MTL - Kunning-Chapter 53 learn piano

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Did Xie Wei finally become emperor in his last life, or did he go after Emeiyue?

She was a little confused thinking about it.

But after thinking about it carefully, he has done so many things against the world and caused so many murders. If he does not become the emperor in the end, the end will not be so good, right?

Because it wasn't time for class yet, Xie Wei sat aside after trying the piano sound, and didn't say a word to them.

It stands to reason that this moment is a break between the two homework, and everyone can walk around and rest at will.

But when Xie Wei sat there, he had a strange intimidating power, people didn't dare to make loud noises, and they didn't even dare to walk around at will, everyone stayed in their positions very obediently, lest he would be left unsatisfied. good impression.

In this way, the whole hall is clean, and there is a rare calmness.

It wasn't until the two moments of rest passed that Xie Wei stood up again and stood on the hall.

At this moment, the nine students below, including Princess Leyang, all stood up and bowed to him: "Students wait to see Mr. Xie."

Xie Wei waved his hand and said, "There is no need to be too polite."

There is a ruler on the high desk.

He glanced down, picked it up and played with it casually, and after telling everyone to sit down, he said: "Today we are going to learn the piano. Xie knows that most of you ladies, including His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, already know about it. But now that everyone is learning the piano from Xie, please forget everything you have learned in the past, pretend that you have never learned it, start from the beginning, and start over."

Seeing him holding a ruler, Jiang Xuening felt a headache in his fingers.

Hearing Xie Wei's words again, he felt no different from his previous life.

When she first heard these words in her previous life, she was happy in her heart. If she wanted to learn from the beginning, she might not be worse than those ladies.

However, the reality is cruel.

Sometimes, I have to admit that God is very fair: after giving her an extraordinary good looks, he will not give her a comfortable family background, and a good talent for playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

"The ancients said that there are five stars in the sky, five elements in the earth, and five tones in the world. Therefore, it is said that at the earliest time, Shennong's family cut tung to make a qin, and ropes to make strings. There were only five tones of Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu. The following should be the five elements, played as the holy sound. Later Zhou Wenwang was imprisoned in Yuli, thinking of his son Bo Yikao, added a thread, called Wenxian; Wu Wang defeated Zhou, added another string, it is Wuxian. From then on It's called the 'Civil and Military Lyre'."

Xie Wei was holding the ruler, but his hands were behind his back.

The man strolled down from the hall, his gaze passing over the faces of the people below.

"Learning the piano is not easy, sailing against the current, and sometimes it is more difficult than studying. It is said that those who learn the piano will achieve a small success in three years, a medium success in five years, and a great success in seven years. "Tao" can be said to be successful. But you are not old, and you can't learn much in just half a year. If you can get the fur and understand the art, it is not bad, so today Xie will start from Let's talk about 'sit' and 'finger'."

He was used to lecturing books for the emperor and the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty in Wenyuan Pavilion, teaching this group of little girls really meant killing chickens with a sledgehammer. It seemed that Mr. Zhao from the Imperial Academy was impatient, but he But his gait is calm and his speech is peaceful.

Neither condescending, nor looking down upon them.

Standing in Fengchen Hall and giving lectures to these little girls in front of me is no different from standing in Wenyuan Pavilion giving lectures to the ninety-five masters.

Everyone had seen Zhao Yanhong's impatient attitude when he was giving lectures to them before, and when they thought that Xie Wei was the emperor's teacher who gave lectures for the emperor and civil and military officials in the previous dynasty, they all heard that Mr. The legacy of a sage, but I can't help but worry in my heart that he will be as harsh as that Mr. Zhao.

Hearing that he is so generous at this moment, I can't help but feel relieved.

Those who are a little more courageous and who are more familiar with Xie Wei, such as Shen Zhiyi, tentatively raised their little hands: "Then Mr. Xie has been learning the piano for many years, what level is he now?"

Xie Wei glanced back at her, and said with a smile, "I have been learning the piano since I was four years old, and now I'm barely on the threshold."

Everyone was speechless.

Shen Zhiyi even broke his fingers to help him do the math, and his mouth couldn't help opening: "It takes more than 20 years of study, and this is a small achievement..."

Xie Wei said: "I'm stupid. If Your Highness the Princess is talented, intelligent and spiritual, it may not take so long."

When he stopped, he happened to be in front of Jiang Xuening.

When Jiang Xuening heard him say the word "dumb", she couldn't help but looked up at him: If everyone with the surname Xie is called "dumb", then are there any smart people in this world?

However, on Xie Wei's face, there was no complacency like that of others deliberately self-effacing, on the contrary, he was serious and low-key.

Then she realized—

Xie Ju'an really felt that he was dull, Yu Qinzhi said that twenty years can only be considered a small success.

Because everyone is going to learn the piano today, everyone's pianos are placed on the table.

Jiang Xuening's piano is no exception.

The banana nunnery was placed in front of her.

Xie Wei lowered his eyes, glanced past her, and then naturally landed on the piano. He didn't know if he recognized it. After looking at it for a while, he raised his eyes again and looked at Jiang Xuening with scrutiny.

The hairs on Jiang Xuening's back stood on end.

Fortunately, it seemed that Xie Wei just looked at her more because of this piece of Qin, and didn't mean to say anything. He quickly walked away from her and returned to the hall.

Only then did I officially start teaching piano.

The first thing to learn is to sit.

This is not difficult for everyone.

After all, I have already learned "walking, sitting and lying" from Su Shangyi when I entered the palace selection a few days ago. Although the sitting posture when playing the piano is slightly different from the sitting posture taught by Su Shangyi, it is always the same. Move, don't look at the eyes, don't listen to the ears, sit with rules and regulations.

In her last life, Jiang Xuening was a person who had been baptized by the court, and she had already shown her popularity with Su Shangyi before. Now it is in front of Xie Wei, so naturally she dare not be careless.

Xie Wei looked at each of them and nodded.

In the end, he stopped in front of her again, feeling a little surprised, and said, "Not bad."

When Jiang Xuening heard these two words, she looked calm on the surface, but in her heart she wanted to grab the ground with her head.

Xie Weiyuan only praised her because he thought she was good, but when he looked at her after the compliment, she had an inexplicably guilty expression on her face, with a reluctant expression, sitting in front of the Guqin in the Jiaoan Temple, as if she was sitting on needle felt .

Afraid of becoming like this?

Although he didn't know how he became a scourge, he only thought that he frightened her and didn't think much about it.

Until the next **** lesson—

Xie Wei started from teaching the eight techniques of the right hand, and prepared to proceed step by step, from easy to difficult, so he first taught wipe, pick, hook, and pick. He demonstrated it to everyone first, and then asked them to follow suit.

Among them, some ladies from aristocratic families have learned it a long time ago, so they will naturally learn it once.

Then the simple and intermittent sound of the piano sounded in Fengchen Hall.


There is always such a sound, either anxious or slow, sometimes short, sometimes long trembling, and there may be noises when fingers accidentally touch another string in the middle.

Xie Wei frowned immediately.

Originally, a piano sound was mixed in among the many irregular and intermittent sounds, which was not obvious. But he has learned the piano for many years, and he has a profound attainment. He has developed a pair of good ears early on. Hearing this piano sound is like a blunt sword cutting a beautiful jade, or a rusty knife cutting a brocade.

It's abrupt and unpleasant, extremely ear-piercing!

After hearing four or five sounds, he finally couldn't bear it, and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Who is it if it's not Jiang Xuening?

Sitting behind that zither, her posture was that of playing the qin, especially she had a face far better than others, delicate and bright, and with slender fingers, it was pleasing to the eyes when she put it on the strings.

However, when the finger landed on the piano, it was out of order.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like chicken feet!

I don't know the severity of finger drop, when it is light, it is like blowing cotton, and when it is heavy, it seems to be able to break the strings!

Xie Weiduan watched the strings vibrate and groan under her fingers, he felt a breath in his heart, and his eyelids twitched.

Sitting like that, but playing like this!

No wonder she was going to feel guilty when she praised her just now.

Jiang Xuening didn't know that she was being targeted by Xie Wei, but she just felt that her hands were not in control. When applying rouge and gouache, it is steady, but as soon as it falls on the strings, it loses its aim, and it is unclear whether it is serious or not.

It's not surprising when you think about it.

The other daughters all learned female reds when they were young, but she was the only one at that age who was still running around the countryside, fishing for fish in the river, catching cicadas in trees, and tying other people's chickens. There is also her when the duck goes out for a walk...

Never learned anything delicate and elegant.

Not even interested in piano.

It's as good as it sounds, but that's about it.

Where can I hear something ugly and Yinmao?

These hands, this heart, if she wants to learn the piano, will it kill her?

The more Jiang Xuening played, the more she felt that her voice was different from others, and her heart became more empty. When she accidentally raised her head, Xie Wei was already standing in front of her.

She shook her hand and almost broke the strings.

Xie Wei looked at her condescendingly, and asked, "Haven't you learned?"

Jiang Xuening felt that her whole body was stiff, and replied tremblingly: "Didn't Mr. Quan pretend that he had never learned it before, and started from the beginning and started all over again?"

Xie Wei's eyelids twitched again.

Jiang Xuening then felt a chill on the back of her neck.

Xie Wei endured it so he didn't have a fit, and took another look at the qin under her hand, and said: "Just sit down, don't spoil this qin."

Sure enough, I can see the origin of Qin!

Jiang Xuening suddenly cried out in her heart, thinking to herself that she should have thought of it a long time ago: the good piano surnamed Xie became addicted, Yan Lin said that looking for Zhang Haoqin to go to school would definitely please him, but he didn't know that not everyone can play a good piano. Not worthy of the piano, I'm afraid not only can't please Xie Wei, but also make him loathe.

Now she is not worthy of the piano.

Xie Wei lowered his voice when he said these two words to her, but Fengchen Hall is such a big place, how can others not hear it?

For a while, the sound of piano practice around was quieter.

Everyone's subtle and strange eyes fell on her.

Jiang Xuening heard Xie Wei tell her to "sit down", so she didn't dare to reach out to touch the piano, and thought that since she was not good enough for the piano, it wouldn't be a waste to change it to one that she was worthy of, right?

So Qiqi Ai said: "Thank you, Mr. Xie..."

Seeing that she obediently did not touch the piano, Xie Wei finally relaxed the string in his head by two points. He was about to turn around and walk away when he heard her voice and couldn't help but stop.

Jiang Xuening raised her throat in her heart, summoned up her courage and said, "How about I change to a bad piano?"


Xie Wei's heavy ruler was pressed in the palm of his hand, and his slender fingers couldn't help but clenched two points. When he looked at her again, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his gaze sank.

Also when she is a good sleep.

Unexpectedly, she didn't even think about how she could be worthy of playing the piano, but changed to a bad piano to match herself!

His face turned cold, he only held on to the ruler, pointed to the outside of the palace gate, and said: "You go out first."

Jiang Xuening was stunned.

She looked in the direction Xie Wei pointed, and there was a bang in her head, completely blank.

People seem to have lost their souls.

Even though there were ten thousand words of confusion and ten thousand words of reluctance in her belly, she couldn't say a word to Xie Wei, her eyes were red for a moment, until she got up and walked out from the hall to stand by the pillar outside. I didn't even think about why I offended him again, and I was punished by him to stand and lose face.

Even in her previous life, she had never been wronged like this.

Jiang Xuening didn't sleep well last night, worried about the affairs of the Yongyi Hou Mansion, and this morning following Xie Wei Xueqin even tensed up, fearing to make him angry, standing on the porch at this moment, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

It's fine if you don't have You Fangyin from the previous life, and it's fine to use Zhou Yinzhi for the affairs of Hou Yongyi's mansion. After rebirth, she will be slipped under the nose by Xie Weiti, but she hasn't done anything really bad in this life.

Why treat her so harshly?

It was originally a three-point grievance, but after thinking about it, it became ten points.

Jiang Xuening didn't know where she was poked, all the sorrows of the past and present came out at once, and when the fundus of the eyes became hot, the tears fell down.

She raised her sleeves and tried to bear it.

But the tears wiped more and more, and they didn't listen to her at all.

What Xie Wei said was "you go out first", he just planned to talk to the others to tell them to practice, and then he came out to talk to her alone. But who would have guessed that he had only spoken half of what he had to say, when he heard a faint choking sound from outside.

He turned around and looked outside the hall, and suddenly froze.

That brightly colored girl is wearing a snow-green bomber skirt today, she is slender, standing beside the pillar in the porch, as if she has been wronged by the sky, she is crying and wiping her tears at the same time, it really makes people angry to see Funny again.

It's just that when she was attacked on the way back to Beijing, she fell covered in mud, and she never seemed to cry...

Xie Wei looked at her, feeling a little guilty, raised his hand to lightly press the space between his brows, couldn't help but soften his voice a bit, and said, "Don't cry, come in."

Jiang Xuening's sobs stopped suddenly.

She felt that her crying had nothing to do with Xie Wei, it was just such a small grievance that caused a bigger grievance, and she only thought of the hard-hearted Xie, and she was afraid that she would make herself stand out. hour.

Who expected him to suddenly call himself in?

Surprised, but also a bit caught off guard.

Jiang Xuening's expression became a little weird.

As his heart skipped a beat, a thought quickly flashed through his mind: No way, Xie Wei actually ate this set? !

She couldn't believe it.

But thinking back carefully, did she cry in front of Xie Wei in the last life?


Not once.

With a thought in Jiang Xuening's mind, after a moment's tears stopped, she choked up again.

If you really want to cry, you can cry, and you can come when you say it.

It's just that this time it looks real, but it's actually fake.

Sure enough, Xie Wei showed a little headache again, and said to her: "I didn't intend to punish you, come back and sit down."

It worked!

Jiang Xuening almost laughed out loud from the bottom of her heart.

Who would have thought that Xie Wei's Achilles' heel would be here?

She only knew how to deal with Xie Wei, thinking that this man's prestige for two lifetimes would eventually fall into her own hands, she couldn't help being extremely happy. But he still looked aggrieved, and with a low "oh", he walked in from outside the hall, returned to his seat and sat down.

Then Xie Wei glanced at her, and said calmly: "After school, you will stay alone."

Jiang Xuening: "..."

I was too young, happy too early.