MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 219 God and Buddha

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A long whistle sounded, and the rock giant launched by Yukai slammed into the air, slamming into the retracted eight-lobed blood-red tongue.

Following Tang Ruoyu's appearance, she clasped the two-meter giant sword in her hands. She and the white tiger completed the fusion, and her strength had broken through and entered the super-high level. The two-meter giant sword appeared bright white light, suddenly. Lingkong flew out, turned into an incomparably huge sword wheel, and slammed into the shrunken eight-lobed blood-red tongue.

Blood splashed, and the eight-lobed blood-red tongue was hit by the rock giant and Tang Ruoyu's sword wheels, and immediately burst open, revealing the terrifying black hole that looked like a bottomless abyss.

Xi Muxue landed on a glass mirror and stabilized her body. The Gatling machine gun in her hand fired frantically, and the bullets that filled the sky slammed into the black hole in the center.

In addition, Huang Qingzhi, Xu Jian, Zhao Dong, and Sun Yaofei, who were far away, threw explosive crystals and smashed them all in one go.

The big explosions of "Boom Boom" sounded one after another, and the black mud was blasted into the sky.

Wang Xuan activated the mechanical god's left arm again.

A large number of glowing metal parts appeared, floating around his left arm, forming a mechanical god's left arm that was more than two meters long.

With a bang, the left arm of the mechanical **** shrouded in brilliance flew out into the air, and together with those exploding crystals, slammed into the black hole below.

A jet of black blood suddenly spewed out of the black hole, like a fountain, spewing tens of meters above.

Everyone was shocked, fearing that the black blood was poisonous, and they all avoided it.

However, the black mud that was wriggling below suddenly flowed down and melted, revealing the skeleton inside.

Everyone could not visually estimate how big the skeleton was, at least it could be calculated by more than 100 meters.

The surface of the skeleton was originally covered with a large amount of black sludge, but now the sludge melted and flowed down, revealing it.

In this skeleton, there is a mass of flesh and blood, like an egg cocoon. The original eight-lobed blood-red tongue took root from this mass of flesh and blood. Now these blood-red tongues and this cocoon-like giant flesh and blood have been blasted open. A lot of black blood spurted out of it.

Immediately after that, a mass of black matter wriggled and rolled out of the black blood that spewed out.

This mass of black matter looks a lot like a human embryo that is not fully developed, and there is an umbilical cord-like thing attached to this mass of blasted giant flesh.

No one knew what this was. When it appeared, there was a large amount of black sludge-like liquid flowing down the surface.

After seeing it, Su Tang immediately stretched out two transparent hands, stretched them to the limit of more than ten meters, and grabbed the black embryo.

Although he doesn't know what it is, he can be sure that this should be the core of the decay and mutation here. If he can catch and kill it, it will be of great benefit.

He shot very fast, but the black embryo was even faster, tumbling out of the tattered cocoon-like flesh and blood, and suddenly it bounced up. Su Tang hit the air, but saw the black embryo fall to the just exposed below. On the skeleton, it rose into the air again, and the umbilical cord that was originally connected to the egg cocoon and flesh was broken, and black blood spurted out of it.

Zhu Han shouted loudly, raised his right arm, the ice beast opened, and sprayed an ice arrow.

One after another, the ice arrows flew, and the black embryos kept flashing and rolling. They wanted to escape and avoided all the ice arrows. The Gatling machine gun in Xi Muxue's hand became powerful.

"Boom boom-"

The eight giant gun barrels that were spinning rapidly were shooting fire, and the bullets were venting wildly. Although the black embryo dodged a large number of bullets, it was still hit. There were immediately dense holes on the surface, and black blood was in every hole. flow.

It was shot, and the speed slowed down, and Zhao Jinsong, who happened to be from "Sand Town", stood in front of it.

At this moment, Wang Xuan's physical strength was almost exhausted. While putting away the left arm of the mechanical god, he took out the water of physical strength and just drank it. Although he watched the black embryo appear, he was unable to catch up.

You Kai and Tang Ruoyu landed on the skeleton below and stepped on the giant ribs that appeared on the skeleton. The curved ribs were like small arch bridges. They ran and chased along the ribs, but unfortunately they all slowed Zhao Jinsong. step.

Zhao Jinsong saw that the opportunity was coming, how could he miss it, he activated the hatching beast, and a white halo appeared on his right arm. The surface of each halo was faintly flickering with runes. His hatching beast was very powerful. Aura, each has a magical effect.

With a thought, the first white halo flew out. This is the control halo, which can trap the black embryos rushing over, and the second white halo flew out immediately. This halo contains the power of powerful runes. , you can drive the power of the rune into the enemy's body and detonate it from the inside.

After that, there are defensive halo, winding halo, and lightning halo, each of which has magical effects. He is confident that he will kill the injured black embryo and win this skill.

The first white halo instantly hit the black embryo that was rolling and rushed over, and it immediately came into play, with a huge change.

The second halo he launched followed closely.

At this moment, the black embryo covered by the white halo suddenly twisted and changed, and there were hands and feet sticking out. The shape of the embryo changes to the shape of a newly born baby.

In particular, a part of it was slightly lifted up and looked like a baby's head. The originally smooth surface was slightly sunk into a few holes, and it looked like a human's facial features and seven orifices.

All these changes happened in an instant, and when the embryo stretched out, the white halo that enveloped it snapped and shattered.

Zhao Jinsong opened his eyes wide, showing an incredible look inside.

He didn't expect that his control aura would shatter after trapping the enemy. This was the first time he had encountered it.

His heart was shocked, and it seemed that he had been hit by some kind of heavy blow. Another white halo controlled by his right hand fell, and it hit the head that evolved from a black embryo into a baby.

The baby raised his head, and in the hole like seven orifices, in the hole that belonged to the eyes, vaguely like two rays of light flashed away, the baby formed of black mud suddenly rose into the sky, and the white halo that hit its head shattered. It cracked, Zhao Jinsong was hit by it on his stomach, groaned, and his body was lifted up into the air by it.

Everyone saw the scene and looked shocked.

"Old Zhao—" Mou Xing, Chu Dong, and Xi Muxue all came from "Sand Town" like Zhao Jinsong. They were all the leaders of the five major forces in "Sand Town", and couldn't help but cried out, but at this moment they wanted to rescue all of them. It was too late, so I could only watch Zhao Jinsong being pushed into the sky by the baby formed by the black mud, at least ten meters high.

Zhao Jinsong was roaring, thinking about resisting and struggling, wanting to activate the defensive aura to protect himself, but unfortunately it was too late. When he and the baby fell down, the baby stretched out a chubby little hand. , still dripping with filth, inserted into his open, roaring mouth.

From Zhao Jinsong's mouth, his skin and flesh rotted.

The speed of this decay is visible to the naked eye. When they fell to the skeleton below together, Zhao Jinsong had lost the strength to roar. The flesh on his face was completely rotten, and even the eyeballs fell off, revealing the skull inside. The neck and neck were also rotted down with white neck bones.

Watching Xi Muxue frantically firing the Gatling machine gun, the filthy baby grabbed Zhao Jinsong's rotting neck bone and threw it out.

Zhao Jinsong flew into the sky of bullets from the violent storm, and was immediately beaten into a hornet's nest, which made Xi Muxue panic and hurriedly stopped firing.

And the baby has shrunk into a ball again, bounced up, and flew two tens of meters away, faster than everyone else.

When Wang Xuan, You Kai, Tang Ruoyu, Mou Xing and the others came after him, Zhao Jinsong had already turned into a skeleton with rotting flesh and viscera, and the filthy baby had already escaped from here and disappeared.

The surroundings were quiet, and the black mud and filth below flowed into the underground cracks deep below and disappeared. In this deep pit with a radius of one or two kilometers, a city-like building was revealed. Although the surface looked rotten, but The main body is still relatively intact.

In the center of this building, there is a giant skeleton with a length of more than 100 meters. After careful observation, everyone found that the shape of this giant skeleton is somewhat similar to a human being.

It's just, how come there have been huge human beings over 100 meters high?

The fourteen people who were still alive stepped on the skeleton below, gasping for breath. In the end, Zhao Jinsong's death was chilling. To a trace of fear.

The mysterious baby who escaped and disappeared seems to be able to rot in an instant. Could it be that everything they have encountered before and now is dominated by its power?

What is its real origin?

The deaths of Hao Yuantong, Qi Yingzhi, Gu Zijian and Zhao Jinsong cast a shadow over everyone's hearts. Even You Kai's face was ashen at the moment, staring at the direction where the baby just disappeared, without saying a word for a long time.

"What now? Leave here?" Finally, Huang Qingzhi broke the silence.

After being delayed here for so long, everyone saw that the sky was a little cloudy, and they understood that it was impossible to reach the giant ship before dark today.

Wan Qianying licked her lips and said, "The buildings below are a little weird, do you want to go down and have a look?"

Mou Xing's voice was still stern, and said, "The trouble now is the thing that just escaped, it can easily kill Lao Zhao, and it looks like it has just been born, maybe it will continue to grow, if it targets us , the enemy is dark and we are clear, then it will be troublesome."

Mou Xing's words made everyone feel a chill, even Wang Xuan's brows furrowed.

Wan Qianying said slowly: "Looking at the situation just now, it seems to be the egg cocoon left in the skeleton, and the baby was born from this egg. If you count it like this, it should be the descendant of the skeleton, just such a huge skeleton. , what kind of creature..."

Several of them have the ability to observe and capture monster information, but unfortunately, including Wang Xuan, they can't see the information about the baby that just disappeared and the skeleton.

Huang Qingzhi said: "This skeleton looks like a human, especially these curved bones, like ribs, the center should be its vertebrae, it is really similar to us humans, but much larger, this guy may have been a giant in his lifetime, It would be great if we could find its head and see if it was really the same as a human head."

Yukai, who had been silent for a while, glanced at him and said, "It's easy to find its head." As he said that, he jumped up and down, and suddenly ran along the huge vertebra-like bone, and soon reached the end. Then he jumped down and said, "Its skull is below, but it's as big as a house."

Youkai's voice came from below, and everyone gathered around. Wang Xuan flew along the suspected vertebrae, and soon at the end, he saw a giant skull that fell from below. This skull was huge, just like Yukai's. I mean, it has to be the size of a house.

Everyone looked over.

Wang Xuan looked at the skull, it was almost exactly the same as a human being, the only difference was that it was many times larger.

"It's really amazing. It's really exactly the same as our human skulls. Is it true that giants over 100 meters tall have lived here?" Huang Qingzhi looked surprised with a look on his face.

Zhu Han said: "There are indeed giants in the legend. If there is such a giant, why did they die here? Is the baby just now its descendant?"

"Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information. I don't know if I can find clues in these buildings." Xu Jian said while looking around.

All around are all kinds of buildings, but badly damaged.

Wan Qianying counted the teeth in the skull's mouth.

"Why do you count your teeth?" Huang Qingzhi asked curiously.

Wan Qianying ignored him. After counting all the time, she let out a small breath and said, "Do you know how many teeth it has?"

When she asked this question, everyone was stunned, looked at her, and then looked at the teeth of this giant skull, but didn't see anything special.

Wang Xuan reminded her, but she could see some differences. The teeth in the skull's mouth seemed to be very dense, and the number should be more than that of ordinary humans.

"Forty, it has forty teeth in its mouth." Wan Qianying looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

Yukai said, "What's wrong with forty teeth? What does it mean?" Most people thought the same thing as him.

Wan Qianying said: "Actually, most of us humans have twenty-eight to thirty-two teeth. We also know that the number of teeth has nothing to do with fate, but there is a saying in ancient times that the number of human teeth is related to fate. Get up, think that those who have thirty-four teeth can be named kings and lords, thirty-six teeth are emperors, thirty-eight are saints, and forty teeth are gods and buddhas.”

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard this, and then looked at the giant skull beside him, and looked at the skull full of teeth.

"Of course, maybe it's just a coincidence, but I didn't expect that someone actually has forty teeth... According to the legend, this is the appearance of a Buddha, and this is a characteristic only possessed by gods."

Wan Qianying said softly, stretched out her hand, and gently stroked the teeth in front of her that were even bigger than herself.

Xu Jian said: "According to this legend, the original identity of this skeleton should be a **** and a Buddha."

Xi Muxue said: "So, the baby who escaped and disappeared should be the son of God or the son of Buddha?"

Yukai smiled coldly: "What kind of gods and Buddhas have such evil powers, can they make all rotten gods and Buddhas? As a result, he rotted here first and turned into a dead bone."

As he spoke, he threw a fist and suddenly punched the skull in front of him.

Although his strength is strong, the skull is hard. When he hit it, it was like hitting a piece of steel as thick as a mountain. The skull did not move at all. Instead, he felt faint pain in the palm of his hand. Obviously, he did not believe in gods and Buddhas.

Mou Xing opened his mouth and said, "It's pointless to worry about these things now. We must be prepared to prevent the escaped baby monster from reappearing and attacking us."

Fighting head-on, everyone is not afraid of it. What they are really afraid of is a sudden attack.

Wang Xuan has been looking around, his magical beast instinct makes him not dare to be careless, this area is vaguely shrouded in an uneasy atmosphere, suddenly, he finds something, he straightens his body, and soon arrives at a place under the building.

Although the building looks dilapidated, it can still be seen that it should have been a six-storey building. Judging from the main building of the building that remains now, it does not look like an ancient building. It's very much like the old, shabby six-story residential area in a modern city.

The original black mud flowed and disappeared along the cracks in the ground. Wang Xuan looked at the dilapidated building, walked around slowly, looked inside, and frowned.

The figures around him flashed, but Tang Ruoyu and Xu Jian appeared.

"How is it? Did you find something?" Xu Jian knew Wang Xuan better, and seeing him suddenly come here, he must have found something.

Wang Xuan stretched his finger to the ground and said, "Look at what this is?"

Xu Jian watched the sludge dissipate, and in this dilapidated six-story building, he saw something covered with sludge that looked like a chair and stool, and was placed on the ground like a jet-black table.

Xu Jian didn't see what it was for a while, Wang Xuan swung out a metal tentacle and slammed it on it.

There was a crisp sound, and the thing suddenly cracked open, revealing a white ceramic-like substance. Looking at a sewer pipe about ten centimeters in diameter that appeared on the ground, Xu Jian suddenly woke up and lost his voice: " Is this a toilet?"

He was greatly surprised. Everyone preconceived that this was an ancient town buried in the ground, but he didn't want to suddenly see a modern toilet here, which was completely unexpected to Xu Jian.

Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said, "Yes, look at the layout of this place, it should be a bathroom, look here again, this place was a kitchen before, this rotten thing is a range hood, but it has been soaked in the mud for too long. It's hard to tell if you don't look carefully."

"The stuff and the style here are very modern in any way."

When Wang Xuan said this, he took a deep breath.