MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 2 because he is handsome

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  Chapter 2 Because he is handsome enough

  Roan took the old killer's words seriously.

  He originally thought that if he couldn't get along in the FBI, he would go out and do some private work to make money, but he didn't expect the FBI to solve the case and get legal money!

Seeing the pile of unsolved cases in the archives of the FBI New York Branch in my memory, and the series of numbers behind the cases, and thinking of the well-known IRS department in the United States, Roan instantly regained his spirits, and grabbed the person who was still introducing him to the case. Mona asked in a low voice:

   "The two of us cooperated alone in this case, and the reward is 50% afterward, how about it?"

  Under normal circumstances, new trainee detectives investigate this kind of case in a team of three to five people. There are considerations for the reasonable distribution of points and safety considerations.

  After all peaceful America, gun battles every day.


  Hearing Roan's words, Mona fell silent, and laughed a few seconds later:

   "This joke is not funny, Roan. You don't seem to have solved a case alone since you joined the FBI New York branch."

  That was me before, not me now.

  Roan is very confident about whether he can solve the case—it is true that he will not solve the case, but he will commit it!

   Both are cases, the two should be similar

  Seeing Roan's handsome face, which is no less than that of a reader, staring at her, Mona's heart skipped a beat. After coughing lightly, she turned her gaze to the photo on the desktop:

   "I'll talk about this matter later, you can read the relevant information of this case first."


  Roan didn't force Mona, and he really needed to see the photos of the crime scene.

  On the other side, in a bright and spacious office, five middle-aged men in shirts were drinking coffee while watching a large screen hanging on the wall.

  The big screen is the real-time video of the twenty intern detectives analyzing the case in the meeting room.

  Mediterranean knocked on the door and walked into the office, handed the folders in his hand to the five investigation team leaders one by one, and said with a smile:

   "Sirs, these are the personal data and inspection period performances of the new trainee agents in the meeting room."


  Mediterranean turned and left, and the five investigation team leaders began to look through the information in their hands. After a while, they selected a few agents that they wanted to be transferred to their own investigation team in the future.

  Bruosen, the leader of the No. 1 investigation team, took a sip of his coffee, tilted his head and glanced at the character chosen by Augustus, the leader of the No. 5 investigation team, frowned puzzled, and asked:

   "Augus, why did you choose Roan Greenwood?"


   "Choose Roan Greenwood?"

  Hearing what Brosen said, the other three team leaders became interested. They also read the performance data of Roan Greenwood during this period, but they all chose to give up each other.

Without it, people who dare not fight back after being bullied will not be able to survive in a place like the FBI. Even if Roan looks for an opportunity to beat Fisher up, the three team leaders will have a higher opinion of Roan grade.

  The leader of investigation team No. 5 is a middle-aged black man with a big belly, named Augustus.

   Seeing several colleagues looking at him in puzzlement, Augustus raised his legs and laughed:

   "There is no other reason, just because Roan Greenwood is handsome."


  Several team leaders turned their heads to look at the big screen, and saw Roan with short brown hair, tough facial features, tall and well-proportioned body without looking bloated, and the muscles inside could be seen through the suit.

   "He is indeed a handsome guy."

  The leader of the No. 2 investigation team nodded, tilted his head and smiled:

   "But what's the use of being handsome if you're an idiot? I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to shoot when I meet a criminal! And our FBI agents don't need to be too handsome, it's too easy to impress others."

  Augus didn't care about the other party's teasing, drank his own coffee in one gulp, and replied with a smile:

   "A softie can also be useful as a softie. With Roan's face, just a few months of simple training, it is definitely a sharp weapon against female criminals."


   On the other side, in the meeting room.

  Roan looked at the victim's body in the photo with a calm expression.

  In his cognition, in normal crimes, excluding passion killings, there are only three remaining reasons for killing:

  For money, for love, for revenge.

   In the photo, the wound on the victim's heart is very large. According to experience, the distance between the murderer and the victim will never exceed two meters.

  In addition, the victim died at night and was shot from the front, then

   "The murderer most likely followed Mike Robert for a long time, and then stopped him at the place where the victim died."

  In Mona's bewildered expression, Roan analyzed her solemnly:

   "But it was actually just a temptation. The murderer had already determined that the person he wanted to kill was the person in front of him. So the moment Mike Robert turned his head, bang! Killed him with one shot."

"Wait a moment."

  Mona crossed her hands on her chest to interrupt Roan's continued analysis, and asked in doubt:

   "How do you know that the murderer is following Mike, instead of waiting for Mike there, and even stopped him?"

"It does not matter."

  Roan waved his hand and didn't answer Mona's question. This is all from the killer's experience, so it's inconvenient to say, so he continued:

   "According to the photos of the crime scene, I can be sure that the murderer took one or several things from Mike. This is also the murderer's goal, so we."


  Mona interrupted Roan's analysis and said seriously:

"Roan, what you're saying now is just your speculation, and the crime scene report doesn't say that the victim lost anything. Why do you think the murderer was premeditated, not a murder of passion. There are also hate crimes. "Passion Kills"

  Roan smiled and did not answer, but asked instead:

   "Would you like to join me and solve this case with me. The bounty is half for each person."

  Mona is a computer expert, and she really needs the help of technical talents.

   "She won't play house with you, a rookie who is really involved in solving a case for the first time."

   Without waiting for Mona to answer, Fisher, who had analyzed the clues with other agents for a long time, came over with a notebook and said to Roan:

   "Listen, Roan, as long as you beg me now, I will give you a place in my team to sort out the materials, because you have always sorted out the materials quickly and neatly before, and I am very optimistic about you."

  Hearing what Fisher said, several trainee agents who had a good relationship with him burst into laughter. Markey, the guy who had cheated on Roan, also walked up to him, and put his arm around Roan's shoulder:

   "This is actually for the good of Luo An. Think about it carefully, just sorting out the information and you will get points. How simple and easy. You don't need to run around, and there is no danger of meeting criminals!"

   There was a sneer on the corner of Roan's mouth, his eyes were serious, he smiled and put his arms around Fisher and Markey's shoulders, and said in a deep voice:

"How about this, you join my team, I go out to investigate the murderer, you just help me sort out the information! This is also for your own good, just think about it, just sorting out the information will get you points, how simple and easy, there is no The danger of confronting criminals!"

   Roan's words fell into the ears of the two, and Fisher and Markey blushed and became furious, subconsciously reaching out to Roan, trying to push him away from their side.

   "You can't say that I still want to do it?"

Before the two of them could react, Roan suddenly yelled, and then he clenched his right fist and hit Fisher's left ear hard, then bent down to avoid Maggie's right hand, and kicked Maggie's ankle with a click , Markey screamed loudly, and Roan grabbed his leg before he could retract it in time, and was directly pulled forward by Roan.

   Right in the crotch of Fisher.


  (end of this chapter)