MTL - Live Streaming: Azeroth-Chapter 12 Fierce battle at Yangshen Peak

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Sharlayan is indeed reckless, but he is not stupid, his recklessness is purposeful.

The trolls outside Amani's tomb are heavily guarded. According to the experienced Vereesa, there is also a spell warning at the entrance of the cave, which will be triggered once they approach.

Valeera is the only thief in the team of four who has the ability to dismantle traps.

But after all, she is still young and inexperienced, so she is not very sure about dismantling spell traps.

Instead of lurking at the door of the tomb to trigger the alarm, it is better to jump out and scare the snake. The trio hiding in the dark can see the direction of the target's escape and then take targeted actions.

With Vereesa, a senior ranger, even if the opponent is a mage, Vereesa can interrupt him in time before he finishes reciting the smelly and long teleportation spell.

Sure enough, Sharlayan's battle roar was like a depth bomb thrown into the sea, and the trolls and high elf traitors hiding in the tomb were blasted out at the same time.

When two trolls with obviously unusual identities rushed out from the main entrance of the tomb one after the other to check the situation, the mysterious man in a hooded black robe fled in a panic to the forest halfway up the mountain.

"I'll go after them, you entangle those two troll leaders."

"Lylas, be careful, don't fight him hard."

After saying these words, Vereesa's long, fair and toned legs suddenly exerted force.

Lailas and Valeera could only catch a shadow flashing by, and Vereesa had already rushed forward more than ten meters like teleporting.

Valeera frowned as she watched the black-robed man fleeing in a hurry, the other's behavior was somewhat different from what she had imagined.

‘Such an embarrassing escaping posture doesn’t quite look like the far-sighted traitor himself…a bad premonition. '

Valeera is only the guide of this special investigation team, and Vereesa is the real main force in the team.

The feet in the brown animal leather boots seemed to lightly touch the ground a few times, and Vereesa swiftly jumped not far behind the man in black.

The two trolls who seemed to be the leader obviously also knew that their conspiracy with the high elf traitors would not be possible.

One of them took down the throwing ax from his waist, his dark blue skin suddenly turned red, he raised the throwing ax above his head and began to charge.

"That's the Raging Headhunter, Lyras!"

"give it to me!"


At the same time that Valeera spoke, Lylas had already fully drawn the bowstring, and shot the arrow in his hand without much aiming.

Just as he was about to throw a throwing ax to interfere with Vereesa's pursuit, the troll with a big cat's head beside the furious headhunter suddenly reached out and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back a step.

The arrow shot by Lyras just passed the furious headhunter's chest, causing bloodshot streaks on his skin.

This skin trauma is nothing to the troll with amazing self-healing ability.

But after a short delay, Vereesa, who was unstopped, had already caught the target, and roughly pushed him down to the ground from behind.

Valeera took a deep breath, and whispered to Lailas: "Try to keep the distance away to restrain them remotely, and I will see the right time to help you out."

Valeera's silhouette gradually became darker, and the weak shadow power completely covered her body.

Due to the special environment in which he grew up, Lailas has a more cautious personality, and he would not make reckless actions like Sharlayan's risking his life with injuries.

Seeing the two troll leaders looking fiercely at him, Lylas' heart began to beat faster under the tension.

The troll with the head of a big furry cat cast a contemptuous glance at Lyras, then suddenly turned around and landed on all fours, speeding up with all four limbs in a manner contrary to the habits of intelligent creatures.

His target was Vereesa who had already captured the man in black.

The remaining violent headhunters grinned ferociously.

Instead of trying to close the distance, he leaned back in a throwing motion.


Accompanied by the violent sound of breaking wind, the violent headhunter threw the throwing ax vigorously.

At the moment of crisis, Lailas drew his bow quickly and shot three arrows in succession before barely missing the flight path of the throwing axe.

Furious headhunters usually only have four small throwing axes on them. The special class of this troll is not just a long-range shooter, even if they are close to each other, they have the fighting ability not to lose to a warrior.

After throwing the second throwing axe, the furious headhunter kicked his feet **** the ground, followed closely behind the throwing axe and accelerated towards Lyras.

This time, Lailas didn't take it hard, but moved and hid behind a big tree.


The sharp throwing ax pierces the wood three points.

Just when Lailas was about to poke his head out from behind the tree and switch from defense to offense, he unexpectedly found that the furious headhunter was less than ten meters away from him.

"Quick! But..."

The Furious Headhunter in Mercedes-Benz lowers its body as much as possible to reduce wind resistance.

When he came to a distance where he could clearly see the fur on Lailas's face, the violent headhunter suddenly felt excited.

But it was not so easy to stop from the state of high-speed sprinting, and in the end he stepped into the trap that Lailas had set up in advance.


The activated freezing trap immediately released condensed cold air, freezing the violent headhunter's legs into ice sculptures, and the ice layer continued to spread upwards.

Rangers are experts in forest warfare who are proficient in archery and traps, and it has become their instinct to set traps near their footholds.

However, Lailas is still young after all. Although he has received elite education since he was a child, the improvement of strength cannot be achieved overnight, and it takes a long time to accumulate.

If Vereesa were to set up this freezing trap, it would completely freeze the enemy within a second.

The troll who turned on the berserk state has greatly improved in various physical qualities, and he just relied on brute force to break free from the shackles of the freezing trap.

Holding the remaining two throwing axes in his hands at the same time, the furious headhunter continued to approach without stopping, and at the same time, he was also ready to throw at close range.

Just when the furious headhunter finished charging, a sudden chill came from his side and rear.

Valeera, who was stealthily waiting for the opportunity, made a move.

The dagger smeared with paralyzing poison tore off the armor and skin on the furious headhunter's back, leaving a deep bloodstain on his waist.

"Boys, do you want to win me like this?"

The whole body was dyed red by the surging blood energy, and the troll in the berserk state was fearless. UU Reading raised two short throwing axes, turned around on the spot and danced a big roundabout.

Valeera, who was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, had to temporarily avoid the edge, withdrawing from the attack range of the enemy's plausible whirlwind.

The paralyzing poison was slowly taking effect. Even with the blessing of rage, which delayed the time for the poison to take effect, the berserk headhunter could still feel that his body was slowly being paralyzed.

Berserk essentially consumes vitality, in exchange for a substantial increase in physical ability in a short period of time, even trolls with strong vitality cannot use it unlimitedly.

The furious headhunter is very aware of the current situation. He must take down these two high elf rookies who are full of youthfulness before the state is lifted and the poison erupts. Otherwise... there will be no more consequences.

On the other side, Vereesa casually elbowed the black-robed man unconscious, and immediately turned around, waiting for the oncoming enemy.


A howling sound like a beast roared from the mouth of the troll on all fours, his speed increased again, and he was ejected in the direction of Vereesa like a big cat hunting.

On the gauntlets on his hands, five metal blades imitating the claws of beasts are clearly visible.

Withdrawing her war bow, Vereesa pulled out two ranger short knives from her waist on both sides, and crossed them in front of her.

She could clearly see that the enemy's target was not her, but the black-robed man who wanted to kill him who had passed out.

"Don't think about it!"

At the moment when the two swords were under force, Vereesa suddenly reversed her force, seizing the moment when the opponent hadn't exerted her strength to force the enemy back.


Vereesa sneered and said with a vibrating pair of knives, "Want to kill someone? It's not that easy."

"Lynx Priest Halraz."