MTL - Jun Jiuling-Chapter 696 The buzz is getting more and more

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The Fangjia’s mansion was in chaos, and the Ningjia Mansion in the north remained quiet.

It's quiet and even a bit deserted.

Mrs. Ningda put down the tea in her hand and shook the servant in front of her.

"Why don't you participate? We can't afford to do the lamp mountain or dare not do it?" she said. "What do they ask? What did we do last year, of course, this year, of course."

The servant’s voice should have been retired.

Mrs. Ningda’s long breath.

It’s almost August, and the Festival of Lights of the 15th is also ready. The county has come to ask if Ningjia is still preparing for Dengshan. It’s really annoying. Is this kind of thing still asking? But anyone who has a face in Yangcheng will do it, and they are always the first one.

Mrs. Ningda also knows why the county asked, naturally because Ning Yan was dismissed.

I thought that here would make Mrs. Ningda even more annoyed.

These dogs look at people who are low.

Mrs. Ningda’s eyes fell on the table. The two unpacked letters made her look a little slow. One was a letter from Ning Yunzhen, and one was sent by Mrs. Ning Er. The letter mentioned the same thing. Ning Yunxiao not only did not receive the involvement of Ning Yan's eunuch, but was increasingly valued by the emperor. The news said that it would be upgraded one year ago.

If only Ning Er’s letter says that she will be suspicious, she will feel that she is comforting her, but Ning Yunyi also said this, then there is no doubt.

Her son does not need to talk to comfort people, her son only to do something to comfort people.

Look, it won't take long for these people to know that Ning's is still a high-powered Ning's, and her son will also be the pillar of Ning's.

Mrs. Ningda’s eyes were full of pride, but she thought of one thing and looked a little sighed with a sigh.

It’s just that the achievements have been made, and this family has never been able to do so.

She took the letter of Mrs. Ning Er, and Mrs. Ning Er wrote and mentioned several relatives in the letter. The appearances of the other family's ladies are excellent, but Ning Yunyi has refused, and please Ning Er For the time being, please don’t tell him about the marriage, I want to wait.

Why wait, Mrs. Ning Er did not say it, but mentioned that Miss Jun returned to Beijing.

Miss Jun, Mrs. Ning Da also heard that the previous section of the country’s public announcement of the world, she mentioned the Miss Jun, she turned out to be the daughter-in-law of the founding father, and led the soldiers to fight in the north.

Such a big thing is more natural in Yangcheng, and the streets and alleys are spread all over. The young lady in the eyes of everyone is just like a god, who remembers the orphan who was so vulgar and so many jokes. .

She is almost forgotten, but it is obvious that her son can't forget, especially now that Mrs. Ning Er said that the relatives of the founding fathers were also fake, and that the emperor had innocently recognized his innocence.

It’s a fake, how many times has the woman’s affair been faked, and is it true?

However, it was true that the marriage with Ning Yunxiao was true.

Mrs. Ningda shook her head, and some of them were fascinated. For this woman, her daughter was married early and was detained by her mother-in-law and refused to return to her family. The son was so big that the family could not be married. The family became somewhat lonely.

Did you regret some of the original things? If you recognize the family at that time, maybe there is a little grandson now, and this **** doctor is also good at the north, is it all they are steadfast? So now the home must be very lively?

"Mrs. Madam." A servant came in and interrupted Mrs. Ning Da’s ecstasy. "The city can be lively."

Mrs. Ning Da’s voice was loud.

"What is the excitement?" she asked.

"De Shengchang has an accident," said the servant.

"I heard that, is there no money?" said Mrs. Ningda.

Some family members have business in the ticket number. Although Mrs. Ningda said that she was no longer doing business with her because of her retirement, many people in the Ning clan continued to move brightly or darkly. In Desheng Chang’s deposit of silver and silver, it is said that he can get the blessing of the **** doctor, and Mrs. Ning’s wife also closed her eyes.

The silver matter is a big event that affects the life of the family. Deshengchang’s sudden failure to exchange money has naturally caused embarrassment. Mrs. Ningda also heard about it.

According to everyone's guess, it was the former section of Miss Jun who was fighting in the north to save the people and exhausted the money of the family.

"Snoring is the most costly." Mrs. Ningda said, "The court can't afford it. A family is really self-reliant."

The servant was busy shaking her head.

"No, ma'am, it's not that there is no money, but the party is upset, and the two ladies are competing for their family," she said brightly.

Mrs. Ningda is amazed.

“Two young ladies vie for family?” she asked.

"Yeah, it was said that the old lady had promised, and said that they should be treated as sons and separated families. Now the young master is well, and the old lady is not punished. The two ladies are upset." The servant said Although the news came out only a few words, the majority of the people have enough imagination to complete the matter.

Family secrets and family disputes have always been the favorite of everyone.

After the death of the old man and Fang Da, the Fang family and the family and their relatives clashed for the entire Yangcheng people to have tea and not to think about it. Every day, they watched the drama, and every day, because of differences of opinion, they It seems that the competition is the general investment of my own family.

Now that Fang Jia has a male, I don’t think there will be any more dramas. I didn’t expect to have outsiders, and my sisters fought.

"The woman of Fangjia is really..." Mrs. Ningda did not know what to say, "Let them do it."

"Which can't do anything, how much money does Fangjia have, and the two young ladies have been in charge of business. When they get married, there are more dowries, and there is more money than a bank that can make money." The servant said with a wink, " Fang Laotai is too powerful. The granddaughter she raised is worse than her."

This praise is not a bad deed. The old lady is really powerful. She was able to beat her mother for money.

Mrs. Ningda shook her head.

“It’s really a businessman’s ruthlessness,” she said.

The woman in this house is really a madman, and it is only because of the regrets of the original thing that it suddenly disappeared.

Ning Yunyi fell into love for a while, and it will always fade away after a long time, but it is a lifetime thing to provoke the crazy woman.

Mrs. Ningda picked up the beads on the side and closed her eyes.

At this time, the alleys of Yangcheng Street have been very lively, and the door of a Deshengchang ticket is closed, but this can not hinder the people who gather in front of the door.

"The ticket number of East Street is open." Someone brought the latest news.

This made the gathering people suddenly boiling.

"Is there not listening to the two ladies?"

"The old lady looks angry."

"Definitely angry, what is this?"

"You can't say that, the two ladies are also wronged. They have been a cow since they were young. They can't marry. They want to recruit, and they are so old. Is it so vainly sent, and I am not convinced? ""

"Women and women, how can they compete for family property? This family is a man. Fang Shaoye is happy to give them more dowry. He is a pity for his long-term sister. If you don't give it, it is also a matter of course. It is really insulting to grab."

"Why, when the young master was squatting in the backyard, why didn't he pity his long-term sisters for their hard work?"

The people in front of the door said that the more lively, the blushing neck of the dispute, the theory of the sleeves, the noisy street is still more lively than the New Year.

"It's really a good thing to be able to co-exist." There is a busy old man who shook his head and sighed at the street. "The ancients don't deceive me."

Someone snorted as the voice fell.

The old man turned his head and saw it. He was a middle-aged fat man, wearing a silk satin, kindly and kind, but his face was very unhappy at this time.

"Aridly." He said in a narrow sleeve, turned and walked away.

This is also a wealthy family, probably to see the children of their own family or think about the family disputes they have experienced.

The rich and the rich also have the troubles of the rich and the rich, and the old man has some gloating thoughts.

The rich man turned into an alley and his face was darker.

There are two followers who are quietly following the heel.

"Master, what should I do?" one whispered. "Is it still loaded?"

"Now I have a fart." The rich man whispered back. "So many people watch the fun. If you are found, you and I are all dead."

Two followers are hanging down.

"The Yuan Daren still waited..." One couldn't help but whisper.

Hearing this name, the wealthy look a little bit afraid.

"Is this old lady's waste, can't even cope with two little granddaughters?" He was annoyed and took this violent temper. "Go, tell her, I can't wait for her to talk to her so much." Good granddaughters."

The followers bowed down and sneaked back.

Compared to the excitement outside, the atmosphere in the Fangjia Mansion is dignified.

"Are you confused? Can you lose yours in the future?" Mrs. Fang said with exhaustion.

These days, the fire also made a good word and said, Fang Yunxiu and Fang Yuxiu always do not enter the oil and salt.

Fang Yunxiu looked down on his head and looked uneasy. He didn't seem to want this. Yes, she really didn't want to, but it was another way to listen to Fang Yuxiu.

I don't know if she said that she didn't have an idea or was too ribbed.

Mrs. Fang Da was too lazy to pay attention to her. The biggest problem now is Fang Yuxiu.

"Mother, the future is the future, who can know what will happen in the future." Fang Yuxiu said, no hurry, no worries, calm look, "still say good now."

Mrs. Fang Da spit out.

"If you say it, just say it, you have to open the library first, and the account is released," she said.

Speaking of this, she will be anxious again.

Since Fang Chengyu took over the business, she and the old lady have let go. Deshengchang only recognizes Fang Chengyu’s seals and orders, and the right of Fang Yuxiu’s Yunxiu is made by Fang Chengyu. Now Fang Chengyu is still on the road. So that they could not solve this scene.

"If there is anything we say in our own home, why should we let outsiders see jokes, is there anything good?" said Mrs. Fang Da, "Jade embroidery, you are not a confused child."

Fang Yuxiu smiled and just about to speak, and the voice of Yuan’s shouted outside the door.

"The old lady sent someone."

The voice was a little scared.

Mrs. Fang Da looked out through the curtain and saw a dozen of five big three servants in the yard, holding a stick rope in her hand.

She only felt that her heartbeat stopped and people stood up.

"You annoyed your grandmother," she said with a trembling voice. "Did you forget, your grandmother is tempered."