MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 53 collision

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"Where did Brother Xiu get so much money?"

In the courtyard, Erwazi watched the expedition team anxiously. Wu Tie, who was on the side, glanced at the three big boxes of silver and couldn't help asking.

"The bottom is empty!"

Erwazi glanced at Wu Tie and said angrily,

"Oh, let me just say, isn't all the money distributed to us, why are there so many..."

These words came to my ears, and a stern look suddenly appeared between Erwazi's eyebrows, but soon, disappeared without a trace, Erwazi tightened the handle of the knife in his hand, turned around abruptly, and patrolled the courtyard to defend himself.

tao tao…

The crisp sound of horse hooves resounded through the night sky, and the silence in the city was instantly broken. The courageous people pushed open the window and couldn't help but look around. When they saw the wolf-like figure in the darkness, they all felt a sense of humility. He closed the window subconsciously, not daring to catch a breath.

"Remember, listen to my orders, don't panic, there are shields blocking the horse, those thieves can't rush!"

On the street, several rows of refusing horses cut off the street abruptly. After the refusal of horses, a row of Jinyi guards armed with sharp spears and large shields mixed with patrolling soldiers. The patrolling soldiers who were ready to ignite the match and fire at any time. In the last row, Li Xiu also arranged for the young men in Jinyiwei to be responsible for loading the firearms.

After all, the loading of arquebuses is extremely complicated these days. With the military quality of these patrolling soldiers, under the current situation of the enemy, it is not bad to have no trouble. It is estimated that the normal loading will not be good for two minutes.

But Li Xiu was quite reassured about his Jinyiwei, who generally could be reloaded in twenty or thirty seconds. On this battlefield where every second counts, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the winning rate.

As for the patrolling soldiers, what Li Xiu asked of them was to just pick up the loaded guns and shoot them. Li Xiu didn't dare to ask for too much.

There is no doubt that this is a rather hasty and crude multi-stage shooting formation. If it is in the wild, with the military quality of this group of patrolling soldiers, Li Xiu would never dare to set up such a formation, but the streets in the city are narrow, and there are only A main street runs through the whole city, and other places are mostly alleys and alleys, and are covered by thick fog and darkness.

Soon, a faint sense of vibration came from the ground with extreme clarity, and then, in the darkness, the sound of rushing horses' hooves also sounded.

Li Xiu pursed his lips and looked at the darkness in the dense fog in front of him. He was a little fortunate in his heart. When he was about to fight, the most terrifying thing was fear.

Now, it is dark in front of you, and you can't feel the terror of the enemy's impact at all. This can be regarded as occupying the sky!


Feeling the sound of getting closer, Li Xiu took a deep breath and raised his hand.

And following Li Xiu's order, the shield pikemen at the front separated one after another, and the next row of fire gunmen also subconsciously took a step forward. Next, just wait for the order, and immediately light the match!

The atmosphere instantly became solemn, and the sound of horses' hooves in the darkness, like a bell and drum, struck everyone's heart fiercely.

Time seemed to be stagnant at this moment.


Li Xiu's sonorous and powerful command voice suddenly sounded.

The suppression suddenly broke, and the sound of the fire rope burning chi chi chi sounded one after another, followed by a burst of gunshots one after another.

bang bang bang!

The flames suddenly appeared, and in the darkness, several screams also sounded.

In this dense fog, the fire gun has a range of dozens of steps, and it can be said that it is impossible to see anything.

"Second row, get ready to shoot!"

Li Xiu didn't pause at all, and immediately gave another order.

Following the order, the gunners in the first row who finished shooting immediately retreated to the last row in a hurry, and the gunners who were originally in the second row also raised their guns and stepped forward.

Although the whole connection process was bumpy, fortunately there was not much surprise.

Another crackling sound of fire cannons sounded again, and then, under Li Xiu's order, the fire cannons in the third row stepped forward, the same action, the same order.

The row of Jinyiwei teenagers at the back is filled with those fire guns.

According to Li Xiu's prediction, it takes about 20 to 30 seconds for his youths to reload a gun, and the process from linking to shooting takes about 10 seconds, and about 30 seconds for three rows of guns. , loading and launching can just form a pretty good cycle.

Of course, this is when nothing goes wrong.

Fortunately, if it is just shooting, the operation is extremely simple, and there is nothing wrong with this group of patrolling soldiers.

After a few rounds of fire cannon shooting, the galloping horse team finally collided with the horse that blocked the street. At this moment, the entire street was turned upside down.


The soldier at the front holding a long spear and a large shield was not idle either. Under Li Xiu's order, a large spear with a handle of about 10 feet long stabbed out of the gap, and the sharp spear head pierced through the gap. Into the flesh, those thieves who fell and wailed in the refusal of the horse were immediately killed.

The three rows of gunners in the formation were not idle either. One row after another, the gunfire continued to sound.

The distance of just ten steps is the most powerful range of the fire gun. Coupled with the spread of the projectile, it is almost instantaneous. Before the horse is rejected, it is bloody.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of this group of thieves, the patrolling soldiers, who were still in a panic, could not help but feel a lot more relieved. Although the blood was really uncomfortable, they experienced the battle of the City God Temple, and it is not that they did not see each other. Excessive blood, forbearance is not a big deal.

bang bang bang!

The sound of the muskets continued to crackle, and the cavalry that rushed in rushed forward and rammed the individual, and finally the spears and muskets that were stabbed ended their lives.



The situation seemed to be good, but Li Xiu didn't dare to be careless at all.

His opponent is not an ordinary rebel thief, but the White Lotus Sect with martial arts!

"be ready!"

He gave an order to several guards in Jinyi who were holding fire guns on guard. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several figures jumping up in the darkness and falling into the roof ridges on both sides, flying towards this formation like flying eaves and walls. .

bang bang bang!

In the original orderly sound of gunfire, several uncoordinated gunshots suddenly sounded. Several young men in Jinyiwei stood by Li Xiu with their guns raised. Smoke was still lingering on the muzzle of the guns. On the ridges on both sides, there were several corpses. Has rolled to the ground.

"Stay in formation, keep shooting, don't mess up!"

With a loud shout, Li Xiu stared into the darkness, he knew that the crisis was far from over!