MTL - Longevity-Chapter 24 touch

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When he returned to his mind, more than a hundred monks gathered outside the copper tower.

The apricot-yellow monk robe fluttered.

As they lowered their voices and spoke, their eyes drifted to Fakong from time to time.

Fa Kong closed his eyes slightly, as if he was in a state of concentration.

What caught the attention of the monks was that he was wearing a gray monk's robe, which was incompatible with the apricot-yellow monk's clothing around him.

"Dang..." The bell rang lingeringly everywhere.

Fakong's mind was withdrawn from the void in his mind.

"Squeak..." The four strong young monks slowly pushed open the copper gate, and the faint sandalwood suddenly floated out of the tower, and was quickly blown away by the wind.

More than 100 monks entered the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion in turn with wooden plaques.

Fakong found that their wooden plaques were no different from his own, and they were all engraved with two large characters of Tibetan scriptures.

He consciously stayed at the last to enter, and the four young monks glanced at him, their eyes turned around on his gray monk robe, and there was no obstruction.

Fa Kong smiled and stepped in slowly.

He started to browse quickly.

Starting from the first row, walk slowly, and your eyes will imprint what you see into your mind like a lidar.

First row, second row, third row...

The thirty-sixth row has been completed.

The copper tower was two or three times larger than he had imagined, with thirty-six rows of bookshelves, each with twelve bookshelves.

Each bookshelf has five levels, and each level is so packed that it's hard to count how many books there are.

Some of the books here are withered and yellow, and some are brand new. Obviously, new books are constantly flowing in, and the collection is constantly increasing.

After he finished walking, he searched for the names he was interested in in his mind, and when he found a book he was about to read, he suddenly stopped.

Chu Yu, dressed in sable fur, walked slowly and gracefully.

He looked around, stopped in front of a bookshelf, took out a book and flipped it casually.

Fakong is curious.

Isn't it not open to the public?

He has made great contributions, so he can make an exception. What about Chu Yu?

He shook his head, stopped wasting time thinking about it, went to the other corner and pulled out a book to peruse.

Immersed in the sea of ​​books, time flies fast.

"When..." A bell rang throughout the Thunder Tower.

Fakong came back to his senses and found that the monks put back the books one after another and walked out reluctantly.

He knew that it was time to close the Bookstore.

He followed the gourd and drew the scoop, put the book back, walked out of the Thunder Tower, and found that it was night.

In the cold night, the crescent moon hangs diagonally.

Rongrong Yuehua sprinkled.

The Leiyin Pagoda seemed to absorb the moonlight and became faintly purple, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

When he returned to his own abode, he found Zhao Huaishan standing upright at the door in the opposite abode.

Seeing him appear, Zhao Huaishan clasped his fists, and said solemnly, "Monk Fakong, my son has a request."

Fakong smiled and refused.

"Squeak-" The courtyard door opened.

Chu Yu pushed open the door and came out, with a smile on his handsome face: "Monk Fakong hasn't eaten yet, right? Why don't you come over and have some supper and pamper your stomach."

"...harassment." Fa Kong saw that he was so kind, and knew that it was not appropriate to refuse again, otherwise he would become an enemy.

Even if you can't be friends, you don't have to be enemies.

The bright lights illuminated the small courtyard, as if it were daytime.

There are two charcoal stoves in the four corners of the courtyard.

In addition to the four corners of the yard, there are also large charcoal stoves at the four corners of the pavilion.

Chu Yu was sitting at the stone table in the small pavilion, and personally brewed a cup of tea and handed it to Fakong, while Fakong was eating a snack.

The five guards were all standing outside the pavilion, and only two were left in the pavilion.

The two talked about the world, astronomy and geography, medical chess and star divination, and they spoke freely.

Fa Kong bears the memories of Huiwen, Mo Qingyun, and Deng Yuanzheng. The distance of time, the distance of geography, and the level of society are all covered. Of course, the breadth of knowledge is not comparable to ordinary monks.

This situation will become more and more obvious as he casts the Great Brightness Mantra again.

Of course, the knowledge from books and the wisdom from personal experience cannot be compared.

"Monk Fakong, you can actually enter the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to study?"

"Young Master Chu, this is exactly what I want to ask." Fa Kong smiled and said, "The Buddhist Sutra Pavilion in Daleiyin Temple is not open to the public. I went in because I am a disciple of King Kong Temple. What about you, Master Chu?"

"I'm here to donate books this time. I donate a thousand books to Daleiyin Temple."

"What a big hand."

"I walk by my mother's order, and I come here every year to pay incense and offer books for my mother and concubine."

"It turns out that Lingtang is a believer in Buddhism." Fa Kong suddenly nodded: "Good."

He pretended not to hear the words "mother and concubine" in Chu Yu's words.

I sighed inwardly.

Sure enough, it is a royal nobleman, a little prince.

I don't know which prince's son he is.

"My concubine is too weak and sick. I really can't stand the cold of the Daxue Mountain. I can only replace it."

"I see."

"How about you, monk?" Chu Yu smiled and said, "Why are you able to enter? I know the rules of Daleiyin Temple. Normally, you disciples of King Kong Temple are not allowed to enter the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion."

Fa Kong smiled and said, "It's me, my teacher, Yi Ze, by chance."

Chu Yu was thoughtful.

At this moment, Jingli's voice came from outside: "Fa Kong? Where did you go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he appeared in the courtyard like a ghost: "Huh?"

"Presumptuous!" Zhao Huaishan stopped drinking.

He stepped forward and punched hard.

Jingli waved his monk sleeve at will.

"Bang!" Zhao Huaishan felt as if he was swept into the air by a huge wave, and flew out of the courtyard involuntarily, crashing into the screen outside the Jingshe.

About ten meters outside the gates of these shrines, there is a screen wall, and the wall is painted with dense cloud patterns.

The screen wall can block the strong wind that comes up from the southern cliff and swept across the square to this side.

"Huh—?" Lu Xuanming, who had been closing his eyes slightly and seemed to fall asleep standing up, suddenly opened his eyes.

The brightly lit courtyard suddenly lit up.

As if two thunderbolts fell.

Jingli's eyes also suddenly brightened, and it fell like two thunderbolts.





A continuous muffled sound echoed in the small courtyard.

Fa Kong and the others couldn't see the shadows of the two of them, only the strong wind howled, and the whole small courtyard seemed to be in the wind.

Fa Kong found that he closed his eyes, but could sense the movements of the two.

They keep changing shape and shadow, one moment is here, the next moment is there.

Jingli kept attacking the pavilion, and Lu Xuanming kept blocking.

The two of them were at the southeast corner of the pavilion at the last moment, at the northwest corner at the next moment, and at the northeast corner at the next moment.

The two flickered like light and shadow, and it was like the teleportation he had seen on film and television in his previous life.

Fakong knew that this was just an illusion, and it was because they were fast enough.

This is the power of a master of the Divine Origin Realm and a third-grade master of Daxueshan.

It's amazing.

The most important thing is not that they are fast, but that they carry hallucinogenic power.

Looking at the blank expressions of the other three guards and Chu Yu, they knew that they were pulled into the illusion.

"Uncle Jingli!" Fa Kong said slowly, "Stop joking."

He saw that Jingli did not kill.

Once the Asura magic is displayed, the murderous aura is terrifying, like being in hell.

Jingli did not perform Asura magic.

"Haha..." In the midst of Lang's laughter, Jingli suddenly stood beside Fa Kong, and finally broke through Lu Xuanming's blockade.

Lu Xuanming stood beside Chu Yu, looking at Jingli across the table, his eyes indifferent.

Jinglihe smiled and said, "Three Young Masters, we meet again!"

"Master Jingli." Chu Yu got up and saluted: "Master, are you safe?"

"Fortunately, I have a great life." Jingli smiled, looked at Lu Xuanming, and shook his head: "But Lu Xuanming, you have not made any progress in the past ten years. It seems that you are too comfortable in Xinwangfu."

Lu Xuanming said lightly: "It's gratifying to break through to the Divine Origin Realm."

Fakong secretly said that they knew each other.

At the same time, he also learned of Chu Yu's origin, the third son of the Prince's Mansion.

King Xin is the third son of the emperor.

Jingli ignored them and smiled at Fakong, "Fakong, shall we go back and talk?"

Fa Kong got up and said goodbye to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu showed a look of reluctance: "Is this going to leave?"

Because of his poor ability to practice martial arts, he spends all his time on reading, and his wisdom is superior to others, but he loses his femininity.

Because he never forgets, reads a lot, and has a wide range of knowledge, even those officials in the royal palace who studied were far inferior to him.

The whole world is heavy on martial arts and light on literature, and he just turned the other way, so he feels lonely.

This is the first time I have met someone who can talk to me freely and is no less broad than me, and I feel a little reluctant to part with the feeling that I have found the same kind.

Fakong Heshi smiled and said, "Young Master Chu, there will be a future."

"There will be an appointment later!" Chu Yu nodded.

"Is the third son's illness cured?" Jingli smiled and walked out of the pavilion.

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "How can the disease in my mother's womb be cured? Not only is it bad, but it is even worse."

"There's no way the doctor can do it?"

"If there is a way, the concubine doesn't have to suffer." Chu Yu showed a look of pity.

It doesn't matter to me, I'm used to coughing, but my concubine's body is weak, especially after giving birth to me, her vitality has been seriously damaged.

Thinking of this, he felt like a piece of lead.

Jingli nodded: "Your disease is indeed a congenital defect, so you haven't tried to practice Taiye nourishing the sky?"

He glanced at Lu Xuanming, who was protecting Chu Yu: "Lu Xuanming shouldn't begrudge this magic sect, right?"

Several people have already reached the door of the Jingshe.

Fakong and net separation have crossed the threshold. UU reading www.

Zhao Huaishan was sticking to the center of the screen wall, blushing, trying to break free.

But the invisible power is like a mountain, it has been pressing him firmly, no matter how hard he struggles, it will not help.

Seeing Fakong and Jingli come out, he immediately glared in anger.

Jingli didn't even look at him, only talking to Lu Xuanming and Chu Yu.

Fakron could only pretend that he didn't see anything.

"Taiye Replenishing Heaven Art?" Chu Yu laughed at himself: "I really want to practice, but I can't. The Chu family's children can only practice the royal heart method."

"That's true." Jing Li expressed his understanding: "You are a little unfair to the third son."

"Taiye Replenishing Heaven Secret Art is useless." Lu Xuanming said lightly.

"Mr. Lu is right," Chu Yu nodded, "I can't practice, my mother-in-law can, and my mother-in-law's qualifications are far better than mine, but it's a pity..."

"Is this disease so difficult to deal with?"

"This is my life..." Chu Yu seemed to sneer, as if mocking himself, and shook his head: "I hope the Buddha can bless the mother and concubine."

The concubine was so devout and believed in the Buddha so much that she collected a batch of books and dedicated them to Daleiyin Temple every year.

"Fa Kong, do you try?" Jingli turned his head and looked at Fa Kong with a smile.

Fakong Heshi: "Uncle Shi, my ability as a three-legged cat is still not to be ugly."

"Okay, then let's go back first." Jingli nodded and said, "Third Young Master, please go back."

As he spoke, he flicked his sleeves.

Zhao Huaishan, who was struggling desperately to escape from the screen wall, flew up again, climbed over the wall and landed in the Jingshe.

Lu Xuanming's face was ugly, and his eyes stared at Jingli's back like a cold electricity, until Jingli entered Fakong's Jingshe.