MTL - Long Wind Crossing-Chapter 167 (two)

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However, at that moment, the feather arrow flew out, Xiao Ming grabbed the person in front of him to block the feather arrow, and then immediately ordered: "Go to Dongying to transfer two thousand troops, come to Luofu immediately! "

After he finished speaking, he fought and retreated, and he had reached the door. At this moment, he also realized that something was wrong with Liu Yuru. When he came in the morning, Mrs. Ji made such a stupor in the evening, and Liu Yuru came too. What a coincidence.

But thinking about Gu Jin's eyes similar to Luo Zishang's, thinking about Luo Zishang's friendship with Liu Yuru, and Liu Yuru's fearless expression when he tried to report Luo Zishang today and his The information obtained in the past stated that Liu Yuru valued the festival, but he could not be sure for a while. He could only grit his teeth and calmly said, "Send someone to Luo Mansion to take care of Madam Liu!"

However, at this moment, he has no time to take care of so much. This is an assassination that is too well-prepared. All his exit routes are blocked, and the killers are densely surrounded by mahjongs. After that, the reinforcements did not come for a long time.

Xiao Ming knew that there were ghosts in Yangzhou City, he was arranging who it was, but there were fewer and fewer people around him, and he gradually realized that this time he might really be here. .

The guards escorted him all the way to the outside of the city, and at this time, all the soldiers in the East Camp of his pro-army had already fallen to the ground and fell asleep.

, but he has to send a letter to Luo Zishang.

In any case, he has to tell Luozishang that Yangzhou is not good enough, and let Luozishang not come back.

With this idea in mind, he hacked and slashed all the way to rush out of the alley, there were still their hidden stakes in the city, and he could still spread the news.

However, there were too many people who were assassinated. The guards around him were gone, and he was also hit with a sword. He walked out step by step. They all stood beside him, watching him silently.

Xiao Ming propped himself forward with his sword, and there was only one thought in his mind—walk a few more steps, let An Zhuang see, and let An Zhuang tell Luo Zishang not to come back.

One step, two steps, three steps…

A loud shout came from behind him: "Xiao Ming!"

Xiao Ming heard this shout, turned his head, and saw Chen Xunli at the end of the long alley, he looked at him quietly, his expression was calm: "When I made a lot of murders in Yangzhou, I can imagine Have you ever had today?"

"Today?" Hearing this, Xiao Ming came to his senses. He glanced at the path in front of him and realized that he couldn't go out. He used the last of his strength to straighten up and said with a smile, " I thought about it."

"Any regrets?"

Chen Xun clenched his sword, he looked at Xiao Ming, at this nineteen-year-old young man, at that moment, Yang Wenchang, his many friends, flashes flashed in his mind Passed through Yangzhou, which was once prosperous and made him drunk as a song.

He expected to see a trace of apology in Xiao Ming's eyes, but Xiao Ming laughed: "regret?"

He smiled and bowed his head: "Isn't this my Xiao Ming's home? Don't you think that I will think that I will be able to grow old in peace one day?"

Speaking, he raised his head and looked at Chen Xun, that is, at that moment, ten thousand arrows were fired, the arrows penetrated Xiao Ming's body, the boy was covered in blood, with a smile on his face : "I've never... nor... never... thought about it..."

A moment after the sound fell, he slowly fell down.

When he fell, he looked up at the sky, the sun was setting, and when the yin and yang interlaced, the setting sun on the horizon was like blood, and the colorful clouds moved slowly. He had never been so peaceful in his life.


After he collapsed completely, Liu Yuru stood in the crowd, watched quietly for a long time, and finally turned and left with her arms in her arms.

The sound of hacking and killing came from the inner courtyard of the palace. Liu Yuru glanced at the palace and gave Chen Xun a wink. Chen Xun nodded and hurried to the palace.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw soldiers in the inner courtyard of the palace. After Chen Xun rushed into the inner courtyard, he raised his hand and killed a few people before stepping into the bedroom.

"I understand." Chen Xun raised his hand to stop the other party's words, and said in a heavy voice, "Just now Xiao Ming's people fought hard to enter the inner courtyard, and Mrs. Ji was unfortunately killed. Fortunately, everyone was saved. Young Master. Although Mrs. Ji has gone, the Young Master is still there." With that, Chen Xun stepped forward, stretched out his hand to Young Master Wang, and said sadly, "Young Master, come here."

Wang Nianchun stared blankly at everything in front of him. He was not a smart boy at all, and he was often dumbfounded. He took a few steps forward, hugged Wang Nianchun, and asked doubtfully, "Little Young Master?"

Forgivable. Luo and Xiao used to be in Yangzhou, and they committed many crimes and crimes. Today, we will let Yangzhou see the sun again, and Yangzhou will be full of blue sky!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xun went out with Wang Nianchun in his arms. He found Wang Pingzhang and rushed up to the tower together. At the same time, the edict was issued to allow Shen Ming to enter Yangzhou.

Afterwards, they hung Xiao Ming's body in the tower, and Xiao Ming's people finally realized what happened.

That night, Liu Yuru was like an ordinary citizen in Yangzhou City. She had been sitting in the room, holding Gu Jin and singing to Gu Jin.

When the candle burns out, it is dawn. After dawn, Chen Xun and Wang Pingzhang finally temporarily resolved the unrest in Yangzhou, and then Chen Xun and Wang Pingzhang came to Liu Yuru's house with **** swords , Chen Xun respectfully said: "Madam, what should I do next to those people in Dongying?"

Dongying is basically Xiao Ming's army, and there are nearly 4,000 people who have been taken into custody. If these 4,000 people stay, if the opposite is true, then Chen Xun and Wang Pingzhang may not be able to resist . But if you kill...

After Liu Yuru was silent for a moment, she finally said, "Wait until tomorrow, when the Youzhou army enters the city, before making a decision."

Wang Pingzhang and Chen Xun glanced at each other, Wang Pingzhang finally said: "There are so many people, if it's the opposite tonight..."

"If you want to kill now," Liu Yuru looked up at Wang Pingzhang, "they will fight now."

Wang Pingzhang and Liu Yuru looked at each other, Liu Yuru's expression was indisputable, Wang Pingzhang thought for a moment, now the money is all from Liu Yuru, he also wants to cooperate with Liu Yuru in the future, Liu Yuru will not stay forever In Yangzhou, Yangzhou will be his and Chen Xun's world in the future. And Chen Xun is no better than a child, and when Liu Yuru is gone, he has a way to deal with him.

Wang Pingzhang smiled and said yes.

"After cleaning all parts of the city today, I opened the county government office. Anyone who has grievances in the past can appeal."

Liu Yuru hugged Gu Jin and said slowly, "From now on, Yangzhou can no longer be lawless."

Hearing this, Chen Xun's eyes warmed, and he cupped his hands: "Yes."

Wang Pingzhang was quite emotional, but also said: "Yes."

The two walked down, Liu Yuru thought about it, hugged Gu Jin, and took the guards to the city gate.

Xiao Ming hangs high above the city gate, Liu Yuru quietly looks at the young man, at that moment, she is a little dazed, she suddenly realizes that things in this world are too complicated, everyone's position Different, right and wrong are different.

When she was just holding Gu Jin, she soberly realized that no matter how different she was, she also knew one thing.

She hopes that in the world where Gu Jin lives, there will be neither Xiao Ming nor people like Luo Zishang.

She watched for a while under the watchtower.

Now that Xiao Ming's body is hanging, it is necessary to make it clear to the people in Yangzhou that now Yangzhou is no longer in charge of Xiao Luo and the two of them, so Liu Yuru cannot take Xiao Ming's body down at this time , she could only tell Wang Lai: "Tell Chen Xun, three days later, give Xiao Ming a good burial."

"Where is he buried?"

Wang Lai was a little puzzled. After Liu Yuru hesitated for a while, she said: "I buy a piece of land, whether he or Luo Zishang, in the future, they will be buried there."

Wang Lai was silent for a moment, then he finally said: "Actually, the lord has a piece of land in Yangzhou. He originally planned to use it himself, so it's okay to add two more people."

Liu Yuru heard this, she looked back at Wanglai, she looked at Wanglai, and after a long time, finally said: "Luo Zishang is uncle's son."

Wang Lai pursed her lips, but did not hide it in the end, and replied, "Yes."

Liu Yuru smiled bitterly, she hugged Gu Jin and sighed: "Uncle..."

After speaking, she shook her head and turned to leave.

On the second day, Shen Ming galloped to Yangzhou with 30,000 horses. After Shen Ming and Liu Yuru met, Liu Yuru introduced Wang Pingzhang and Chen Xun to Shen Ming.

Shen Ming nodded, and then said: "The matter in Yangzhou should be dealt with quickly, and I have to rush to Yuzhou."


Liu Yuru was quite shocked.

Shen Ming said in a deep voice, "Liu Xingzhi called."



Wang Pingzhang couldn't hold it anymore, he said eagerly towards Liu Yuru: "Mrs. Liu, you and I did not discuss this."

Liu Yuru nodded: "Indeed."

Seeing that Liu Yuru was not on Shen Ming's side, Wang Pingzhang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "General Shen is here to assist Yangzhou to pacify the chaos, and I hope General Shen will keep his identity in mind."


Shen Ming spoke in a hurry, and Liu Yuru said, "Mr. Wang is right."

Wang Pingzhang laughed and said to Liu Yuru, "It's still Mrs. Liu who is reasonable."

Liu Yuru nodded, and then said: "There is no need to discuss this matter any more, General Shen can just do his own thing. Whatever Master Gu has instructed you to do, don't do anything unnecessary. Come."

These words made Shen Ming a little stunned, but he was not the hairy boy he used to be, and he would not rashly ask questions. He held his breath and did not speak. Liu Yuru looked up at Wang Pingzhang and said: "Mr. Wang, you can go to the banquet tomorrow, I will enlighten General Shen."

"It's Mrs. Liu's trouble then."

Wang Pingzhang smiled and bowed, then turned to leave, but at the moment when he turned around, Liu Yuru gave Chen Xun a look, Shen Ming saw this look, but before he understood, he saw Chen Xun suddenly He drew his sword and cut off Wang Pingzhang's head with one sword!

Wang Pingzhang's bodyguard shot at the same time, but Shen Ming reacted faster, and when he raised his hand, he twisted the guard's neck.

Wang Pingzhang fell to the ground with blood spraying from his neck, Chen Xun's hands were still trembling, he held Wang Pingzhang's head, turned to look at Liu Yuru, his lips and teeth trembled: "What next? manage?"

"The person who said this guard was Xiao Ming took the opportunity to assassinate and was captured by you.

Liu Yuru raised her eyes and looked at Chen Xun: "Immediately draw troops from each city, prepare a total of 50,000, and hand them over to Shen Ming. Wang Pingzhang's henchmen and Dongying people will all be handed over to him. All organized as stormtroopers and sent to the front."

Shen Ming survived from this team at the beginning. Hearing this, he couldn't help but look sideways, and Liu Yuru reminded: "Don't say it at the beginning, I will talk about it when I get to Yuzhou."

Shen Ming responded, and Liu Yuru waved at Chen Xun: "Go get ready, I'll have a chat with Shen Ming."

Chen Xun knew what Liu Yuru and Shen Ming were going to say, and Yangzhou had a lot of things to deal with, so he nodded, grabbed the guard, and rushed out, anxiously said : "Doctor! Call the doctor over here!"

Then he stood outside the door, threw the guard, and said to the guard next to him: "Go check him, and find out the eighteenth generation of his ancestors!"

"Sir," the guard outside the door was a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

"Sir Wang..." Chen Xun showed a sad expression and said tremblingly, "Assassinated!"

There was a commotion outside, Liu Yuru glanced at the ground, and then said to Shen Ming, "Let's talk in another place."

Shen Ming responded and entered the secret door of this room together.

After entering the secret room, it suddenly became quiet. Liu Yuru lit the lamp and poured tea for Shen Ming. After hesitating for a long time, she said, "Jiusi, how is he... how is it?"