MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 54 wait wait wait

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After the wandering into the gravitational circle of the pink-pink planet, it did not accelerate to the surface of the planet as they had expected.

Instead, according to the original speed of the spacecraft, without any hindrance, it landed on the surface of the pink pink planet. The wanderer descended the straight ladder, and Jemmin Colin walked in front, first cleaned up with a flame. region.

When the worms encounter the flame, they will burn quickly, and finally turn into a black powder. After the wind blows, it will dissipate and leave no trace.

The landing of the Wanderer was exceptionally smooth, and the worms were not too difficult to deal with, but no one was happy.

This time, Lidini, Colin Cosson, they did not wear a helmet. The atmosphere of the pink pink planet is non-toxic. The composition is similar to that of the ancient earth. It can breathe directly. Auguste did not let Hai’an sit in the nest. Instead, the sea was installed in a pocket on the chest of his chest. Hai'an two hands squatted on the edge of the pocket and looked out of his head and looked out.

There is too much vegetation on this planet, and it is now daytime. If it weren't for the worms that were covered with flesh-and-red worms, Haian would even think he was just entering a forest. The bright sun hit the sky vertically, and Hai'an narrowed his eyes. He hadn't seen the sun for a long time. Although there are sun-yang flowers on the wandering, he can provide him with sunshine, but artificial sunlight and natural. Of course it is not comparable.

Colin is very careful when attacking worms with a flame gun, because if a forest fire is triggered, the consequences are very serious. The worms burned quickly after touching the flames, as if they had gasoline instead of strong acid liquids. After they made a fierce cry, the whole body was distorted into charcoal and then slowly disappeared.

"What strange place did you find?" Colin walked next to Cosson and turned to ask Coson a question.


"There is no animal on this planet. We have come a long distance. I didn't even see the rabbit."

"In case there is no rabbit on this planet?" Cosson thinks this is also very likely.


"Probably eaten by these worms." Lidney suddenly said a word, "These worms are eating meat. I remember when they were in the beast, Siam said they were eating meat."

"Right right, I think about it." Colin nodded suddenly and suddenly looked scared. "So the animals on this planet have been eaten by them?"

Jaime followed them. "Maybe the animals in the water are still alive. After all, we haven't seen any lakes or seas."

Hai'an agreed to nod. He was not sure in the lake, but there was certainly no such thing in the sea, because these insects should be like the meat worms of Nord's continent, and they would encounter salt.

They followed the route that the electronic dog passed, and soon arrived in front of the abandoned spaceship.

The spaceships seen from the projections were reduced, and when they stood in front of the spaceship, they knew exactly how big the spacecraft was.

It is like a giant, standing quietly on the planet, vines and weeds almost full of the hull, but it does not damage the majesty that has not disappeared.

The three huge claw marks on the hatch are no longer a symbol of their expeditionary force, but a scar of race.

"Karl, can you feel where your eggshell is?"

"In the back, we have to climb up." Carl looked up and looked at the top of the ship's boat.

Auguste poked Hai'an's head, put Hai'an into his pocket, and then pulled the zipper. "Hey, for a while. Carl, you are carrying Lidini."

"it is good."

Carl kneels in front of Lydney. "Come up, I am carrying you."

Lydney didn't tangled, climbed directly onto Carl's generous back and grabbed his neck tightly.

"Get it done."


Then everyone climbed by grabbing the vines on the hull or directly holding the protruding parts of the hull.

Hai'an couldn't see the outside situation, but he could feel that August climbed very fast, like a trot on the ground, bringing a small wind.

And Lydney is even more shocked, the gap between military and ordinary people, the gap between the evolution of humans and ordinary human beings is now infinitely magnified.

It seems that they are not climbing a vertical hull, but walking fast on a flat land, such as leveling.

In the end, Auguste first climbed to the top of the spaceship, standing here to see the entire forest, Carl put Lidini down, August also opened the zipper on the chest.

Hai'an saw the light coming in from the top of his head, and immediately stood up and drilled hard, slammed his pocket and looked at Auguste.

Auguste raised his hand and touched his head.

"The transmission slot should be on this," Carl licked his hair and looked around for a week. The top of the ship's boat had nothing but weeds and vines. The pink worms were so developed that they couldn't climb. As for the reason why they disappeared here and appeared in the Pyrene Star, it is only possible to walk into the transfer slot and transfer it.

"Go to your eggshell first." Jaymin slammed the flamethrower and took a few steps forward. "Where are you going now?"

Carl shrugged and looked indifferent. "I can't find it, I can't find it. I just want to see why there is an expeditionary spacecraft parked here."

Colin couldn't help but ask, "What about the star map?"

Corson hurriedly pulled a younger brother, but Colin took off Cosson's hand. This matter will be put on the table sooner or later. In any case, August and Carl are unlikely to ask this question.

"If you find a star map back to the main star? Will you go back?"

Auguste was in front and he didn't stop.


"That is my home."

The warships of the Asian Juron are very strong. Auguste wants to enter the spaceship and can only attack from the outside, but this will destroy the forest, and may even cause a fire.

As long as Carl finds the part of the hull with his eggshell, he can enter the ship directly.

"It's here." Carl took them to the tailbox section of the spacecraft, and there were several transparent light-receiving windows next to them. The transparent glass could see the scene in the spacecraft, but there was no light in the spacecraft, so only I can see some vague instruments and equipment in a vague way.

Colin stretched his neck and glanced inside. "Black, nothing can be seen."

"You can get in quickly," Carl said, covering his light window, not knowing what he was doing. Suddenly the part of the hull of the part they stood disappeared, and everyone fell into the cabin at once.

The surface of the hull disappeared suddenly. Hai'an flew out of August's pocket on the way of falling. Auguste soon found out that he was floating out. He quickly reached out and wanted to hold Hai'an. Hai'an also reached out and thought. To reach August's fingers, but in the end did not catch August.

Hai'an quickly adjusted the wind element, and then his speed of decline immediately slowed down. He only heard the sound of “touching and touching”, which was the sound of other people slamming on the floor.

Hai'an slowly drifted down from the air, and the result just fell on August's head. He grabbed August's hair and brought out the fire element, so everyone saw the original dark space, Aogu. Ster’s head suddenly lit up.

Looking at it again, I found out that it was on the head of Auguste. There was a small cluster of flames in the palm of my right hand, and the green eyes were looking at them innocently.

"Oh, there is still a fire!" Colin pointed to August's head and shouted in amazement. His slightly loud voice echoed in the empty cabin.

Auguste glanced at him. He didn't talk. He reached out and grabbed Hai'an from the top of his head. He took a look at it. Hai'an held August's finger and met August's eyes. Mouth, a smile on August.


But Hai'an now only has eight teeth, so Auguste stunned after seeing Hai's smile, and then couldn't help but smile.

But Auguste quickly adjusted his facial expressions. Now there are too many people around him. He has to be serious, so he took Hai An back into his arms and did not continue to let Hai An stay in his pocket.

Aria took the flashlight from her backpack and gave it to everyone.

"First look for the power switch for this spacecraft."