said, "Looking at his expression, I seem to have guessed correctly."

Rong Taotao pursed his lips. This young man seems to have good observation skills, and is also very good at thinking. He has something.

He raised his head slightly, gestured to the boy, and said, "Where's your weapon?"

The boy smiled embarrassedly and said, "When I was chased by the soul beast, I got lost."

Rong Taotao was noncommittal: "Where's your team?"

The boy was a little embarrassed: "I want to have a team..."

"Hmph, I've been behind our **** for two days, and I can't drive it away. It's the same plaster." Lan Lan said with a pouted mouth.

"Lanlan." On the side, the girl who didn't take off her goggles sounded stern and scolded softly.

Rong Taotao smiled and said, "Why, I want to hug my thighs, but the sisters don't accept you?"

The boy smiled awkwardly and said, "My name is Jiao How about you?"

"Rong Taotao." Rong Taotao said casually, looking at Li Ziyi and Sun Xingyu again.

After Sun Xingyu nodded, Rong Taotao said, "You guys can find a place to lay the floor, Jiao Tengda, right? Let's watch the night, and we won't go out of the cave, so we'll stay here."

Saying that, Rong Taotao said, "Xing'er, you don't have to guard, go to sleep first."

"Volume, my name is Shi Lan." The tall and slender girl named Lan Lan was obviously lively and cheerful. She hugged the girl beside her and said, "This is my sister, Shilou."

Shilou, Shilan?


Nice, great name!

Rong Taotao nodded friendly to the two of them. Compared with the outgoing Shi Lan, Shilou was obviously quieter.

Sister Shi Lou didn't seem to lift her guard, but silently took off her goggles and cotton cap, revealing the same heroic face as her younger sister Shi Lan: "Lanlan, go to sleep first, I'll watch the night with them."

Shi Lan put down her schoolbag and said, "But I can't sleep, I'm a little excited! Aren't you excited?"

Shilou: "..."

Shi Lan looked at Rong Taotao with a happy face, and said, "You don't know, that morning, after seeing you and your teacher fighting, we both wanted to play against you!"

Rong Taotao: "Uh..."

Shi Lan then sighed helplessly, and said, "It's a pity, before we can learn from you, you were kicked into a small shrimp by that female teacher, ah, this is miserable~"

Rong Taotao said angrily, "Can you shut up and sleep?"

Shi Lan covered her mouth with one hand: "Hehe~"

Rong Taotao's face is uncomfortable, milk legs, and his mentality is a bit broken...