MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 28 , army, houses, fields

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"The existence of inferior lizardmen will only have disadvantages and no benefits for the development of the shallow pit lizardmen."

"I managed to remove the inferior lizardmen from the shallow pit, but now the force value of the shallow pit lizardmen has dropped to freezing point."

"But it's also the time to break and stand."

Anmu's white-gold vertical pupils moved away from the fifty-three lizardmen cubs in the shallow swamp, which were about to reach adulthood, towards the lizardmen cubs that hatched about a month ago, and the lizardmen cubs hatched last July. They looked.

Their number is the largest in the shallow depression swamp, and the lizardmen cubs have the largest number, and they are also the most nurturing potential among the shallow depression lizardmen cubs.

However, it is also the most likely to die.

Until it grows to a year later, the size has the size of an adult dog, the probability of death will gradually decrease, and the beasts that will not be intruded, or the birds that hunt in the sky, will be the target of prey. .

After growing to about two years old, the only threats to the shallow swamps are the lizardmen cubs over two years old, or the adult lizardmen.

"Three scales..."

An Mubai called out San Scales with a cold expression, wanting him to move the lizardmen cubs that hatched in the shallow swamp after July last year into thatched huts for centralized management and cultivation.

But as soon as the words came out, it suddenly occurred to me that there were not so many thatched huts in the shallow pit, especially now that so many frogmen corpses were harvested.

The fourteen thatched cottages in the shallow pits, except for the three scales and the toe, are almost used for storage, the dried meat made from the corpses of the frogmen, and the food stored by the frogmen in the black mud swamp. .

"Big Brother Heiyu!"

The figure of Sanscale came over, facing An Mubai's sturdy two-meter tall body, and lowered his head.

"You have gray scales, Lietooth, and the others are optimistic about the cubs in this group. If anyone moves indiscriminately, they will beat me severely, and if they cause confusion, they will directly kill those cubs that cause confusion."

"Let them stay where I am."

An Mubai uttered icy words, the thick lizard tail swayed gently behind him again, glanced at the three scales in front of him, turned and walked towards the thatched cottage area again.

Although the lizardmen's reproductive ability is not comparable to that of the frogmen, they are also a race with strong reproductive ability in the Wanye Mountains.

"Car toe, iron tooth, saw scale, you are here to watch too. If there is that cub running around, grab me back to its original position and beat me hard."

"Yes, Patriarch!"

The three superior lizardmen who rushed out of the thatched hut area, Iron Fang and Sawscale, quickly lowered their heads with doubts in their hearts.

Facing the previous rage, An Mubai, who directly killed two lizardmen cubs, did not dare to say any doubts or objections.


An Mubai walked and walked into the thatched hut where Bai Chi was, and then the sturdy, two-meter-tall lizard man slumped on the sand in the room as if he had exhausted all his strength.

The eyes of the golden vertical pupils were sad and lonely, like a person who was abandoned by the world and was alone in a barren forest.


In the shallow swamp, with An Mubai's departure, the heavy atmosphere seemed to come alive, one by one, the lizardmen cubs who didn't have much wisdom.

With a whimper, they started moving again. Some wanted to go to Molin and they poured into the blood in the shallow swamp to find food, while others simply wanted to move and wander around.


The three scales, the flat horns, and the broken fingers roared furiously, and when they rushed to the side of those lizardmen cubs, they were beaten.

He beat them straight to the point where they couldn't move, and the three superior lizardmen, Car Toe, Iron Fang, and Sawscale also rushed into the shallow swamp.

He violently beat the lizardmen cubs that were moving around one by one, held them in place, and strictly carried out An Mubai's orders.

Although he didn't understand why An Mubai did this, he didn't dare to be slighted.

"Everything will be fine, everything will be fine. Take it slowly, step by step, and you will develop a civilized lizard people."

In the thatched cottage, An Mubai whispered softly, soothing the sadness and twilight in his heart, the paralyzed figure stood up again, and walked to the slate placed in the room.

With golden vertical pupils in his eyes, he sat down with a firm expression, picked up a slate and rustled it.

"There are a total of 581 lizardmen cubs in the shallow pit, of which 53 have no growth potential, and 60 are two years old."

"They have all grown up and have almost no growth potential, but they can't be left alone or expelled from the group."

"Otherwise, the Lizardmen in the shallow depressions will form a fault in their force value."

"In the army, they should also be included in the training and management of the army. In the future, even if they cannot become medium lizardmen, they will be much better than the low-level lizardmen in shallow pits."

"Houses, thatched huts need to be built in shallow depressions. Only by gathering the lizardmen cubs together and training and nurturing the army can it be carried out better and more effectively."

"Tiantu, this is the cornerstone of the development of a territory, and it is also the wisdom sprout of a civilization. After Molin and the others deal with the corpse of the frogman in the shallow pit."

"I arranged and taught them to reclaim the In the future, the lizardmen cubs in shallow pits, and the inferior lizardmen born in the military training will also be arranged for the reclamation of farmland."

"Shasha" An Mubai's sharp claws swiped on the slate, and he quickly sorted out the things to do for the Lizardmen in the shallow pit.

Build thatched huts, cultivate farmland, carry out military training for lizardmen cubs in shallow pits, and manage and cultivate them in a unified manner.

These three things are not easy for the shallow pit lizardmen. The construction of the thatched cottage requires the dispatch of high-class lizardmen and An Mubai himself.

Otherwise, with the wisdom of gray eyes, bone scales, the middle-level lizardmen, and the low-level lizardmen of shallow depressions, it is impossible to build a qualified thatched hut.

As for the military training and unified management and cultivation of lizardmen cubs, An Mubai killed two lizardmen cubs before, so that the shallow pit lizardmen cubs calmed down and no longer panicked and feared like wild beasts. Run around.

It can also be seen that it is not very easy, the lizardmen cubs can be managed and cultivated in a unified manner, and they can be trained militarily.

Even teaching the shallow pit lizardmen to reclaim farmland was a big challenge for An Mubai.

Now that the corpse of the frogman has been disposed of in the shallow hole, only the twenty-five inferior lizardmen are left with nothing to use.

But with the intelligence and laziness of the inferior lizardmen, An Mubai believed that if he hadn't watched or taught him.

Then these twenty-five inferior lizardmen would not be able to dig up a lot of land for a day, and they would even just dig their heads in the ground in front of them, like a gopher digging a hole.

This is the wisdom of the inferior lizardmen, they do not understand the difference between clearing the land and digging for food.
