MTL - Kunning-Chapter 52 Emei

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Everyone talked behind closed doors, and even the maids were sent away. Yao Rongrong suddenly raised her mouth just thinking about it, just in time for Xiao Shu, who had been going back, to hear her.

It doesn't matter whether Xiao Shu is a stepmother or not, she can't afford to provoke her.

The man immediately stood up from his seat, bowed his head timidly and apologized: "I didn't mean to wait..."

Xiao Shu sneered: "Although my mother is the stepmother, she was also married by my father, so there is nothing I can't say. It's just that in this imperial palace, you guys are full of courage. If you dare to talk about it, I’m afraid you think it’s boring to live with a head on your neck for too long?”

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed slightly.

Jiang Xuening watched coldly.

Xiao Shu only said: "You must know that if I expose what you said today, none of them will be fruitful. Tomorrow, you will learn "The Book of Songs" and learn the piano from Mr. Xie. If you have such kung fu, why don't you go and review it?" Studying books, practicing piano? It also saves the embarrassment of Mr. Fengchen Dianli asking questions tomorrow!"

Everyone still had lingering fears when they thought of the situation in the Compassionate Ning Palace today.

In the previous conversation, the speaker was fascinated, and the listener was also fascinated, so he didn’t react. Now that Xiao Shu made a point, they were all in a cold sweat, not to mention seeing that her brows were condensed and there was no smile, and they were afraid that they would offend her and be accused of going to the Queen Mother or the palace, so they all agreed.

Jiang Xuening naturally had nothing to say.

Everyone scattered like birds and beasts, and she also left.

Yang Zhizhai didn't know what was going on with the matter of offering Yu Ruyi to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but he just vaguely heard some killings outside.

In the evening, when everyone sat together for dinner, no one dared to say a word.

The atmosphere is awkward and subtle.

Only Xiao Shu calmed down like a normal person, made tea after dinner and asked others if they would like to drink together.

But who dares at this moment?

Only Chen Shuyi and Yao Xi, who were close friends with her on weekdays, and Zhou Baoying, who only likes to eat few tendons, stayed to have tea with her.

Jiang Xuening was naturally the one who left.

After returning to the room, she lit a lamp in front of the desk and took out a volume of "Book of Songs", wanting to make some preparations for going to school tomorrow. After all, her studies were terrible in her last life, but in this life she has to honestly stay under Xie Wei's nose for half a year, and it might not be so easy to fool her.

Thinking is one thing, doing is another.

The book was right in front of her eyes, brightly illuminated by the lamp next to it, but every word fell on the book like ants crawling all over the ground, which disturbed her so much that she couldn't read a single word.

For a while, I thought about the disaster of the Yongyi Hou Mansion, for a while, I thought about the rebellious prophecy behind Yu Ruyi, and finally, it was about the three hundred righteous children's graves that Fang Miao said...

All flashing alternately in my mind.

Jiang Xuening only felt a splitting headache, she threw the book and lay down on the bed to sleep, but she couldn't fall asleep again, she stayed up until midnight with her eyes open, and she didn't know when she fell asleep.

You can think about it every day and dream at night.

In the dream, there was a piece of blood, a piece of snow, the sword fell, and the terrified and desperate cries and howls of three hundred children resounded in the heavy snow, mixed with the cold and whimpering north wind, and spread far, far away...

She looked again for a moment, Xie Weili was watching her from the mountain of corpses.

When Jiang Xuening woke up the next day, her eyes were black and blue.

The maid who brought the water in to wait for her to wash up was startled.

But she kept silent, facing the makeup mirror, dipped in makeup, and carefully covered up the haggard eyes around her eyes little by little. When she walked out of the house, her face was radiant again, making it impossible to see any flaws.

Today is the official school day, and there are two classes in the morning.

From Maozheng to Chenzheng is the first class, a total of one hour, learning the "Book of Songs" with Zhao Yanhong, an attendant of the Imperial Academy; from the second moment of Chenzheng to the second moment of Sizheng, which is also an hour, learning the piano with the prince's young teacher Xie Wei.

So it was Zhao Yanhong who came first in the morning.

This gentleman is also in his 40s or 50s. He is considered to be a scholar in the Imperial Academy. He is not very involved with the political situation of the court, but he has learned a good skill of following others.

Jiang Xuening knew that he looked down on women like the other two gentlemen.

But today, I really read a book with him before I realized: Even if you look down on women, you still have to classify them.

"The Book of Songs" is divided into three parts: "Feng", "Ya" and "Song". The first lesson is the famous "Guanju" in "Guofeng? Teach them to read and say what the poem is about, but they don’t explain to everyone what each line of the poem means—


Although everyone is selected as a companion to read, not everyone's knowledge in this area is very good, and there are some uneven places. So Jiang Xuening dared to ask what the word "芼" in "Scattered waterweed, left and right" meant.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yanhong's face changed, and he scolded her: "Yesterday, when I gave a lecture at the beginning of school, I told me that I would go back to review the books. How can you ask casually in school now? You don't even know what books to read!"

Jiang Xuening couldn't get up or down in one breath.

I only scolded in my heart: The teacher preaches and teaches karma to solve doubts, if I know everything, I will cut off your dog's head first and why the **** do you want you!

Just respecting the teacher, after all, is a beam on the head.

She eventually sat down without saying anything.

If it's just like this, it's fine, after all, maybe this **** Zhao Yanhong has this kind of virtue, and he treats everyone like this.

But who would have thought that when he was drawing people to recite the poems, he would wake up Xiao Shu, and after listening to her recite, he praised her greatly and asked attentively: "In the last section of the last stanza, what is said in the sentence 'left and right'?" The word '芼' has always been relatively rare, but if you want to understand its meaning, you only need to connect it with the previous ones..."

Xiao Shu said coldly: "Sir, I know."

Zhao Yanhong was stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed, then covered it up the next moment, and said: "Oh, oh, it's good to know, it's good to know. As expected of the noble daughter of the Xiao family, she is really knowledgeable. With you as the princess's companion Read it, and the old man can rest assured."

Everyone felt speechless.

Shen Zhiyi, who was sitting in the middle of the front row, frowned even more.

Jiang Xuening glanced ahead and knew that this Zhao Yanhong was a pedantic and pedantic scholar, and he might not need her to make small reports, so he would also be famous with Shen Zhiyi, but he didn't know if Shen Zhiyi could bear him.

Before Chenzheng was mentioned in class, Zhao Yanhong stopped, sat aside and drank tea, and only asked them to read books by themselves. When the copper leaker next to him passed away, he put on a posture and accepted everyone's salute, took a volume of the book on the case, and went out swaggeringly.

Xie Wei bumped into him when he came.

Zhao Yanhong was taken aback: "Mr. Xie's class at the second quarter of Chenzheng, why did you come so early?"

Xie Wei was in a bad mood today, and it was windy outside, so he put on a sky-blue crane cloak, leaned on a zither in a black zither bag, stood still under the steps of Fengchen Hall, and heard what Zhao Yanhong said , His brows furrowed inwardly.

It's just that such a subtle expression is not easy to be noticed.

He smiled softly: "It's the first time to teach piano, I dare not slack off, just in case, make more preparations, so come early."

"I see." Zhao Yanhong really felt that he made a fuss out of a molehill, even the specially edited book was unnecessary, but after all, Xie Wei was a high-ranking official who overwhelmed people, far from their idle job, so he just said, "Mr. Xie Sure enough, you are meticulous, and I am ashamed of myself. This way, you will not miss your time."

He bid farewell.

Xie Wei held the piano in his arms so he couldn't return the salute, so he just bowed slightly to him.

At this time, one of the two came down the steps, and the other went up the steps.

Jiang Xuening was sitting close to the gate of the palace, and she almost listened to the conversation. Her body, which had been relaxed because of the end of the last class, suddenly stiffened again.

Then a shadow fell on her desk.

It was Xie Wei who walked in from outside the hall and passed by her desk.

She dared not turn her head.

It wasn't until she caught a glimpse of a corner of the dark green robe passing by her side that she quietly raised her head and looked up.

Xie Wei walked up to the hall and stood still, without saying a word, just lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes and put the piano he was carrying on the piano table. After removing the piano bag, he casually stroked the strings, tried the sound, and finally Slowly put down the palm of your hand, press down on the strings slightly, and erase the trembling tail.

The two sounds of the audition sounded like a mountain spring hitting a rock, and also like a gust of wind gushing from the bottom of a ravine.

How can the person who plays the qin talk first, the qin must be an excellent qin.

Jiang Xuening looked at the piano intently, only to see that the body of the piano was dark red and almost black, the paint color was extremely heavy, and there were hidden lines like flowing water and auspicious clouds. It didn't look old, even if she couldn't see the name of the piano engraved on the belly, she could recognize it at a glance This is the most commonly used piece in Xie Wei's own qin, called "Emei".

My heart couldn't hold back.

She really doesn't have the slightest talent for playing the piano, she doesn't know how to play or listen, and when it's time to learn the piano, all her cleverness is gone, like a lump of elm.

In her previous life, she almost didn't cry when she was learning the piano.

Fortunately, she later became addicted to playing truant, and no one came to hold her accountable.

Jiang Xuening didn't know many pianos, and Xie Wei's was one of them.

It was after a snow day, and the red walls and green tiles of the entire imperial palace were covered with silver snow. She and Zhang Zhe walked along the long road outside the Kunning Palace, and from a distance, they could hear faint noises coming from the side hall of Fengchen Palace. piano sound.

So stop.

But the sound of the piano stopped after a short while.

Not long after, Xie Wei came out from the side hall with Qin in his arms, passed by the road in front of them, turned around and saw her standing with Zhang Zhe, glanced at her, then at Zhang Zhe, without saying anything, went on his way Went to Qianqing Palace.

Zhang Zhe said that the name of the piano is Emei.

Jiang Xuening asked him curiously, where did it come from?

Zhang Zhe said he didn't know.

Jiang Xuening thought about it, the northern snow of Mount Emei is as far as the eye can see, and the abbot made a pot of ice in the sea?

Zhang Zhe still shook his head.

It wasn't until later that Xie Wei burned the piano to rebel, and Jiang Xuening remembered that there was also a rare and little-known poem, which said: "I am famous all over the imperial capital, and when I return, I will enjoy the Emei moon..."