MTL - Knight’s Love Letter-Chapter 23

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Chapter 23, Jealousy

Fang Shiqing suspected that he had heard it wrong: "...what? Say it again?"

Wang Qi's eyes were as soft as spring water, and he said softly: "I haven't had a crush on me for as long as you have, but it's not much different. The first time I **** you in a dream was you. It’s been more than five years since I went abroad for the second year.”

Fang Shiqing's eyes widened, but he opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He felt that he was either dreaming, or that Wang Qi was too ruthless and had hallucinations.

Wang Qi smiled at him and said, "That year, when you came back for the Spring Festival, I went to the airport to pick you up. You stayed with your sister and I for one night. When you came home the next day, it was me too. Take you to the airport, do you remember?"

Of course Fang Shiqing remembered that he studied outside for a few years and came back once a year during the Spring Festival. If the international flight he bought was to arrive at the imperial capital, he had to go to his sister's house to stay for the first night. Going home the next day, he didn't want to go to his sister's house, so every time he chose a flight that landed in another city.

There are only two exceptions, one is that he has decided to develop in the imperial capital after graduation, and the other is that Wang Qi said.

At that time, he didn't go out for a long time. In a place where he didn't know the language and there were obstacles, it was difficult to study and live. He missed his family and especially Wang Qi. When he came back from the Spring Festival that year, he especially bought a flight ticket that could transfer once in the imperial capital.

At that time, he had the idea of ​​getting close to Wang Qi one last time, and he made up his mind to see this time, and he would never be entangled by this dark love again. But when he saw Wang Qi who came to pick him up at the airport, he was so excited that he almost cried.

He slept in the guest room of his sister's house that night, tossing and turning, thinking of the loving couple in the opposite room, he was both sad and sad, self-blaming countless times, and he didn't close his eyes all night. The next day, Wang Qi took him to the airport. After he passed the security check, he looked back. Wang Qi smiled at him from a distance. He waved to Wang Qi, turned around, and got on the plane home crying.

After returning to school after the Spring Festival, he dated his first boyfriend, a Chinese who loves to play basketball and smiles like Wang Qi.

He said blankly, "Remember."

Wang Qi said: "That night, you came out to drink water in the middle of the night, why did you cry so sadly?"

Fang Shiqing: “…”

Wang Qi asked him softly, "Is it because of me?"

Fang Shiqing pursed his lips, his eyes were a little sore, he couldn't sleep that night, he just felt his heart was burning, he got up in the dark and went outside to find water to drink. Looking at the neon lights all over the world, he felt very sad. When he fell in love with someone he couldn't love, he didn't remember whether he cried or not. He only remembered that he was desperate at that moment.

Wang Qi stretched out his hand, wiped the corner of his wet eyes with his thumb, and said softly: "I saw you cry like that that night, I guessed who you were sad for, and a little bit more. Jealousy, if I had known in the morning that the person you liked was me, I wouldn't have wasted so long."

Fang Shiqing blinked, a little happy, but also a little puzzled: "Why are you jealous? Didn't you still like my sister at that time?"

Wang Qi said: "It's been three years since I painted green paint on my head, and it's not masochism, why do you still like her?"

Fang Shiqing frowned and said, "...Didn't you like her very much at the beginning? How can you say that you don't like her if you don't like it?"

Wang Qi smiled helplessly, and said: "Qingqing, not everyone has the same view on marriage and love as you. My marriage with your sister is a very common situation. At that time, it was marriageable age. I was single. She also said that she was single, and they all worked in the same system. There were colleagues in the unit, and the conditions for each other were suitable. After a year of dating, it was time to get married. I was very satisfied with her as a marriage partner, and I was not disgusted by her performance, so I just asked her to marry her."

Fang Shiqing couldn't accept it. He knew that many ordinary people's marriages were like this, but he felt that neither Wang Qi nor Fang Mingyu should be such ordinary people.

He asked: "Then you have no feelings for her at all?"

Wang Qidao: "Of course there are. When I proposed to her, I really planned to spend the rest of my life with her. If she hadn't gone too far, I would have fulfilled my promise at the wedding. Be good to her and her family, be loyal to her both physically and mentally. It's not about love, it's the responsibility of marriage."

Fang Shiqing was handsome, since he and Wang Qi were together, it was the first time that Wang Qi had spoken in such a serious manner. Filled with ecstasy soup.


Fang Shiqing: “…”

Wang Qi laughed and continued: "You went out to drink water that night, you only wore a pair of small underwear, thin arms and thin legs, and the little buttocks were very good-looking, even the cry was pleasant. Damn, after you left the next day, I started dreaming about you every day. In my dreams, I could do whatever I wanted, but I couldn't help calling you across the ocean, but you couldn't say a few words and said you had something to do and send an email. You never returned, I thought you were annoying me, but are you actually avoiding me because you are shy?"

Fang Shiqing looked at him without blinking, and said, "I always thought that those calls and emails were made by my sister at your side."

Wang Qi also looked at him: "Qingqing, I like you, not because you are Fang Mingyu's younger brother, nor because you two look alike. Don't say you cut your hair, it's you I really have a facelift, and I still like you."

Fang Shiqing said with a flat mouth: "Then you said before that you like my face."

Wang Qi said: "Don't you like others to praise you for your good looks?"

Fang Shiqing asked him: "Then... before that night, why did you fall in love with me? You originally wanted to get married, then you are bisexual, why did you when I asked you? Dare to admit it? It's not ashamed to be Shuang, I have no prejudice against Shuang."

Wang Qi said: "I used to want to marry a woman, but then I fell in love with you and wanted you. Is this also considered a double?"

Fang Shiqing turned sideways and rubbed Wang Qi's side, pinched Wang Qi's cheeks with both hands, and asked, "From the time I went abroad to the time I came back, we didn't know what to do. I haven't met, you just got married to my sister not long before I went abroad, but you say, how did you fall in love with me?"

He still doesn't know, Wang Qi is pure **** marriage cheating, immoral! The condemnation!

Wang Qi was pinched on both sides of his face by him, not angry at all, his eyes were full of indulgence, he grabbed his hand and pulled it down, saying: "We haven't met, but I know What are you doing every day, do you remember when you used to have a blog?" He said the name of a website.

Fang Shiqing: "!!"

It was a **** website. After he found out that he had **** tendencies, he registered a blog on this website. At first, it was to confide his distress due to his sexuality to his peers. He wrote a diary to express his mood, and occasionally posted two photos. Later, his blog became more and more popular, and he appeared at the top of the website's popular blog list for two consecutive months. I didn't go to make friends and have sex. I couldn't bear it. Finally, one day I silently deleted all the information, cancelled the account, and never went on again.

He was surprised: "Have you seen my blog?"

Wang Qi nodded and said, "I just saw that and I realized that you like men. At first I thought it was weird. You are so obedient and good, how can you like men? Click in to see, you say weird things all day long, and you also like to talk about how you were unlucky today, cut the wrong teacher's fabric, the cat you raised ran away, went out and fell somersaults, fried the microwave oven, cooked instant noodles and banged your bangs. Burned."

Fang Shiqing blushed, of course he remembered what he wrote, and those unfortunate things will not be mentioned. that period of time. These are nothing, unfortunately, it is a joke to see, but he wrote the most at that time, but it was Wang Qi.

Of course he wouldn't write his real name, and he didn't dare to say that the lover in his dreams was his brother-in-law. He gave Wang Qi a French name, which would be mentioned in trivial matters from time to time. His blog All fans know that he has a straight man who can't be loved. The most impressive time was when he took a nap one day and dreamed of Wang Qi. When he woke up, he shared that charming dream on his blog. He couldn't remember the specific words, but he probably wrote it like a little yellow text. In the same way, there were thousands of comments in a few minutes. Many people teased him in the comments. He was so angry that he quarreled with those people. Although he had a little yellow dream, his love for Wang Qi was not what those people said. , he wants to do that kind of thing with Wang Qi because he likes Wang Qi so passionately, and it has nothing to do with his physical debauchery.

At that time, he would never have imagined that Wang Qi would actually **** his blog. If he had known, he would not have written that kind of thing.

Wang Qi recalled happily, saying: "I refreshed your blog dozens of times every day at that time, just wanted to see what other stupid things you could do, and read it for several weeks. I think you are really cute. Your dream lover is a brainless person. What if it's a man? Why don't you like this kind of person? I also think, if you like me, then I won't dislike it. You have a little dick, and I am willing to do the things you dream of with you, although I haven't tried it yet, but my learning ability is very strong, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Fang Shiqing: “…”

Wang Qi seemed to have thought of something ridiculous, and then he said with a smile: "I thought that person was your senior over there, and I went to your school's official website to check your grades. The photos of the students in this class are almost blind, and I haven't found one that is worthy of you. There are barely a few who can still look at them. I have been jealous of their photos for several years. If I had known you earlier The person I like is me, then it's time to go to France to **** you and cry."

Fang Shiqing: “…”

Read Kill the Sun