MTL - Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night-v2 Chapter 663 West Kunlun is slightly better!

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The latest website: Nantianmenwai!

Lu Wu, the former God of West Kunlun Mountains, didn't give in an inch, after all, he didn't dare to give in, did he?

The tense atmosphere is constantly permeating, and if there is any disagreement, it will be like a big fight outside the Nantian Gate.

Naturally, Lu Wu could not back down after obtaining the decree, and as the lord of the nine heavens, Zhang Bairen, the heavenly emperor, naturally couldn't back down either.

If you don't steam the steamed buns, you have to fight for your breath.

What's more, it's no longer a matter of fighting for breath. Once he retreats, what face does he, a heavenly emperor, have in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Zhang Bairen said indifferently: "Lu Wu, it seems that you have made up your mind to stop this emperor in front of the Nantian Gate today. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Lu Wu, however, looked at His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, who was on the verge of fury, without being humble or arrogant, and replied: "Your Majesty, as the Lord of the Thirty-Three Heavens, you should also be clear about the matter of knowing the remnants of God's rebellion. , I will never give in, I still say the same thing, what should I do if I know the laws of Taoism, but know the law and break the law?"

If it was in other places, he really wouldn't dare to stand up to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, but this was outside the Nantian Gate, under the public anger, he had to make a reason for everything.

It just so happened that Empress Nuwa's reasoning was greater than that of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, so he naturally had to obey the decree of the most reasonable one. Besides, in this matter, His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor was unreasonable!

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen snorted coldly and said, "What if this Emperor insists on bringing them into the Lingxiao Heaven Realm today? Are you going to confront this Emperor, the Lord of the Nine Layers of Heaven?"

Zhang Bairen's indifferent voice resounded inside and outside the Nantian Gate, and the immortals who came to see the excitement all expressed their intentions to withdraw.

In these heavens and worlds, do you want to watch the excitement? Do not shudder!

But if he was affected because of watching the excitement, he would be terribly shivering!

"Back, back, back, back quickly, I'm afraid these two are going to fight at Nantianmen today."

A practitioner in the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, after much deliberation, chose to run away.

After all, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is not a magnanimous master. Once they see something that they shouldn't see, they will definitely be put on small shoes in the Nine Heavens in the future.

After a while.

Except for the practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm, and a few immortal families with the background of the three religions, the huge Nantianmen has become extremely lonely at this moment.

Lu Wu looked at the immortal families fleeing away one after another, and said with a smile: "These immortal families are very clever in their cultivation base of seeking profit and avoiding danger. His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor's pursuit of the remnants of God's rebellion is a major matter of the entire Taoist sect. There are people behind you Thousands of people are not normal, they should be brought into the human world, if you really fight, you old man may not win."

If he only relied on the Queen Mother of the West, he would not dare to speak such nonsense, but now he is not only behind the Queen Mother of the West, but also has the support of a practitioner of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm. Outside the Nantianmen, guarding for hundreds of years?

Zhang Bairen smiled lightly, and he said: "Since the Queen Mother and Sister Xi are in such a difficult situation, it seems that this emperor has no choice but to venture into the Nine Layers of Heaven."

With the Heavenly Emperor Sword in hand, Zhang Bairen's whole body suddenly turned aside, and the endless coercion made Lu Wu feel a little out of breath.

Lu Wu took a few steps back, and directly took out the Hongjun decree that Empress Nuwa had stuffed into him just now. After he spread the Hongjun decree, he said, "Your Majesty, do you want to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?" ? Hongjun's decree, Hongjun's decree!"

I saw the Hongjun dharma decree in Lu Wu's hand hanging in the air, and the next moment Lu Wu felt the coercion around him suddenly dissipate.

The courage of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor was not to the extreme after all, and he still had some respect for Patriarch Hongjun after all.

Zhang Bairen grasped the Hongjun decree and recited calmly: "The decree of Hongjun is to investigate the remnants of rebellion against the gods, but those who harbor them will be punished with the same crime as treason against the gods.

What a decree of Nuwa, Lu Wu, don't deceive others too much! "

How Hongjun's decree came about is inseparable from his good senior sister and his good nephew.

On the surface, this is Hongjun's decree, but in reality?

This is the excuse that his Nuwa Senior Sister came to trouble him. It really is that among the heavens and myriad worlds, only villains and women are difficult to raise!

Lu Wu remained silent, as if he hadn't heard anything. Anyway, it was stamped with the great seal of the Taoist leader, not because of Hongjun's decree.

At this time, the Queen Mother of the West led the immortals and walked out from the Nantian Gate. The Queen Mother of the West looked at the angry Zhang Bairen, and said flatly: "Senior Brother! It's not that the Senior Sister doesn't want to give you face. It’s impossible to cover you up, teacher, he’s an old man, but he’s watching in Zixiao Palace.”

Although she couldn't quite understand why her teacher gave the certificate of the Taoist leader to her nephew Su.

But now it seems that the certificate of the Xuanmen leader is really useful, otherwise the careless junior in front of her would have wiped out the Nantianmen.

Hearing the Queen Mother of the West mentioned the ancestor of Hongjun, the Heavenly Emperor Zhang Bairen also died down. After all, his position as the Heavenly Emperor would not be secure at all without the approval of his teacher.

Zhang Bairen forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and he said: "Since it is the teacher's decree, then I, as a disciple, should obey it. Senior sister can deal with these remnants of rebellion on my own, but what should I do if Lu Wu committed the crime below?" Deal with it!"

His arms couldn't twist his thighs, and he really didn't dare to disobey Hongjun's decree at the moment. If he really disobeyed his teacher's decree, even if the decree was not written by his teacher himself, he would definitely suffer.

The Queen Mother of the West nodded slightly and said: "This is the best way. As for the offense under Lu Wu, he is disrespectful to his younger brother. How about sending him back to West Kunlun Mountain?"

After Zhang Bairen heard this, although he felt unwilling, UU Reading had no choice but to say against his will: "It's all up to the senior sister to make the decision. I don't know if I can go back to the Lingxiao Heaven Realm now?"

The Queen Mother of the West said calmly: "Welcome the Heavenly Emperor to return to the heavenly realm."

Then Zhang Bairen led tens of thousands of people into the Nine Layers of Heaven, and the remaining six or seven thousand practitioners showed their trembling expressions on their faces. They were worried about their own lives. .

You know, even His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor can't keep them, who else can keep them?

"Heaven has the virtue of being good at life. Although you have gone astray, I have asked for a Hongjun decree for you. The mistakes of the past are not to be blamed. Your home is still the Lingxiao Heaven Realm. As for how to do it, I shouldn’t need to say more about it!”

The Queen Mother of the West spoke plainly, as if she was talking about a trivial matter.

And the thousands of cultivators who were left here by the Heavenly Emperor Zhang Bairen should have changed their families in the first place.

(end of this chapter)