MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1473 1460. The Eve of the Battle of the Valley

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   Chapter 1473 1460. The Eve of the Battle of the Valley

On the battlefield at the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling, the West Route Army built a wooden wall with a length of 1,000 meters on the mountain. Row of giant crossbow bolts.

   Many ghost warriors were pierced by these three-meter-long giant crossbow bolts, and fell on the battlefield full of poisonous swamps.

   The twenty-two abominations that rushed out of the wooden wall gate first, have been besieged and killed by hundreds of ghost warriors at this moment, and chopped into a pile of rotten meat.

Every time an abomination falls, its fat ball-like body will spray a large amount of corpse fluid towards the sky. These highly corrosive corpse fluids will stain the evil spirit's body, although it will not corrode the bone armor on the evil spirit's body. , but if it flows into the gaps in the bone armor, it will corrupt the flesh and blood in the evil ghost's bone armor.

  Like concentrated sulfuric acid, the bodies of countless ghost warriors were stained with corpse fluid, and a large amount of light green smoke evaporated, and then their bodies became weaker and weaker, howling and rolling all over the ground, and finally died on the battlefield full of corpse fluid.

  This kind of scene can be seen everywhere on the battlefield on the north **** of the mountain pass.

  The evil ghost warriors who wanted to rush forward were frightened by the abominations spraying green juice in front, and they were too frightened to rush forward.

On the contrary, the ghost soldiers and ants didn't care about the corpse liquid at all. They supported their bodies on long legs and ran around on the battlefield full of corpse liquid, strangling the dying ghost warriors with their fangs. .

  Twenty-two abominations died on the originally not-so-spacious north slope, forming a sea of ​​green.

   One by one giant crossbow arrows shot and killed the few remaining ghost warriors on the battlefield, and soon the battlefield was cleared of ghost warriors.

  The heavy armored infantry soldiers did not rush into the corpse fluid with the ants. Suldak was worried that these corpse fluids were highly corrosive. If the heavy armored infantry soldiers rushed in, they would be eaten like evil spirits...

  Naomi stood on the wooden wall, and the light in her eyes dimmed as each abomination fell down.

  Following the twenty-two abominations fell on the battlefield, spilling a large amount of corpse fluid, Naomi finally closed her eyes, turned around and stopped looking at the battlefield.

  Samera stood beside Naomi, noticed Naomi's abnormal state, and asked with concern: "Naomi, are you okay?"

Naomi waved her hand, pointed to her head, and said with a wry smile: "I have some spiritual connections with those abominations on the battlefield. Every abomination that falls down is like being stabbed here. !"

   "These big guys are much more powerful than the giant ghost-striped soldier ants!" Samira sighed beside him.

  As the druids on the city wall blew the horns in their hands, the ghost pattern soldiers ants scurrying around on the battlefield quickly left the battlefield and retreated under the wooden wall.

  Countless ghost warriors fell into the corpse fluid, and the melted flesh turned into a cloud of lingering green smoke, and the steaming smoke formed a cloud of plague on the battlefield.

  The heavy armored infantry fighters not only did not enter the battlefield at this time, they even retreated from outside the wooden wall.

  Only Samira led a group of crossbowmen to control the bed crossbow, and shot and killed the remaining ghost warriors on the battlefield one by one with giant crossbow arrows.

  The ghost warrior had no choice but to withdraw from the battlefield, leaving a corpse of the ghost warrior on the north slope.

  Waiting for a gust of southerly wind to blow away the cloud of plague that permeated the battlefield, finally a group of ant cavalry walked out of the wooden wall. They rushed to the battlefield and immediately chopped off the heads of the dead ghost soldiers.

  In this battle, the West Route Army only sacrificed 22 abominations and dozens of ghost soldiers, but nearly a thousand ghost soldiers remained on the battlefield.

  Samila looked at the battlefield filled with the plague cloud, and couldn't help but say to Naomi:

   "I heard that an army of undead appeared on the Pai Plateau. The leader of this army is a Lich King from the undead world. I don't know if there is such a terrible abomination in their army."

   Obviously, the half-elf archer had seen the power of hatred, and was a little worried that the group of tribal orcs on the plateau would not be able to stop the army of undead.

   As for the battle situation on the Pai Plateau, Samira still listened to the occasional words from Wolf Knight Tiger.

At this time, Suldak took Andrew, Tago, and Gulitum up to the wooden wall, and a group of people came in front of Naomi. Suldak glanced at the battlefield outside, and then asked her:

   "Are these made from the corpses of evil spirits?"

  Naomi's face was still expressionless, so stiff that she didn't even grin...


  She agreed, which was regarded as a respect for the commander of the West Route Army.

   I thought that Suldak didn’t like it, so I climbed up on the wooden wall and questioned myself. I didn’t expect that the next moment, I heard Suldak ask:

   "Can you do more?"

  Naomi's eyes brightened. She followed the West Route Army to the Warsaw plane and hadn't made any contribution for so long.

  For Naomi, coming to the Warsaw plane this time is more like an instant trip.

  Suldak didn't make any demands on her. Although this kind of life is relaxed and comfortable, it's not what Naomi wants most. She also wants to show her value...

   Because of this, Naomi hid in the cave and spent nearly half a year stitching up twenty-two abominations.

  Suldak was more interested in these abominations, which lifted Naomi's spirit.


   She replied without thinking.

  Suldak smiled at Naomi, then waved his hand imposingly, and said:

   "Then organize a death squad of abhorrence and let these evil spirits taste the taste of the plague cloud."


  Naomi agreed without thinking.

   "If you need anything, you can come to me directly, or you can go to Selina. If you need the corpse of a ghost, you can ask Samira and Andrew..." Suldak made some arrangements.


   This time, 1,400 unidentified black magic crystals were harvested. For Suldak, the loss was only hundreds of giant magic crossbow bolts.

  Although these crossbow bolts are also valuable, they are not worth mentioning to these unidentified black magic crystals.

  The soldiers of the West Route Army stationed on the wooden wall were ready to fight, but before they rushed into the battlefield, an attack organized by the evil ghost army was easily defeated.

  As for the twenty or so big meaty **** on the battlefield, no one has yet realized where they came from.

   They all died on the battlefield, especially at the moment when Abomination fell on the battlefield before dying, a large amount of corpse fluid emerged from his body and flowed everywhere on the battlefield...

   However, the ghost soldiers kept pouring into these corpse fluids, which made the infantry soldiers watching the battle on the wooden wall even more afraid to step into the corpse fluid.

   Waiting for a group of ant cavalry to drag the corpses of these evil spirits back with long iron hooks, the soldiers of the West Route Army on the wooden wall cheered this time.


  With the official notification from Suldak, Naomi occupied a burrow dug by the soldier ants in the gathering area of ​​the ghost-striped soldier ants, and formally sewed the abomination here...

  Naomi barely slept, relying on her own understanding of abomination, she used corpse thread to piece together the parts of the ghost warriors.

  Many soldiers of the West Route Army knew that a very remarkable necromancer came to the barracks. He could summon a powerful undead creature, and he could almost beat the ghost warriors so hard that they couldn't lift their heads on the battlefield.

   And this time the Battle of the North Slope, it can be regarded as a complete pain for the evil ghost army.

The evil ghosts didn't pay much attention at the beginning, but waited until a large amount of corpse fluid appeared on the battlefield, and the leader's evil ghost general had one hand melted in the corpse fluid. In the valley on the mountainside.


  After a failed raid, the evil ghost army finally became honest.

  Almost all the ghost army retreated to the valley, and few squads of ghost warriors were active on the slopes outside the valley. The demon hunters of the adventure group had no choice but to expand the hunting ground to the vicinity of the valley.

  Through the latest statistics on the number of members of the adventure group, Suldak found that there are at least a dozen second-rank experts hidden in these adventure groups.

  These second-rank powerhouses led the adventure group into the mountains and brought back a large number of materials from the ghost warriors. They even sold unidentified black magic crystals to local noble lords who were willing to pay high prices in the free market.

   Regarding the free trade in the market here, Suldak has never interfered.

   Groups of nobles came here to buy unidentified black magic crystals, which seemed to have become the most normal thing.

   There are still many small lords with their own troops, trying to join the camp of the West Route Army.

Suldak will recommend all these noble lords to Earl Bradley. At present, Earl Bradley has successfully organized a guard army of 3,000 people. This group of guards is active on the large meadow. Hunt down those ghost warriors roaming the meadow.

  At this time, the Duke of Newman had led the Benar Legion to capture the entire Kornberg County.

  The news of the complete victory of the Beinar Army reached the ears of the soldiers of the West Route Army in Moyunling, and the Moyunling garrison camp, which had been quiet for several months, became ready to move again...

  The battle report from the Benar Legion was sent to the command post, where Suldak was reading a letter from Hathaway and Beatrice.

  ‘Dear Suldak:

   Seeing characters is like seeing people.

  Every day we spend in Ruyt City begins with thinking of you, the summer here is much cooler than in Bena City.

  While we are writing this letter, we are taking Wendt to write to you under the shade of the trees in the Hanging Garden. The stone arch bridge here is almost as high as our castle, and it surrounds the entire city of Ruyt like a cradle.

  Ganbu plane lived in and restored its former prosperity. In addition to merchants and adventure groups, there were also a large number of travelers who entered the Ganbu plane through Ruyt City.

   Today, Diruit City is not only the most important commercial port on the Ganbu plane, but also the most famous tourist city in Bena Province.

   It can be said that almost all of your original ideas have been realized...

I heard that you won a battle in the Warsaw plane. I know this is only the first victory of the West Route Army, and there will be many more in the future, so my dear husband, please be sure to protect me in the next battle. Own.

  Thinking of your Hathaway Luthor, Beatrice Gophero. '

   This letter has been traveling for at least two months, and communication on the Warsaw plane is still not very convenient.

  But Suldak couldn't send the letter paper from Hailansa City, so he could only see these letter paper full of love and happiness through this long wait.

   Unexpectedly, the Ganbu Plane Travel Agency formed by Siya, Hathaway, and Beatrice has achieved great success.

   And Ruyt City has become more prosperous than Hailansa City, no wonder... After all, Ruyt City is the only exit of the Ganbu plane.

  Suldak refolded the letter and put it in the magic pocket before walking from the study into the hall of the command post.


  The terrain on the sand table in the middle of the hall of the command post has been completely created for the mountainous area at the southern foot of Moyunling.

   At this time, the garrison camp on the Nanlu Mountain Pass was still planted with a small red flag, and in the valley halfway up the mountain, the distribution of the army of the evil ghost army was also very clearly displayed.

  After several months of investigation, the magician investigation team finally found out all the details of this mountainous area very clearly.

  There are also some woodcut shapes of constructed knights, ant cavalry, and ghost soldiers on the sand table, which represent various armies in the West Route Army.

  At this moment, these woodcut models have been placed on the hillside, and now everyone is following Andrew's vision, using the Constructed Knights as the main attacking group to launch an attack on the evil spirits on the mountainside of Moyunling.

  The ant cavalry and ghost soldier ants climbed into the valley from the steep cliffs on both sides, forming a three-sided attack with the constructed knights rushing up from the front.

  The magician scouting team will carry out another round of bombing missions...

  Andrew explained this in great detail.

  The Evil Ghost Army was commanded by Carrie Decker, who was responsible for intercepting Andrew's Constructed Knights and defending against the ghost-pattern soldier ants rushing down from the cliff.

   Judging from this deduction, if Andrew's Constructed Knights want to win a big victory, Suldak must sacrifice at least 20,000 ghost pattern soldiers before he can capture the valley on the Moyunling side.

   "The casualties are too great, and we can't catch up with the giant soldier ants and the abomination army to advance from the front..." Suldak shook his head and said.

   "Otherwise, let the heavy armored infantry go up with the army of soldiers and ants, and the more than fifty abominations can be used as a surprise army to block the exit of the valley, which is here." Andrew pointed to the entrance of the valley.

  He still hopes that the Constructed Knights will be able to exert a strong combat power in this battle.

  Suldak was worried that the Constructed Knights would suffer too many casualties, so he shook his head resolutely and said, "The Constructed Knights should stay on the flanks."

   "How is the aboriginal warrior training at the forest camp?"

   Then he turned his head and asked Carrie Decker.

  Carrie Decker immediately stood up and said to Suldak: "It's ready!"

   "Okay, then call them here this time, we have to formulate a few more plans this time, God knows what the evil ghost army is hiding in that valley..."

  Sulda clapped her hands and gave instructions to Carrie Decker.


   Carrie Decker replied readily.

  (end of this chapter)