MTL - Life Going Wild With Plug-ins-Chapter 66 To return

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— I was awake.

It felt strange. I didn't fall asleep or faint, how could I feel like I was awake.

My forehead was very cold. In front of me was the man covered with a fox mask that resembled Ye Tan. His fingertip was on the cinnabar of my brows, his temperature was amazingly low, and the other hand firmly clamped the right wrist of Yelang.

I looked down at my chest, where it was intact, but it was covered with the scars that had been tortured over the past few days. The coldness just seemed like an illusion.

I don't know why there is a sadness like a spring in my heart, but this sadness is fleeting. It seemed like I had gone through a great tragedy ... but I don't remember anything.

The man with the fox mask retracted his hand from my brows, and squeezed gently with the other hand. The sound of a broken bone sounded at first, and the wrist of Yeliang had been broken. Ye Lan seemed to feel no pain, and his left hand stormed again, declining so fast that he was approaching the man's chest. And he just snapped his knuckles, snapped his fingers, and saw no other movements. If Ye Lan was blown open by an invisible gas wall, he had already hit the wall of the hospital.

The wall collapsed, bricks and tiles were flying, and Yelang was buried in it firmly. He didn't hesitate, pinching Yelang's feet, and dragged Yelang, who was crushed by heavy stones, out of the ruins. He rose and crushed his ankle fiercely.

Shocked at supper, I didn't know how to react, and looked at the man blankly: "Boss ... Boss?"

"He's not Ye Tan! Don't go!" I drank the supper, and my heart was astonished. This man is full of suffocation and fascinating. Although his voice is the same, I know he is not Yetan.

"... Jun hopeless." The man lowered his eyes and said quietly, "This is my name, remember it, don't confuse with Yetan."

Yelang was wasteful with hands and feet, but I did n’t know where the tenacity was. I threw a struggle and wanted to get up and fight again. Jun looked down at him hopelessly. His eyes were thick and unusually hateful, and he said impatiently: Will you be obedient? "

Supper then reacted, rushed to stand in front of Yelang, and his fingers were ready to go. Yexiao has always been good at hidden weapon flying blades, is light in weight, does not have any cloth armor, and has extremely low defense. If he is hit by a fly like Fang Yelan, he is afraid of his life.

I just think the big thing is not good, but Jun hopelessly obeys and retreats to give up his position and smiles at him: "Supper, you are optimistic about him, don't do extra things, I will naturally not embarrass him."

He even easily let go of the supper, turned slowly, and fixed his eyes firmly on the second master surrounded by the dark guard.

The second master looked at his cool-hearted look and took a step back.

We only thought that Jun was hopeless, and that his hatred of the second master was only increasing.

Who is he and why did he come?

The second master was extremely keen, and immediately found out the pros and cons of the situation, and hesitated to order without hesitation:


The surrounding guards were ordered, and there was a clear shout, and the fog burst in the courtyard, covering the clouds and the moon for a moment, and I saw nothing. I only heard the sound of an institution around, and there were turbulent currents in all directions, like a raging wave sweeping past, like countless tunnels emerging at the same time.

Almost at the same time, there was a sound of screaming and then falling to the ground, accompanied by Jun's hopeless scorn:

"——May I leave you?"

The smoke had cleared, and the dark guards, which had previously numbered nearly a hundred people, had fallen to the ground. The second master was nailed to the ground by a sword across his shoulder, and Jun hoped to step on his head. Standing beside him, only Ye Jun remained.

Yejun's scabbard is empty, the sword is the one that nailed the second master to the ground.

Its speed is by no means human.

Ye Jun apparently didn't know why he could still stand, and looked a little surprised.

Jun looked at Yejun hopelessly, and only said, "Carry some chairs, you have to wait."

Ye Jun listened to only one person's order, and hesitated. Jun hoped that he wouldn't bother to talk with him, but just aggravated the strength of his feet. A slight crack came from the second master's skull, and he couldn't restrain himself from being grunted.

Ye Jun immediately threw his sword and went away immediately.

Jun hopelessly, while he was waiting for his spare time, he reached the side of the second master's foot and stepped on his ankle severely. The tiptoe turned and rolled, full of internal force, and stepped on to separate the flesh.

He stomped on in this way, seeming to hate the extreme, but said nothing. There was silence between the heavens and the earth, solemn and weird, only the sound of the bones crushing, the second master's low gasping, and the painful slang of the night lang.

Jun hopelessly and silently continued torture until Yejun returned.

Jun hopelessly picked up the teacher's chair, lowered his head and aligned his legs to hold Master Er's right hand, and sat down.

With a creak, the blood and bones were broken, and the second master snorted and squeezed in his throat, and I heard all pain.

I saw Jun sitting hopelessly in the middle of the corpse, holding his chin for a moment and squinting for a nap, wondering: "Who are you waiting for?"

He smiled softly: "Yetan."

This evil **** actually came for Ye Tan, I was surprised, and suddenly had the strength to struggle to get up. Jun looked at me with no hope and asked, "Why bother to move? Do you think you don't hurt enough?"

I froze: Is this a threat? ...... But how can I really sit back and watch Ye Tan fall into this Longtan tiger cave.

Jun hopelessly suddenly turned his head and instructed: "Ye Jun, you can help him to deal with the wound. You can give him the medicine you wanted to give him but couldn't."

...... He really cares about me? I can hardly understand his temper.

"I don't care ..." I frowned. "If you are so kind, just look at the night rim."

Suddenly furious, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't go too far. You can say one more thing about Yelang, and I'll send him back to the country immediately."

This person, moody, is really hard to understand.

Yelang fell into chaos again, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, his nerves were on the verge of collapse, and nightmares generally hissed and cried, "Are you going to die in their hands again? Can I still save you? I have worked hard enough , Gui Yan, there is no way to do better ... What do you want me to do ... "

Supper tried desperately to hold him to soothe his emotions, but Yelang couldn't hear anything. Suppressing Yelan in his arms in the middle of the night, he had to point to his sleeping spot, and his struggling body was quiet. Supper held the blood-stained Yelang, softly: "You sleep first, it won't hurt when you fall asleep."

Yejun brought hot water, fed me medicine, and started to clean the wound and apply trauma medicine.

The medicine is indeed effective, and the pain is suddenly picked up in half, not so hard.

Supper did not dare to act lightly, holding Jun hopelessly, secretly helping Yelang to enter some internal forces to protect the heart.

I bandaged halfway, and Jun hopelessly suddenly raised his eyes and said, "He is almost there."

When I heard it, it was bad. Breaking away Ye Jun jumped up and wanted to ventilate and let Ye Tan hurry away.

Jun hopelessly when he flashed to my side, gently pressed me back: "Don't move around. Don't worry, I won't see him. I will leave here before he appears."

Jun hopelessly glanced at the Second Master nailed to the ground: "There are dense passages all around the underground of Zhong Liyuan, and the risks are intricate and complicated. It is easy for the Second Master to escape, and you have to look at him."

He looked back to the eaves on the east side. In front of him, there was a dark night, but his eyes seemed to wear through the mountains and rivers. With no hope, Jun suddenly went out of his mind and whispered to himself: "I ... leave now. Immediately ..."

There was a sound of wind from the branches of the eaves, and on the tip of the leaf, it was as light as nothing, light and shocked, and fell quickly and steadily to my feet.

He knelt on one knee docilely, and after a long time, he said a long time ago, "Master."

That's a title I've always used to never stop, and I realized afterwards how hard it was, and it was worth everything.

It suddenly seemed like I understood everything.

(Kimi Hitomi hopeless