MTL - Knight’s Love Letter-Chapter 6

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On Friday night, Zheng Qiuyang asked Fang Shiqing to drink together.

As soon as he was seated in the bar, Zheng Qiuyang immediately took out his mobile phone and flipped through the photo album to show off his girlfriend. Looking at the expressions of the people next to him, it was a shameless rhythm to show off once he came.

Fang Shiqing glanced at it, and it really wasn't the one I saw last time, and it was a compliment for face: "Good breasts."

Zheng Qiuyang happily pushed the wine to him and said, "It's very clingy, I still want to come here today, but I pushed him back, so I'm still obedient, I'll show you guys tomorrow, Real people look better than pictures."

Everyone laughed and laughed for a while, but no one took his girlfriend seriously. Anyway, when he encountered better breasts, he still had to change it.

Zheng Qiuyang, at first glance, seems to be similar to Wang Qi and his younger brother Wang Chao, but he is actually a little different from Wang Chao.

The Zheng family is a jewelry family, and the father of the Wang brothers is a mining upstart. Zheng Qiuyang is an economics and management major, and later he specialized in jewelry design. Whether he has the ability or not is another matter. At least it is not like Wang Chao who is used to doing nothing but being cheap.

But Zheng Qiuyang's problem is that he is his father's illegitimate son, and he also has a son in the main room.

If he can't get involved in serious things, he can only live in a serious way every day. I took an irrelevant position in the company, occasionally drawing jewelry designs, and basically spending the rest of my time saving games and picking up girls.

He and Fang Shiqing met at first sight on the viaduct, and they looked at each other very pleasingly. Will come to join in the fun.

Although the two have not known each other for a long time, the brotherhood has warmed up very quickly.

After drinking for a few laps, Fang Shiqing went to the bathroom, and when he came back, he saw a familiar person sitting near the bar.

I haven't seen Yuan Rui for a while, and I haven't heard anything about him, but now looking at him from a distance, he is alone, and there are no people around him who look like his companions. He poured himself the drink, and he drank violently and hastily, as if he was using wine to drown his sorrows.

Fang Shiqing didn't intend to go over to say hello, so he went back to the box after taking a look.

It's not that he's not completely curious about Yuan Rui's current life, Yuan Rui is so unhappy, is it because his career is not going well or his relationship with that married man is not going well?

Speaking of which, he wasn't as fascinated by Yuan Rui as he was then.

There were several rounds in the box, playing dice and singing girls, and they all started to play their own. Fang Shiqing found a corner and sat down, took out his mobile phone and played Happy Xiaoxiao Le.

Zheng Qiuyang saw that he had placed an order, took a bottle of wine and sat next to him to watch him play, occasionally giving pointers: "Wait a little while the little yellow chickens are not enough, you have to hit the eggs first! Hit the eggs! Ah! Oh, hey, there's obviously a magic bird here! What a pity!"

Fang Shiqing played twice and didn't get past this level. Zheng Qiuyang couldn't stand it any longer, so he grabbed his phone and said, "Come on, I'm playing, you watch."

He played very smoothly, after this level, he started to play the next level, and he chatted with Fang Shiqing with ease: "Just your relative, he is not as good as you, big night. The guy who ran to the East and the West with his mobile phone in his hand to find someone to help him pass the border."

Fang Shiqing thought about it before reflecting: "You said Wang Chao?"

Zheng Qiuyang said: "It's not him, all games are scumbags... It is said that his eldest brother is very good at playing games? Is it true?"

Fang Shiqing said: "I've never seen my brother-in-law play mobile games. I saw him play PSP a long time ago. It's quite amazing."

Zheng Qiuyang looked up at him and said with a smile, "Wang Chao said all day long that his eldest brother beat him as a sandbag, is this true?"

"Forget it," Fang Shiqing took a sip of wine and said, "He has been beaten a lot. My brother-in-law has practiced Sanda, so he may be a bit heavy, but he deserves it, he loves it. If you cause trouble, who will you hit if you don't hit him?"

Zheng Qiuyang laughed twice: "Looking at you, your brother-in-law probably never beat you."

Fang Shiqing threw the empty bottle aside, opened another bottle, and sighed: "I really hope he beats me now...I don't know if he and my sister are going to **** What, it's weird."

Zheng Qiuyang stared at the screen of the mobile phone, and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Fang Shiqing said while drinking: "He has contacted me when he has nothing to do recently. It is estimated that my sister instructed. Two days ago, I wanted to have dinner with the two of them, but my sister has something to do. I can't come for a while, just me and my brother-in-law, he didn't say much from the beginning to the end of the meal, he just stared at me constantly, and now I feel hairy when I think about it."

Zheng Qiuyang doesn't think it's a thing: "Did he urge you to get married?"

The alchemist nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes, how do you know?"

Zheng Qiuyang said like someone who came over: "That's right, Wang Chao said that they raised you as a son, and I think so too. Parents like to play this set. My mother started it last year. Urge me to get married, and come here every now and then, it looks like a lunatic, but in fact, I want to force us to be lunatic, and then I will obediently marry a daughter-in-law. To deal with this kind of trick, just ignore them."

Fang Shiqing: " brother-in-law is different from your mother."

Zheng Qiuyang said: "What's the difference?"

Fang Shiqing couldn't tell the difference, so he changed the subject: "Let's drink a bar."

, a little big, walking crookedly, and began to speak with a big tongue, but fortunately, his mind is still clear.

He and Zheng Qiuyang stood side by side waiting for a taxi. Zheng Qiuyang was better than him, at least he had no problem walking and talking.

A car came over first, and Zheng Qiuyang pushed him into the car.

Fang Shiqing asked, "What are you doing here?"

Zheng Qiuyang said: "I'll take you back first and then go back to my house, anyway, the car is not easy to hit at this time."

Fang Shiqing said "Oh" without saying a word, leaning against the window in a drowsy state, messy half-long chestnut curly hair blocking half of his profile.

The more Zheng Qiuyang looked, the more he felt that it was right for him to follow: "You are too unsafe looking."

At the downstairs of Fang Shiqing's house, Zheng Qiuyang prank Fang Shiqing's face: "Little beauty, you're home, go upstairs and sleep."

He rents a hotel-style apartment. There are several sets of sofas in the lobby of the unit on the first floor near the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the taxi stops just outside.

Zheng Qiuyang glanced at it and said, "Your neighbor is quite interesting... If you don't sleep at this time, how about sitting there watching the stars?"

The alchemist got used to his over-energized neighbors early in the morning. He didn't turn his head to look, got out of the car and said to Zheng Qiuyang, "Then go home and play together when you have time."

Zheng Qiuyang suddenly remembered something and stuck his head out of the car window: "Hey, how about shooting the day after tomorrow?"

He was talking about wargame. He and Fang Shiqing both liked to play this game. We had made several appointments with Fang Shiqing before and didn't have time.

Fang Shiqing said: "Okay, it happens to be Sunday, and the time is long enough to fight from day to night."

The taxi driver turned his head to look at them both with a strange expression.

Goodbye and parting, Fang Shiqing went upstairs and Zheng Qiuyang went home.

The taxi drove a long way, and Zheng Qiuyang only realized the look in the driver's eyes. "Shooting" really means something else.

He stared at the back of the driver's head, thinking to himself, master, you are really wronged by such a big idea.

Here Fang Shiqing came to the door of the house with frivolous steps, took out the key and opened the door. Before he could pick it up, he was pushed from behind, his body slammed forward, knocked open the unlocked door, and he was lying on the carpet in the entrance.

Before he could understand what was going on, the door of the house was closed, the lights in the corridor were isolated from the outside, and nothing could be seen in the dark interior.

But he felt that the person who pushed him... must have come in too.

Burglary? !

He didn't know if the other party was carrying a sharp weapon, so he didn't dare to make a sound or make a big move, and quietly touched the mobile phone in his pocket.

There was the sound of shoe soles rubbing against the carpet by the door, Fang Shiqing immediately lay there motionless and pretended to be dead.

The man took two steps inside, and the footsteps stopped at most half a meter next to Fang Shiqing's head.

Fang Shiqing's eyes adapted to the darkness, and he could see a little better than before, and he could see the outline of the person's feet and legs when he looked up.

It's a man, and the shoes are about forty-five or forty-six.

The man squatted down, Fang Shiqing's heart raised in his throat. He can see the general outline of the other party, and the other party must be able to see him.

He doesn't have anything on him that can be used as a weapon. He doesn't like putting up messy ornaments at home, and there is nothing that can be used near the entrance.

It is unreliable to fight hard, you still have to escape and ask for security.

The man stretched out a hand, Fang Shiqing felt that his purpose was probably to grab his neck, and in a hurry, he supported the ground with his elbows, and slammed his upper body against the man.

As long as he knocks the other party to the ground, and then he opens the door and runs out quickly, there is an emergency bell of the property two steps away from the door, press it and you will be saved!

As a result, he overestimated his weight and strength.

The bump was bumped, but the person was not knocked down by him, but because he couldn't see it, he slammed his face directly into the other person's hard chest, and the bridge of his nose seemed to be broken. Yes, I almost cried.

The man stretched out his hand towards him again, and he was so shocked that he hurriedly blocked it with his hands, but he didn't block it for even three seconds, his hands were crossed and pressed on his chest, and he couldn't break free, the man used another A hand touched his face, touched his nose, pinched it, and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers a few times.

Fang Shiqing was a little stunned... Isn't this robber trying to strangle him? What is this doing?

The man stared at him in the dark for a while, then with the force of his hands on his chest, he pushed hard, he leaned back and fell on his back on the thick carpet, the man He pressed him directly, lowered his head and kissed him on the face.

Fang Shiqing's eyes were so wide they were out of frame.

Then the man started to touch him through his clothes, and he touched him everywhere. He didn't have any rules or skills. Just like his lips, he couldn't kiss him, and he had to kiss him.

After being touched by him for a long time, Fang Shiqing finally frowned: "You pumpkin pervert! How did you find my house!"

Read Kill the Sun