MTL - Live Broadcast of Eating Melons and Being Read, I Landed!-Chapter 57 arson

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Chapter 57 Arson

After making sure that everyone was asleep, the figure sneaked over to where the show crew parked their car, and after a while there he went to the warehouse to get a bucket and put it next to the car. Then the smell of gasoline gradually spread in the air. open.

When the figure returned to the tent camp, he was already carrying two large barrels of gasoline.

Jin Zhe placed the bucket on the ground, his eyes flashing horribly in the dark night.

 He carried one of the barrels of gasoline, poured it around the single tent, and poured some on the tent.

 She dislikes a **** that countless men have used, haha, then he will let her know that he can kill her with just a flick of his finger.

Jin Zhe smiled fiercely, changed his hand, carried a heavy weight of gasoline with a ferocious expression, and poured gasoline on the two-person tent next to him.

 Aren’t they all laughing at him? Now he has them laughing their **** off in the fire tent!

After pouring the gasoline, Jin Zhe picked up another bucket of gasoline and walked to the luxurious tent. He thought that Jiang Ning was sleeping inside, forcing him to go to this point.

Jin Zhe thought coldly of Jiang Ning's beautiful face, and how her white and tender skin was burnt black and beyond recognition. Jin Zhe lifted the bucket with joy and was about to pour gasoline on the tent.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in his arm, his hand twisted, and all the gasoline poured down on him, even getting some in his mouth.

 “Ahem, bah, bah, bah, bah.”

Jin Zhe spit out the gasoline and thought about not waking anyone up, so he could only think about going to the hospital for gastric lavage after finishing these things.

In the moonlight, he looked at the gasoline on the ground. He felt stuffed. He took off his clothes and rolled the gasoline in. He was about to light the clothes on fire and throw them on the tent. His body suddenly went crazy again, as if something was blocking his body. Respiratory organs, Jin Zhe tried hard to breathe, but could only feel that the air was getting thinner and thinner.

"Help, help..." Jin Zhe touched his neck and fell into the gasoline. The clothes filled with gasoline also fell on him. He could only make a weak sound that could not even wake anyone up. .

Now Jin Zhe is just glad that he didn't light the fire, otherwise he would have been a fireman now.

 Jin Zhe breathed hard while crawling towards Jiang Ning's tent. Just when his hand was about to touch the tent, a figure fell on him, and Jin Zhe's heart skipped a beat.

 The next moment, as soon as he moved his hand, he was pinned to the ground and unable to move, but he seemed to be able to breathe air again.

 In the tent, Jiang Ning, who was sleeping, transformed back into the snow-white young oyster that was considered a mutated oyster by the group of yuns and did not let her play with her.

She clutched her hungry belly and looked for it, and finally saw a melon field.

Yu Lao struggled to push the watermelon to the lower ground. The watermelon was so ripe that it broke as soon as it hit the ground.

Xun was pushed by the reaction force and fell into the melon field. With stars in her eyes, she crawled out from the crack of the watermelon and ran to the broken watermelon. She stood on a large piece of watermelon with great authority to enjoy the delicious and sweet flesh. , and with this mouthful, I got a mouthful of the smell of gasoline.

Huntedly, I took another mouthful, but it still smelled of gasoline.

Jiang Ning was angry. She sat on the gasoline-smelling watermelon and cried aggrievedly for a while, successfully waking herself up.

When he opened his eyes, he didn't see the strange gasoline-smelling watermelon. He felt better. He moved his nose and actually smelled a smell of gasoline in the air. After Jiang Ning frowned, he quickly turned on the light and turned on Jiang Qing and Tang Li. wake.

“There is a smell of gasoline outside the tent. Someone may be setting fire to it. Get out quickly!”

"Gasoline! How is that possible? Isn't the place where the show crew parked its car a little far away from here?" After Jiang Qing said this, even she panicked.

Yes, the parking place is far away from here, how could there be a smell of gasoline, unless someone spilled gasoline here. I could smell the smell of gasoline again, and the smell was extremely strong.

Jiang Qing woke up instantly, pulled Tang Li and got up quickly.

The three of them ran out of the tent and smelled the smell of gasoline outside. Their hearts almost jumped out of their chests. However, before they could wake up the others, they found that the person who wanted to set the fire had been restrained.

A few minutes later, the camp was brightly lit, and the director came over with cold sweat on his face. He saw Jin Zhe, who was smelling of gasoline, being **** and thrown to the ground. Several tents, except the luxury tent for three girls, had gasoline poured on them. Still don't understand what happened.

"Call the police!"

 When the director said these two words, he felt numb in panic.

He glanced in Jiang Ning's direction and felt that in just a few days after doing this show, he had had the most contact with the police in the past few years.

And the director always has a weird premonition that this kind of police-civilian cooperation is common.

After Jin Zhe was taken away by the police, the others couldn't sleep. No one would feel sleepy after waking up and almost being set on fire. They were so awake that they couldn't be more awake.

“Why did Jin Zhe burn us to death because we ate his melons?” Sun Yanfeng felt a sense of absurdity in his heart as he looked at their tent, which had a lot of gasoline poured on it.

"Who knows what he is thinking about that one who has mental problems." Qin Ying was also very upset.

She thought that Jin Zhe still had some feelings for her. After moving to the single tent, she felt sorry for Jin Zhe. Now it seems that this kind of invisible criminal who throws gasoline when he gets angry is not worthy of her at all. Feel sorry.

Jiang Qing: "Jin Zhe originally just collapsed his house, but now he has made enough face. Even if he is not a star in the future, becoming an Internet celebrity can make his life worry-free for the rest of his life. But now, I am afraid that he will spend his best years in it. ”

She couldn't figure out how Jin Zhe, with his flexible character, could take such a path. Did he really think that his life was so good that he wanted to step on the sewing machine and taste the taste of prison food?

Jiang Ning sat there wrapped in a small blanket and turned on the melon-eating system.

"Eating melon is just the trigger. In the final analysis, Jin Zhe has low self-esteem and is arrogant. He longs to be at the top of the entertainment industry, but when it really becomes popular, he will hate people who know that he has humiliated him in the past, even if it makes him feel ashamed. The person who insults history is himself."

[If these things had not happened, Jin Zhe would have become popular in this variety show and would have filmed several male-led dramas. When he was at the height of his popularity, a gossip reporter discovered that he and Gu Tianhou were having **** in a hotel. When the whole network was laughing at her, she invited Gu Tianhou to come out to deal with the matter and burned her to death in the house. In the end, she was cleared of all the trouble and was arrested by the police with solid evidence. 】

 It’s setting fire again. Jin Zhe’s Five Elements lack fire, it’s like being unable to get through fire.

Jiang Qing swore and thought about herself. She should pay more attention to her inner self when making boyfriends in the future. Don't be like Gu Tianhou, who made a boyfriend to relieve her boredom, but instead brought herself an arsonist.

The mention of Jin Zhe's matter made them irritated. After a few words, everyone reached a tacit agreement and stopped talking. Jiang Qing remembered the man who pressed Jin Zhe just now and turned his head to ask Jiang Ning next to him.

"The person who caught Jin Zhe, I think he was your assistant, right?"

 When everyone first arrived at the fishing village, Jiang Qing and others saw Xu Guanyi following Jiang Ning.

 But they all thought it was just a taller and handsome assistant.

I really didn’t expect that this assistant seemed to have two tricks. Whether it was the action of holding Jin Zhe down or the way of tying Jin Zhe, it felt so neat that he didn’t look like an ordinary assistant.

 (End of this chapter)