MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 725 half stele

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  Looking at Shu Yin in Yang's eyes, and Yin in Xuan Ye.

   At the Shasheng Temple in the first half of the night, the sound of killing was still loud.

  The Shasheng Temple in the middle of the night was completely silent.

  The two commanders of "Wolf in Collusion" have never been disadvantaged, but it is a pity that they stumbled this time.

  They broke through the barrier of Shasheng Temple, but they didn't want to release the mirage planted by Monk Mi Jian.

  The original form of Monk Mi Jian is the ancient beast 'Mirage'.

  The innate supernatural power of mirage is mirage.

  The ancients said: When it is sunny, the trees of ten thousand wells are bloomed, and the smoke of Wuling is sad.

   is talking about mirage.

   Mirage can change its shape and change a lot.

  After the Yaozu inhaled the mirage, their consciousness was pulled into the illusion.

   It's like entering an independent space.

   Can't break free at all.

   Monk Mi Jian standing on a high place, looking at these fallen monsters, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself: "It's better to sleep, it's better to sleep."

  He himself was born in the Yaozu, and he once thought about revitalizing the glory of the Yaozu.

   Naturally, he is unwilling to kill the Yaozu.

  Generally speaking, monks abide by the precepts, so they have ring marks on their bodies.

  The monks of Shasheng Temple should avoid the disaster of laxity when they are ordained.

   Therefore, there is a ring scar on his body.

   But Monk Mi Nian is different, he has two on his head.

  The extra one is ‘killing ring’.

   Once upon a time, he was a sharp-edged monster with no dharma name, but only a title called 'King of Mirage'.

  The default new king of the Yaozu.

  Although it is just a false name, he is very useful.

  At that time, all he wanted was to unify and revitalize the Yaozu.

  After the three points of the Yaozu, there was a consensus: Whoever can break through the killing forest and rescue the Yaozu's legacy will become the new emperor of the Yaozu.

  So King Mirage came to southern Xinjiang.

   Perhaps it is the unique sensitivity of ancient blood.

  When he stepped into the southern border, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

  This may be my home.

   As it turns out, he's feeling pretty good.

   Shortly after arriving in southern Xinjiang, I met a monk.

   Until now, he still clearly remembers that day.

   The breeze is not dry, and the sun is just right.

  Different from ordinary monsters, the Mirage King, who is proficient in illusion and enchantment, entered the Killing Forest without alarming anyone.

  The Killing Forest changes every time, the more you go to the middle, the more powerful the monster race will be.

  Phantom King can clearly perceive the hidden aura in the middle area.

  So he couldn't wait to explore.

   No one expected that he was blocked by a monk.

   "You are destined to be a monk."

  The monk's first words made King Mirage firmly believe that he had encountered a charlatan.

   It’s just why this magic stick is in the depths of the killing forest?

  He didn't want to pay attention to it, and naturally let out a mirage.

   Don't look at just a little mirage, it is enough to make a monk in the location realm indulge in illusions and not wake up for three days.

  Seeing the monk slowly closing his eyes and indulging in it, King Mirage also wanted to move on.

   Unexpectedly, after taking a step, a faint voice sounded behind him: "Not bad, not bad."

   "This illusion is completely natural, and it really is not comparable to ordinary illusions."

   Mirage King was startled. Since his debut, no one has ever been able to break free from his mirage so quickly.

   "You are destined to be a monk."

  The monk repeated it again.

  Looking at the smile on the other party's face, Mirage King's heart tightened for no reason.

  At this time, a Buddha's name came from my ear: "Amitabha."

  The voice was low at first, and then gradually distant.

   King Mirage's eyes widened, and his consciousness became infinitely chaotic.

   This is the first time in his life that he has suffered an illusion.

  As a heterogeneous species of heaven and earth, he originally thought that his blood would be immune to all illusions.

  It turns out that there is really no absolute in the world.

  He entered the illusion, a perfect illusion.

  It is more perfect than all the illusions built by myself.

  By the time he woke up again, he didn't know how long it had been.

   King Mirage looked around, it was a deep cave, and he was lying in the deepest part of the cave, next to the meditating monk.

   "Where is this?"

  In the silent cave, the voice was extremely clear.

   "Wukong Hole."

   "Wukong hole?"

   King Mirage looked at the monk with doubts in his eyes.

  He didn't understand why the other party brought him here.

  As if answering the question in his mind, the monk smiled lightly and said, "You have a predestined relationship with the monk."

   This is the third time Mirage King heard this sentence.

  Although it was the third time, I was still disdainful in my heart.

  I am a monster, how can I have a relationship with Buddhism, even if there is a relationship, it is an evil relationship.

  But Mirage King didn't intend to say it blatantly, because he knew that the monk in front of him was unfathomable.

   You can bring yourself into a dream in an instant.

  If the other party wants to kill himself, he can do it without breaking a sweat.

   "That dream..."

  Finally, Mirage King still couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart.

  The dream just now was really shocking.

   "That's not a dream." The monk's tone remained unchanged from beginning to end.

   "That's the real past."

  Hearing this, Mirage King's pupils shrank.

  The dream came to my mind again.

  The world is lonely, and there is a sea of ​​blood.

  A figure, with supreme magic power, turned the sea of ​​blood into infinite creatures.

   "Blood from a sea of ​​blood?" Mirage King was still shocked.

   "Yes." The monk's answer was still crisp.

   "That dream came from "The Record of Transforming Life in the Styx".

   "Kill all living beings? Transform all living beings?"

   King Mirage knows the two lineages of Shasheng Temple in Nanjiang, one is Ksitigarbha Buddha and the other is Minghe Patriarch.

   "Killing is nature, transformation is understanding."

   "Enlightenment from killing is in line with Buddha nature."

  Hearing this, Mirage King frowned: "What does this have to do with me?"

  The monk smiled: "All living beings are related."

   "Do you know where Patriarch Styx came to realize the way of 'transformation'?"

   King Mirage shook his head, so the monk spat out four words: "The ancestor of all monsters."

   "Nuwa Empress!" Mirage King's eyes widened in disbelief.

  Nü Wa is a clan of monsters, in charge of the power of creation in the world.

   Since ancient times, it has been revered as the most holy by the monster race.

   "Amitabha, children can be taught."

   "The Patriarch of Minghe, Guanwa, made people out of earth, and thus comprehended the way of transformation from a sea of ​​blood."

   King Mirage heard the words, but his heart could not be calm for a long time.

  Thinking of the scene in the dream where a sea of ​​blood melted into a hundred thousand sentient beings, I didn't realize that I was overwhelmed.

  At this moment, I admire the ancient Emperor Wa of the Yaozu even more.

  If I can reproduce the strength of Emperor Wa, I can also revive the Yaozu.

   "Do you want to learn?" The monk seemed to see through his mind again.

   When King Mirage heard this, he couldn't help being agitated: "Grand Monk, don't you want to make fun of me."

   "Those ancient great gods are only envied by me."

  Unexpectedly, the monk shook his head and smiled when he said this.

   "The early people of the Dao of Heaven, just escaped a catastrophe."

   King Mirage frowned, not understanding what the monk was talking about.

  But the monk continued: "Benefactor, you might as well look at that stone tablet, maybe you will understand."

   "Stone tablet?"

   King Mirage looked in the direction the monk pointed, and there was indeed a half stone tablet.