MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 91 15 seconds

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  Chapter 91 1.5 seconds

   "Here is the scene before the robbers entered the bank."

  Luo An pointed to the first scenes of several surveillance videos.

In the picture, two robbers wearing black clothes and black trousers, black gloves and black hoods, and a black satchel in their hands suddenly appeared from the side of the road outside the bank, and then walked quickly to the gate of the bank. forward.

  Roan slowed down the video and pointed out a small detail to Augustus and Mona:

  When the two robbers first appeared in the video, they put their hands on their chests.

   "What's the matter, Roan?"

   Seeing this action, several people were full of doubts:

   "Isn't this the robber's act of cheering himself up?"


  Roan shook his head, and slowly zoomed in on the video. When the picture quality was about to blur to the point where he couldn't see clearly, Roan stopped.

  Then several people saw that the robber's hands on his chest were not clenched fists, but empty hooks.

  The two robbers clasped their hands in front of their chests. They didn't catch anything, and their movements froze for a moment. Then they put down their hands and rushed into the bank quickly.

  Seeing this scene, Mona tilted her head in doubt, Augustus was thoughtful, Lacey thought for a few seconds, her pupils trembled, and she tilted her head to look at Roan:

   "This is the movement of people who are used to wearing body armor!"


   As soon as Lacey finished speaking, Augustus on the side slapped his big belly and came to his senses:

  “Many people wearing full body armor will hook their hands over the body armor when chatting with others.”

  Whether it is in movies, TV dramas, or real videos on the Internet, you can see soldiers, policemen, special forces, etc. wearing heavy body armor, and some people hook their hands on top of the body armor.

  This action is often due to the fact that the fully equipped body armor is too heavy, oppressing the chest. Putting your hands on it and hooking it, pulling the body armor forward slightly can make your chest a little easier.

  Of course, there are other reasons, but in general, people who have this action are all people who need to wear full body armor frequently.

   "So, Roan, what do you mean"

  Mona on the side also thought about this truth, then covered her mouth and said in surprise:

   "These two robbers in the video are soldiers? Police? Or special forces? Special operations team?"

   After all, only these people will often wear full body armor.

   "However, this is just the picture of the first and second robberies."

   Before Roan could answer Mona's question, Lacey frowned and said in doubt:

   "In the remaining four robberies, none of the robbers did this action."

   "You're right, Lacey."

  Roan nodded, then explained in a deep voice:

   "But as Mona guessed, these two people are likely to be soldiers, police or other special forces.

  And the relationship between these two robbers is very likely to be comrades in arms, or they are very familiar with each other on weekdays, and they often go out on missions together. "

   Several people did not refute the inference that the robbers must be very familiar with each other.

   After all, they both robbed banks together, so it is impossible for the two to be unfamiliar with each other.

   "Let's assume that the relationship between the two is comrades-in-arms, and then read here."

  Roan slowly pulled back the video on the computer, and adjusted it to the moment when the two robbers entered the bank. The video screen slowed down again, and continued:

  “In the first four robberies, when the two robbers entered the bank, they were the first to shoot upwards, shocking everyone in the bank.

   Immediately afterwards, the second person rushed to the bank counter with the bag, took out the transparent packaging bag, threatened the bank staff, and told her to pack the money quickly.

  These two steps are sequential, but the speed of these two events is too fast. If there is no slow-motion video, it seems to the naked eye that they are happening at the same time. "


  Several people carefully observed the slow-motion video on the computer, and found that it was indeed the case, and nodded in unison.

   Seeing this, Roan continued:

   "That is to say, although the relationship between the two is close, there is also a leader.

  The leader of these four cases is the robber who is in charge of controlling the scene. "

   Having said that, Roan turned off the previous videos, switched to the fifth and sixth cases, and slowed down again:

   "But look at these two robberies again."

  When the video is not in slow motion, when the robbers entered the bank in these two cases, one person shot the gun to control the scene, and the other threatened the bank staff with a bag. It seems that two things happened at the same time.

But when the video slowed down, Mona Augustus and Lexiton suddenly discovered that in the fifth case, the person in charge of the shooting subconsciously glanced at the person who was walking towards the bank staff with a bag. .

  In the sixth case, the shooter also had this subconscious action.


   Seeing this scene, Mona was slightly startled, Lacey frowned, and Augustus turned his head and asked:

   "You mean, in the latter two cases, the tasks between the two robbers were swapped?"

   "No, I mean, is there a possibility."

  Hearing what Augustus said, the corner of Roan's mouth slightly raised:

   "In the first four cases, it was the same group of robbers, and in the last two cases, it was another group of robbers.

  The leader of the group of robbers in the back was actually the person who threatened the bank staff, not the person who shot. They actually just imitated the group of robbers in front. "

   "Imitation crime?"

  Augus narrowed his eyes slightly, Lacey frowned:

   "Isn't it too absolute to make such an inference with just one action? Why can't it be that for some reason, the robbers are still the same group, but the tasks of the two parties have been exchanged internally?"

  Before she also discovered the differences in the movements of many robbers, why Roan didn't think those movements were different robbers.

   Lacey tilted her head in doubt.

   "Every time the robbers enter the bank, they will meet different people and different situations, so there will be some slight differences in their actions."

  Roan patiently explained:

   "But for things like robbing a bank, the positioning within the team must be clear.

  Who is the head is responsible for making plans, and who is the subordinate is responsible for specific actions. As long as this function is determined, it will not change easily.

  Especially as we have judged earlier, the first group of bank robbers is most likely to be soldiers, police or special forces. People like them pay more attention to details and will never easily switch the tasks of the two parties. "

   Lacey frowned, and before she could continue asking, Roan switched the video on the computer back to the beginning.

  “There is another important reason why I think the bank robbers in the latter two cases are not the same group as the previous bank robbers.”

  Roan readjusted the video of the fifth robbery to the scene before the robbers entered the bank.

  The video was adjusted to slow speed, Roan pointed to the video and said:

   "Pay attention to the way these two robbers walk."


  Because the bank camera is designed inside the bank lobby, and the video of the robber walking outside the bank does not exceed 1.5 seconds in total.

  So neither Lacey nor the previous No. 14 investigation team focused their attention here.

  They also observed the surveillance video before, but part of their attention was focused on the scene after the robber opened the bank door and entered the bank.

  After hearing Roan's words this time, they focused on the video footage of the robbers before they entered the bank.

  Looking at the slow-moved video on the computer, Lacey's pupils shrank and she slapped suddenly:

   "Shit! The way they walk is deliberately camouflaged!"

  (end of this chapter)