MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 730 Rule of the 3rd Generation

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With a sigh, the emperor is also very helpless.

For the Son of Heaven, he can solve many people and accomplish many things, but in the face of this weather change and this continuous natural disaster, he is really powerless and can only passively accept it.

We can only pin our hopes on the will of God, and hope that this natural disaster of the Little Ice Age can end sooner.

After a long silence, the emperor slowly turned his eyes to the princes in the carriage.

The Son of Heaven took the inspection tour as the question, and made the examination and teaching as an example.

The princes are all writing hard at this moment, racking their brains to do the question of the emperor's education this time.

After patrolling the world for more than a year, the princes are naturally one year older.

Different from the time in the deep palace, this year's accompanying tour, although it is still pampered, but people are like this.

The princes have studied in the deep palace for many years, although they are not full of knowledge, but under the strict education system, they are almost few.

At the moment, following the emperor's inspection tour, up to the general trend of the world, down to the stability of people's livelihood, in a sense, it can be regarded as a journey of the unity of knowledge and action.

After such an experience, even though it has only been over a year, the princes have clearly matured a lot.

The speech is also a bit more stable and even the city government.

Of course, the emperor knows that the biggest factor is the appearance of the princes.

Born in the deep palace, raised in the deep palace, taught in the deep palace.

Everything the princes knew about outside the palace only existed on paper and verbally.

Civil servants and military generals, the vast majority of people's understanding of the prince is only from word of mouth.

When it comes to paper, the layer of veil on the lips is gone.

The prince's special status is doomed that everything will not be simple.

The ruler chooses the minister, and the minister chooses the ruler.

Today's monarch, ministers can not choose.

The prince was obviously different.

Heirs of the Heavenly Family, these four words alone have a history of thousands of years, and they can be clearly explained.

Brotherhood is this thing.

When the princes were young, the emperor still saw a lot.

But I don't know when it started, obviously all the princes are also underage, the brotherhood is such a thing, the emperor can't see the slightest.

No matter how close the prince was when he was young, he could clearly perceive the gap between them now.

The emperor can completely predict it, and it won't even take long. The longer the princes accompany him to patrol, the more people and things he will come into contact with.

I am afraid that the battle for the prince will officially kick off.

At this point, he seemed to have thought of something, and the emperor's eyes suddenly flickered, but soon, this wave of fluctuations disappeared without a trace.

The battle for the prince can also be counted as an experience.

Guns and arrows, intrigues, **** winds...

All of this has been experienced a lot, and naturally he is a qualified heir of the Heavenly Family. The Son of Heaven can also select the best existence from these qualified descendants and inherit the great foundation he has laid down.

The rule of three generations should be enough to push Daheng to an unprecedented peak!

In the thoughts of the emperor, the princes also put down their brush strokes one after another, and a sealed answer sheet was also handed over to the emperor.

Immediately, they sat in their original positions one by one, waiting for the emperor to make a sound.

As usual, the emperor slowly flipped through the answer sheets of the princes.

The examination of the emperor's teaching is based on the feeling after visiting Shaanxi on this trip.

The purpose of this trip to Shaanxi is at the northwest border. There is almost no stop on the way. It has been more than half a month since I entered Shaanxi. Even if I did not stop on the way, the scenery of Shaanxi is enough to see clearly with the naked eye.

Especially...people's livelihood!

The emperor naturally hopes that the princes can understand the suffering of people's livelihood.

And this trip to Shaanxi, the migration of this natural disaster for nearly 20 years, is believed to be enough to clearly show the suffering of the people's livelihood in front of the princes.

Examination for teaching, of course, is to see if the purpose that the emperor wants can be achieved.

To let the princes go out of the palace to accompany them is to set off a battle for the prince in advance. If the purpose of education is not achieved with such a big consequence, then this trip to patrol the world is undoubtedly extremely imperfect.

The emperor's eyes flowed on the paper, and on the different fonts, the whole wise sayings almost showed the temperament of the princes very well.

The eldest prince, Li Jing, has a gentle temperament, a gentleman like jade, and his words are also mostly people's livelihood woes, but under his gentle temperament, he is mostly sages and philosophies, and fantasy is greater than reality.

The second prince has a strong temperament, and in the private words of the current courtiers, that is the second prince like a father!

The emperor obviously didn't care too much about whether he was like his father, but in terms of his behavior, the second prince obviously had quite an appetite for the emperor.

The decisive words of killing are vividly reflected on paper.

After just passing, it was easy to break, the emperor glanced at the second prince who was sitting upright, and this thought also appeared in his mind.

The words of the third prince are quite satisfactory, no faults can be found, and it is difficult to find bright spots.

The fifth prince is still young, but he clearly shows his wealth, UU reading www.uukanshu. Although com's words were immature, the faintly revealed thoughts in it also made the emperor's eyes shine.

The results of the examination and teaching, compared to usual, did not seem to be any different.

It seems that the emperor wants the princes to understand things, they also understand, at least, on paper, they really understand.

What will the real reality be like?

At present, it is difficult to see that Jin Yiyu food is so high above.

In this regard, the emperor didn't really care.

The training of the prince is not a one-time event.

Even if it is determined who is the prince, the training will still continue until the end of his life.

Moreover, it is not only the training of the prince, but also the training of the grandson, which is also the most important thing.

He, the founding king of Emperor Zhaowu, forged the world of Daheng, created another prosperous era, and laid the foundation of Daheng for hundreds of years.

The prince inherits his will, and then strengthens the foundation for decades, and continues the prosperity of a generation.

The grandson is different from the prince.

If nothing else, his crown prince will take over a world that has been swept clean.

His prince, what he needs, is no longer the desire to open up, but the immobility of the mountain.

Continue to clean up the ills, check the leaks and fill the gaps, and stabilize the world that he has made bold and reckless development.

And the grandson of the crown prince, the prince has been in power for decades, the world is bound to be completely stable.

The prosperous world at its peak will inevitably begin to decline, and the functional governance system will inevitably be rigid.

The grandson, what he needs, is to forge ahead.

Sweep the world again!

Get rid of ills, reform functions, and make the world look new again!

If such a rule of three generations can be achieved.

As long as it is not a dazed ruler from generation to generation, or a traitor from generation to generation, then the fortune of the Daheng country will inevitably last. Two or three hundred years is by no means the limit.
