MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 428 Hatred

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In the past three days, there have been no more than five battles in big and small, and each time the enemy encountered in Su Jiuzhou is the weakest. If it is a coincidence, it is too much to say.

Moreover, after Su Zheng’s first battle broke, it was still Su Jiuzhou’s help, and he was inferior.

"The teacher's eyes are really very good. I can see the extraordinaryness of Su Jiuzhou at a glance..."

Su Fiyun silently thought, turning his head to look at the water leak on the ground.

Time is passed, and no one wants to think about anything else. I just want to leave this right and wrong.

The enemies they saw in the past few days are far beyond the number of disciples who came to the tea party. Which one is a test, it is clearly sent to death!

Seeing the water in the water leaking to the bottom, Su Zheng couldn’t help but whisper: "It’s getting faster..."




Until the last drop of water falls, three days to arrive!

This moment, the Su fiber cloud three people are heart-stopping, looking forward to the so-called space crowding power coming.

After half a sigh, the time is still flowing, the cave is still a cave, the mouth and nose are still the moist air... nothing has changed.

Su Yanyun's face gradually paled, his body trembled, and he took out the jade and squeaked it until the jade slipped out, and split into two halves before he stopped.

"How can this be?"

Su Zheng grabbed the jade slip that was broken into two halves, and his eyes were full of incredulousness. "Why didn't you go back? Is it true that it hasn't arrived in three days?"

Su Wenbing paled and muttered: "It's all deceptive, we are trapped here."


Su Zheng’s eyes were red, and he stood up and screamed: “How can Master give up us, we are the most talented three of the two rooms, absolutely impossible!”


Su Shi sighed, she just wanted to do something with the tea party, and there were so many changes.

At this moment, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from outside the cave. Suzhen’s voice stopped abruptly, and the line of sight slowly turned to the entrance of the vine cover. The atmosphere outside was enough.

Alien Hundreds!

The blood of Su Shiyun’s face faded instantly, and the same thoughts rose from the heart.

"It's over!"


Su Shiyun shivered and took a deep breath. "Go out, even if you die, you can't die here!"

Su Shi looked at him from a different place. This year, stupidity is not much.

Su Zheng and Su Wenbin, although they were shaking very hard, heard Su Shiyun’s words, and forced the back straight, and picked up the vines and went out.

The four people who had been seen by the alien monks who were surrounded by them laughed out loudly, and they said a lot of things. Although they couldn’t understand, they were ridiculous.

Despair is used like a tidal wave. Su Shiyun's three figures are stagnant and his head is stunned.

The gap is too wide, with one enemy, how can they escape from birth?

Su Fiyun took a deep breath. After the panic, he calmed down first, and the flying sword was squirted, floating in front of him, red eyes and hoarseness: "Distracted escape! Can't escape but kill a few more! Don't let the magic repair look small I am waiting for the right way monk!"

"No need to escape."

Su Shi, who has been silent for a while, finally made a sound and looked into the distance.


Su Fiyun clouded a sacred god, and then saw the sudden riots in front of the alien team. A huge flaming blade swept the crowd, and in a moment more than a dozen people were shackled and blood sprinkled!

"Ha ha ha ha ha! A group of inferior chickens, see your gods destroy the world!"

When the laughter came, Su Wenyun heard the familiar whisper and suddenly rejoiced. "It is our predecessor in Qingshui, and we are saved!"

The shape is shaped as a blade, and the Yuan Ying period monk can do it.

"Don't be too happy."

Su Shi poured a cold water on Su Yunyun, calming it down, and his eyes fell on Su Shi and could not move.

"Kyushu Shimei, how do you know that there will be a senior in the Yuan Ying period to save people?"

Su Fiyun couldn't help but ask, didn't wait for Su Shi's answer, but heard a scream of anger in the alien team. He turned his head and a two-meter blood red monk collided with the fiery knife and made a loud noise. .


"The aliens are also comparable to the existence of the Yuan Ying period! The seniors are hard to beat the four hands, and it is also a lot of money for us to catch up. How can this be good?"

Su Yanyun and other people stared intently at the battle, and unanimously revealed the color of worry, but did not pay attention to Su Shi suddenly approached the battle.

"Dead wood, hurry to shoot, labor and resources are hanging!!"

In the crowd, Su Yang screamed exhaustedly, surrounded by flaming giant blades, and struggled to resist, but still could not stop the attack from all directions, especially the two-meter-high blood red monk attacked by the other side, the mountain-like heavy force every time. The bombardment on him caused his internal organs to sway, and the blood had already soaked in the clothes and dripped down the clothes.

As he said in one sentence, the whole piece of land was shocked, and the dense ground thorns emerged from the ground without any warning. They instantly penetrated the physical defense of the alien monks. When they could not breathe, they would chain forty or fifty alien monks into blood cucurbits. .

Su Yang reluctantly avoided the ground thorns of the indiscriminate attack in the ground, breathing heavily, and the voice was so dumb that he could barely speak: "Dead wood, this time I want to kill me, labor and grass, your ancestors!"

The blood red monk saw that the team of 100 people he had brought was very heavy, leaving only less than 30 people. His eyes were filled with infinite anger, and his muscles trembled fiercely.

As the radiant blood red faded, there was a golden light.

When this golden man appeared, Su Yang slammed instinctively, as if he was stared at by extremely horrible things.

"What the hell?"

Su Yang’s big eyes and control of the body’s crazy explosion, he felt the fatal crisis, the alien monks in this state, absolutely can not face the collision!


The blood red monk stared at Suyang, suddenly bursting out, and the huge figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

This moment immediately caused Su Yang’s heart to pause, and the great pressure came from behind, but he could not avoid it!

"Hide away, ah!!"

Su Yang was arrogant, and his bones burst into flames, and the blood spurted. After paying such a price, he actually turned around in time and put his hands on his chest.

At the same time, Su Mu also appeared from the occult method, spurting a **** blood, forcing the two hands to seal, and a thick and incomparable ice wall between Suyang and the blood red monk, almost rubbing Suyang The nose rises into the sky.

The next moment, the blood red fist with golden light finally arrived!

Boom! ! !

The huge shock wave set off a gust of wind, and the alien monks who were close to each other vomited blood and retreated. Su Shiyun and others who were far away were also blown away and could not open their eyes.

"The alien monk is so powerful, the result... how?"

Su Fiyun tried to open his eyes and looked at it. This was a complete sluggishness. He was on the spot, and at that time he was wearing a black gauze floating in the wind.

"Su Kyushu? When is she...!"

Hey! !

Suyang's arms were twisted, like a broken kite flying out, slamming into a hard rock, wowing a loud mouth, his pupils smashed for a moment, then re-agglomerated, not desperately from the mountain wall Struggling out and rushing to the blood.

Su Mu coldly looked at the blood red monk, and the ice crystals on the face of the dignified face, flashing cold. He exhaled the cold in his mouth, and his body water vaporized himself into a sharp arrow, and shot it behind the blood red monk, but it was only embedded in the skin surface and could not penetrate.

"Not only the strength has risen, but even the defense..."

Su Mubing's scorpion was full of dignity. He didn't see any movements. The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped. The ice surface spread quickly from under the feet. Several interracial monks who would slowly come around in the blink of an eye were frozen into ice, and the wind would blow.

The blood red monk did not look at the few unlucky ghosts who died. They were full of blood and transpiration, as if they were inexhaustible, and they broke open the ice.

When the ice is flying, the blood shadow flashes.

Su Mu's hole shrinks, just covered the whole body with ice, and there is a sharp pain in the top of the head. Like Taishan's top, it is broken into the ground, leaving only half of the body still on the ground.

"Cough and cough..."

Su Muqiu bleeds, dizziness, and the ice layer can no longer be fully swayed. The black shadows are raised above the head, and the pressure of death is coming again.

"Dead wood!"

Su Yang is stunned and can't save.

At this time of crisis, the blood shadow did not know when there was a black phantom.

At this moment, Su Yang was full of **** face and stunned. The water suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the screaming screams resounded through the void.

"Su seniors, help!"

Su Muyu looked up and saw his unforgettable scene.

The girl in white crepe came along, without a trace of fireworks. She stretched out the soft boneless hands, grabbed the back of the blood shadow, and suddenly threw it back!

The screaming horror of the interracial monk, like a white paper, was thrown into the sky with a light flutter.

Su Shi's toes are light, and they also rise into the void, stopping by the blood red monk.

The blood red monk was full of faces, watching Su Shi, and the hatred of deep bone marrow. He looked at Su Shi’s brow and was trying to prove something, but suddenly he realized that the blood red monk suddenly stirred up into a mess.

Her eyes were slightly changed, and she kicked the blood red monk to a higher void.

Later, the powerful, red-like monk turned into a fireworks, and the "bang" burst.

Su Mu is even more embarrassed...

It turns out that the enemies whose **** battles are hard to beat are so weak?

Originally, what did Su Yang say is true?

The **** rains plunged down, and the alien monks of the gods were sluggish for a while, but they did not run away, but roared desperately, rushing to Su Shi, and the body began to brew the power of self-destruction.

Su Shi frowned, his eyes quickly controlled a few, or there were more than a dozen interracial monks who blew themselves up and burst into shock waves.

An unspeakable tragic, silent spread from the blood.

The blood of several captives in his hand was banned, and Su Shi reached out and rescued Su Mu from the ground.

Su Yang dragged the two arms of the squat and limped over. In some places, he was not interested. He said with a smile: "Predecessors, are our tests completed? The strength of our two may be You can't do anything in front of you, but as long as there is an opportunity, even if it is under the flames, we will definitely improve our strength as fast as possible!"

"What test?"

Su Mu wiped the blood on his face and looked blank.

Su Yang mysteriously smiled and whispered: "In short, it is a good thing!"

This space does not limit the use of the communication symbol. Su Yang wants to hug his thigh. The messenger of Su Shi has not stopped for three days until Su Shi said a word.

"I want to follow me, can. Prove your strength first."

So everything is logical.

Su Shi silently looked at the sky. After a long time, he reached out and caught a drop of pale gold blood, as if talking to himself, but also asking:


She does not understand, what kind of hatred can be so large that they do not hesitate to find themselves blew?

The blood shadow monk clearly has a chance to survive...