MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 599 educate

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The decree was issued, but the emperor suddenly frowned, turned to look outside the hall, and saw a few little kids, cautiously sticking their heads, looking inside the hall.

The emperor's mouth twitched and he scolded, "What are you doing sneaking?"

The voice fell, and a few little kids immediately walked into the hall honestly, standing in a row with their heads down.


"You have nothing to do, right?"

The emperor glanced at the little princes speechlessly, and said angrily.

The few little princes all smiled naively and did not dare to speak, but their eyes were rolling around dishonestly, obviously curious about the military arrangement in this palace.

The second child dared to ask: "Father, is there going to be a war?"

The Son of Heaven chuckled:

"Do you still know what war is?"

The second child said with bright eyes and danced: "It's just like the troupe's performance, hehe, hey, hey, he will rush when you lead people..."

"People are big devils!"

The emperor smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, you can play here for a while!"

"Thank you, Father!"

Several little princes bowed in a similar manner, and rushed into the hall one after another, each lifelike military situation sand table, a pair of deputy military situation maps, the breath of gold and iron horses, as if to satisfy all the fantasies of the little kids, Carrying the small benches one by one, they climbed up here to have a look, and there they climbed up to have a look. A few little kids were having a lot of fun.

The emperor shook his head and smiled, and the depression accumulated in his heart due to the affairs of the court also dissipated a lot. After walking to the table and sitting down, the emperor picked up a copy of the memorial and opened it, but his eyes suddenly froze. After a while , The Son of Heaven put down this playbook.

After pondering for a while, the emperor looked at the several princes playing in the hall, his eyes were faint, and the meaning of thinking emerged.

The memorial was made by an ordinary Hanlin in the Hanlin Academy, and the matter on the memorial was about the little princes in front of him.

To be precise, it is about the enlightenment of several princes!

According to past practice, the prince's enlightenment must be at least five or six years old.

But obviously, he taught the princes to practice martial arts and spread it to the outside world, which made the foreign officials feel a sense of crisis.

After all, the vast majority of civil servants must not be willing to be the next emperor, or the emperor right away!

And this memorial book, without being left by the cabinet in the slightest, came here directly, obviously with the acquiescence of the cabinet.

He is using this memorial book to test him, the Son of Heaven!

The emperor was accustomed to this kind of temptation. The so-called unpredictable power of the heavens must make the ministers try to figure out the emperor's intentions at all times. This is also the most important reason why he rarely gives instructions on many specific things.

As soon as he exerts pressure, it is layer upon layer of pressure, and in the end, only the people at the bottom who have no protection will suffer.

What the Son of Heaven cares about is in the book itself.

The education of the prince is also one of the issues he has been thinking about.

In the past dynasties, the requirements for the emperor were actually not high. As long as you know people and make good use of this, in a stable dynasty system, you can barely become a good guardian of a generation.

Today, it is the same.

But the Son of Heaven clearly wanted more.

He is only in his thirties, and he can still be at the helm of the world for decades, and if he develops according to his expectations in these decades, it must be vicissitudes!

Thousands of years of social ecology will be completely changed.

A few decades later, it must be a new era that has not been seen since ancient times.

That is to say, the next generation of emperors in a few decades will take over a great change throughout the ages. No emperor with great talent and greatness will definitely be unable to grasp the great tide that is changing with each passing day!

And such an emperor not only needs the basic qualities of a hero, but also needs to have a certain understanding of all walks of life in the world.

Only in this way can we firmly grasp Daheng, the giant ship that has entered the great era ahead of schedule!

And let this giant ship still ride the wind and waves forward!

Under such circumstances, it is very obvious that the education of the prince cannot follow the traditional way of education in the past.

His princes must accept the top education of emperors, and they must also accept the most cutting-edge new knowledge of the times, and they also need to have a clear understanding of the world!

At the same time, it is necessary to have a strong physique to support this high-load study.

That is to say, reading and martial arts should not be left behind!

At this point, the emperor glanced at the playful princes, but couldn't help but smile.

It is not so easy to be the prince of Daheng.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

In the future, whether it is the crown prince of Daheng or the vassal king, there is no possibility of eating and waiting for death!

The tip of the emperor's pen danced on this volume, and finally, the tip of the pen fell, and the voice of the emperor also sounded: "Send this to the cabinet."

"Also, let Xu Guangqi come over!"

The **** on the side, immediately under Wang Wu's glance, respectfully picked up the playbook, and immediately retired.

The emperor got up and looked at the little princes who were playing in the hall, the corners of his mouth rose, and a smile appeared.

These little guys are having a hard time eating!

At this moment, even though the sky was getting darker, several ministers did not leave. They gathered in the cabinet and were also discussing the memorial.

"The eldest Prince Jing is not yet four years old. Is it too urgent to report on the prince's enlightenment now?"

"In a few months, His Royal Highness Prince Jing will be four years old, and the virtual age will be five years old. There is not much difference between the ages of several His Royal Highnesses."

"It's playing now. Even if His Majesty approves it, we still have to prepare for it. The real enlightenment is expected to come next year. Several His Royal Highnesses are almost five years old, and enlightenment at the age of five is not too early compared to the previous dynasties!"

Lai Zongdao explained that he was the one who led the prince's enlightenment. He had heard rumors about the lawlessness of the princes in the palace Recently, he saw the prince practice martial arts again. Daheng's next generation of emperor, he is the chief assistant of the cabinet, how can he sit firmly!

It's just that the performance is easy, and whether it can be approved by the emperor is uncertain.

What worries him most is that the emperor attaches great importance to new learning, and this time the Ministry of War has messed up things again, will it affect the emperor's view of their civil servants again, and thus affect the education of the princes.

If the emperor is angry...

"My lord, this was just sent from the palace..."

When the minds of the cabinet ministers were different, an official came hurriedly with a memorial.

Several cabinet ministers subconsciously looked at this memorial, and it was never a trivial matter that the Son of Heaven could send someone to send it alone!

When the instructions of the emperor on the record came into view of Zongdao, it was hard to hide the joy in the state of mind of the officialdom of Zongdao for decades.

"His Majesty has instructed that the cabinet should select talents and teach the prince!"

"it is good!"

The other three ministers also made no secret of their joy.

Being able to intervene in the education of the future prince is an exciting news in the current situation.

Besides, this is about the glory of the "Emperor Teacher"!

To the future prince, instill knowledge and reasoning, and the concept of governing the country!

Self-cultivation, ruling the country and the world!

In addition to ruling the world, what else can better realize the lifelong ambition of the literati than the "emperor"!

In the midst of the turmoil, an inexplicable estrangement suddenly emerged between the originally harmonious cabinet ministers.

It's up to the Cabinet to decide...

As literati, who would be willing to give up the honor of being an "Emperor Teacher"?