MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 33 15 hours by car

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  Chapter 33 1.5 hours by car

  Hearing Lacey asked him to move his legs, Roan blinked, moved his legs, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

When he arrived at the intersection immediately, Roan slammed the steering wheel, and a burst of scorched black smoke rose from the ground. With Darren's screams, the dark SUV circled the waiting cars at the intersection in a strange arc, and drove into the intersection. In the center of the mouth, he rushed out to the left.

  Lacey, who was sitting in the co-pilot, clenched her teeth and tried not to scream, but was driven by the centrifugal force of the car drifting, and sat down on Roan's right leg.

   Then Lacey found out in horror that Roan didn't take his foot off the accelerator at all.

   "Roan, you."

   Before Lacey could speak, Roan had found the best route, threw Lacey back to the co-pilot, held the steering wheel with both hands, and shouted:

   "Passengers, please pay attention, I'm going to speed up!"


   "Shit! Isn't that already the fastest speed?"

  Darren shouted with a dry throat and difficulty breathing, Lacey's face was pale, Roan looked down at the pointer of the speedometer, since it has not reached the end, it is not the fastest speed.

   No more hesitation, Roan shifted gears with his right hand and stepped on the fuel tank at the same time. Amidst the restless roar of the engine, the SUV sprang out like an arrow from the string, heading straight to the distant future.

  At the same time, Agent Joker was sitting in the car holding the steering wheel, looking at the dark ruts on the ground, and then at the congested intersection ahead, with a dull expression and a little doubt about life.

  Suddenly, Jock's cell phone rang, and after pressing the answer button, an eager female voice came from the opposite side:

   "Agent Joker, is the license plate number *** of the agent's car you mentioned?"


  Jock nodded, he remembered who the other party was, the well-known field reporter of New York News, Linette.

  Linette was one of the high-level journalists contacted by Matthews.

Hearing Jock's affirmative answer, Linette hung up the phone without saying a word, lowered her head and wrote "FBI agents are blatantly speeding, disregarding the safety of others" in the small notebook, and then patted the photographer in charge of driving. Teacher, pointing with his right hand to the SUV moving forward like black lightning:

   "Follow that car! Tonight's bonus is all up to him!"


  Hearing the word "bonus", the photographer let out a strange cry, and immediately stepped on the accelerator and chased after the SUV.

  After a traffic light, they didn't even see the rear of the SUV.

  Linette: "."

  Photographer: "."

   Forty minutes later.

  On a certain path in Bear Mountain State Park, North Hudson, Lacey leaned on her knees and bent over to vomit, and Darren was lying unconscious on the back seat of the car.

  Roan lifted his wrist, looked at the time on the watch, and shook his head disdainfully:

   "Augus said it would take 1.5 hours to get here from New York, how could it take that long?"


  Hearing Roan's words, Lacey, who had recovered a little bit, had black lines all over her head. She tried her best not to take out her pistol and gave it to him. She wiped her mouth and took a deep breath before asking:

   "I'll never ride in your car again in my life what's next?"

  Roan tilted his head and glanced at the hut in the forest not far from here, took out the Glock 18 and opened the insurance, saying simply:

   "Secretly touch the past to see if the murderer is here."


   Lacey nodded, took out her pistol and followed Roan's footsteps, and did not forget to close the SUV's door before leaving here, but at the same time left a gap for the rear window of the SUV.

  Afraid that Darren would suffocate in the car.

  The hut in the woods that Darren mentioned is actually a small wooden two-story villa. It looks a little old on the outside, but the courtyard occupies a very wide area, and there is a small swimming pool filled with water in the southwest corner of the courtyard.

  Roan simply scanned for a week without finding the camera, and gestured to Lacey, and the two of them turned into the courtyard quietly.

Entering the courtyard, a taxi that can be seen everywhere on the streets of New York is parked in the garage of the villa. The taxi door is open, and a red lady's handbag is tilted on the back seat of the car. Seeing this, Lacey's eyes flashed, and she whispered to Roan said:

   "It's Sabina's bag."

  While looking at Sabina's information, Mona had led her to discuss the style of this bag for a long time, and Lacey was very impressed by this.

  Roan whispered to Lacey:

   "It seems that we have found the right place, the murderer should be here."

   Lacey was a little excited. She didn't expect them to find the murderer so quickly. Just as she bent down and walked into the villa along the garage, Roan suddenly reached out and stopped her.


   Lacey was puzzled, Roan moved his nose, stood in place and observed the taxi carefully, and found that the fuel tank cap of the taxi had disappeared.

  Following Roan's guidance, Lacey also saw the missing fuel tank cap, and just about to ask questions, Roan suddenly jumped up on the spot and crushed her to the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

The taxi took these bullets for Roan and Lacey. Before the two could speak, several bullets hit the garage and the door of the villa. Roan took out the shock bomb from his waist without hesitation. Throw it in the direction of the gunshot.


  Glaring light and deafening noise sounded at the same time. Roan, who was ready for protection, got up the moment the sound ended, and rushed straight to the gate connecting the garage and the villa, but found no enemy.


Before Roan searched the room, a man's shout and a woman's struggle suddenly came from the balcony on the second floor of the villa. Roan and Lacey walked towards the corner with guns in hand to prevent the other party from shooting themselves. The other party shouted:

   "Don't even think about arresting me! Tell you guys! I filled my bedroom and balcony with gasoline! If you force your way into the room, I'll go to **** with this woman!"

   "woo woo woo"

  Roan stood in a corner and carefully looked towards the balcony, only to see a woman in a hollowed-out dress with her mouth stuck with tape, her hands tied behind her back, and she kept whining and shaking her head.

  A man held a gun in his right hand against a woman's head, while lowering his head and hiding his head tightly behind the woman's back.

  Roan's face was very ugly. He couldn't find the shooting angle in this position and couldn't kill the opponent.

   And the other party said that there was gasoline on the balcony, so he didn't dare to use the shock bomb for the time being. The strong light produced when the shock bomb exploded had a high chance of igniting the gasoline in the room.

  This villa is still made of wood, so it would be troublesome if it caught fire.

   and Lacey looked at each other, motioning for the other party to call for help, Roan followed the murderer's words and shouted:

   "Relax, buddy! I promise you, don't break into the bedroom! You can make any demands! As long as you don't hurt the hostages, everything is easy to talk about!"

   On the other side, Lacey hurried to the side of the villa, took out her mobile phone and called the headquarters.

   "This is Augustus."

  In the office area of ​​the No. 5 investigation team, Augustus connected the phone and glanced down at his watch. Forty minutes had passed since Roan and the others set off.

  Based on the 1.5-hour drive, they should have just traveled one-third of the distance. .

  Is it because the car broke down when calling at this time?

   Ask for collection! Ask for collection!



  (end of this chapter)