MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 649 Sir, times have changed

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Since ancient times, this land has been a human society. No matter which social class you are in, human exchanges, etiquette and rules are inevitable and necessary.

The exchanges of human feelings naturally form an intricate thread of interests.

And this intricate human relationship and etiquette rules have created the core of this civilization, that is, etiquette!

It is precisely because of the existence of etiquette that the nation's enduring centripetal force has been achieved.

The most fundamental of the debate between Hua and Yi lies in propriety.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages.

The human relationship system of ritual exchanges has formed an intricate thread of interests that fills every part of this society.

Officialdom, since ancient times, has been an undisputed hardest hit area.

Just like the Quanzhou tax case, just following the vine, it involved almost the entire sea frontier and several provinces, relying on the connection of interests.

And Wu Xun's counterattack, the removal of the cover of the local farm tax, obviously, can also be easily followed.

The bad habits left over from the Ming Dynasty are still deeply rooted in Daheng.

Such as the so-called imperial examination teacher-student relationship, the so-called cronies and township parties, the interest relationship of the transformation of ritual exchanges, etc.-

Cut, you can follow the vine.

Under the strict order of the Son of Heaven, the three judicial divisions can only bite the bullet and supervise the operation.

But with Wu Xun staring at him, it was undoubtedly very uncomfortable.

Wu Zhuanwen, and even the Academy of Civil Sciences and Military Affairs, brought a considerable number of fake civil servants from various ministries in the DPRK.

Many things, it is not difficult to deceive the upper and lower, but to deceive colleagues, or staring at their colleagues, this is not easy.


Thorough investigation!

Just like the smuggling cases supervised by the Three Law Divisions in the sea and borders, they kept following the vines, implicated in deeper corruption.

This time, the same is true for the case of agricultural taxation, and again and again, from the bottom to the top, a series of land tax cases have been involved!

In just a few months, from the small officials of the ninth rank to the political envoys of the third rank

This kind of corruption spreads to the center like snowflakes. In the face of this, the emperor is obviously also completely outraged by this filth.

Business is just the icing on the cake, making the country stronger. No matter how bad business is, it cannot shake the foundation of the country.

No matter how corrupt the business is, it is only a little less business tax, and the prosperity of the general environment can still be the icing on the cake for Daheng.

Just like the smuggling of the sea and the frontier, although there are fewer tariffs, the commercial behavior will still promote the prosperity of the economy, thereby driving the development of the surrounding areas.

As long as strict supervision is maintained, erosion can be controlled within a certain range.

But farming is obviously different. Any slack in farming, even if it is just one mu of land, is likely to be related to the lives of the people of every family.

Let the people live, what kind of scene will be, all dynasties and dynasties have already made it clear.

Where there is oppression, there must be resistance!

This is shaking Daheng's foundation and national fortune, and the Son of Heaven must not tolerate it!

Above the DPRK meeting, Fan Leijian was furious, adding another fire to the already boiling situation!

The turmoil that lasted for more than half a year, after arriving in Zhaowu in the second half of the sixth year, under the wrath of the emperor this time, Lei Jian seemed to be full of energy.

One by one, officials and generals have been sacked, and the case files reviewed by the three judicial divisions in these short months are more than the case files reviewed by Daheng Liguo in the past few years.

More than several times.

After all, in the past, most of the disturbances were dominated by the emperor himself, but the emperor never taught any rules. Jinyiwei took people, interrogated and dealt with them.

The whole process has nothing to do with the Three Laws.

And this time, whether it was text or martial arts, the lids were lifted, but they all walked through the process in the three judicial divisions.

Under the checks and balances of civil and military, this storm has become an undoubted anti-corruption action.

After all, there is no undoubted evidence in the three-legal judicial process of civil and military checks and balances supervision. It is a loophole, a small braid, and if you get caught, it means that you will not lose money by stealing chickens.

put rice.

In this case, the fallen civil servants and military generals are obviously guilty people.

The focus of Wenwu's anxiety also lies in the three judicial divisions.

But compared with the civil servants, the advantages of Wu Xun are obviously greater.

After all, Wu Xun can check and balance the supervision of the three judicial divisions, but civilian officials cannot supervise the military judicial division.

The warriors found it and handed it over to the three judicial divisions. Under the supervision, they had to investigate if they didn't want to.

The civilian officials found that the military service was corrupt, but they could only transfer it to the Military Justice Department, which became an internal matter of the military.

And Daheng's army, since the Ming Dynasty, has completely had nothing to do with the civil servants. Now, although the order is normal, the relationship between the civil servants and the army is only limited to

It's just logistics, and it's hard to touch on review and supervision.

This point, under the current situation, is obviously crucial, and it is a fatal flaw for the civil servants.

Over time, this flaw, in this political struggle, has clearly become more pronounced.

The pressing step by step brought about a step-by-step defeat. In the end, this storm seemed to be about to evolve into a purge of the landlords and gentry.

However, the only difference is that the former dominance rested with the emperor, and the civil servants and gentlemen could only passively bear it.

And this time, it was delineated in the three judicial divisions of the court. To a certain extent, it was "wuxun" who took advantage of their power to force the civil servants to cut themselves with knives.


The core of the problem is just like classical language. In the home court of the civil officials, they are unable to lead, and even forced by the warriors they have always looked down on, they are unable to resist.

The reason for this is already very clear.

That is, in the home court of civil officials, there are a large number of "fake civil servants" of military forces, which greatly oppresses the living space of the traditional civil servants and gentry. Their fresh blood will either be excluded from the Daheng order, or they will become unorthodox literature.


The thick estrangement made it impossible to form a joint force with the traditional civil servants to defend the living space of these traditional literati people in the Daheng order.

In other words, the core of the problem is just one point, that is, the education system for material selection is uncertain, and there is no system for continuously cultivating civil servants and selecting civil servants to supplement civil servants.

With fresh blood, Daheng's civil and military power, civil officials, will always be suppressed by martial arts.

The reason why they were able to compete with Wu Xun before was only because of the emperor's suppression of Wu Xun.

Instead of what they imagined, it was the emperor who supported Wu Xun to suppress their literary

After the establishment of Daheng, the country was established by military force, and the dynasty was changed, the political environment of the former Ming Dynasty evolved accordingly.

During the six years of Zhaowu, which lasted for a whole year, many civil servants had already realized this cruel reality involuntarily.

The times have already changed, but they are still immersed in the glory of the past. Even if they perceive the change, they are unwilling to accept it.

But in fact, they are not dominated by them, and they do not have much choice.

Daheng, as long as Daheng's literati.

They cling to the so-called honor and honor, and even if they can hold on for a while, they can't hold on forever.

Daheng, after all, is not Da Ming.

Emperor Zhaowu was not the emperor of the former Ming Dynasty.

Don't be stubborn, you will eventually be eliminated