MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1032 Susano

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Tsunade's reminder made Kurama Yakumo come back to her senses quickly, she immediately restrained her mind, and then quickly closed the seal.


Under the majestic sword aura, Yakumo's body suddenly turned into a piece of wood in a burst of smoke, and then the piece of wood was directly cut into pieces under the sword aura, and turned into powder and disappeared in smoke!

At the same time, Tsunade's strange power punch also hit Susanoko's ankle heavily. The terrifying force directly caused a trace of cracks to appear on the Utengu armor at the ankle, but...he recovered in an instant!


Tsunade's eyes flashed unwillingness, but he moved extremely quickly, stepping back immediately on his toes.


In the next moment, another samurai sword of Susanoo had already slashed towards the position where she was just now, tearing the ground into a huge hideous crack!

The fourth generation of Raikage is also the incarnation of Lightning Lightning, constantly launching violent and swift attacks on Susano, but the gains are very little!

Namikaze Minato uses Flying Thunder God to flicker wildly, constantly appearing on Susano's foot joints, hand joints, etc., and constantly attacks with Fudun-Spiral Shuriken, but the appearance of the complete Susanohu is not good. The chakra coat and Utengu armor can be called absolute defense, and Uchiha Madara has unlimited chakra at this time, even if it is worn out, it can be repaired immediately, and it is not afraid of consumption at all!

"This is not going to work, don't waste Chakra!"

Onogi floated in the air, yelling angrily at Tsunade and Fourth Raikage.

On the other hand, after Namikaze Minato appeared, Hatake Sakumo began to take charge of the treatment.

"Obito, how about it?"

Hatake Sakumo grabbed Obito, carried him on his back, turned around and rushed away.

But Susanoo is too big, if you want to evacuate from the battlefield, you have to run at least dozens of miles!

"Uncle Shuo Mao, wait!"

Obito closed his right eye tightly, but his left eye looked at the pharmacist's pocket on the other side, and said solemnly, "There is my kaleidoscope over there, take it and replace it with me!"

Hatake Sakumo's eyes lit up, and he almost forgot about this!

He hurriedly put down the soil, then turned around and ran quickly towards the pharmacist's pocket.


Obito turned his head to look at the huge Susanoo, his face was livid, even if he was replaced with a kaleidoscope with abundant pupil power, he could only be responsible for running away, not fighting!

If I had two kaleidoscopes...

Then, he can also use Susanoo!

But even so, Obito still didn't get back the Sharingan that belonged to him from Kakashi.



and many more!

Obito's face suddenly froze.

My own kaleidoscope can be cloned, but Kakashi's eye cannot be cloned for no reason.

Obito suddenly showed a constipated look.

If Kakashi's Sharingan is also cloned, then he Obito...wouldn't he have two kaleidoscopes? Isn't it possible to use Susanoo?

"Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier!"


so annoying!

Obito frantically rubbed the hair on the top of his head with his hands, like a ghost, his whole body was not well.

At the same time, as if feeling the irritability in Obito's heart, Kakashi's face, the left eye covered by the ninja forehead, seemed a little sour, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Zhishui turned his head and asked.

Kakashi glanced at him in surprise: Can he detect abnormalities around him while moving at high speed? What a terrifying insight, it is worthy of being the first genius of the Uchiha clan after the closure of the fire.

Kakashi thought like this in his mind, but he said indifferently: "It's okay, let's continue on our way."

Suddenly, the two people who were moving at high speed were startled.

I saw not far ahead, a huge hideous crack, lying there ugly!

The trees on both sides of the crack seemed to be flooded, and they were swaying to both sides!



Zhishui's pitch-black pupils instantly turned into Sangouyu Sharingans.

These four weeks are filled with the pupil power of a kaleidoscope.

Terrible, what a terrifying pupil power!


A few dull roars came from a distance, and the two quickly jumped up to the top of the giant tree. Looking over, they saw a demon **** as huge as a mountain peak wielding two samurai swords. The air was vented wantonly, and the earth was easily torn apart like a thin piece of paper under this terrifying sword air!

"Hey, isn't this too big?"

Kakashi's forehead overflowed with cold sweat. After all, he is someone who has seen the Susano who sealed the fire. After a little comparison, he feels that the fire is so low, and he is completely incomparable with Madara Uchiha.

"Is this Uchiha Madara's Susanoo?"

The Sangouyu in Zhishui's eyes turned into a kaleidoscope like a windmill, and the powerful pupil power instantly filled the air.

A few days ago, Erzhuzi left Konoha, and Naruto went to chase them. When the two fought, the kaleidoscope belonging to Shisui left by Uchiha Itachi in Naruto's stomach appeared, and he cast Bie Tianjin on Erzhuzi. After Naruto came back, he This kaleidoscope was handed over, and finally returned to its original owner, back to Zhishui!

In other words, Zhishui at this time has a pair of complete kaleidoscopes!

Shisui who can open Susanoo with just one eye, after getting another kaleidoscope, the first thing is naturally... to find a pharmacist to clone.

Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this wave of operations!

Therefore, seeing Uchiha Madara's Susano at this time, Shisui couldn't help overflowing with a strong fighting spirit deep in his heart!

The person opposite is the strongest in the history of the Uchiha clan, Shisui naturally wants to challenge it!

With the majestic pupil power overflowing, even Kakashi next to him couldn't bear it, and retreated repeatedly.

"Shisui, you..." Kakashi stared at the green ribs slowly condensing out of Shisui's side, with a hint of consternation in his eyes: Susano?

It's just... you're already high-spirited before you get to the place?

The green ribs slowly wrapped Shisui, and then the meridians of flesh and blood filled the ribs, and turned around to completely submerge Shisui's figure, and then Susanoo grew wildly, arms, legs, and then armor-like chakra coat , with two huge spiral swords on his waist, but there are no wings behind him!

And Shisui's Susanoo is... green from head to toe.

A little embarrassing.

Kakashi carefully observed Shisui's Susano, and found that Shisui's Susano is more than one size smaller than Uchiha Madara!

If the two sides are at war, I am afraid...

At this time, with the green Susano rising from the ground, the movement here naturally attracted the attention of Uchiha Madara, Tsunade and others.

"what is that?!"

Onoki floated to a higher place, looked at the green Susano of Shisui, showing surprise, "The green Susano? Who is it?"

"It's Zhishui!"

Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "Finally caught up, Your Excellency Tsuchikage, get ready!"

Onoki was startled, and then reacted abruptly.

Shisui's Susano, should be able to contain Uchiha Madara, right?

At this time, Uchiha Madara also showed a bright smile: "Susano, it seems that other than the guy from the Uchiha family, there are still people who have come this far."