MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1435 1422. Conflict and transactions

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   Chapter 1435 1422. Conflict and Transactions

This walled city looks like a small town on the Ganbu plane. The wooden houses here are also very distinctive. Almost every wooden house is built around a giant tree. These wooden houses are divided into trees on trees. In the next two parts, in comparison, the wooden house under the tree is simpler than the wooden house on the tree.

These wooden houses look like pigeon cages. The wooden houses can only accommodate a few people to lie down. There are few and various decorations in this kind of house, and there is no way to light a fire inside. The roof is covered with some unknown leather. The doors of the wooden houses are almost always covered with a layer of leather.

   And under each tree there will be an empty field, and these empty fields have fire pits and blackened stones.

   After entering the tribe, Surdak only saw some children and old people...

  Suldak was sitting in the hall of a huge wooden house, and Samira was sitting opposite him, looking curiously at the wooden house made by digging out the heart of a tree.

This is a luxurious hall made of the trunk of a giant tree. The rotunda has an area of ​​about 30 to 40 square meters. Apart from the main entrance, there are two round windows on the left and right sides. The hall is covered with a layer of hard leather. There is also a staircase leading to the second floor on one side.

  There are several monster heads hanging on the wall, among them is not only a complete black-horned elk, but also a whole nightsaber skin, just seeing the dark brocade brilliance of the leather makes Suldak envious.

The main seat in the hall was covered with a bearskin. The leather was spread on the bench, and the ferocious bear's head was raised high. Suldak could tell that it should be a violent earth bear, and from the bear's From the first glance, it can be seen that this earth storm bear is very large.

   Two young native warriors sat in the hall with Surdak.

  Suldak was thinking about how to establish contact with this aboriginal tribe. Obviously, these two young aboriginal warriors could not decide these things.

  The two young indigenous warriors had no hostility towards Suldak, and they chatted casually about things in the city.

  Suldak also took the opportunity to learn about the population of this walled city, the haunting situation of evil spirits nearby, and how many other aboriginal tribes there are in this area, etc. These young aboriginal warriors answered very readily.

  The eager gazes of these two young indigenous warriors passed over Suldak's waist from time to time, obviously envious of Suldak's weapons.

   It didn't take long for an indigenous woman to bring some unknown wild fruits and berries. The indigenous people here didn't have a plate, but placed these berries on a green leaf.

  In the hall, except for a bench covered with bearskin on the main seat, there are almost no other decorations.

There was a rush of footsteps outside, and when Suldak looked towards the entrance of the hall, he saw a middle-aged native in leather armor stepping into the hall, with a mountain ax tied to his back. , there is still a machete hanging on his waist, the blade should have been polished countless times, and there is only a little edge left.

The middle-aged aborigine has a scar on his face, from the left forehead through the left eye to the left face. His eyes don't seem to be injured, but the color of the two pupils is a bit different. The right eye is the same as other aborigines. Brown, but the left eye is a cat's eye with a light green tint.

  If you only look at this eye, Suldak may think that the other party is a leopard.

There was a strong **** smell on his body, this kind of breath can only be found in people who have gone through countless killings, and his face looked very bad, he walked in with a gloomy face, and he was full of hostility when he looked at Suldak .

   Behind him was a group of indigenous warriors, all of whom had some ordinary metal weapons, but all of them were severely worn.

  The two young aboriginal warriors accompanying Suldak quickly stood up and greeted the middle-aged aboriginal: "Boss! This..."

The middle-aged aborigine nodded with gloomy eyes. He did not sit on the main seat in the hall, but stood in the center of the hall, turned around and squinted his eyes at Suldak, interrupted the young aborigine unceremoniously, Asked:

   "How did you bring the Imperials back to the city?"

Faced with the chief's questioning, the young native immediately explained carefully: "Chief Hitchcock, these imperial people were met when we ambush the evil spirits. They are businessmen over there and are willing to sell weapons and other supplies to our tribe. , so I brought them back to the city, and Chief Logan has already gone to see Elder Ambroby."

Chief Hitchcock glanced at the young natives, and said coldly: "Imperials are not welcome here, so don't take the imperials to the fort in the future, and leave these two imperials to me. "

   While speaking, without waiting for the young native to say anything, he directly pulled out the scimitar from his waist.

   The twenty or so indigenous warriors following him immediately poured into the hall. The hall was packed with people, and a group of indigenous warriors surrounded Suldak and Samira with weapons.

   "Chief Hitchcock, these two imperial merchants are our guests, we need..." The young native warrior immediately stood in front of Suldak and explained to the big boss Hitchcock.

   "I know you need sophisticated weapons forged by the Imperial Workshop. When I kill them, all their items will belong to you. I just want to kill these two Imperials!" Chief Hitchcock said through gritted teeth.

  Suldak wanted to rub his forehead very much.

  Obviously, the chief Hitchcock has some unresolvable hatred with the Lord Army of the Green Empire...

  He could feel that the big leader on the opposite side was probably a Rank 2 powerhouse, and the uncontrollable hatred and killing intent in his eyes filled the entire hall with a chill.

   "Is this how your tribe treats guests?" Suldak stood up and glanced at the native warriors who surrounded him.


  The young native warrior standing in front of Suldak blushed, too embarrassed to speak.

  A group of tribal warriors held weapons and slowly approached Suldak.

  Suldak smiled contemptuously, pushed the young native warrior away, stood in front of the Hitchcock leader and said:

   "If you still can't let go of the past grievances, even if the tribal warriors in the city are ten times stronger, in the face of the continuous invasion of those evil spirits on Moyunling, your city will not last long."

  He looked Chief Hitchcock directly in the eye, and said to him:

   "Look at these evil spirits now, they have slaughtered all the prey that can be eaten in this mountain."

   "Even if the hunters in your city want to hunt, I'm afraid they can only go to the mountains further north!"

   "But have you ever thought about those evil spirits on Moyun Ridge, will they cross your city to hunt further north next, or will they target you?"

   Facing Suldak's questioning, Chief Hitchcock's face was very ugly.

  The native warriors in the hall also breathed heavily. It was obvious that Suldak's words had touched their sore spots.

   "Maybe you think you can easily stop the evil ghost army from expanding northward?"

  Suldak glanced around again, and asked loudly.

   Without waiting for these indigenous warriors to answer, he continued:

   "If that's the case, I don't think I would take the risk of coming here..."

   "I think now is a good opportunity for you to strengthen yourself. I can bring you the excellent standard weapons of the Grimm Empire, and let your tribal fighters arm themselves to the teeth..."

   "At that time, your native fighters will be able to defeat those ghost fighters more easily on the battlefield."

   "Even if you can kill me now, how much benefit can you get from me, a broadsword and a shield, or this set of armor? Are these all you want?"

  Suldak continued to question Chief Hitchcock.

   Just when Suldak finished the last sentence, Suldak suddenly saw a stern look in the eyes of Chief Hitchcock.

   "I want you dead..."

A scimitar stabbed at Suldak with an arc of whiteness, perhaps because he was a little hasty in swinging the knife, Suldak swung his right arm, and the devil's shield appeared strangely like magic On his arm, he firmly parried the scimitar that didn't have many edges.

   This knife has no power, and even the 'Blessed Shield' and 'Holy Shield' on the evil ghost's shield failed to light up.

  The native warriors all around let out an uncontrollable exclamation. These warriors should have recognized that the grimace skin on the shield was ripped off from a ghost general.

   At this moment, Samira wanted to make a move, but restrained herself under the signal of Suldak's eyes.

  She stared cautiously at the native warriors surrounding her, with one hand on the back of the Sky Strike Arch behind her...

   "Stop, what are you guys doing here?" A question appeared at the door of the hall.

  The native warriors took a step back one after another, and looked towards the entrance of the hall with some anxiety.

   "Get out, these two Imperials are my guests."

Suldak noticed an aboriginal warrior wearing earth storm bear leather armor striding in from the door, and the young aboriginal warrior standing beside him immediately said to Suldak: "This is the chief patriarch of our tribe... "

  When Suldak looked at the chief patriarch Logan, Logan was also looking at Suldak seriously.

  The group of native warriors in the hall took the opportunity to walk out in a desperate manner, leaving only the leader of Hitchcock standing in place holding a scimitar.

  The Hitchcock leader stood in front of Suldak, still refusing to budge.

   "Hitchcock, put away your weapons!" Chief Logan ordered him.

  The leader of Hitchcock was a little aggrieved, and the scimitar in his hand was still pointed at Suldak.

   Chief Logan put a hand on his hand, and said in a gentle but unquestionable tone:

"I don't expect you to let go of the hatred in your heart, but now you can't kill these two imperial merchants. I need to make some deals with them. My tribe needs the weapons and equipment of the imperialists to deal with the enemies on Moyunling in the south. Devil."

  Seeing that he still refused to put the scimitar back around his waist, the chief patriarch Logan's eyes flashed a stern look, and he shouted in a stern tone:

   "Hitchcock, this is my order, and it is also the meaning of Elder Ambroby."

   Leader Hitchcock's body was a little stiff, and he turned his head to look at Chief Logan. He put away the scimitar without saying a word, and strode away from the tree house hall.

At this time, only Chief Logan and the two young native warriors who had been with Suldak were left in the hall. Chief Logan looked at Suldak, then walked to the main seat of the hall and sat on the bearskin bench. Come down and say to Suldak:

"You have also seen that we aborigines have an irresolvable hatred with you imperial people. Like those evil spirits, you have been occupying our land and slaughtering our people all these years. I admire you very much, how dare you run away? Come to me to make a deal, are you an imperial businessman?"

   Chief Logan stared at Suldak suspiciously.

"I usually hunt evil spirits, and occasionally do some business." Suldak did not answer directly, but said: "I am here now, not to ask you to forget these hatreds. Since I am a businessman, I am simply I want to make a deal with you, maybe this kind of deal can continue forever, I will give you some of the supplies you need, and I need the magic beast materials and magic herbs here."

   "Now the materials of monsters and magic herbs, I have these crystals here. I heard that you are also very interested in these crystals?"

  Clan Chief Logan took out more than a dozen strings of magic crystals from his bosom. These magic crystals were all punched with a hole in the middle, and they were strung together one by one.

  The size of each magic crystal is also different, and when the magic core is polished, it is almost as big as the magic crystal in the magic core, and it maintains the appearance of the original stone.

  In the Grimm Empire, the shape and size of the magic spar circulating in the hands of magicians are all regulated, and each magic spar is polished with forty-eight reflective surfaces, which looks like a gorgeous gemstone.

  The magic spar worn together cannot be exchanged for magic spar even if it is brought back to the Grimm Empire because of a hole in the middle.

   It can only be chopped to make magic crystal fragments with lower value.

  Suldak just glanced at the string of magic crystals in the hands of Chief Logan, then shook his head.

   Seeing Chief Logan's confused gaze, Suldak took out a normal magic spar from his purse, and explained to Chief Logan what a valuable magic spar looked like.

   Patriarch Logan pondered for a moment before saying: "We also have some crystals that haven't been strung together... So, what do you want to use to make a deal with me?"

   "Normal and magic weapons, armor, arrows..."

While talking, Suldak took out a knight's long sword, an iris shield, a full set of heavy armor, an alloy bow and a bundle of refined steel arrows from his magic pocket, and he put them all together in front of.

   Chief Logan stood up from his seat, walked in front of Suldak, bent down and picked up a knight's long sword.

The edge of the long sword was polished like a mirror, and he could even see half of his face from the edge. Chief Logan slowly stroked the edge with his other hand, with a complicated expression on his face .

  He swung the knight's long sword twice before asking Suldak, "How do you trade this long sword?"

  (end of this chapter)