MTL - Knight’s Love Letter-Chapter 19

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This is the first time Fang Shiqing went to the hospital at night.

I kept crying on the way to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, the blood had coagulated and I felt less pain. The tears were finally held back. As soon as he entered the debridement room, the nurse wiped him with hydrogen peroxide The wound, he began to cry again, startling the little nurse on duty.

"Be patient," the little nurse said, "Why are you so afraid of pain for such a big person?"

Fang Shiqing cried and said, "Will there be scars?"

The little nurse comforted him: "It doesn't matter, the wound on the face will definitely be sutured with beauty, and it will not be obvious after waiting."

Fang Shiqing was taken aback: "Need stitches?"

The little nurse said: "It will take anesthesia, it will not hurt at all."

Wang Qi went to pay the fee, and came back in a hurry, the little nurse wiped the blood and wounds clean, and said: "It's just right, you are here with him, I'll ask a doctor to come and give him Suture. Before you came, there was a wounded man who hit his leg in a traffic accident. Several surgeons on duty have gone to see him, and it should be almost the same now, just wait a moment. "

She went out, Wang Qi dragged a chair and sat down beside Fang Shiqing, looking at him worriedly.

Fang Shiqing asked him: "Where is my sister?"

Wang Qi said in a low tone: "At the door."

He brought Fang Shiqing to the hospital just now, and Fang Mingyu followed him without saying a word.

Wang Qi said: "Don't worry about her... Does it still hurt so bad?"

Fang Shiqing shook his head: "The hydrogen peroxide is a little painful, but I don't feel it now."

Wang Qi touched his hair and said, "There is so much blood flow, it hurts when I look at it, how could I not feel it, your eyes are swollen from crying."

The alchemist took a breath and said, "It really doesn't hurt... I didn't dare to talk to my sister on the way here just now. I don't know if she is still so angry."

Wang Qi frowned and said, "She made you like this, why is she angry?"

Fang Shiqing whispered: "She is just too angry..."

Wang Qi was obviously very dissatisfied that he was still defending his sister, and said: "I can't catch anything and throw anything when I get angry. What if it hits the eyes or temples? Don't speak for her. Now, she has a big temper, everything else is the fault of others, and she is the only one in the world who is right."

Alchemy pursed his lips and stopped talking, bowing his head a little unhappy.

He can actually understand Fang Mingyu's mood, she has always placed high hopes on him, otherwise she would not have taken him over when her life was not so easy and comfortable in the early years In school, I have been both a sister and a mother for so many years, and I have worried about everything for him. Now I suddenly know that he is actually gay, I am afraid I am going crazy. This hasn't slowed down yet, and seeing him and Wang Qi get together with his own eyes, he couldn't control his anger for a while, and it was reasonable.

He is very afraid of pain, but if he can get hurt a little, let Fang Mingyu calm down, and he will not blame him for this in the future, he is willing.

It wasn't Fang Mingyu who hurt him, but Wang Qi's tone when he was talking about Fang Mingyu that made him unhappy. Although it sounds like a condemnation, it is inexplicably revealing a kind of understanding that can only be obtained after a long-term relationship, and it can even be regarded as intimacy.

He also felt that he was being careful. Even if Wang Qi and Fang Mingyu had already broken up in their relationship, they had lived under the same roof for more than eight years. ?

The nurse invited the doctor over, gave Fang Shiqing anesthesia, and four stitches were placed on the right brow bone.

Wang Qi also sweated.

The doctor instructed a few things to pay attention to in daily life, and said it would be better to have another shot of tetanus tomorrow.

Alchemy Qing, who was afraid of injections, frowned and was so worried, Wang Qi helped him get his coat and said goodbye to the doctor.

The two came out of the debridement room, and Fang Mingyu was waiting a few steps outside the door.

The alchemist said, "Sister."

She looked at his face and asked expressionlessly, "Is it sewn? Does the doctor say there will be scars?"

Fang Shiqing said: "It doesn't matter if you say yes..."

Fang Mingyu nodded and said, "That's it for today, I have to go to work tomorrow, so I have to go back first."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without waiting for the other two to react.

Fang Shiqing froze for a while, looking at his sister's back, feeling a little sad.

Wang Qi put his coat on him and said, "Let's go back too."

There are two drops of blood on the chest of this white down jacket, which is extremely dazzling.

The next morning, Fang Shiqing looked in the mirror in the bathroom, the wound was covered with gauze, but there was still some unusual swelling, and the right eye seemed to be smaller than the left.

Wang Qi called him: "Qingqing, are you all right? I'm going to be late."

He walked out slowly, leaned on the bed with his head tilted, and said, "I don't want to go to work."

Wang Qi sat down beside him, patted his cocked butt, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fang Shiqing said aggrieved: "It's too ugly, it still hurts."

Wang Qi did not object: "I have to go to do something, at most two hours, and then come back to accompany you, okay?"

Fang Shiqing got up again, frowning and said: "But the magazine has a lot of things these two days, I have to go."

Wang Qi put his hand on his thigh and said, "Where is it really ugly? You are so handsome, even now you look better than most people."

Fang Shiqing blinked: "Really?"

Wang Qi pinched his inner thigh, and his tone became a bit erotic, and said, "If only you could be uglier, or I will die on you sooner or later."

Fang Shiqing: "...smelly rascal."

Wang Qi made a gesture to kiss him, he said while dodging: "I'm going to work! Go away!"

When he got to the magazine, Fang Shiqing felt that he didn't want to see anyone, so he would not go out unless he could go out while hiding in the office.

Wang Qi called at eleven o'clock and told him to avoid eating. He had already said it again when he went out in the morning. Rather happy smiling.

Everyone went to eat at noon, but he didn't go. He asked his colleague to bring him a sandwich when he came back, and then he leaned his head on his desk and played with his mobile phone.

He wanted to call Fang Mingyu, but he didn't dare. He didn't know what to say when he called.

Fang Mingyu was in the hospital last night and waited until he had sutured the wound before leaving. She was obviously worried about him, but she refused to say it, so she was probably still angry with him. Or in a few days, when Fang Mingyu has calmed down a little, he will go to her again, and tell her face to face, his sister will not be angry with him for the rest of her life, right?

In the afternoon, Zheng Qiuyang swayed to the magazine under the banner of official business, and was surprised when he saw Fang Shiqing: "How did you do this?"

Fang Shiqing has seen him a lot recently, and said angrily: "I accidentally fell... You said you didn't draw your design drawings well all day, what are you shaking around?"

"I'm not idle, I'm here to get your samples in person." Zheng Qiuyang sat down in front of his desk, looked at his face carefully, and said, "It seems It's pretty amazing, stitches? It won't break the picture, right?"

Fang Shiqing threw the pen in his hand and scolded: "Shut your crow's mouth!"

Zheng Qiuyang quickly took the pen and said with a smile, "Just kidding with you, hey, look at me, is there a small scar?"

He stretched out his face to show Fang Shiqing, it was also his right eye, but under the corner of his eye, there was a very shallow scar, which was really invisible.

"This is when I was a child climbing a tree and was hung by a branch," he sat back and said with a smile, "My mother thought I was going to be blind, and she was so frightened that she cried. It's too obvious. You are still on your eyebrows, so you definitely don't show it. Oh yes, I still remember when my grandmother said that people will get hurt near the eyes, that's because God is jealous of this person's good life, it seems that we Both are good masters haha."

Fang Shiqing was in a better mood by what he said, took out the mirror and looked at it, and said, "Is your life good, as long as you don't leave scars."

Zheng Qiuyang fixed his eyes on him and said regretfully, "I wanted to see your pretty face here, but you ended up like this."

In the early morning, the alchemist used to make fun of his face when he had something to do, he rolled his eyes and glared at him: "Go away."

Zheng Qiuyang didn't care, he looked at him in the mirror jokingly, and said casually, "Hey, your sister really looks like you."

Fang Shiqing put down the mirror and said, "It's the opposite, I look like my sister."

Zheng Qiuyang said with a smile: "It's all the same, so the eyebrows don't look alike. You've wrapped it up again. You only look at your eyes, nose, and mouth. It's exactly the same, aren't you two twins?"

Fang Shiqing said: "She is eight years older than me, why is she born? Our family doesn't live in Chentangguan."

Zheng Qiuyang understands his stalk: "Yes, you are not called Goudaner."

Zheng Qiuyang was too poor with him, and went out to flirt with the girls outside, and he did not forget to take the magazine sample, and then left happily.

Putting down the mirror, he took out his mobile phone again, pulled out a selfie photo of him and Fang Mingyu, looked at it carefully for a while, and really looked more and more similar except for the eyebrows.

He asked Wang Qi what he liked about him, and Wang Qi said at that time "a pretty face".

Even Zheng Qiuyang, who had only met Fang Mingyu once, felt that the faces of the Fang siblings were very similar, so Wang Qi... thinks so too.

Although it is winter, the interior of the north is as warm as spring, but Fang Shiqing suddenly feels a little cold.

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