MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 429 Way out

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Su Shiyun stared blankly at the **** rain that fell in the sky. He was speechless, and he was only... What did he see?

Su Zheng touched his face and said something silly: "Sir brother, am I dreaming?"

Su Wenbing showed a faint color. He remembered that Su Shi had been alone but was not injured. The three white spots on the wall... It was not that no one attacked her at the time, but she could not hurt her.

"Hey, the three silly boys over there, are not coming over to clean up the battlefield!"

Su Yang sighed, Su Wenyun and others immediately returned to God, and quickly stepped forward.

He also recognized that the two Yuan Ying predecessors were not the two people who sat together with Su Kyushu in the hall of the Yuxu welcoming guest.

"Su Jiuzhou... What kind of character is the teacher recruited? Does the teacher respect her really know the details of this woman?"

Su Fiyun couldn't help but think about it, but he was confused in his mind at the moment, and he couldn't think of a reason.

This place should not be left for a long time. The speed of the three people cleaning the battlefield is very fast. After collecting all the people’s Qiang Kun ring, Su Shi held up a few unconscious monks in one hand and returned to the previous caves to take out the sky and the sea.

"Ten products array!"

Su Mu saw a more glance at this moment. At this moment, he was convinced that Su Shi’s previous statement was higher than himself.


In the narrow caves, Su Shi threw down the unconscious monk, and his eyes fell on Suyang. They suddenly said, "You, who explained first?"

Su Shiyun three people sat down and looked at Su Shi, who was totally different from the previous ones. No one dared to speak out first.

Su Yang’s bones of the two arm bones were still exposed, and a medicinal herb was smashed in his mouth and was ready to be applied to the broken arm bone.

Hearing Su Shi’s question, he glanced at his mouth and looked at the cracked Su Mu on his face. He swallowed the drug and said: “The dead wood skull was damaged. Let me talk about it. Actually, there is nothing. This is not the Tiannan Demon domain, but it is not far from the Tiannan Devil."

"Tiannan Devil?!"

Su Zheng and Su Wenbing looked blank and apparently had not heard of it. Su Wenyun’s words are stunned, and the voice trembles to himself. “Here... here is the Tiannan Demon domain, not to say that there are still years...?”

Su Yang glanced at him in a strange way and said: "The old woman of Su Dieyin knows a lot!"

Su Shi brows slightly wrinkled, Su Yang slammed his mouth, immediately turned to the topic: "I and the dead wood two days to rush to you, while also verifying a lot of things."

"Here, it is probably a small passage caused by unstable space before the magic domain is opened. It can't enter the high-powerful generation. But if only the magic domain comes in, the definition of Qingshui is invaded, so we will be sent in, officially in the channel. Resist the madman's footsteps before opening."

"Can't you get the strength of the people?"

Su Shizhong skipped a thought and thought, and asked: "Where is the limit of strength?"

Su Yang wants to scratch his head, but when he looks at his own hands, he can only smile and helplessly said: "I and Wood originally thought it was the beginning of Yuan Ying, but now it seems that it is not, we are not clear about the specific limit."

The strength of the **** monk broke out, definitely far beyond the early days of Yuan Ying, otherwise they will cooperate with them, and they will not be able to fight with the monks.

Su Shi indulged for a moment, and said: "If there is a person who comes in, the strength of the exertion exceeds the limit, what will happen?"

“The space is broken!”

Su Yang spread his hand. "This space is not stable enough. If it really breaks down, I am afraid everyone will die inside."

Su Shiyun three people have a shock, Su Zheng could not help but ask: "That... how do we go out?"

Su Yang turned his eyes and said with a sigh of relief: "How do I know? The people in your Kyushu domain are really embarrassed. The millennium has lost 90% of the glory in the Qingshui world. This time, it’s all right. Young monks are thrown into this ghost place.

I really doubt that the top of the Kyushu domain is not all rebellious, and he has been a stranger! ”

Su Shiyun was silent. He only heard a few words from Su Dieyin. On this issue, he did not have the right to speak at half.

As for Su Wenbing and Su Zheng, they haven’t even heard of the Tiannan Demon domain.

Su Shi glanced at Su Mu, who was still healing his head, and returned to Suyang. His tone was gentle: "You have any idea, you can talk about it."

"There is an idea, but it is because of my strength."

Su Yang said that he paused and looked at Su Shi, and his face was inexplicable.

Su Shi’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the clear pupil was like a clear spring. She knocked on the stone surface at hand and said: “If you want to live out, you want to think so much.”


Suyang coughed and didn't feel embarrassed. He continued: "I and the dead wood have come to the Sujia for many years, but it is also a sacred birth, and the eyes are still there.

This space is not stable, but it does not mean that there is no exit!

Moreover, the export must be located in the most stable place in the space, in accordance with the law of small collapse in general, the exit of this space is in the center of the secret! ”

Su Yang said, regardless of the change of Su Shiyun three people, with a half-armed arm than the squatting: "So, only the strength of the high-powered generation, constantly breaking the surface, testing space strength, and space stability trends, We can find the exit in the middle and go out from here!"

Su Yang said this sentence, Su Yanyun three people invariably look at Su Shi, even Su Mu also opened his eyes to see, hope.

No one wants to die here in vain, he is the same.

Su Shi held half of her cheeks and her eyes fell on several interracial monks on the ground, sinking into silence.

The more Su Yang explained, the more doubts she had in her mind.

The hatred of the alien monks stems from the dispute between the two worlds, but why does every monk of the aliens die as if they were dead?

This is the first big doubt.

Secondly, the group of small pawns who came in from the Kyushu domain were full of thousands of golden dragons. For the alien monks in the whole space, it is tantamount to sending food. What can be blocked?

Even Suyang knows how to find an exit. Those alien monks are not all fools. How can they not go?

Finally, there is one biggest doubt.

Su Suran looked up and stared at Suyang. The latter’s heart was shrinking. Waiting for his opening, Su Shi said coldly, “Why do you want to follow me? If you don’t know, stay here. ”

Su Yang stunned, and the smile on his face slowly converges.

At this moment, without any warning, Su Mu suddenly shot and stunned Su Shiyun three people, Shen Sheng: "I am."

Su Shi blinked and nodded gently.

After a long while -

Su Shi looked at Su Yang, who was red with his eyes, and Su Mu, who was still expressionless, shaking his head and sighing: "I am not here to ruin..."

Upon hearing this sentence, Su Yang tried to suppress his expression, but he still couldn’t hide it.


Su Shi got up and took up the market. Before he went to the exit of the cave, he stopped and said, "What do you do?"


Su Yang suddenly looked up, and once again looked up and saw the girl turned around, it was rare to show a smile. "However, the strength of both of you is not too bad."


Su Yang squinted, his eyes were hard to conceal, and he was about to say something, but he saw Su Mu suddenly stood up, bowed respectfully, and looked up and said: "I believe my instincts, as long as the predecessors do not dislike I will swear to die!"

"Dead wood, what is your mouth slipping?"

Su Yang squinted his eyes and stood up in dismay. He turned his head and looked at Su Shi. His face turned like a thick smile: "Predecessors, I am different from Su Wood. You will let me go east, I will definitely not go to the west." Even if it is a betrayal of the Holy Family, it is absolutely unambiguous!"

Su Shi glanced at Su Yang, did not speak, and flattened his hand to release the black, and in the blink of an eye, Su Miyun, who was in a coma, swallowed his stomach.

Suyang and the two saw only a glimpse of black shadows flashing, and Su Shiyun’s three people disappeared and could not help but worry.

What was it just now?

"Don't appear in front of Su Yunyun and others, I will wash away their memories. Su Dieyin is a good seedling, I don't want to let go, after the event, just wait for you."

Collapsed the black, Su Shi faintly warned, turned and walked away.

Su Yang and Su Mu face each other, looked at the ground and thought about it soon, they followed up in unison, and no one went to kill the unconscious monk.

With Su Shi’s thoughtful thinking, it is impossible to forget to kill and destroy.

The only explanation is that she doesn't want to kill.

Su Shi walked out of the cave, and saw the two limping and followed, and could not help but frown. The ghost valley meditation instantly worked, transforming the real yuan into one, and divided it into two groups of green awns.

In this world, she did not repair the ghost valley, but with the high grade of broken jade, all the holy laws can be changed. The ghost valley is only the top holy law of the district, and can be transformed at will.

When Su Yang and Su Mugang came out of the cave, they saw a group of green awns zooming in front of them. They all had a tight heart. They were seriously injured. They wanted to avoid it and they could only accept the green awning.

The moment when the green awn is integrated into the body, it immediately turns into a majestic vitality, infiltrates into every piece of flesh and blood in the body, the broken bones creak, the flesh and blood grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Suyang enjoys such treatment, Shu Cool land almost called out.

The cracks on Su Mu's face and head were also repaired as quickly as the light reversed.

In a short while, the two men could not find a trace of scars except for the blood.

Su Yang raised his hands and squeezed it. After the refreshment, he was full of incredulousness.

Is there such a cure in this world? !

"I knew what I still have to eat Tianbao Dan? That one worth 100,000 Shangpin Lingshi, enough for me to practice for a long time!"

Suyang is dying of pain, and I don’t know if Su Shi knows his first thought in his heart, will he rub him in the ground.