MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 642 class struggle

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, the fastest update of Longevity starts with the latest chapter from Jinyiwei!

"Your Majesty, Lord Hong asks to see you."

Just as the emperor was in heavy thoughts, outside the hall, a **** came hurriedly and bowed to the emperor.

Tian Zi was stunned, and then he seemed to think of something, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he nodded: "Let him come over."

It didn't take long for Hong Chengchou to step into the hall and bow deeply to the Son of Heaven: "My minister, see Your Majesty."

"Excuse me."

The emperor got up and waved his hand, and immediately a **** walked to the side hall and set the seat.

The Emperor went towards the side hall, followed by Hong Chengchou.

"It's been half a year since you left Beijing, right?"

The emperor sat down and asked casually.

"I came out of Beijing for inspection at the beginning of March this year, and it's just half a year."

Hong Chengchou took his seat and replied respectfully.

The emperor looked at the respectful Hong Chengchou in front of him, and couldn't help but chuckle, this Hong Chengchou is really a thief.

Seeing the storm swept across the country at the beginning of the year, after expressing his opinion on the resolution of Lijia's restructuring, he immediately took advantage of the power of project disaster relief to leave the capital and avoid the center of the storm. He didn't return to Beijing until the storm subsided.

This is the case with Hong Chengchou. At the beginning of the storm, he arrogantly slammed into the fire, and then he opened his mouth very smoothly, and he didn't even offend anyone. I have to say that he is really capable.

However, whether or not he will offend the emperor will depend on the results of his disaster relief inspections in various places in the past six months.

Hong Chengchou obviously understood the emperor's mind very well. Before the emperor could speak, Hong Chengchou respectfully handed over a volume of files.

"Your Majesty, this is the detailed record of the project inspected by the minister this time..."

The emperor took it, but he didn't read it. Seeing this, Hong Chengchou also understood it. After a moment of indulgence, he made a report: "Your Majesty, this year's disaster is much more serious than last year..."

Hong Chengchou's voice sounded, and the emperor began to read the file.

The dossier records the disasters in various places, the progress of the disaster relief projects, and even the general situation of the prefectures and counties under the disaster...

Obviously, the climate change brought about by the Little Ice Age still deeply affects the world of Daheng.

The natural disasters are still lingering, and even more serious than in previous years.

Listening to Hong Chengchou's report, and looking at the shocking figures on this file, the Emperor did not change his expression much.

All of this was already within his expectations.

Once a refugee, struggling at the bottom for a long time, the emperor naturally understands that natural disasters are terrifying, but man-made disasters are often the greatest terror.

Just as the natural disasters in Shaanxi have lasted for nearly ten years, it does not mean that the natural disasters make it impossible for the people of Shaanxi to survive.

Rather, natural disasters have left the fields in Shaanxi barren and reduced grain production. In the past, ten grains could be produced, but as the natural disaster continued, only eight, or even six or seven grains could be produced.

Although it seems to be a difference of one or two percent, or two or three percent, it is obvious that, if this is only one or two percent, if there is no strong overall control of the court, it will inevitably lead to an extreme shortage of food.

Since ancient times, there have been many people who have made it hard to make money. It seems that one or two percent of the vacant amount is not available. If the court does not have strong control and relief, it will cause the price of food on the market to soar several times or even dozens of times. More and more people cannot survive.

In this way, it will lead to a vicious circle, the price of food is getting higher and higher, and the people of this era, the ability to bear risks is undoubtedly extremely low, such a turmoil will force more and more people to live. .

More and more people cannot survive, and without the court's strong regulation and relief, more and more production will be abandoned, civil chaos will occur, and the food needed by the people will become less and less.

A vicious cycle was born.

The turmoil in Shaanxi in the late Ming Dynasty was born from this.

Since the establishment of Daheng, the first thing the emperor to deal with in dealing with disasters is man-made disasters.

The army marched to Shaanxi to suppress civil unrest, quell the chaos, establish a strong and powerful ruling order, clean up the lawless, and then deploy food for relief, the reform was started, and the fields were distributed to individuals.

In this way, when order is restored, the problem the court needs to face is much simpler, that is, the vacancy caused by the reduction of food production caused by natural disasters.

If 10% is missing, the court will make up 10%; if 20% is missing, the court will make up 20%.

The court reused this short supply of food to attract young people, organized major projects, repaired water conservancy, built roads, and further increased the carrying capacity of land in various places.

In fact, up to now, although the natural disasters seem to be still lingering and intensifying, but in most disaster areas, the people under the disaster situation are better than before.

The reason is, of course, very simple.

In the past, strictly speaking, the basis of imperial rule was not the people of the world, but the landlords and gentry of the world!

In the whole world, most of the land is concentrated on the landlords and gentry.

The vast majority of the people are the sole households of landlords and gentry!

No matter how low the tax rate of the imperial court is and how good the policy is, it means nothing to these people who are individual households.

These people, who are individual households, pay a rent to the landlord, and the rent is %.

The vast majority of personal rents, and even 99% of the personal rents, are far higher than the taxes imposed by the imperial court.

And individual households not only have to face the high rent of the landlords, but also bear the oppression of the grassroots officials.

In this way, there is a slight natural disaster, and it is immediately a phenomenon of erosion.

Otherwise, even with the current Daheng ten taxes and a high land tax, the people will never be able to bear the disaster for one or two years.

After the establishment of Daheng, to cleanse the world, the emperor relied on military power and forcibly started the redistribution of resources with almost **** means.

That is, to crack down on and purge the landlords and gentry, and divide the land to the poor people. After the reform system was established, it was even more at the policy level to suppress the gentry and landlords who made a living by annexing land.

In this way, the people of the world, everyone has a share of the land, even if one person is only one mu, according to the current Daheng tax system, the land tax is fifteen and one tax.

That is, one-fifteenth of the grain paid per mu is the land tax.

One mu of real estate has two to three stones, one stone is about one hundred and fifty or sixty catties, and one mu is about three or four hundred catties.

Even if one-fifteenth of the land tax is taken away, it is definitely enough for a young man to live well.

Not to mention, after the forced and **** redistribution of resources, the vast majority of the people were allocated several acres of land.

Even if there is a drought, there are also drought-tolerant crops promoted by the imperial court, such as sweet potatoes and other drought-tolerant and high-yielding crops.

The various extortionate and miscellaneous taxes in the past are also abolished in today's Daheng, and the corvée, which can be called the chief cause of man-made disasters, is strictly controlled by the emperor.

Nowadays, if a local government wants to issue corvée service, it needs to be submitted to the provincial level for approval. Local governments and counties not only need to submit a detailed plan for the collection and issue of corvée service, but after approval, they also need to send provincial-level inspectors and censors to inspect and report on inspections. Corruption plans are kept on file.

The Son of Heaven has even initiated a system of accountability that has never existed before, that is, those in charge will be held accountable for life!

The emperor's attitude is obviously very clear. He would rather middle-level and lower-level officials be lazy and neglectful, rather than officials who harm the common people for the sake of political achievements and selfish desires.

All of these have created the center of Daheng's power, which is now more and more huge, that is, most of the rights have been reverted to the center, a complete big government system, everything is based on the imperial policy, and the autonomy of middle and lower-level officials is also is greatly compressed.

Such a powerful administrative order suppresses man-made disasters, and there is a tough and **** redistribution of resources, as well as the imperial court's reliance on state-owned commerce for overall control of the economic order.

As a result, from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the current five years of Zhaowu, although natural disasters have become more and more terrifying and spread in an increasing manner, the disaster relief money allocated by the imperial court is every year.

A cliff-like descent.

Most of the people in the disaster area seem to be getting better and better, and Daheng's ruling order has become more stable.

Everything seems to be evolving in the best direction, but the emperor, obviously there is not much joy.

He knew that the source of the problem could not be reversed if the natural disasters kept coming.

No matter how many policies, it will only reduce the impact of natural disasters, and it is impossible to completely quell it.

And if the natural disaster continues to spread like this, the pressure on Daheng will also increase, when it reaches a load-bearing limit.

Then there will only be one consequence, which is... crash!

The emperor rubbed his forehead and looked at Hong Chengchou: "How are the projects in various places?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, except for a few major projects, most of the other small projects have been completed, and the people have also been properly resettled."

"The focus of this inspection by the minister and the left servant of the Ministry of Housing is to inspect this matter."

The emperor was silent, but his eyes were fixed on a number at the end of the file.

That is to say, the places with severe disasters, beyond the capacity of the land, cannot be self-sufficient, and can only rely on the number of people who can rely on the government to provide relief.

The emperor remembered that from the very beginning, the imperial court had counted nearly ten million.

And that number has now dropped to less than three million.

Now that disaster relief has been carried out for several years, the available policies and measures have already been implemented. It can be said that this number has been reduced to the limit.

If the next natural disaster is serious, this number will inevitably increase slowly.

Today, most of the people represented by this number have been collected into the cash-for-work program.

But the project always has an end, the disaster, but there is no hope of the end.

"Liaodong is short of people, and the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the yield of cold-resistant crops is now good..."

The Son of Heaven made a faint voice, and half of the words came to an abrupt end.

Hong Chengchou's Tong Kong shrinks, and the task of gathering hundreds of thousands of people to carry out the project is already as difficult as the sky, and now it can be It is almost entirely maintained by the authority of the emperor.

Since ancient times, there has never been a major project that did not squeeze the power of the people, but these major projects led by the Son of Heaven completely put cherishing the power of the people in the first place.

Civil servants, military generals, Jinyiwei, Dongchang, Inner Court, the emperor used almost all the power that could be used.

Maintained with the strength of the whole country, inspection departments at all levels conduct small inspections in almost three days, and large inspections in ten days...

Migrating with such treatment...

Project disaster relief, the people are just gathering in one place, establishing a good system, steadily and carefully investigating, and difficulties can be solved slowly.

Can move... millions of people move? Or a migration of thousands of miles?

Hong Chengchou didn't dare to think...

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