MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 334 The conference has begun (thanks to the leader of Starry Night's Dream of the Wild Star...

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Behind the nine magnificent palaces, there is a building that occupies a very large area. In front of this building is a huge square. The ground of the square is paved with special lapis lazuli, and some patterns and symbols are carved on the surface of the lapis lazuli.

These patterns and symbols are combined to form a giant magic circle, which is a kind of magic circle that can enhance defense. Under the protection of this magic circle, the lapis lazuli in the square will hardly be damaged by wear and tear.

Unless the force it bears exceeds the limit of the counteracting force that the magic circle can bear.

This giant square has special significance in the Nine Temples Giant City, and generally very important events will be held in the square.

This time, a new generation of Lord of the Nine Palaces will be selected from between Wang Xuan and Bai Xue, and the battle between the two will also be held in this square.

In the square at this moment, several teams are fully armed, guarding the Quartet, waiting in full force, and the atmosphere is very dignified.

In a hall of that building, Yingtian, the master of the Yan Palace, Long Hao, the master of the Dragon Palace, and Yan Song, the deputy master of the temple, all gathered here. Besides them, Ning Chuan and others were also there. Everyone's goals are concentrated on the light and shadow in the center.

The agreed time was tomorrow, but Wang Xuan still stayed in the king's hall and hadn't returned. He couldn't use the energy of all parties because of Mr. Li. He wanted to delay the match again, but this time the opponent's forces rebounded extremely strongly.

In the end, Mr. Li's proposal failed to be approved by the elders' group, and it will still be held today according to the original agreement. If Wang Xuan does not appear today, it will be automatically judged as a failure according to the agreement, and Bai Xue will succeed the new generation of Nine Palaces.

On the lapis lazuli square outside, people appeared one after another.

First, there was a team of thirty-two people, all wearing uniform yellow armor, with uniform footwork, and marched towards the square. This was the Wang Weijun from the Palace of Kings. Two people form a small team.

In terms of individual strength, it is not very powerful, but the thirty-two people look like one person, and if they join forces, even the masters of the halls will have to back down.

In the entire eastern world, they are the elite of the elite. Only in major events and places can you see the Wang Weijun and the Divine Guard.

Following the appearance of the 32-person Wang Weijun squad, there were three men and a woman wearing a set of golden robes. All three of them were the deputy masters of the palace.

A group of them entered the square and stood at the top. After a while, another group of men and women wearing uniform phoenix armor appeared, they were the Phoenix Guards from the Phoenix Palace.

Under the protection of this group of Phoenix Guards, a few more people appeared. The leader was a woman wearing a phoenix robe and a phoenix helmet. She was the master of the Phoenix Hall.

Further behind was a group of Rakshasa guards from the "Rakshasa Hall". Under the guard of the Rakshasa guards, the Lord Rakshasa, who only showed a pair of eyes, appeared with three deputy masters of the Rakshasa Hall.

Group after group of people appeared in the square one after another. Today, almost all the main and deputy hall masters and hall guards of the halls are eligible to enter here. Besides, even the most outstanding mountain masters are not eligible to enter.

Afterwards, the guards of Xuandian and Justice Hall also appeared one after another. Zhou He accompanied Bai Xue to the square, and even the Xuandian Hall Master, who hadn't shown up for a long time, also appeared.

The master of Xuandian looks full of white hair, looks very old, looks old, and there are four deputy masters of Xuandian following him.

Following behind Zhou He and Bai Xue were three deputy hall masters from the Hall of Justice.

The main and deputy hall masters of the fifth hall belonging to the side of the hatching beast, except for the old man in yellow robe who was also the master of the nine halls, who also served as the master of the king hall, did not show up. All the masters and deputy hall masters of the other halls appeared.

The square gradually became lively, and the powerhouses of the Four Palaces belonging to the human forces also appeared one after another.

A squad of guards composed of thirty-two people appeared, led by a vice-master of the temple.

The Dragon Guard from the Dragon Palace, the Yaksha Guard from the Yaksha Palace, and the Yan Guard from the Yan Palace all appeared one after another.

Teams appeared one by one, and almost all of them were led by the deputy hall masters of each hall.

The masters of these halls are all gathered in a hall of the building on the other side of the square at this moment.

Yingtian, Longhao, Yueyehua and Yansong all had ugly faces, including Mr. Li

The three old men at the head are all staring at the light and shadow in front of them at this moment.

It has been two and a half months since Wang Xuan entered the North District on the first floor. Today has come to the appointed day. According to the previous arrangement, Wang Xuan and Bai Xue will fight today, and the winner will become the new Lord of the Nine Palaces.

But at this moment, the core members of the Nine Halls have arrived one after another, and more and more people gathered in the square. In addition to the main hall masters and a team of hall guards of each hall, some important figures in each hall whose strength has reached the ultimate level have also begun appear one after another.

Everyone will witness this battle together. The two contractors of the Book of Giant Gods will compete for the new Lord of the Nine Palaces. This is the first time that this is the first time in so many years.

The news had already spread among the high-level members of the Nine Halls, and those who were qualified to enter here did not want to miss it, which made more and more people appear on the square.

After a while, some gray-haired, very old men also began to appear from the buildings facing the square and walked out slowly.

These are the elders from the Board of Elders, and they also started to appear one after another.

These elders used to be the chief and deputy hall masters of the Nine Halls, but when their age and term of office were up, they retired and joined the elders group to become elders. Many of them had great prestige, including the current chief and deputy hall masters. They led and cultivated a very close relationship.

Seeing these elders appear, the main and deputy hall masters of each hall took the initiative to greet each other and greeted each other for a while, and the square became more and more lively.

But at the moment in the lobby of the building, Mr. Li, Yingtian, Long Hao and others seemed a little anxious.

Even if he has always been as calm and composed as Mr. Li, at this moment he can no longer be as calm as before.

If Wang Xuan fails to appear today, Bai Xue will win without a fight and become the new Lord of the Nine Palaces. Even if Wang Xuan appears again in the future, she will not be qualified to compete with her, and may even be hit and taken away by the giant **** book.

This was decided through the unanimous agreement of the elders, and even Li Lao couldn't change it.

Although he has great prestige, after all, he can't completely influence the decision of the elders group. After all, there are elders in the elders group who can fight against him.

At this moment, Wang Xuan had long forgotten the time, and he didn't even know that today was the agreed day to fight Baixue. He only had the ten bronze doors in front of him and the remnant soul of the king in his mind.

At this moment, he walked out of the ninth bronze door again, crossed his knees, and did not meditate, but was resting.

Li Lao and the others looked at Wang Xuan's unhurried appearance in the light and shadow, and were extremely anxious, but at this moment, no one could enter the King's Hall to inform him like him.

For the next month or so, Wang Xuan never challenged the king's remnant soul, and they didn't know what level Wang Xuan's strength had reached. If calculated according to the previous highest record, Wang Xuan could only block the king's remnant soul. Soul's twenty or thirty moves are far from Bai Xue's opponent, and there is no hope at all.

After all, Baixue was able to block hundreds of moves from the king's remnant soul a few months ago, and they even suspected that she had a hidden ability that was not used. In addition, she entered the Tower of Hell in the past few months, so it is very likely that she will have a new chance encounter. In contrast, the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

In the eyes of Mr. Li, Yingtian and others, Wang Xuan must at least be able to easily defeat the remnant soul of the king to have the ability to fight Baixue.

"What should I do? Is there a way to directly notify him to return?" Yingtian rubbed his hands anxiously, like ants on a hot pan.

Yue Yehua said: "Even if there is such a method, I don't think it is necessary to inform him. If he does not appear, although Bai Xue can succeed the Lord of the Nine Palaces, at least we still have a book of giant gods, but if Wang Xuan represents If we fight Baixue, if we fail, we may even want the Book of the Giant God, and if they take it away, it will be the most troublesome time for us.

Obviously, Yue Yehua was not optimistic about Wang Xuan at all, and thought that even if Wang Xuan appeared now, he could not be Bai Xue's opponent. Since he knew that he was doomed, he might as well not show up.

Long Hao said slowly: "Master Yue's words are not unreasonable. If it is true that we are bound to lose, it would be better than Zang Zhuo. At least we have a book of giant gods in our hands, and we can use this book to exchange for some benefits. "

Mr. Li just frowned with a pair of white eyebrows, listening to the speeches of several palace officials.

The masters talked without saying a word, and stared at the light and shadow, but Wang Xuan in the light and shadow stood up after resting for ten minutes.

He walked straight towards the last bronze door. This is also the tenth bronze door.

But Wang Xuan pushed on the bronze door with both hands, unexpectedly he didn't fall into it instantly like before, entering the world of the bronze door.

The tenth bronze door in front of him was motionless, he couldn't push it open.

Pushing hard again, this time not only failed to push away, but the force bounced back, making Wang Xuan take two steps back and frowned.

"The first nine doors can be opened easily, but something is wrong with the last door... Could it be that there is no chance encounter in this door, just a decoration? Or is there some special reason to open it?" Open?"

After thinking about it, Wang Xuan cut his left hand and sprinkled his own blood on it, hoping to use the blood to stimulate it.

Seeing the blood dripping slowly down the bronze door in front of him, Wang Xuan pushed hard again.

The bronze door in front of him vibrated slightly with a hum, and was pushed by Wang Xuan. At the same moment, a message appeared in his mind.

"Only by defeating the remnant soul of the former king can you be qualified to open the last bronze door and leave your name behind."

After that, an irresistible force gushed out from the vibrating bronze door, shaking Wang Xuan back two steps.

Sensing this message, Wang Xuan realized that if he wanted to open the last bronze door, he had to truly defeat the remnant soul of the king, otherwise he could only go to the ninth bronze door.

"The so-called leaving your own name on the last bronze door, but what exactly does it mean?"

Wang Xuan turned around while meditating, and looked at the bronze throne deep in the hall and the skeleton sitting on it.

Then start walking, approaching the Bronze Throne.

He hasn't challenged the remnant soul of the king these days, but this time he can't. He has to challenge again, and he needs to defeat the remnant soul of the king to be eligible to open the tenth bronze door.

Wang Xuan had a feeling in his heart that the tenth bronze door must be very important, and there might be something special hidden inside.

As Wang Xuan approached, the skeleton on the bronze throne at the end of the hall began to emit light, and the light rose upwards, and soon a human-shaped light and shadow came out of it.

Holding a sword in his right hand, the figure of Light and Shadow hangs by his side, quietly standing in front of the five bronze seats, waiting for Wang Xuan to approach.

Although there is only a wisp of remnant soul left, the former king still has supreme majesty, but standing quietly, there is an indescribable coercion. Generally, the ultimate powerhouse can hardly stand in front of it. stable.

However, Wang Xuan, who has gone through the nine bronze doors, has almost completed a reborn transformation in the past two months. The strength of his mind and will has reached an unimaginable level. is constantly approaching.

"This time should be the last time I challenge you. This time, I must defeat you."

Wang Xuan raised his right hand and pointed at the human figure of the king's remnant soul from the air. On his left arm, white light began to gather, forming white-haired and glowing parts one by one.

The combination of these parts forms a giant mechanical arm with a length of more than two meters.

With a sound of "Huh", the Mechanic God's arm flew out in the air, and blasted towards the light and shadow of the human figure of the king's remnant soul.

With the improvement of his own combat power, the power of the Mechanic God's arm has also become stronger. Under one blow, the humanoid light and shadow raised the sword in his right hand to block it as usual, but this time the lightsaber in its hand shook, and it actually blocked it. Unable to attack with the mechanical god's arm, his body began to retreat.

With a sound of "Boom", the Mechanic God's arm once again showed its power, and a loud noise erupted. The human figure light and shadow suddenly shattered, but it was an afterimage. Cut out seven or eight swords in between, and immediately enveloped Wang Xuan in front, back, left, and right.

However, the current Wang Xuan has been astonishingly improved in terms of speed, strength, and reaction ability. When the light and shadow of the human figure of the king's remnant soul were shattered, he already understood what happened, and immediately entered "Ghost Car Night Walk", staying in place. next one


Sure enough, the attack of the king's remnant soul only shattered the afterimage left by him. The real Wang Xuan opened his six ghost wings together, soared into the air, and appeared above the king's remnant soul. While retracting the arm of the mechanical god, he waved his right hand Pulled out, the four metal tentacles pulled down like whips.

Half of the original black metal surface of the four metal tentacles has turned blue, like pieces of blue iron.

The blue and black metal tentacles were several times more powerful than before. When the four tentacles were pulled down, there was a loud bang, and a sword energy shot up into the sky, turning into a huge rainbow of light, supporting the four metal tentacles.

The remnant soul of the king erupted with real power. This power was simply terrifying. It was like overwhelming mountains and seas. In an instant, the four metal tentacles that had been pulled out bounced off. , sucked the four tentacles into it, and the tentacles and lightsaber rubbed against each other, making dazzling sparks and piercing sounds.

Wang Xuan knew something was wrong, and while retracting the metal tentacles with all his strength, he mentally launched a ghost wing attack.

The six ghost wings turned into steel feathers together, and one or two hundred steel feathers shot violently in the air, covering the remnant soul of the king like horse training.

There are blue spots on the surface of each steel feather, which penetrates into it, which means that the power of the blue crystal scales is not only integrated into the power of the monster, but also into the power of the ghost car.

The power of the steel feather fused with the power of the blue crystal scales doubled, instantly piercing through the light and shadow of the king's remnant soul.

The light and shadow were shaking violently, and one or two hundred steel feathers pierced through its body, turning it into a transparent sieve.

But the light and shadow were shaking, and their strength was not fading. It threw the long sword in its right hand upwards, and the lightsaber flew out and began to split.

A lightsaber split into two, two into four, four into eight, eight into sixteen, sixteen into thirty-two...

In the blink of an eye, the void above it was densely packed with split lightsabers.

Wang Xuan knew something was wrong, so he rushed up in the air first, trying to defeat the light and shadow, and crack the sky-filled lightsaber.

It's a pity that it was still a step late. The human figure stretched out his hand and pointed, and the countless lightsabers floating above shot towards Wang Xuan crazily.

Its power is strong and its number is large, far stronger than the one or two hundred steel feather attacks launched by Wang Xuan just now.

There was no escape, so Wang Xuan could only sacrifice the Ice Dragon Shield to resist.

A huge ice dragon appeared and immediately protected his surroundings against the lightsaber baptism that came all over the sky.

"Boom boom boom"

It lasted less than half a second before the ice dragon shattered.

But with this half a second, Wang Xuan has calmed down and entered the "Ghost Car Night Walk".

The passage of time around him was slowing down, a huge fuzzy phantom swelled out of his body, six pitch-black wings stretched out, covered each other, fanned down, and pressed towards the lightsabers that were shot violently.

The sound of "click" is endless.

These lightsabers shot like horses continued to shatter and disappear under the cover, but the six pitch-black wings were also impacted by severe force and continued to shatter.

Soon, the six pitch-black wings completely shattered and disappeared, and Wang Xuan seized this moment to leave afterimages in the air, allowing the sky-filled lightsabers to pierce through these afterimages, and the real him was approaching the remnant soul of the king , ready to give it a fatal blow and defeat it.

As long as you can defeat the king's remnant soul, you will definitely be able to defeat it.

The four retracted metal tentacles entwine along the hands and legs, turning into giant arms and legs of a monster, and entering the state of a Both fists come out, coming from left and right, and then concentrated on the king's remnant In front of the light and shadow of the human form of the soul.

The sky was bursting with light, and all that was shattered were the afterimages left by Wang Xuan. The human figure of the king's remnant soul was empty-handed. Seeing Wang Xuan's fists appearing in front of him, it also raised both fists, fist to fist, and confronted head-on.

There was a "boom".

The bodies of both sides shook slightly, followed by countless shadows of fists appearing in front of both sides. Wang Xuan threw out hundreds of punches in an instant, and the human figure, not to be outdone, also threw out hundreds of punches, each of which intercepted Wang Xuan's attack.

Wang Xuan only felt that the opponent's strength was overwhelming

The sea is getting stronger and stronger. Humanoid Light and Shadow is worthy of being the former king. Even after countless years have passed away, the remaining power is still immeasurable.

But even if the opponent is the once supreme king, Wang Xuan will defeat him today.

(Thanks to the leader of Starry Night's Dream of Hoshino for the reward today, thank you! I will make up the leader's addition when I am free later)