MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 619 quick success

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Meeting the next day.

Like every previous court meeting, before the early morning, the civil and military officials gathered outside the palace gate. With the sound of the bell, the officials entered the palace in an orderly manner, and the court meeting was opened on another day.

Since the middle of the fourth year of Zhaowu, Daheng’s iron cavalry went south, quelled the hypocrisy and unified the world, the existence of the court, as if with the restoration of the world order, quickly shed its previous embarrassing position, and gradually restored its undoubted central position. .

The Son of Heaven has always believed in the equivalence of rights and obligations. Therefore, now that the central position of the court has been determined, rights have been expanded, and the prototype of a big government has emerged, but with it, more and more huge obligations will follow.

And this obligation, under the authority of the emperor, is already an undoubted mission, not to mention disobedience, even if it is just a slack, it is also an extremely severe punishment.

In the former Ming Dynasty, the civil servants and gentry who had been wanton and free for nearly two hundred years, after completely tearing their face with the emperor, the so-called free and easy tolerance has completely gone.

After resisting again and again, in exchange, the emperor directly lifted the table with a thunderous blow, and people's heads rolled.

Up to now, the slaughtering knives wielding recklessly seem to have completely shattered the comfort of the literati gentry for hundreds of years. Under the new order, another historical cycle has begun. At least in this Zhaowu Dynasty, the literati gentry will also start to be cattle and horses. .

The same goes for the civil and military officials in the courtroom.

The ever-increasing power has brought about endless political affairs waiting to be done.

The court up and down, as if under the strong pressure of the emperor, has become an unprecedented high-efficiency machine, formulating policies, implementing policies, implementing policies, and supervising policies.

In this machine, no one can stop, and no one can slack off.

For nearly an hour, the DPRK discussed a few normalized issues, from the official and academic system, to the tax system, to the situation of disaster projects, and the feelings of the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, etc., then it was the military and political affairs of a country, such as the grasslands, the situation in the southwest and northwest. , the situation of the sea and the borders, the construction of the municipal shipping department and so on.

After all these negotiations are over, it is the regular work report of the various departments of the court. Until this point is over, a court meeting is coming to an end.

In the past, it was only a routine discussion in the DPRK, but in today's Daheng, it has become a thorough military and political center for discussion and decision-making.

And just as this court meeting was on the verge of ending, Hong Chengchou's performance immediately set off a wave again at the soon-to-end court meeting.

Civil and military officials expressed their opinions and played one after another.

The procrastination of the court in the past seems to have disappeared in the court of the Zhaowu Dynasty. If a proposal is made, then discuss whether it is feasible or not. If it is feasible, then the relevant department will formulate the regulations, and then the court will negotiate. , The Son of Heaven audited and passed, and began to implement.

As for the proposal of migrating the victims to Liao Province, in fact, as early as the third year of Zhaowu, after the taxation of Liao Province shocked the court, officials often put forward this proposal. Regarding the constitution plan of this proposal, the Ministry of Household does not know how many letters it has drawn up. .

However, in the past, limited to the domestic situation, this resolution has been shelved.

Now to mention it again, and it is still the minister of the Ministry of Industry, the cabinet minister Hong Chengchou proposed that this discussion is naturally worth thinking about.

The civil and military officials in the court who have been trained and cleaned by the emperor for many years are naturally enough to be able to use their talents. The debate and negotiation lasted for about half an hour. All the pros and cons were clearly analyzed in this court.

The final result is, of course, obvious.

The DPRK meeting was passed, and the next step is to go through the process and prepare for implementation.

As the proposer, Hong Chengchou naturally lived up to expectations and took up the **** pot of the migration strategy.

From Shaanxi, Shandong, and northern Zhili provinces, the people migrated to the frontier of Liao Province.

The first batch of relocated objects was quickly settled. About 100,000 people from places with severe disasters such as Mizhi and Fengxiang in Shaanxi were relocated to the Chunfu of Liaoning high officials for resettlement.

Therefore, Hong Chengchou, who was originally in charge of the disaster relief project, has an additional responsibility for management and a migration policy.

If at the end of the Ming Dynasty, such a big policy involving millions of people, the center of the court, I am afraid that it will take a few years to argue, and in the end it will just be nothing.

But now, under the rule of Emperor Zhaowu, in this era when the rudiment of the great government has already emerged, efficiency has become a must.

From the decision of the court to the decision of the migration, in less than a month, all departments, bureaucrats at all levels, and even the corresponding materials, military plans, and preliminary preparations have all been in place.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that many officials have often advised about migration policies in the past, and the Ministry of Industry and Household Affairs has long prepared for this inevitable big policy.

Various plans and plans have been drawn up for a long time, and now they can be used immediately with only minor revisions and audits.

In this way, since the early winter of Zhaowu's fifth year, another great policy that will affect the world and even the country in the future has also been launched.

The high-load operation of the Daheng ruling machine has once again added a huge burden, but under the suppression of military power, everything is moving forward slowly according to the established track.

The emperor's ambition has long been known to civil and military officials, and the emperor's reckless actions and eagerness for quick success seem to be more and more vividly reflected.

The hero is eager for quick success…

Such a scene, looking at the history, seems to have been told clearly.

But the Manchu civil and military, but no one dared to speak.

Under the power of the Son of Heaven, with countless bloodshed, an efficient ruling order that cannot be violated has been created, and the world has returned from chaos to peace, but... it has also suppressed words to a historical low.

For all this, the emperor still seems to know nothing, and he is still acting his own way.

Compared with the unpredictable hearts of the outer court, the hearts of the inner palace are much simpler and more thorough.

Being a servant of the emperor's family, whether it is useful or unusable, the mind of the servant as the master must also occupy the first place.

From the emperor's will, in just one day, the emperor's family banquet was ready.

The emperor is still discussing state affairs with the courtiers and generals in the outer court. In the inner palace, this ready-made family banquet of the emperor seems to have caused a huge wave in the inner palace.

Daheng follows the Ming system, and the system of concubines and concubines in the harem naturally follows Ming.

But although the concubine is of high rank, there is not only one, and in the harem, those who can obtain titles are all those who have given birth to princes and princesses.

When the post is vacant and the crown prince is undecided, there is a very obvious problem.

That is, although the power of the harem comes from the grade, the two most important things are still undecided. Strictly speaking, the concubines and nobles who have given birth to the prince are all mothers and children, and they are all on the same starting line. Before the overall situation is determined, No one is false!

The grand **** of the harem, whether it was the former Wang Wu, or the current Erdezi, in this chaos, naturally no one dared to offend him, and he was very shrewd and smooth.

In this way, in the intricate situation of the harem, even the emperor has a very big head. As long as the bottom line is not touched, it is impossible to see it.

Under such a situation, first the emperor took the four older princes on a trip, and then the emperor wanted to take the prince to tour the world...

All kinds of explosive news affect the hearts of the concubines and concubines in the harem. Now, this emperor's family banquet, which is obviously unusual in meaning, has been opened without warning...