MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 7 Elder Stone

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When Xiao Ping woke up, he found that he was no longer in trouble.

"The Red Whale Gate really detoxified me..."

The Protector came over with another child, changing the indifference from before:

"You have passed the test of the Red Whale Gate, and you will be your own brother from now on."

"Yu San and Bingyun, send them to Elder Shi."


The two young people led Xiao Ping out.

Elder Shi?

As soon as you enter the door, you can worship at the elder's door?

This is too easy.

Xiao Ping couldn't help but ask.

"You are truly lucky to pass such a dangerous test!

Elder Shi has the highest medical skills in my Red Whale Gate. This test of 'medical talent' is specially designed for him to select talents for the elderly! "

A baby-faced senior brother explained, with a tone of fear or envy.

Another lean man nodded solemnly:

"Even if I wait for the martial arts practitioners to enter, if there is no preparation in advance, it will not be intact.

In the past ten years, no more than twenty people have passed! And all of them, like you, fainted due to poisoning, and were lucky to survive until noon before being rescued! "

In other words, no one has successfully walked out of the poisonous forest yet!

In Xiao Ping's heart, he immediately shouted for joy!

If he really went out alive, I'm afraid there will be countless eyes staring at him, and it will be difficult for him to find a chance to take "Aoki Gong".

"This elder Shi is a legendary figure..."

The lean young man's expression changed, and he interrupted immediately:

"Yu San! You don't want to die! Don't bring up the matter of his old man casually..."

Yu San hurriedly looked around in panic, and he was relieved when no one heard him.

Xiao Ping secretly paid attention and decided to investigate carefully in the future...

The next few people stopped talking and moved slowly along the mountain road and woods.

Xiao Ping felt more and more strange in his heart, and the more he walked, the more he felt that the surroundings were vaguely familiar!

But he never came here!

The group turned east and west, and finally reached a lush green valley.

On the stele in front of the valley, there are three simple characters of "Fengyang Valley".

When Xiao Ping saw these three words, his pupils shrank instantly, like a thunderbolt from the blue!

He finally remembered why the "familiarity" came.

Lao Dao's Jinbo map is in the center of the marked red circle, which is the target of his infiltration into the Red Whale Gate - it is this "Fengyang Valley"!

Xiao Ping was in shock and doubts, causing layers of waves.

Suddenly, the sleeve was gently pulled, and it was Yu San who reminded him to bow down and wait.

"beep", "beep", "beep"...

An old man in his sixties, with a sallow complexion and withered hair, walked out slowly with a cane. It seemed that every step was extremely strenuous and he was about to fall.

But the strange thing is that the sound of the crutches hitting the ground is regular and loud, and every sound seems to hit the heart.

"I've seen Elder Shi! This time I recruited disciples. Two children survived in the woods. Please show me the elders!"

"Well, you go down."

This elder Shi, who seems to be very sick, has the majesty of a superior; his tone is obviously kind, but he looks at them as if he is looking at ants.

Bingyun and the two seemed to be very afraid of Elder Shi, and they disappeared like Fei.

Elder Shi's gaze swept over, Xiao Ping felt as if he was being stared at by a man-eating beast.

At that moment, Xiao Ping suddenly felt a chilling killing intent!

But in the blink of an eye, everything is business as usual!

A hallucination?

What is certain is that this Elder Stone's martial arts are unfathomable!

Elder Shi led the two into the valley, before a row of connected houses, and pointed to the smaller one:

"Except for serious injuries and serious illnesses, most people don't come here. You two will live here in the future. Let's rest here for the time being, and come to see me tomorrow morning."

"You can call me Lao Shi, Doctor Shi, or... Master."

Xiao Ping and the two immediately said in unison:

"Yes, Master!"

Elder Shi didn't know whether he heard it or not, and walked straight to the largest and most imposing house on the other side.

After a long time, I heard the sound of even breathing coming from the other bed.

Xiao Ping opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

I thought it would take a lot of experience to break through the blockade and get close to the treasure.

The result was quite shocking, and he entered Fengyang Valley effortlessly!

But Xiao Ping also didn't expect that there was a martial arts master living here!

Wanting to take things away from the other party is simply harder than going to the sky.

What's more, the specific location where "Aoki Gong" was hidden was not marked in detail on the map, and he needed to find out little by little.

This will undoubtedly take a lot of time.

What is even more disturbing is that there seems to be no one else in Fengyang Valley besides them.

Where did those who passed the previous year go...

This Elder Shi is like a mountain in the mist, making people feel stressed, but also full of secrets.

Xiao Ping thought about it for a long time, his fatigue gradually rose, his head was dizzy, and he simply fell asleep...

"Get up" "Get up"

Xiao Ping was awakened by a childish voice, slowly opened his eyes, and saw a dark boy crawling in front of the bed.

This is another child under the door of Elder Shi, Li Shi.

"Hurry up and eat, let's go to see Master after eating!"

Li Shi handed him two steaming steamed buns.

Xiao Ping hesitated for a moment, took the steamed bun and sniffed it, then said happily:

"smell good!"

Not poisonous.

Having experienced the old-fashioned things, it was hard for him not to be wary. Like an old man, no one knows what kind of plans are hidden under the friendly and friendly appearance...

"Thank you! Brother Li!"

This kid looks bigger than his original body. He also ate two steamed buns, so it's okay to call him that.

Li Shi looked flattered and stumbled a bit when he spoke:

"'s okay...I'm used to doing it...I need help with anything...Tell me, I can't do anything else, at least I have the strength...By the way, people in the village call me Shishi..."

Xiao Ping finished eating in two or three times:

"Well, Brother Stone, let's go see Master."

Li Shi let out a "hmm" and followed Xiao Ping to Elder Shi's room.

Elder Shi was sitting outside the door, reading a book with relish, as if the two of them didn't exist at all.

Xiao Ping glanced at it, the book cover was wrapped in cardboard, and he couldn't see what kind of book it was.

After a long time, Elder Shi said quietly:

"From today onwards, the two of you are my registered disciples. But for the first half year, you will learn to refine and collect herbs, study medical skills, and save people... You can read the medical books in the Red Whale Gate Collection Pavilion.

After half a year, there will be a real person assessment for you, and you will decide to stay or stay based on the results. "

Xiao Ping frowned slightly, have all the previous people been driven down the mountain...

"I only teach medicine, not martial arts. If you really want to learn, you can go to the library and choose one by yourself, and then ask the teacher for advice."

After Elder Shi finished speaking, he gave them two wooden plaques and bowed his hands. Signal the two to leave.

Xiao Ping didn't completely relax until he left the valley.

In front of Elder Shi, he did not dare to show any strangeness.

Xiao Ping gradually walked away, turned back to look at Fengyanggu, his face was cloudy and uncertain:

"It seems extremely dangerous here, have I entered the tiger's den again..."
