MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 66 Case investigation direction (please read more! Please recommend!)

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  Chapter 66 Case Investigation Direction (Seek further reading! Please recommend!)

   "Yes, I did say that before."

  Roan nodded, then shook his head and said:

   "But I found that it may not be useful to simply look for the victim's marriage time. We still have to start with the murderer."


  Lacey and Ryder walked out of the conference room with question marks on their faces. Roan took out the folder of the victim's information file at his desk.

   Greeting Mona who was still typing on the keyboard, Roan took out a signature pen and drew a big circle on the missing time of the four victims.

"Watch carefully"

  Roan placed the file folder in front of the three of them, and said in a deep voice:

  "It just occurred to me that the first victim disappeared eight months ago, converted into weeks, roughly 32 weeks ago,

  The second victim disappeared two months ago, converted into weeks, roughly 8 weeks ago,

  The third victim disappeared a month ago, converted into weeks, roughly 4 weeks ago,

  The fourth victim, who disappeared 2 weeks ago.

  Of course, this time is when the case was handed over to our No. 5 investigation, not today. "

   "Holly Shit!"


   Seeing the numbers written by Roan on the file, Lacey and Ledzizi cursed, while Mona's eyes lit up, and she shouted:

   "Geometric sequence?"

   "Not waiting."


   Ignoring what he answered subconsciously, Roan nodded to Mona and said:

  "It may be a geometric sequence, but a 16 is missing in the middle. We can boldly speculate that there should be another victim about four months ago, but no one has found her body yet.

   Or the police in New Jersey had found her body, but the body was classified by the police in other cases. "


   Cursing the police in New Jersey in a low voice, Lacey looked away from the file and asked Roan:

   "But 2 in the geometric sequence is already the smallest number, does it mean that the murderer will not kill again?"

   "It's just possible that it is a geometric sequence, not 100%."

  Roan shook his head and said in a deep voice:

  "From another perspective, two 2s are 4, and two 4s are 8, so which two things add up to 2?"

   "Two 1s!"

   "Biaozi raised it!"

   Lacey answered, Mona cursed secretly, Ryder frowned, and took a sip of bitter coffee.

  This means that the murderer may continue to commit crimes this week.


   Walking to the front of the office area of ​​the No. 5 investigation team, Roan took a whiteboard, erased some of what Augustus had written on it, and began to write seriously.

   Moments later, under the dignified eyes of the agents of the No. 5 investigation team, Roan finished writing all the clues and analysis he had obtained so far.

   Coughed lightly, just about to introduce to everyone, Augustus and Verenice suddenly walked in.


  Verinis waved her hand, seeing all the agents of the No. 5 investigation team surrounding Roan, she asked in a cold voice:

"what happened?"

   "It's nothing, I'm just going to analyze the case with you."

  Roan threw the pen in his hand aside, looked at Vernis and asked with a smile:

   "Sir, do you have any new tasks for us?"

   Didn't answer Roan's question, Vernis walked to the whiteboard, looked carefully for a moment, then tilted her head and asked:

   "The serial murder case of the female corpse in the lake?"

  Roan, who was winking with Augustus and asking Verinis why she came to the No. 5 investigation team, heard Vernis' cold voice and immediately replied:

   "That's right, this is the case. I just got some new clues and I'm going to discuss it with you."

  Verinis nodded, without saying anything, she casually pulled an agent's chair, and sat down with her legs crossed:



  Seeing that Augustus also pulled a chair and sat beside Verinisi, and didn't tell himself anything, Roan licked the corner of his mouth, didn't care, picked up a pen and started introducing.


  The whiteboard marker was tapped on the upper left corner, Roan pointed to the PPT, pointed to the information on the whiteboard and said:

"First victim, Linda Kipo, married, twenty-eight. Second victim, Beatrice Leon, married, thirty-four. Third victim, Nata Lee Carlyle, married, 25. The fourth victim, Tamara Terry, married, 30.

  When the case was first handed over to the No. 5 investigation team, we only found the following similarities between the victims:

  First: They are all married women.

  Second: After the murderer kidnapped the victims, they tortured them for a period of time, resulting in bruises on their upper body and lacerations on their lower body.

  Third: The way the murderer kills them is to directly strangle them with a rope.

  Fourth: After murdering them, they all took away the rings from the victim's hand. "

Hearing Roan's narration, Mona Lacey and other detectives became more focused, Augustus nodded in satisfaction, Vernis's legs turned up and down, her lips were slightly pursed, her expression remained the same, and she did not speak. .

   "Because the victim's body was soaked in the lake for too long, the forensic doctor could not find the murderer's DNA, and the above information could not determine the identity of the murderer, so we launched a follow-up investigation."

  Roan took the whiteboard marker, tapped the text in the center area of ​​the whiteboard, and said solemnly:

   “During our investigation, we discovered a new connection between the victims:

  First: The church where the four victims got married was a family, and they were all Little St. Phil’s Church.

  Second: Draw a circle with a radius of 3 miles around the Little St. Phil's Church. The lake where the body was found and the homes of the four victims are all within this circle.

  Third: The time when the four victims disappeared, that is, the time when the murderer started. If converted into weeks, they are 32 weeks ago, 8 weeks ago, 4 weeks ago, and 2 weeks ago. 16 is missing, which is suspected to be a geometric sequence. "

Hearing this, Mona and Lacey, who was hugging her slender waist, didn't change their expressions. Ryder took another sip of the bitter coffee, and the rest of the detectives looked solemn. Augustus opened his mouth to ask questions, but he couldn't see Vernis, who was on the side, fell silent again.

  Verinis looked at the words on the whiteboard, narrowed her eyes slightly, thought for a moment and asked:

   "What are you going to do next?"

  Roan glanced at Verenice, his expression unchanged, pointing to the text in the upper right corner of the whiteboard with a whiteboard marker, and said in a deep voice:

   "First of all, Agents Lacey and Agent Ryder have already retrieved the information list of new couples in Little St. Phil's Church in the past two and a half years.

  Secondly, according to the data, the first victim, Linda Qibo, got married eleven months ago and disappeared eight months ago. The second victim, Beatrice Leon, married five months ago and disappeared two months ago. The third victim, Natalie Carlyle, was married four months ago and disappeared a month ago.

   Except for the fourth victim, Tamara Terry, who was married eight years ago but disappeared two weeks ago, all the others were taken away by the murderer in the third month after their marriage.

  So we have four things to do next:

  First: Carefully investigate the people in the Little St. Phil's Church. It is impossible for this case to have nothing to do with them.

  Second: Focus on checking the couples who got married in Little St. Phil's Church three months ago and are currently living in the circle, and check whether there are any missing incidents among these couples this week.

   During the investigation, we must leave our contact information, so that if a case occurs later, the family members of the victim can contact us in time.

Third: Investigate the couples who got married in St. Phil's Church 16 weeks ago and three months ago, that is, seven months ago, and lived in the circle within four months after marriage, to see if any disappearances happened to them body.

  If there is such a case, then we may find traces of the murderer and catch the murderer.

  Fourth: Investigate the criminals who live near the Little St. Phil Church in the circle and have been imprisoned for rape, stalking, and obscenity, but have just been released from prison in the past year.

  Because the forensic report shows that the murderer is not the first time to kill, and the crimes are gradually escalated, these people are also very suspicious. "

   Having said that, Roan turned around and said to everyone with a serious expression:

   "The more the murderer does, the greater the chance of mistakes, and the higher the chance of us catching each other. I believe that as long as all the detectives of our No. 5 investigation team work together, we will be able to catch this murderer!"


   "That's right!"

   "Good job!"

  After listening to Luo An's analysis, all the agents of the No. 5 investigation team were encouraged and applauded.

  Augus also got up and left the chair, slapped Roan on the shoulder, grinned a few times, looked back at the agents, and shouted:

   "Now, everyone, let me investigate the people Roan just said! Let's throw the murderer into prison as quickly as possible!"

  The detectives took the information of the newlyweds in the big cardboard box, ran back to their workstations, and started working.

  The expression on Verenice’s face did not change, but she was also very satisfied in her heart. She got up and left the chair and walked towards Augustus’s team leader’s office.

   When passing by Roan, Vernis said to Roan in a cold voice:

"Come in."

  Roan: "?"

   Thanks to Jie Lieyi, yunlong buddies, Shanhui, Adan AJT and other book friends for their rewards, thank you all for your support!



  (end of this chapter)