MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 681 talent

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In the end, the emperor slowly lifted the pen and moved the tip of the pen on the playbook of Du Yinxi.

In the ninth year of Daheng's founding, the emperor felt that there were too few civil servants and military generals who could reach the emperor's eyes.

Of course, it may be that the emperor's requirements are too high.

Therefore, in such a state of mind, the emperor is tolerant towards civil servants or military generals, although he is tolerant, but it is only a limited tolerance, and the premise can still be used.

Beyond the emperor's bottom line, the emperor will kill the killer without the slightest hesitation, and it is difficult to have the slightest hesitation.

The reason is this.

Killing loyal ministers is such a feeling, at least now, that the emperor has never experienced. Nine years after the founding of the country, there is really no one who kills that can make the emperor feel sad.

The only one who regrets is Lu Xiangsheng, but it is only regret.

In today's Daheng, the order system has been fixed, no matter whether it is a civil servant or a military general, in fact, it does not need how high the ability, follow the steps step by step, Xiao Gui Cao Sui, in this order framework, there will not be too much question.

Even in the most important wars, the existence of the staff system and the sense of existence of generals have been weakened a lot.

Famous players are the icing on the cake.

It's a mediocre general, as long as you don't mess around, it won't be a big problem.

Therefore, the emperor maintained great patience and expectation for every civil servant and military general who he felt was worthy of training.

That's true for Li Dingguo, that's true.

The same is true for this block of Yinxi.

The Son of Heaven has always believed that this world is the same without anyone, and there will never be a shortage of anyone.

But after being in control of the world for many years, he understood that this world, from ancient times to the present, cannot be without important people.

For example, Shang Yang of Qin, if there is no reform of Shang Yang in Qin, would there be another person who dares to break with the old nobles who have inherited it for hundreds of years?

If there is no reform of Shang Yang, will the first emperor swallow the six kingdoms?

Such as the champion of the Han Dynasty, without him, would there be another weak champion in charge of the army, who will be the prodigy in the world?

For example, Sanying of Shu and Han, Zhuge Wuhou, who died after doing his best, how could the Three Kingdoms be so sighing without them?

For example, the founding kings of all dynasties and dynasties, it can be said that without them, most of the dynasties of that generation would not have appeared!

Even if there will be new heroes emerging, but in an era, there is also a lack of soul.

Facts are often very cruel. Since ancient times, the vast majority of people in this world, it can even be said that 99.9999%... are people who follow the crowd.

The opening of an era is indispensable, and it is the person who leads the changes of the era!

In this world, anyone can be lacking, but one, or a few, who are enough to lead the changes of the times cannot be lacking.

This is true for the times, for officialdom, and for Daheng World.

When the emperor looked at the court, although he could not be regarded as a mediocre minister in the whole court, he definitely could not be regarded as having too many talents.

These people, within the framework of order and under the guidance of the emperor, can still be used, but once there is no traction, without the framework, the emperor has no doubt that this group of civil and military ministers will only honestly shrink. In the tortoise shell that they think is enough, they will never take the initiative to take half a step.

To the times and to the world, it doesn't have much meaning.

But if there are geniuses and worthy officials and generals, it is naturally different. They will think for themselves. The most important thing is that they dare to show their swords!

After all, in the context of the times, in the framework of the order, enjoying the benefits brought by the class, how many people dare to challenge the order?

This point, you can see the most clearly is the "reform"!

Throughout the ages, how many have dared to reform the law?

Could it be that in those eras of reform, others could not see the ills?

Isn't there anyone else who wants to change?

Obviously impossible, but most people are just following the crowd after all!

There are too few people who do not follow the crowd.

In about a quarter of an hour, the blank space in the book of Yinxi's playbook was already filled with the strokes of the emperor.

Word by word, showing the meaning of the Son of God.

After a long time, the emperor put down the pen, and when the ink was dry, he closed the playbook, and then picked up another playbook and continued to review it.

The twilight outside the hall was getting darker and darker, and the candles in the hall reflected the figure of the emperor who buried his head.

It was another sleepless night, and the next day, still early in the morning, there was another thick stack of recordings on the table.

The centralized power system of the big government, the emperor's imperial power is unprecedentedly concentrated, and national affairs can be said to be in front of the emperor.

In addition, there are many big strategies that are being implemented today, as well as foreign enemies, and the power of secret music that has now spread all over the world.

All of this brought about the military affairs that the emperor could not handle almost day and night.

Obviously, this is completely inconsistent with normal national laws.

After all, the existence of the cabinet and the existence of the court are supposed to share the government affairs for the emperor and handle the world.

But in the end, the emperor's concerns are still serious. For courtiers and civil servants, the emperor still maintains extreme vigilance and suspicion.

It is not based on what I have seen with my own eyes, what I have heard with my own ears, or a judgment based on what I have seen and heard...others, the emperor has always been extremely This has already brought it, and more and more needs will be lost. Military affairs that are handled overnight.

The emperor seems to be more and more abstract, and his psychology and personality seem to be more and more in line with the identity of the emperor.

It was only at dusk that the emperor was able to handle the affairs of the state, and after consuming a little meal, the emperor walked out of the Qianqing Palace, which represented the center of power, as usual.

The setting sun is still there, the outside is still noisy, and the half-eldest children are still practicing martial arts. .

In this era, even the heirs of peasant families, at the age of eight or nine, are mostly laborers who can help their families.

Not to mention the heirs of the Tian family, at the age of eight or nine, they are already extremely mature, and the brotherhood has already become a bit more unnatural.

Although the boys deliberately disguised in front of him, if the emperor couldn't even see this, he would not be alive now.

After staring for a long time, the emperor slowly looked away.

He knew it was really fast.

Peace in the world, a world of great governance.

Whether it is internal or external, it is a great trend.

And the princes are getting older.

Whether it is the civil and military officials for the post, the expectation of the prince, or the internal competition among the princes.

It's almost time.

The pros and cons will gradually unfold.

"Let them go back to rest."

For a long time, the emperor did not approach, and after leaving a sentence, he stepped forward and walked towards the hall.