MTL - Legend of the Great Saint-v14 Chapter 20 Sharp turn

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A moment ago, Dai Mengfan rushed into the Tianshulou, and she was taken aback by the sight.

The clean, neatly placed bookshelves, which have been cleaned up, have fallen to the ground, and millions of books have been piled up into a book mountain.

At the top of Shushan, a sun is falling, and the dust is flying in the light. An Xuan Yi old man is reading one of them down, one page at a time, and watching it very slowly.

"See Spirit!" Dai Mengfan wanted to reject the appointment of Master Sister. However, before she spoke, she returned to Hailing and said: "This is an order."

"If I refused?" Dai Mengfan angered and returned to Hailing, she did not want to be a master of Laos, to fight with the demons.

"You have to rebel?" Guihai Ling Zun raised his eyelids.

Under the watchful eyes of the deep, deep, deep sea, Dai Mengfan's anger suddenly disappeared, as if engulfed by the cold sea water, bowed his head: "The disciple does not dare."

She deeply understands that if she is disobeyed on the spot, I am afraid I can't walk out of the Tianshulou.

In the eyes of Qingyangguan, she is an unattainable big man, but in the Vientiane, the true disciple is just a consumable substitute. If it is placed in the entire practice road, it is even more worth mentioning.

She did not dare to resist a strong man, and even dared not to escape from the Vientiane. As today, the catastrophe is coming, and the Vientiane is her only refuge.

Even though the **** of the gods stands at the top of all practitioners, it is still only a practitioner.

Not adult, it is illusory.

Returning to the sea, Ling Zun lowered his eyes and said nothing. He only waved his hand. She rolled back to the true temple and became the master sister of the Vientiane.

At this moment, I heard the words "master sister". Dai Mengfan’s forehead burst into a blue vein. The anger suddenly broke out, staring at Yang Miaozhen with a disgusting expression.

For a moment, she was just like a person, and she was still passionate like a summer, and it was as cold as a winter. The fierce momentum released from the whole body filled the entire hall in an instant, and all the people in the temple were stunned, and the horror of a monk who was repaired by the peak was deeply realized.

Only Yang Miaozhen is not moved, and there is a kind of resoluteness in the light.

Dai Mengfan’s heart jumped as if she saw the shadow of “the man”. She could not help but converge on some momentum, but the atmosphere became more and more dignified. “Sister and sister are kind!”

"In my generation, people shouldn’t have too many selfish distractions."

Yang Miaozhen’s smoky eyes swept over the people of Qingyang, including Qingyang real people. No one dared to look at her. Finally, she returned to Dai Mengfan and smiled. “And that person taught me, practiced. The Tao is brave and daring, not afraid of death."

"Then you know, what is the consequence of the relationship between the human and the magic domain?"

"I have always concentrated on practicing, not asking the world."

"I read that you are a personal talent, then I will ask you again, what is your relationship with Li Qingshan?"

Yang Miaozhen replied indifferently: "It is an old man and the father of my child."

"There is no way." Dai Mengfan gave both hands a hand and categorically ordered: "Take her down!"

However, in addition to the Qingyang view of the people in the temple, there are no other Vientiane disciples, she looked at the Qingyang real people.

Qingyang is a sweaty man, such as sitting on a needle felt.

Dai Mengfan blinked a little: "You are also old with Li Qingshan?"

"Of course not! Master Qi Qi, of course not!" Qingyang real people repeatedly shake hands: "Li Qingshan abandon humanity, become a devil, everyone can be stunned. This **** rape, I can not wait to produce meat, How can he relate to him?"

He knows well that in the human world, you can kill the massacre and sacrifice the soul. As long as you don't get into other practitioners, no one will take care of you.

However, if it is related to the demon domain, even if it is forced to deceive, it will definitely be sanctioned by the Tiangong, or it will kill all the major gates, or directly send the Liuding Liujia to the next, not only to kill it completely. , but also to fight the soul, and never live forever.

And those monks who broke into the demon domain are even more called "human traitors", even more odious than the demons themselves, even if they can not sanction themselves, all those related to them.

, all have to be affected. The lighter is the way to cut off the practice, the heavy one is a dead end, into the reincarnation.

Therefore, even today's master sister Dai Mengfan must work hard to draw a line with Li Qingshan.

Dai Mengfan frowned: "I still don't do it. Are you not a disciple of Vientiane?"

"Follow the order." Qingyang real people led the way to Yang Miaozhen.



In the city of Vientiane, there was a dead silence, and everyone had not recovered from the shock, as if they had been confined at the same time. In the true temple, the bells suddenly sounded, and all the true disciples were summoned, and other idlers were expelled.

In an instant, I saw a ray of light breaking through the sky and falling into the true temple.

The sound of a slap in the shadow of the smashing of the Vientiane City was like a blasting of the pot. All the monks spoke up and talked loudly.

Master Vientiane’s brothers broke into the demon domain. This is a big scandal and an unheard of anecdote. Is this a precursor to the world’s robbery?

In the true temple, the formation is open and the portal is closed.

The true disciples are sitting in the order of the Vientiane list. One by one, the brows are wrinkled and contemplative. It seems that they are still digesting this amazing news.

Dai Mengfan is sitting in a high position and is in the top position: "What are you going to say to your teachers and sisters?"

"Aoyama can never break into the demon domain!" A slender and soft voice rang from the corner, but it was full of unshakable trust. "There must be some misunderstandings in this."

Dai Mengfan looked up and saw that the woman with green clothes like bamboo and long hair like ink sat quietly there, but her expression was a little excited.

"Hey, sister, do you want to say that spiritual respect is wrong?"

Luyao bamboo hangs down the dagger, holding the corner of his clothes and silent.

Dai Mengfan stood up and said, "Since everyone has nothing to say, then let's hear it!"

"What is Pi Yangqiu?"

"The disciple is here."

"Feng Lingzun's life, Tianfu Division immediately recovered Xuan Ming Dong Fu."

"You want me to break?" Pi Yangqiu frowned. He had a lot of friendship with Li Qingshan. The place where Xuan Ming Dongfu was sent was handed over to Li Qingshan by his hand.

Dongfu is the lifeblood of the practitioners. It is not only the treasure of daily practice, but also the storage of all the family. It is necessary to lay down the mountain and there is absolutely no loss. If it is so easy to recover, it must be attacked by the mountains. In the mortal world, this kind of behavior is almost equivalent to copying the house, and it will end up with a big vengeance. It must be endless.

"And all the supplies in Dongfu."

"Oh, Master, I am afraid I don't have this ability." Pi Yangqiu is not willing to avenge Li Qingshan, I am afraid it is already a **** of evil.

"You have to rebel?" Dai Mengfan stared at his eyes with a sneer.

Pi Yangqiu’s heart was a glimpse and he couldn’t speak.

This terrible has made all the true disciples open their eyes, and the atmosphere is instantly dignified like iron, and there is a trace of blood.

"Don't be nervous, this is what the genius said to me." Dai Mengfan laughed at himself: "You may wish to consider whether you want to hear orders or rebel."

Pi Yangqiu only took the lead to retreat.

"Where is the cold?"

"The disciple is here."

"In the order of the spirit of the spirit, the Criminal Law Department immediately examined all the disciples in Zongmen who had close ties with Li Qingshan, so that they could draw a line with Li Qingshan."

"How do you figure out the boundaries?"

"This is your business."

Leng Yuan took the lead to retreat.

"What is the bamboo in Yaoyao."

Luyao Zhu Yingying got up and came to the temple. His expression was still a little confused. "The disciple is here."

"His mount, called Li Fengyuan's phoenix, is practicing in your garden!"


"Feng Lingzun's life, the herb garden immediately took Li Fengyuan!"

"..." Yuyao bamboo is not talking.

Dai Mengfan’s heart was soft and softly persuaded: “Wood, the sister gave you three days, you must not let go of Li Fengyuan, never have a demon, you must make a clear line with him, otherwise the sister will also Can't help

you! ”

"I know."