MTL - Live Broadcast of Eating Melons and Being Read, I Landed!-Chapter 71 Unbearable to be human

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Chapter 71 Unbearable to be a human being

No one stipulates that everyone should like to eat seafood, but there are many delicious foods on the table. Liu Yuqing completely ignored them and just stared at a piece of kimchi that Chinese people use as a topping. What do you think? Something is wrong.

Jiang Ning, who was sitting opposite Liu Yuqing and drinking abalone soup, was also puzzled and used his consciousness to open the melon-eating system.

[No wonder Liu Yuqing’s eating habits are so familiar. It turns out that the Bangguo bloodline has awakened. Ever since his Bangguo father contacted him when he became an adult, Liu Yuqing has eaten only Bangguo-flavored food. The stomach of Huaguo, which is full of delicious food, is now filled with kimchi. 】

[It’s just that as a historical celebrity in the Flower Country and a professor at the top university in the Flower Country, he was so easily seduced by the father who had never raised him for a day. He gave the detailed cultural information of the Flower Country to the Bang Country and helped the Bang Country steal the Flower Country’s culture. , took the lead in applying for UNESCO World Heritage, and defeated the Flower Country for stealing culture. Is Liu Yuqing worthy of the Flower Country that vigorously cultivated him? 】

With his heartbeat ringing out, there was a sudden silence on the dining table. The kimchi in Liu Yuqing's hand was knocked down by him. The other guests looked at Liu Yuqing with the same disdain as looking at a thief.

"A thief who helps others steal is an accomplice and must be punished, right?" Jiang Qing glanced at Liu Yuqing, who had his eyes lowered and pretended to be calm, but his fingers under the dining table were trembling.

Jiang Ning didn't know why Jiang Qing asked, but she glanced in Liu Yuqing's direction and answered seriously.

“Yes, if you steal national property and the crime is too serious, you will be convicted of treason and may face life imprisonment.”

"Traitors are like street rats. They are stepped on every time they pass by. Such people are not worthy of being Chinese!" Song Yao said sonorously and forcefully, glaring at Liu Yuqing in front of him who did not dare to raise his head.

Tang Li also frowned. She didn't expect that the guests on their program team would have such qualities.

  "Bleeding with the blood of the flower country, growing up under the protection of the flower country, but turning traitor to the country and being unworthy of a human being!"

A few of them were very excited. Zheng Yong's business on the other side was also related to this aspect. His expression was stiff and guilty, and he did not dare to move his mouth.

 Cui Yangqian and Xu Yumin, who planned to transfer their nationality to the Rose Country, did not dare to say anything for fear of talking. Jiang Ning focused on them and dug out their melons.

  [What happened again? Just now, he suddenly said that Zheng Yong is the owner of the resort, and living in that multi-billion-dollar building will make people sick. Why has he now turned to treason? Is there anyone among the guests who does such an unjust thing? ]

[My mind is a mess, but everyone is looking in the direction of Liu Yuqing. Could it be that he is the traitor? ]

[How can it be! Liu Yuqing is a history expert certified by Huaguo and a professor at Beijing University. There is no reason for a high-level intellectual like him to do such a thing, okay? ]

[Suddenly I remembered an ancient puppet that I watched recently. The male protagonist is the son of an enemy emperor and a prime minister’s daughter. After getting in touch with the enemy country, he cooperates inside and outside to take the country into his pocket, turning his country into a vassal state. The heroine of The Lost Princess has a deep sadomasochistic love affair. ]

[Upstairs, you guessed that Professor Liu is of mixed race? It’s not strange to be of mixed blood, right? What age is this, and I’m still of mixed blood from the Three Kingdoms. It doesn’t stop me from earning money from other countries to spend on the country, and it doesn’t stop me from being patriotic. ]

Liu Yuqing, who was being stared at by everyone, suddenly stood up as the barrage speculated. The dark eyes behind his glasses glanced at Jiang Ning. When Jiang Ning looked over, he narrowed his eyes and said to everyone.

 “I’m full, let’s go upstairs first, and everyone eat slowly.”

After saying that, a man pulled his suitcase and went upstairs. His back was very straight, but who would have thought that this man's bones were softer than anyone else's.

Jiang Ning had Liu Yuqing off guard at this moment. Zheng Yong and the three of them, who were worried about something, didn't dare to stay in the living room anymore. They all found reasons to sneak upstairs, intending to find a way to solve their troubles. The most important thing was to get out of here quickly. Dangerously broken variety show left.

Before coming here, they only regarded "Let's Travel Together" as a small variety show, but now that they are in it, they feel that this variety show is simply a werewolf killing scene. They will still be killed at any time, so how can they dare to stay here.

The four of them hid upstairs. Jiang Ning and others were still angry. They ate all the food before the anger in their hearts subsided.

Tang Li saw that everyone was full by accident, so she cooked a soup to promote digestion for everyone to drink.

Jiang Ning drank the soup and tucked herself into the soft sofa. Jiang Qing was still holding something back, so she drank the soup in two mouthfuls and came to Jiang Ning to talk.

“Jiang Ning, do you think you are going to send a sanctimonious hypocrite who is suspected of having done bad things to the country? How are you going to collect evidence?”

As a professor, Liu Yuqing’s ability to hide information has not been discovered for so many years. So the question is, how can we find evidence that he did this? After Jiang Qing asked, looking into Jiang Ning’s eyes, Jiang Qing quickly added.

“It’s a TV series I watched recently, and it’s stuck here. It’s heart-wrenching, so I’m going to ask you.”

Song Yao echoed, "Yes, the character who judges the country is old and irritating, and his methods are meticulous. I'm afraid he didn't leave any clues, and I don't know how the hero and heroine found the evidence."

“If it were an ancient TV series, would he be **** and tortured?” Jiang Ning blinked and said.

This method is violent, but it does work.

 The problem is that they are in a modern society and they are not in a position to interrogate like this.

“That’s a coincidence, that TV series happens to be a modern urban drama.” Jiang Qing waved helplessly.

Jiang Ning thought about the evidence collection methods in this world, "Use police dogs?"

  【This method is useful for searching for most evidence, but it is useless for finding evidence of Liu Yuqing's treason. 】

Hearing this, Jiang Qing and others felt relieved again.

Jiang Ning, who didn't feel their disappointment, looked at the melon-eating system and took a sip of the slightly sweet soup, thinking to herself.

Liu Yuqing, a crazy person, used his own son to deliver information about the Flower Country, or compiled it into atlases, exercises, etc., and then took his son to travel to the Bang Country to pass the information there. 】

  【But it seems that the officials have also become suspicious of him in the past two years, and have arranged for many people to search for evidence. 】

【In addition, his son likes to record life, and he posted the atlas exercises he did on the Internet. Liu Yuqing felt guilty and did not dare to send materials in his son's name anymore, so he decided to focus on his younger daughter. 】

[After they were carefully inspected and all the atlases were taken away, Liu Yuqing asked someone to make a chip using special undetectable materials, transfer all the data to the chip, and let doctors from Bangkok sew the chip into it. In the daughter's body, after arriving in Bang Country, the daughter was knocked unconscious and the chip was taken out. 】

Jiang Qing and the others couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this. It hurt to put the chip in their bodies.

 Liu Yuqing is really crazy. He is not clear-headed and is harming his children. How could he have such a father? !

【Um? Why did Liu Yuqing change his mind? Tonight he is going to send over newly compiled information that will be used to spread rumors that those famous doctors in ancient times were from China. His daughter did not come to the show. Let me see how he sends the information. . 】

  【Put the USB drive into my bag? And then ask the Bangguo people to **** it? If the police find out, they are going to accuse me of treason and clear their own suspicions! 】

 (End of this chapter)