MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1472 1459. The War of the Abominations

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   Chapter 1472 1459. The War of the Abominations

  In the cave filled with faint blue flames, a fat body struggled constantly on the stone slab.

   It doesn't seem to have a head, its body is formed by stitching together countless corpses, and around the stitching line, green juice full of foul smell is constantly overflowing.

  The abomination staggered up from the slate bed, its heavy body crushed the slate, and a magic pattern circle lit up on its chest.

It roared unwillingly at Naomi, but Naomi was not afraid, she looked like a gentle mother watching her child, staring at the obese body without blinking .

  Hate that arm is stitched together by countless ghost warrior arms. Its entire body is four meters high and looks like a meat ball, with traces of stitching all over its body.

  The magic runes on the arm lit up, it was a kind of light green magic pattern, and these magic pattern symbols were woven into chains, surrounding the body of the abomination.

  The abominable leg is fat and short, making its body look clumsy.

  Samila didn't see its head, maybe it didn't have a head at all, the fire of the soul of hatred was burning in the chest, although the sutures seemed very dense, some green putrefaction still leaked out from the seams.

  Naomi was very focused, holding a needle and thread in her hand and continuously stitching the body of the abomination, repairing the limbs of the ghost warrior to the abomination.

Her body is thin and stiff, and she seems to be struggling to drag the leg of a ghost warrior. There are two skeletons with soul fire in their eye sockets helping them. They are very smart and don't even need Naomi. Once you issue an order, you will know how to cooperate with Naomi.

  At this time, one of the skeleton warriors stopped suddenly, and it looked motionlessly at Samira's hiding place, which was the darkest place in the cave.

  Naomi also stopped, looking indifferently at the direction the skeleton warrior was looking at.

  There is no movement in her eyes, like a zombie...

  Knowing that he was seen by the skeleton warrior, Samira slowly walked out from the shadows.

  Naomi ignored Samira, didn’t even ask her ‘Why are you here? ’, just silently turned around and sewed the last few stitches.

When Samira approached Naomi, the movements of the two skeletons were obviously slower. The soul fire in their eyes burst into sparks, but Naomi waved her hand casually, and the two skeleton warriors fell silent. down.

  The abomination on the stone slab seemed a little anxious because of the smell of fresh meat. It kept twisting its obese body, but its skin was covered with chain magic patterns, and it couldn't get out of the slate no matter how hard it struggled.

   Afterwards, the runes on Hate's body lit up one by one, and because of the excessive struggle, green juice kept coming out of the sutures on the body.

  It was full of hostility towards Samira, and its two hands kept scratching in the direction of Samira.

Naomi sighed, she could only stand up, picked up the magic engraving pen and continued to apply magic runes on the body of the abomination, chain runes were drawn on the body of the abomination, and then it was firmly controlled on the stone slate .

  After doing this, Naomi stopped.

  She raised one hand, a dark blue flame lit up in the palm of her hand, and as she raised the flame above her head, the dark flame floated towards the ceiling of the cave.

  In an instant, a few candles on the chandelier on the ceiling of the cave were lit by Naomi's ghostly fire, and the cave suddenly became bright.

   Samira stood in front of the abomination, examining the big guy.

   This burrow is actually not very big, but the smell inside is very unpleasant, and the rotten smell fills the burrow.

  Samila's gaze moved away from the abomination, and she found that on the walls around the cave, there were actually pits dug out, each of which contained a sewn-up body of the abomination.

Naomi inserted the bone needle in her hand into a reel, then walked to Samira's side, and followed her gaze to a hole in the cave wall. Inside was a bird that looked bigger than the stone platform. That abomination is slightly smaller, but its body is also full of rune chains.

  In addition, it doesn't have any breath of soul fire on its body, so it piles up there, looking like a mass of dead meat.

   There is no breath...

   There are at least twenty dead meat like this in this cave.

  When Naomi rolled her eyes, she was obviously very stiff. She looked a little proud, as if someone had seen her masterpiece, and said in a dry voice:

"I want them to have thoughts, but no matter what I do, they still act on instinct, so I can only extinguish their soul fire and let their rotten flesh pile up here. This is just the second thing I sewed. Twelve abominations, although they still don't have elementary intelligence, but at least they have anger and violent emotions..."

   Samira rolled her eyes and said to Naomi:

   "About this subject, I can't give you any help. If you have time, you can go to meet the boss. His friend Earl Furnac should know about these things very well."

   "I got the production process of the abomination from those black mages, and about these stitching skills, it was actually Lord Furnak who instructed them."

  Naomi's voice was a bit like she was scratching glass with a sharp object, making that sharp and piercing sound.

   Apparently her body disintegration is getting worse.

A few more skeleton warriors came out from the shadows. This group of skeleton warriors dragged the struggling Abomination into a hole in the wall of the cave. Naomi walked over helplessly, and stretched out her hands to **** the soul fire from Abomination's body. Coming over, the abomination immediately turned into a pile of lifeless rotten meat in the pit.

   "You lack some spiritual soul fire..."

   Samira said.

  She saw that it was these soul fires that gave the abominations new life, but the abominations with soul fires were actually low-level undead creatures without any thoughts, and they didn't even know to obey Naomi.

  Naomi also said helplessly:

   "That's right...I lack spiritual soul fire. I can't use the ghost's soul after death, and I can't use infantry soldiers, so the problem is stuck here."

Samira asked: "Actually, you can try the souls of those ghost-striped soldier ants. They obeyed the queen, obeyed the druids, signed a magic contract and obeyed the ant cavalry. Maybe their souls will still obey you after death." ..."

  Hearing what Samira said, Naomi's eyes lit up.


  There are too many people in the military camp at the foot of Moyunling Mountain, and Naomi doesn't want to cause trouble for Suldak, so she has been hiding in the abandoned soldier ant cave on the side of the forest farm camp.

  There are usually no ghost pattern soldier ants here, almost all the soldier ants are in the garrison camp on the other side of Moyunling.

But just a few days ago, the second batch of soldier ants came from Epsom City. Although a large number of ghost soldier ants have already gone to the military camp on the Moyun Ridge, there are also some ghost soldier ants who were injured halfway. Stay in the tree farm camp.

  Samira said to Naomi:

   "Recently, a large number of ghost-striped soldier ants passed by the forest camp, and some injured ghost-striped soldier ants just happened to stay here."

   "Without the druid here, will there be any troubles for those ghost-striped soldier ants?" Naomi felt that she could help Samira and get rid of all those wounded ghost-striped soldier ants.

  Samila covered her nose and mouth with a scarf and said to Naomi:

   "There is a druid staying here to take care of this group of ghost-striped soldier ants. I asked him to send the most injured ghost-striped soldier ants to you. You can try it."


  Naomi didn't expect that Samira would give herself a good idea when she came here.

  Although I feel that killing a ghost pattern soldier ant for no reason is a bit inappropriate.

  However, she then thought that she had been locked in the burrow for so long, whether the stitched abomination could be successful or not, it was worth a try to use the ghost-patterned soldier ant's soul.

  Naomi hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

  Samila, who has seen a large number of ghost-patterned soldiers die on the battlefield, does not have these psychological burdens of Naomi.

   Seeing Naomi nodding her head in agreement, Samira immediately went back to the forest camp to find the druid, and asked him to send over one of the most seriously injured ghost pattern soldier ants.

   These dozens of ghost pattern soldier ants have been living in the forest camp recently, and now Samira suddenly thought of it, in fact, they can be allowed to recuperate in the burrow here.

  Samila is currently the highest officer in the forest camp, and her orders are immediately executed.

   Not long after, a seriously injured ghost pattern soldier ant was sent to Naomi by the druid.

  The Druid, who believes in the Son of Nature, doesn't want to smell the dead breath on Naomi at all, so he just stands far away, and after delivering the ghost pattern soldier ants to Naomi, he hurriedly escapes...

  The second batch of soldier ants traveled thousands of miles from the Bailin plane to the Warsaw plane. During the long journey, some soldier ants were inevitably injured on the way.

These ghost-striped soldier ants really couldn't keep up with the army of soldier ants, and the druids were reluctant to kill them directly to obtain the magic core. They finally insisted on walking to the forest farm camp, leaving a druid to guard the dozens of wounded ants. Ghost pattern soldier ants.

  A wounded ghost-patterned soldier ant died on Naomi's test bench just like that...

  Facts have proved that Samira's suggestion is still very reliable.

  After the soul fire was injected into the abomination's body, Naomi found that the abomination became much more obedient.

   Then, more well-behaved abominations were created from Naomi's hands.


  A week later, Samira received a transfer order from Suldak.

  Wolf Knight Tiger replaced Samira and stationed in the forest camp, and Samira was going to the garrison camp in Moyunling immediately to train the bed crossbow operators here.

  When Samira rushed to Moyunling, there were twenty carriages traveling with her.

  The stench from these four-wheeled trucks makes people feel dizzy. Even with the antidote prepared by Naomi, there is no way to completely remove the influence of these rotting corpses on the coachman.

  Even if there are spices to cover up the smell, and these abominations are covered with thick tarpaulins, the smell cannot be covered up.

   For this reason, Samira had to pay double the shipping fee, so the carriage driver of the transportation team gritted his teeth and pulled the goods to the garrison camp on the Moyunling side.

  The twenty-two abominations were transported to the military camp in Moyunling, and they were arranged by Suldak to be stored in a special camp for ghost pattern soldiers.

  Suldak was speechless when he saw these juicy abominations.

   I didn't expect that Naomi had lived in the forest camp for nearly half a year, and she would make so many big guys without making a sound.

  A loathsome body almost as large as ten evil spirits hugging each other tightly...

   It's all here...

  So Suldak decided to send them to the front line of the battlefield as soon as possible. Not only did Suldak want to try the combat power of these abominations, but another idea was to let the ghost warriors consume these abominations as soon as possible.

  How could there be undead warriors in the army of the West Route Army...


  A wooden wall has been erected on the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling, and this wall completely blocks the mountain pass.

  The mountain forest to the north of the mountain pass has been cut down in a large area.

  The dense forest on the hillside was cut down, and if the ghost warriors tried to rush up, they would be directly exposed to the range of the bed crossbow.

   Now two hundred bed crossbows have been placed on the wooden wall. Samira returned to the military camp here this time to train these bed crossbow operators.

  Suldak has no plans to attack the valley halfway up the mountain for the time being, but the evil ghost army in Moyunling is eager to retake the Nanlu Mountain Pass at this moment.

  Mainly because this is the gate to Moyunling...

Recently, a large number of adventure groups have poured into Moyun Ridge, turning the evil ghost army upside down. prey.

  This change in status is the most unacceptable to the evil spirits.

  The densely packed ghost warriors finally thought about launching an attack on the Moyunling Pass in the early morning. A large group of ghost warriors scattered on the hillside, and at this moment before dawn, they rushed towards the wooden wall of the Nanlu Pass.

Samira stood on the wooden wall and personally commanded the bed crossbow operators on the city wall to fire the arrows. This time, the number of ghost soldiers rushing up the hillside was almost ten thousand, and Samira did not give Suldak province Qian's plan was to directly move out the dual-attribute giant crossbow.

  The bed crossbow fired a round of volleys, and saw the ghost warriors on the hillside fall down in groups.

  The catapult behind the city wall also began to throw countless explosive barrels, and countless explosive barrels were detonated on the north slope.

The gate in the center of the city wall opened slowly. In the past, the ghost pattern soldier ants must have rushed out first, but this time the evil spirits were surprised that a row of rotten meat came out of the gate, holding .

  The twenty-two abominations rushed into the camp of evil spirits...

  No matter how the returned warriors slashed and killed, these abominations didn't know pain at all, and spilled a lot of rancid juice.

   The abominations strike back...

  The ghost pattern soldier ants followed behind, and they also spit out sour liquid.

  There is a sea of ​​green on the battlefield, and the evil spirits are melting in the putrid liquid...

   This is indeed what Suldak did not expect. Their bone armor can't resist the putrid liquid, and their body tissues can't stand the corrosion of the putrid liquid...

  (end of this chapter)