MTL - Knight’s Love Letter-Chapter 44

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Chapter 44, what are you two doing?

Fang Shiqing was very confused. He knew that the source of Wang Qi's anger was that he temporarily regretted it before he came out of the closet, but he was completely clueless as to how angry Wang Qi was.

In everything between them, from the very beginning, Wang Qi was taking the initiative and controlling him. It can be said that Wang Qi was pushing him from behind, and they came to this day.

He loves Wang Qi, so he is willing to be influenced by Wang Qi and is also happy to be controlled by Wang Qi.

In the end, in this relationship that started from an unspeakable secret love, he has always looked up to Wang Qi and enjoyed it, but once Wang Qi retracted his gaze and pulled back With his hands, he was at a loss.

He was pushed back by Wang Qi, his waist was on the steering wheel, he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't care about it, stared at Wang Qi's eyes, his voice was really unstable this time, Said: "What's the matter? Do you not like me anymore? Just because my words don't count?"

Wang Qi's expression was a little helpless. After a while, he said: "Qingqing, do you know what I like most about you?"

Fang Shiqing thought blankly: "Be obedient?"

He doesn't know the answer to this question, because Wang Qi has always liked to praise him, except when he was making out, he praised him with some kind of sweet words, the most often said that he was very good.

Wang Qi raised his right hand and touched Fang Shiqing's cheek lightly, and said, "What I like most is that you only have me in your heart, and you completely trust and rely on me."

Fang Shiqing said eagerly: "I have always been..."

"Then answer me," Wang Qi said lightly, "If it is between your family and me, you can only choose one, who do you choose?"

Fang Shiqing was asked stupidly: "...why did you make this choice?"

Wang Qi touched his face and moved his hand to his earlobe, casually pinching the piece of soft flesh, and said, "You don't want to choose, because you want everything, and you can't give up anything. "

Fang Shiqing blinked hard and said, "You are angry because of this? I love you and my parents, what's the conflict? Why do you have to choose one?"

Wang Qi looked straight at him and said: "I know you will be afraid, afraid of making them sad, afraid of being accused of being unfilial, so I told you a long time ago, I I will bear and face it with you. But you don't believe me."

Fang Shiqing retorted: "I don't..."

Wang Qi said: "No? Then why did you suddenly regret it?"

Fang Shiqing opened his mouth: "I..."

Wang Qi said: "Because you don't trust me so much, you don't believe I can protect you well, don't believe I can handle this, right?"

Fang Shiqing's mind was completely messed up: "...I, I don't know."

He is not like Wang Qi, he will analyze the reasons, logic and consequences when faced with these things, if he likes it, he likes it, and if he is afraid, he is afraid, so he backs away After hiding from Wang Qi for many years, if Wang Qi didn't find him semi-forced later, he would never tell what he liked about Wang Qi, he would hide from Wang Qi for the rest of his life, until he died.

Tolerable range. But now with the additional condition of coming out of the closet, "My lover is Wang Qi", it has become a Li Xiaopeng dance with a difficulty coefficient of 7.2.

He promised Wang Qi at the beginning and really wanted to give it a try. Assuming that Fang Mingyu hadn't stabbed him at his weakness with his words on his birthday, he would have really closed his eyes and was chased by Wang Qi and jumped out.

The assumption is not true, Fang Mingyu said that he was stabbed, opened his eyes, and found that he could not jump, nor dared to jump.

Wang Qi squeezed his earlobe hard and said, "You don't know? We agreed to tell our mother that you were with me, but you regretted it again when it happened, even half a sentence. Don't discuss with me, don't even say why you regret it, just say that you suddenly don't want to come out. I've deliberately ignored you these past few days, you hate me so much? To seduce me with your appearance, you still don't know where you are wrong?"

Fang Shiqing stumbled: "I, I know..."

Wang Qi said: "What do you know? I like to have **** with you, not because of the sensual comfort, but because I like that moment when you are completely mine."

Fang Shiqing couldn't tell the confusion in his heart, and hurriedly said: "I am, I am completely yours! Any time! You ignore me, I am not happy, but I am Very stupid, I don't know how to make you happy..."

Wang Qi said: "But you are like this, I am even more unhappy, I would rather you fry and bite me than you are fake."

Fang Shiqing: “…”

Besides, what Wang Qi said was right, if it wasn't to please Wang Qi and want to coax Wang Qi to go home, what he wanted to do most was to scratch Wang Qi's face, and he would dare to ignore him.

Wang Qi took back the hand that kneaded his earlobe, he felt that the earlobe was hot, maybe it had been pinched red, it was actually uncomfortable, but Wang Qi didn't touch him, he was even more uncomfortable.

"It was like this in the past. Mingyu bullied you, and you never told me once. You were obviously not happy when I met her, and you didn't want to tell me directly." Wang Qi sighed and said. , "Maybe you don't love me at all."

Fang Shiqing was taken aback and panicked: "How is it possible?"

Wang Qi said: "Mingyu's words are more reliable than mine, and parents' feelings are more important than mine. You don't need me at all."

Fang Shiqing shook his head fiercely: "I need you! I need you very much! You don't know, I had a nightmare last night, it was all about you don't want me anymore, I was woken up by fright I can't fall asleep again, get up and pack all your things, will you go home with me? I will no longer be self-willed and hypocritical, I will tell you everything and discuss everything with you, so don't be angry. "

He said that he was aggrieved, rushed over and hugged Wang Qi, buried his face on Wang Qi's shoulder, and wanted to cry to confess: "I love you, I love you to death You, I feel like I'm going crazy."

Wang Qi did not hug him back, was silent for a moment, and said in his ear: "Okay, let's book a flight home immediately, tell my parents that you like me and want to live with me for a lifetime, okay? ?"

Fang Shiqing was startled: ""

Wang Qi said: "No?"

The alchemist retreated a little, looked at Wang Qi hesitantly, and said, "Can you give me some time?"

Wang Qi also looked at him and said, "Okay, I'll give you time to think about it. Before you think about it, let's separate."

Fang Shiqing's eyes widened instantly: "...Separate?"

Wang Qi's eyes and tone were very calm, and he said: "At the end of the year, I have a lot of work, and Wang Chao is also thinking about it at home. I'm very busy, and I don't want to waste time on things that may have no results. "

Fang Shiqing: “…”

Wang Qi said: "Don't cry, you are twenty-eight, I don't want to coax you."

Fang Shiqing quickly turned his face away, his chest heaving very much, and asked: "What is the result you said? If I still don't want to tell my family that I am with my sister's ex-husband, you will Break up with me?"

Wang Qi's lips moved, and he finally said, "That's fine."

"Then you ran out against the cold wind in the morning?!" Yuan Rui said in surprise, "He didn't even come out to chase you?!"

Fang Shiqing leaned his head on the table, smiled strangely, and said, "You think he will chase after him, right? I think so too, I waited for him for a while after turning the corner. ...It's ridiculous! Idiot! I didn't even think about it, he even wanted to break up and why did he chase after me!"

Yuan Rui didn't know what to say. He didn't understand this even more than Fang Shiqing: "...Is it really that important to be out of the closet?"

Fang Shiqing said: "He doesn't care about coming out of the closet, he just wants me to betray my family and leave, my sister doesn't want me, my parents don't want me, I only have him, I will be the only one in the future. It's all about him in the marriage!"

Yuan Rui heard that what he said was unreasonable, and he nudged him uneasy, and said, "Didn't you say you can't drink white wine? This is half a bottle, are you okay? ?"

Fang Shiqing sat up with one hand on the table, and his body and eyes were so shaken that he couldn't find the north, and he said proudly: "What is this? I've even drank more than this! "

Yuan Rui: "...And then? Drunk?"

Fang Shiqing laughed twice, showing off with a naive look: "Then... he was hospitalized!"

Yuan Rui was so frightened that he brought the wine bottle over and said, "Then stop drinking, your bowl of noodles hasn't moved, so eat two mouthfuls of noodles."

He put the wine bottle next to him and helped Fang Shiqing mix the fried noodles that night.

, How dare you make yourself like this.

Fang Shiqing suddenly laughed again: "This noodle is delicious, I like it, and he likes it too. I used to come here to eat noodles when I went out for a walk."

Yuan Rui persuaded: "Then eat a little, if you have an empty stomach, you may have a stomachache for a while. You drink so much."

Fang Shiqing tilted his head to look at him: "Stomach pain? Yes, stomach pain, but what does it matter? No one cares about me, my sister doesn't want me anymore, my parents are so far away ...Wang Qi said he was going to break up with me! Who cares if my stomach hurts or not!"

Yuan Rui said hesitantly, "It should be a momentary remark. He cares about you so much, why is he willing to break up with you?"

Fang Shiqing said: "He cares about my jb! Don't coax me! You have never been in love, you don't know, you don't understand! He never said he liked me at first, I knew every day that I was very scared. I was afraid that my sister would know about it, and I was afraid that he was just kidding me, but I was never willing to say goodbye... If he really cared about me, how could he say goodbye? …”

He couldn't go on, he fell on the table with a thud, his shoulders were shaking, he didn't cry, but he looked like he was crying badly.

At noon, no one was drinking in the noodle restaurant. The two of them spent two o'clock. Yuan Rui couldn't stand the waiter's eyes. Before being recognized, he hurriedly paid the bill and helped Fang Shiqing go out.

This noodle restaurant is not in the downtown area. There is a small street outside the door. It is very clean and not many people.

Yuan Rui supported Fang Shiqing and took a few steps slowly, and said, "Hey, are you feeling better? Or... let me call Wang Qi?"

Fang Shiqing turned his head and glared at him: "Don't hit him! If he hit him, he said I was hypocritical!"

Yuan Rui said: "Why are you pretending to be like this? Actually...the night before yesterday, he said he would not pick you up at the clubhouse, but he didn't run back to your house specifically to boil water and give medicine. ...Yes, he loves you so much, how could he say goodbye to you? It must be angry words, just angry words."

Fang Shiqing listened to his words half-drunk and half-awake, and laughed: "Does he hurt me so much? Are you sleepwalking? Did you see it in a dream? He is exactly the same as my sister, he looks like It hurts me so much and cares about me very much. In the end, it's not like that at all! My sister, knowing that I am with him, said to me, 'Fang Shiqing! Listen to me! If there is him or not, there is no me. He!' I'm just stupid, I can't bear him, and then I don't have a sister... He is like my sister today, and let me choose! Choose your mother! I'm so unlucky to like him! He said I don't care about his feelings, he doesn't care about me!"

He staggered, Yuan Rui was afraid that he would fall and hugged his waist in a hurry, and persuaded: "I'll take you home first, you can talk to me after you get up."

Fang Shiqing refused to stop when he was addicted, and hugged him back and said, "No, you let me finish talking to you! Run out in the middle to stir up, you promised me a long time ago, where is there such a mess!"

Yuan Rui said speechlessly: "Don't say it, your throat is split, doesn't it hurt?"

Fang Shiqing stared at him with red eyes, and suddenly said: "If he wants to break up, break up, I don't care! I hate him to death! I don't like him in the future! Yuan Rui, we both All right!"

Yuan Rui was taken aback: "You..."

Fang Shiqing still stared at him.

Yuan Rui opened his mouth and said, "But I like Wang Qi. Since you two broke up, I'd better be with him."

Fang Shiqing suddenly changed his face, holding Yuan Rui's hand instead of strangling Yuan Rui's neck, and said madly: "You dare! You dare to touch him! I will kill you!"

Yuan Rui finally broke free of him and threw him aside. Before accusing him of turning his face and not recognizing anyone, he saw him sitting on the curb and crying.

Yuan Rui: “…”

Zheng Qiuyang accompanies his girlfriend to dinner and drives the car for a spin. His girlfriend is a ninth-rate painter, and she likes to take the road with few people and quietness, saying it is a city that feels quiet Humanistic atmosphere.

When passing a small street, he saw two people on the side of the road from a distance, and slammed on the brakes.

Yuan Rui and Fang Shiqing hugged together...what are you doing?