MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1434 1421. Aboriginal people in the Walled City

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  Chapter 1434 1421. Aboriginals in the Walled City

Enid did not expect to meet the two imperial men, Suldak and Samira, again. She lay in the cave for nearly three days, relying on the small amount of food and water left by Suldak. The most difficult time has passed.

   Enid, who had regained some strength, walked out of the rocky cliff, digging wild vegetables, moss, and hunting small animals along the way to return to the tribe in a state of embarrassment.

When she saw the gate of the tribe deep in the canyon, she almost lost a lot of weight, and her body almost exhausted her last bit of energy. Looking at the tribe hidden in the jungle in the distance, she exhaled softly, feeling dry and cracked. His lips finally showed a touch of joy.

  She is a very good group of young warriors in the tribe. She not only has a strong physique, but also received the blessing of the great witch and borrowed some power from the monster.

  The injuries on her body made her go through hardships in the wild this time...

  If she hadn’t had enough experience in survival and knew a lot of edible wild vegetables and berries, she would have almost starved to death in the mountains this time.

  The evil spirits hunted down almost all the prey in the mountains, so that all the animals in the mountains were almost completely extinct.

  She still clearly remembered that before the evil spirits set foot on this mountain, the most powerful existence in the mountains was a large group of monsters. In some years, the group of monsters in the mountains would even besiege her tribe.

   Those beasts can be seen everywhere in the mountains, and the adult trials of young people in the tribe are also quite simple.

  Because it was not difficult to hunt a monster at that time...

   I don’t know when the adult trial in the tribe was changed to hunting a ghost warrior. I don’t know how many young people died in order to complete this adult trial.

  She is not one of the strongest group of young warriors in the Horde, but she prefers to use her mind.

  In that adult trial, she used a black-horned elk to lure and kill a ghost warrior, so she became a warrior among young people.

  Her eyes were bloodshot, and the cheekbones on both sides of her cheeks seemed a little protruding. She yelled at the tribe in front, and that yell seemed to intend to vent all the grievances she had suffered recently...

  The mountains and the sky in front of my eyes unexpectedly started to spin for a while, and I staggered and fell into the woodland.

  Before she fell, a patrolling tribal warrior noticed her, saw her collapsed on the hillside, and ran towards Enid.

  Enid even heard someone calling her name...

  'Enid, it seems Enid...'


This is a large tribe with a population of tens of thousands. They have even built a city wall with countless giant trees in the valley. This city wall is hidden in the deepest part of the valley, surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and only one side faces the valley in the valley. On the gentle slope, there is a waterfall flowing down the mountain wall on the right, forming several pools in the city.

  The Walled City is extremely hidden, it is blocked by layers of trees.

   If you don't go deep into the valley, unless you fly into the sky, it's hard to find this ancient city.

The wooden houses in the walled city are almost all built on giant trees. The more advanced wooden houses are built on the canopy of the trees, and there are many wooden houses connected together under the trees. There are many aborigines living here, and the aborigines here have a lot of Rigid hierarchy.

The status of the aborigines living under the trees is relatively low. The aborigines here rely on hunting and collecting wild fruits for a living. Although hunting has become more and more difficult nowadays, collecting berries in the wild is still relatively stable. The collectors in the tribe even The surrounding area of ​​the Walled City is divided into seven collection areas, and all the trees growing wild fruits and berries are well managed.

  Before these fruits are ripe, these trees will even receive meticulous care from these aborigines.

They will also take special care of the fruit tree seedlings growing in the valley. When Surdak and Samira were brought into the valley by a team of aboriginal warriors, they found that almost all the fruit trees, nut trees and berry bushes in the valley were mature. There are not even any weeds and weeds growing in these woods.

  Surdak even saw the aborigines neatly covering some dry grass on top of the moss next to a fallen giant tree, and there were clearly some mushrooms growing under the dry grass.

   Entering this valley, Suldak discovered that another group of aborigines with pockets on their backs passed by them and walked into the huge camp in front of them.

  He and Samira were able to find this place, in fact, it was a coincidence that they encountered a team of evil spirits on a hillside ahead...

   Along the way, Suldak was restraining himself, trying to hunt down the evil ghost hunter as little as possible.

  He and Samira came here this time to investigate the aboriginal tribe here.

  At that time, the evil spirit team just killed several aborigines, and what attracted Suldak was precisely a wicker basket beside the aborigines.

  The wicker basket fell on the grass, and among the mushrooms scattered from it, there were actually three stalks of King's Blood Grass besides a few fungi.

   That's right! It was these three royal blood grasses that allowed Suldak to make an exception to get rid of these evil spirits. These are magic herbs for making high-quality healing potions. It is almost difficult to buy this kind of herbs in the magic herbal medicine store in Bena City.

As long as this kind of herb appears in the magic market, the price can be ignored. As long as the potion masters see it, they will not let it go. Nowadays, in the magic market, there are almost no healing magic potions. Control is in the hands of noble lords.

  If it wasn't for Suldak's 'Holy Light Art', he might have to stockpile hundreds or even thousands of bottles of this type of healing potion in his warehouse before he would have the courage to go to the plane.

Seeing the Emperor's Blood Grass, Suldak couldn't help but rushed out of the dense forest, held up the evil ghost's shield and swung a 'shield slam', knocking the outermost evil ghost warrior back two steps. Before he could stand still, three arrows pierced through the ghost warrior's head, throat and heart.

  Almost at the same time that Suldak and Samira made their moves, a group of native fighters also rushed out from the opposite dense forest.

  These native warriors also had strange magic lines on their bodies. They came out from the other side, and this evil spirit team had no escape, and was quickly wiped out on this hillside.

   It was because of this battle that Suldak was very lucky to get to know these few native warriors who had no hostility towards the imperials.

   "Are you...?" The native warrior saw that Suldak killed the four ghost warriors cleanly, and asked out of respect for the strong.

  The remaining twenty or so indigenous warriors looked at Suldak warily.

  Some people also stared at Samira dazedly, their staring eyes clearly showed that their eyes wanted to penetrate the collar of the leather armor from the snow-white neck.

Suldak picked up the ghost shield, put the broadsword back into the scabbard, and said, "Businessman! A businessman from the Bena Province of the Green Empire. Looking for some business opportunities, for example, we are very interested in this kind of leather, this kind of animal bone, and this kind of herbal medicine, and of course we also have some goods shipped from the empire."

  Samira held a magic dagger, swiftly cut off the ghost warrior's head, and picked up the few imperial blood grasses.

  Suldak's eyes fell on the rough leather armor of the native warriors, then he looked at the bone spears in their hands, and finally pointed to the magic herb in Samira's hand.

Seeing that the native warriors were a little confused, they took out some magic daggers from their magic pockets. The short daggers here are magic daggers with attributes such as weakness detection, sharpness, and bleeding. They are not only excellent skinning knives, but also effective against evil The ghost warrior's bone armor has some special effects.

  For example, Suldak held a magic dagger and peeled off a piece of exoskeleton like cutting tofu, exposing the muscle tissue inside the exoskeleton.

Seeing the surprised face of the native warrior captain, Suldak took the initiative to hand over the magic dagger in his hand, and the native captain also imitated Suldak's movement and squatted down, peeling off the evil ghost warrior. Hard bone armor on his body.


  These tribal natives who hadn't seen much in the world were completely shocked by the dagger that Suldak took out.

  The tribe natives here have never seen this kind of magic dagger endowed with a 'sharp' magic circle. They don't even have ordinary weapons, and they almost have bone spears and animal tooth daggers in their hands.

  The most important thing is that Suldak has a fluent native language, which allows him to express what he needs to express very accurately, without causing unnecessary misunderstandings to the other party.

   It shows that he came here to sell this kind of magic weapon in exchange for magic beast materials and magic herbs.

  He has no hostility towards the natives of the tribe...

Then he showed everyone the shield of the evil spirits on his back, proving his hostile relationship with the evil spirits. According to the logical relationship that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, these native warriors who have no prejudice against the imperial people accepted him very happily. .

  Because of this, he and Samira were invited by these indigenous warriors, and had the honor to walk into the indigenous tribe with a huge walled city.

   And met the chief patriarch of this tribe very smoothly...


  A patrol team from the tribe hurried through the gate of the city wall, and four indigenous warriors behind were carrying a simple stretcher.

  The unconscious Enid lay on it, and this group of strong young indigenous warriors ran in big strides, all the way towards the highest building in the walled city...

   Along the way, the aborigines from the tribes in the walled city came over one after another to check on Enid on the stretcher.

  Some of the onlookers recognized the wounded soldier as Enid, and immediately ran to Enid's house to inform her family of the news.

  The buildings in the Walled City are quite messy, many buildings are built around this giant tree, and the roads in the Walled City are also winding and rugged, but these young soldiers run very fast barefoot.

  A group of people carried them to the front of the big witch's tree house. Elder Ambrobi, the tallest big witch in the city, happened to be outside the tree house, talking with the chief patriarch on the steps outside the wooden house.

  The native warriors carried Enid over, and Elder Ambroby asked the maids around him to untie Piglet from Enid.

  The Great Elder Ambrobi inspected Enid's injuries, a smile appeared on his wrinkled old face, and he said slowly to the surrounding native warriors:

   "She's fine, and she's recovering well, but she just needs to take a good rest, and she'll recover after she wakes up and drinks a big bowl of broth."

   Then he turned around and looked at the chief patriarch Logan with a smile and said, "She is considered lucky, and she can recover so well after being penetrated like this..."

Seeing that Enid's injury was not serious, the chief patriarch Logan yelled at the young native warriors impatiently: "If it's not a life-threatening injury, you'd better not bother Big Witch Ambroby less, and you should use it more often. Just use your brain!"

  The young native warriors who were scolded blushed and stood aside in fear.

  Clan Chief Logan waved his hand to let the group of reckless native warriors retreat, and then asked Elder Ambrose:

   "Aren't you going to meet those imperial people?"

  Elder Ambroby had deep eyes. He paused for a while, then turned around and walked into the wooden house, saying:

   "I have something to see. I know what they need. If you bring these crystals to them, they will sell you some magic weapons."

  The patriarch Logan followed Elder Ambroby, walked into the spacious wooden house, and said:

"They didn't seem to say this, but they are very interested in monster materials such as leather teeth and magic herbs. They said that they can be exchanged for those magic weapons. I think we should change some magic weapons for our guards, so that we can face those evil ones. Ghosts will have stronger combat power."

  Elder Ambroby shook his head, stood by the wall in the room, took off some necklace-like magic crystals hanging on the wall, and handed them to Chief Logan.

"Those magic materials and herbs are also very useful to us. Now there are fewer and fewer monsters. If you want to hunt these things, you have to go north. But these crystals are of no use to us. Logan, you can do more Take out some and make a deal with them." Elder Ambrobi said very clearly: "I heard that this kind of spar is very valuable in the empire."

  Clan Chief Logan took it immediately, hung a string of magic crystals on his wrist, and said respectfully:

   "Okay, I will do what you want."

  Elder Ambrose nodded, then seemed to remember something, and said casually:

   "Now these evil spirits are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. You can unite with other nearby tribes and ask them to send some young warriors to form a guard."

   "Yes..." Chief Logan agreed.

Elder Ambroby's eyes softened, he walked to the central seat and sat down, and said in a gentle voice: "Okay, if you have nothing else to do, don't bother me here, you can entertain your guests. "

   Chief Logan walked out quickly...

  Accompanies the young aborigine who has been silent all along, and then he opened his mouth and said to Elder Ambroby:

   "Big witch, they are not our guests, they are imperial people, they were the ones who kept killing our compatriots and driving us here, I think..."

"Give up those dangerous ideas of yours, Geruta." Elder Ambrobi interrupted the young man sternly, and said, "What they have brought us is a chance to fight against evil spirits. If we give up this Given this opportunity, I don’t know how many young people will die innocently. Now, if we want to survive here, we must use every opportunity to strengthen ourselves.”

   "Got it, big witch!"

  The young native named Jeruta immediately lowered his head and said respectfully.

  (end of this chapter)