MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 85 Start the survey (ask for a subscription! ask for a monthly pass!)

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  Chapter 85 Start investigation (ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass!)

  Following Mona's fingers and looking at the computer screen, Roan saw the consumption records of a high-end restaurant.

   "On the fourth day after the sixth bank robbery, Erkin took his family to have a big meal at this Michelin one-star restaurant."

  Mona moved her ten fingers slightly, and the surveillance video of the lobby of the one-Michelin-star restaurant appeared on the computer screen. After a slight adjustment, a moment later, the video of Erkin's family eating that night appeared in their eyes.

  Obviously, this was a family celebration banquet held for Erken's daughter to get a letter of recommendation and enter university. During the period, Erken even allowed his daughter Serena to drink a little less wine.

   Throughout the meal, the Erkin family was warm and harmonious, and enjoyed themselves happily.

  After watching the surveillance video, Roan next to the computer scratched his head, Mona shrugged her shoulders, envy flashed in her eyes, but she said without emotion:

   "It's an important thing for my daughter to go to college. It's normal to come to this kind of restaurant to celebrate."

   I don’t know if it’s because of sympathy for the life experience of the Erkin family, or envy of Serena. In short, Mona’s mood is very complicated now.

   "Let's go to the scene to investigate."

  Until the truth is investigated, Roan won't say much.

   Lacey hasn't come back yet, and Ryder is lying in the hospital, so the only one who went out with him this time is Mona.

   Seeing that Roan had the same set of combat uniform + plate armor vest + smoke bombs + shock bombs + two Glock 18s + ten extended magazines, Mona sighed speechlessly, clutching her forehead.

  She is now very sure that Roan's lack of security is extremely serious.


  The jet-black SUV sped down the roads of New York and soon arrived at the laundromat in Queens.

Jingle Bell-

   Pushing open the door of the laundromat, Roan walked in with Mona.

   Several machines in the laundry shop were busy, and one of them seemed to be malfunctioning. A thin white woman was kicking the machine, cursing in a low voice while preparing to make a call.


   After entering the laundromat, Roan took out the golden FBI badge and showed it to the skinny white woman, then asked:

   "Where is the owner of this laundry?"

"I am!"

  Seeing Roan in full armor, the thin white female Zoe twitched her mouth, took a step back, and her face was a little nervous:

   "What are you looking for me for?"

   "Are you the boss?"

  The words of the woman in front of him made Roan frown:

   "Isn't Elkin the owner of this store?"

  Hearing that Roan didn't come to find her, Zooey immediately breathed a sigh of relief, put her hands on her hips, raised her eyebrows and began to curse at Erken:

   "You are right, Mr. Detective, the previous owner of this store was indeed Erkin, but he sold this laundry to me at a low price the night before yesterday.

I have known Erken for many years. I thought that Erken was an honest man, but I didn’t expect that the laundry he sold to me had a lot of problems with the machine. I have been repairing it since morning. machine"

  Hearing what the woman said, Roan and Mona glanced at each other, and both realized that something was wrong, so they quickly interrupted each other with a wave:

   "Airken sold the store to you the night before yesterday, why?"

"how could I know?"

   The corners of Zoe's mouth were hooked down, his face full of displeasure:

   "Probably because his daughter is going to a college in another state, so he is not going to work here."

   Could it be that he took this opportunity to run away from New York?

  Mona turned to look at Roan, just about to ask, Roan moved his eyes, and continued to ask:

   "When Erken sold the shop to you, what was his demeanor? Are you in a hurry?"

  Luo An had some other guesses in his heart.

  Zoe shook her head, indicating that she had a bakery at the end of the street. When Erken came to look for her at home the night before, she was not in a hurry, and the two parties negotiated the price of the shop for a long time before negotiating.

  Hearing this, Roan frowned, and the thoughts in his heart were dispelled.

   "OK, thank you for your cooperation."

   Asked a few more casually again, seeing that there was no other useful information, Roan and Mona turned around and left the laundry without talking nonsense.

   With one foot on the gas pedal, the SUV rushed out towards the road.

  On the co-pilot, Mona's ten fingers were flying on the keyboard, her brows were furrowed:

  “There is no record of the Erken family buying air tickets to leave New York, nor the checkpoints set up by NYPD on the highways around New York, nor the record of the Erken family leaving in a car.”

   "So they should still be in New York."

  Roan nodded. He originally thought that Erken was under some kind of coercion, so he was in a hurry to sell the laundry, but the state of Erken described by Zoe just now did not look like he was under coercion.


  The SUV soon arrived at the community where Erken's family was located, an old building.

  Take the elevator to the third floor, Roan and Mona walked along the corridor to the door of Erken's house, and began to knock on the door.

  Boom boom boom!

   "Is anyone home?"

  Roan yelled, but no one in the room answered.

  Mona tilted her head when she saw this, and just about to speak, Roan moved her nose, her face changed slightly, and hurriedly waved her hand to signal Mona to hide aside.

  The two took out their weapons, looked at each other and counted down to three, Roan decisively kicked the door open, and shouted:


  Roan and Mona held guns in both hands, and quickly checked every room in the house in a vigilant posture. After confirming that no one was there, Qiqi said:



   Putting the pistol back into the pocket, Roan and Mona walked towards the living room with serious expressions.

  The living room is not big, with a TV and a sofa.

  But at this time, the left side of the yellow-brown sofa has been dyed black by the deep red blood.

   "What the **** is going on here?"

  Mona frowned and looked around. Although there was blood left in the living room, it didn't look messy as a whole, and it didn't look like a murder had happened.

  Roan also looked dignified. He checked several bedrooms in the house and found that the clothes in the closets of the parents and daughter were tidied up and the beds were clean.

  But the room of the two elderly people was very messy, and it looked like it hadn't been tidied up. When the closet was opened, the clothes inside were also torn everywhere.

  Go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, and find that there is no short-term food in it, and it is full of food that can be stored for a long time.

   "It seems that Erkin is planning to send his daughter to college with his wife."

   After a brief observation, Roan walked back to the living room, folded his hands on his chest, frowned and pondered:

   "The two elderly people stayed to watch the house, because it was inconvenient for them to go downstairs to buy things, so Aierken left them a lot of food."

  Hearing Roan's analysis, Mona nodded and didn't say much. She also made the same judgment after a week of observation, but she was still a little confused. What happened to the blood on the sofa?

"have no idea."

  Roan shook his head, the first time he saw the blood, he wanted to call his colleagues from the trace inspection department to come here for inspection.

  But after thinking about it, this time, I and Mona belonged to a secret operation, and it might not be appropriate to call the trace inspection department.

   "Go back to the car and check the surveillance video of the surrounding roads to see where Erken's car went."

  Silent for a long time, Roan searched the house several times, but did not find any clues, so he turned his head and said to Mona:

   "I didn't see Erken's car downstairs just now. It was most likely driven away by the Erken family."


  Mona nodded, got up and prepared to leave with Roan.

  The two had just walked out of the door of Erken's house. When Roan was about to fix the door again, the elevator not far from the corridor opened, and two young white men walked out from it.

  Seeing Roan in full armor and the white FBI words written on Mona's body armor, the two white youths were taken aback, looked at each other, and walked towards the stairs not far from the elevator.

  After fixing the door, Roan tilted his head to see this scene, took out the Glock 18 calmly, protected Mona behind him, and shouted loudly:

   "You two, don't leave yet..."

  The next second, the two white youths who had just walked to the door of the stairs decisively drew their guns, and pulled the trigger in the direction of Luo An without aiming.

   Just as the two white youths stretched their hands into their arms, Roan's eyes flickered coldly, and while pushing Mona back into Erken's house forcefully, he raised his hand and shot, hitting the center of the back of the white youth on the left.


boom! boom!



   Three shots were fired, and Roan hid sideways into the room unharmed.

  One of the two white youths screamed and fell headfirst down the stairs, while the other yelled and ran down the stairs, ready to help his companion up and take him to run away together.

   "Roan, are you okay?"

   Mona, who was pushed to the ground by Roan, quickly got up from the ground, her face was full of anxiety, Roan turned her head and grinned:

   "I'm fine! Don't worry."

  The moment he fired the gun just now, Roan felt that although his reaction speed was not as quick as when he was in the basement, it was still a little faster than before.

  Thinking of this, Roan no longer hesitated, and decisively rushed out with the Glock 18 in a fighting posture.

  Mona followed closely after seeing this, but what shocked her was that the time difference between her and Roan going out was less than two seconds, but as soon as she walked out of the room, Roan rushed to the end of the corridor.


  Mona cursed secretly in her heart: "Why is Roan so fast?"

  Roan didn't know what Mona was thinking. The moment he rushed to the stairs, Roan decisively threw a shock bomb towards the corner of the stairs.


  The moment the shock bomb exploded, the eyes of the two young Caucasians were filled with white light, their ears hurt sharply, and their heads were dizzy.

  Roan raised his mouth slightly when he saw this, raised his hand and aimed the Glock 18 at the arms of the two white youths, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom! boom!


  The arm was hit by a bullet, and the pistols in the hands of the two white youths fell to the ground in an instant. They subconsciously prepared to pick it up, but Roan had already rushed in front of them amidst the incredible faces of the two.

  A gust of wind hit, and the two young Caucasians were hit **** the face. The bridge of their noses collapsed, and they fell to the ground with their heads up.

  By the time Mona rushed to the stairs with a gun, Roan had already handcuffed the two together.

  Mona: ".FU-K!"

   The author was sent on a business trip today, and now board the plane o(╥﹏╥)o

   In the last week or so, the update time has been temporarily changed to 8:00 p.m., and after returning from a business trip, it will be changed to 12:30 p.m.




  (end of this chapter)