MTL - It’s Not Easy Being a Master-Chapter 49 thrush

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The Painted Demon can change thousands of faces. Shen Zhixian thought that it would take some effort to find her. Who knew she would come to the door by herself.

He didn't want to, so he blocked the painted skin demon into the room again. The painted skin devil shrugged his lips while laughing: "Don't you be so anxious, let the slaves prepare ..."

The smiley voice of her smile had not completely fallen, and a stunned invisible sword gas was pinned to the door panel next to her ear.

A few green silk fluttered to the ground.

Sword light flashed slightly, and Yan Jin silently reintroduced the sword body that was drawn out of the half palm into the scabbard.

The Painted Demon straightened his stance for a moment, and He opened the door for Shen Zhixuan politely: "Old son, Yan son, please."

The little sisters **** in the next room were finally rescued by their belated companions. When they came to deliver the tea, they still counseled the two, and they swayed the tea tremblingly while counseling. After finishing the tea, they hurried back.

Shen Zhixian went straight to the theme: "What was the place you said yesterday was the immortal city?"

The Painted Devil felt that they seemed to care about the Undead City yesterday. Today, when I heard it again, I re-raised it. The eyes turned and I didn't answer, and only smiled Yingying: "The lady Meng never came out of the dead city. What's wrong with you, you guys haven't got any words from her? "

Her attitude was as if she didn't care much about Mrs. Meng, and she made no joke: "This Mrs. Meng is really loyal to Ms. Yun. Not even two ..."

Yan Jin silently unscrewed the sword, rested gently on the desk case, with her thumb against the hilt of the sword, and with a little force, the sword came out of the sheath.

"Ah, it ’s not a good place to die. It looks good on the bright side, but it's actually a cage ... into it, it's hard to come out." The painted demon raised his sleeves to cover his lips, and coughed softly, saying: "If the two plan to go to the Undead City, please be careful."

"How to say?"

Speaking of the Undead City, the soft smile on the painted skin demon's face faded a lot, succinctly: "Leaving there is said to be a price."

"At what cost?"

The Painted Devil carelessly poke away the floating tea leaves with the tea cover and sips the tea leisurely: "I don't know, I only know that when I saw the lady Meng 100 years ago, she was just a small thrush Birds— 唔, tail feathers are a bit red and pretty.

Shen Zhixian almost instantly remembered the little hairy maggots that had been difficult to drill out of the courtyard last night. Unfortunately, it was covered with mud. He didn't pay attention to the color of the little guy's tail feathers.

There was a weird little Mao Mao in that yard, and it was not easy to find identity, so I didn't know what relationship it had with Mrs. Meng.

Spirit charms and rusty locks, Mrs. Meng haunting in the middle of the night, the little hairy owl who escaped from the dead, can enter the hard-to-go undead city.

It was as if an invisible thread had implicated them.

Shen Zhixian felt that he was groping a little, but he was still elusive for a while and could not prove it.

He shook the tea cup in his hand thoughtfully, watching the tea leaves floating on the hot water stretch out, and asked softly: "A hundred years ago, it has been so long ... That little thrush, that is, Mrs. Meng, was a What happened? "

He wanted to ask for details, but the Painted Demon smiled, and he avoided it: "The little thrush is a bird raised by a girl who sings in the paintings ... I see countless things every day. Man, it's been so long. At this time, even the girl has forgotten what she looks like. How can you remember a little bird? "

Immediately after she finished speaking, she saw Yan Jin slightly move her hands, swallowed her mouth, and hesitated again: "Well, I think about it again, think about it ... By the way, that little thrush was able to be turned on Shape, I occasionally see her transformed into a human figure, pretending to be a girl in a painting, quite close to a guest ... I don't know any more. "

Painted skin demon recalled, a little lost. At that time, someone came from the Undead City. She had heard something about the Undead City from a dead old demon. She didn't like the Undead City. She was afraid to avoid it. She saw people coming and was busy. I just ran away, where can I take care of that little thrush.

Just vaguely remember ...

Shen Zhixian dropped the tea cup back to the case, and the crisp clashes pulled the Painted Demon back from distant memories. The charming beauty was suddenly refreshed, with a hint of uncertainty: "Well, it seems that little thrush is still in trouble What happened, but I was busy running at the time, not paying much attention. "

The painted skin demon stood up, half complaining and half angry: "Gong Yan is so fierce, you don't care about him ..." She said lightly, but she no longer cares about the two. Go out the door.


Shen Zhixian and Yan Jin lived in Yangzhou for the time being.

The Painted Demon couldn't ask anything more, Mrs. Meng couldn't take care of it, Meng Yun didn't know whether it was a change of heart or a prodigal son, and she stayed behind for a few days, and she never went there again, only When the shop under the name was in desperation, he went around.

It is said that he is taking good care of his wife, and it is not true or false.

Shen Zhixian and Yan Jin quietly hidden their bodies and touched Meng's house day and night to see the little woolen owl.

The little Mao Mao was afraid of death, Shen Zhixuan let it hide in the small cave, and it really did not stay there.

It was just raining this evening, and the air was still humid. The small hairy owl probably took the opportunity to take a bath and washed away all the mud on its body, revealing its original appearance, jumping with its wings beside the rockery, and muttering in a little bird's beak.

Seems to be singing something.

Shen Zhixian walked over quietly, and made a snoring gesture towards Yan Jin, listening carefully to what it was singing.

Under the bleak moonlight, it wobbled in a circle, and a little red Yan on the tail feathers fell into the eyes of the two without any cover.

"Brow eyebrows and two loves, promise to keep each other ... Lang ..." Xiao Maozhen seemed to be completely immersed in his own world, his wings were slightly ticked, "Mo Ning Qingqing heart ..."

Qingli was gentle, but she was a female voice.

This sound is familiar.

Although Mrs. Meng had spoken with them a few words, Shen Zhixuan was very sensitive to the sound, and she immediately found out that the female voice from this little hairpin was very similar to Mrs. Meng's voice—the crimson little thrush with tail feathers a hundred years ago. The little thrush bird turned into a humanoid lady with the same appearance.

Shen Zhixian quickly thought about it and analyzed the possible connection between them, the little thrush bird sing enough, and suddenly changed the tone.

"Lang ... lang ... ruthless!" The voice suddenly became a little sharp, with hatred and despair, and the little thrush bird swayed and made another turn, staggering forward, as if chasing Something, "Mo go, Mo go ... Come back with me!"

The last ending rose sharply. Shen Zhixian listened to its grievous shouts, trembled violently, and pulled Yan Jin away: "Let's go, this thrush bird is also abnormal."

He probably figured out something, and made up his mind, and was not in a hurry to disturb the thrush bird who sang alone. He pulled Yan Jin and left Mengfu silently.

They hurried away and didn't find it. The thrush bird sang and started to weep, and it was still a wanling girl.

The pale moonlight shone on it, casting a shadow on the ground, but not a small shadow of Mao Mao.

That's ... a figure.

The wide-sleeved robe was slender, and his slender wrists were stretched out, with five fingers slightly stretched, trying to save something in vain.

After that night, Shen Zhixian began to explore around purposefully, near in Yangzhou City, and in the distance to a few small hills nearby, and finally caught a weasel who hurriedly prepared to run.

Shen Zhixian caught it and asked, "Where can I run?"

If there are so many mortal people in Yangzhou City and there are no monsters, then it is understandable, but there are no traces of monsters living in the mountains so far.

There is plenty of aura in the world, and there are countless little monsters who have opened up. Why is it as if it is extinct?

The two of them were sword repairs and auras. The weasel felt the coercion on the two of them and shivered: "Ah, oh, the fairy kings forgive me, but I have never harmed anyone, not even the chicks. I have eaten ... I am really a kind weasel! "

Shen Zhixian took a trick and trapped it in place: "What do you do to escape ... why are there so few demon around here?"

The weasel hit the barrier, couldn't walk, and hurriedly circled in situ: "Isn't that just escape ... There are monsters in Yangzhou City, and we will catch our little monsters from time to time to fight teeth sacrifices. If I do n’t leave, I will be caught and eaten!" "

Shen Zhixian thought, and motioned to continue.

The weasel face was bitter: "In the past few years, a terrible monster has appeared in Yangzhou City. After a period of time, it will attract many souls and monsters ... Those who were attracted to the past will not be able to return! They must all be eaten!"

His eyes shuddered, his body shivered, and he begged, "There are fewer and fewer monsters nearby, and the remaining monsters are gone. I don't want to stay here anymore, who knows where Will I be caught and eaten one day? I really haven't done any bad things, the fairies can do well, let me go ... "

Shen Zhixian lifted the barrier. He worshipped at the two in a panic, and thanked him for his life, and ran away in a hurry.

Looking at the back of her hurried departure, Shen Zhixian's eyes flashed a moment of contemplation, and he tilted his head to look at Yan Jin, and whispered softly, "A Jin, you may be ready to fight."

Shen Zhixian began to study the matrix method.

He made up his mind to get rid of that weird little yard in Mon House. After searching around in the past few days, he was basically able to determine that there was a monster in the courtyard. At some interval, the magic charm would be used to attract many monsters and souls to devour it.

That monster is devouring madly, perhaps to strengthen its own power, or maybe for other reasons ... In short, Shen Zhixian will not allow it to continue to exist here.

When the magic charm can no longer attract little monsters and wandering spirits, who knows what the monster will do?

Yan Jin was a young girl with a low level of qualifications, and she always had to toss about it. This is a practice that has been done for the people.

The formation method is to prevent the magical spirit in the small courtyard from overflowing and harming ordinary people. It is arranged around Mengfu, covering up and hiding from people's perception.

Shen Zhixian's playing method only knows the fur, but Yan Jin. At the time of Qingyun Zong, he had learned the playing method because of the trial of the mountain ... The protagonist's golden finger aura is to learn what will happen. On the playing method, Yan Jin On the contrary, it is more effective.

After some turbulence finally settled, a few days passed. Shen Zhixian caught Yan Jin watching the celestial celestial constellation overnight, and after pondering for a long time, he finally figured out a moment—the moment when the moonlight was the weakest and the heaven and earth were the most sparse.

Perhaps it was the weakest moment of that monster.

The two discussed again carefully, and finally decided to go away.

Anyway, the painted skin demon is also a demon who has lived for hundreds of years. He can't fight, and his life-saving ability should be a little bit. There are not only monsters in Mengfu, but also many ordinary people. Although they have set up a formation, but Just in case ... it's better to have a free labor force.

Toward the painting, suddenly a woman came out inside, with a veil, holding a long scroll in her hand, and was leaving quickly.

This figure was a little familiar, Shen Zhixian's mind moved slightly, and she whispered her tactics gently. A gust of wind blew across the woman's veil, revealing a calm face—Ms. Meng.

Shen Zhixian watched her leave thoughtfully and folded herself into the painting.

When she was looking for the Painted Demon, she was packing up a pile of waste paper. When they saw them coming, Xiaoyingying said, "How coincidentally, Meng Fu's talents just left."

The Painted Demon grouped the waste paper into a ball, and threw it into the brazier, which was dedicated to incinerating the waste manuscript. The fire flew up and swallowed up the waste paper. The fire was extinguished. It takes time to draw ... "

Shen Zhixian asked casually: "What to draw?"

"Mrs. Meng asked me to draw a picture of Meng Yun who frowned for her. I'm afraid that after finishing this scene with Meng Yun, I must reconcile ... I am satisfied with many pictures, but I am exhausted. "

Shen Zhixian was thinking about the matter of tomorrow night, and she didn't care too much when she heard the words. She whispered something, and explained to her something about tomorrow night, talking about his sudden return to God—drawing eyebrows. ?

Isn't that the song that the thrush hummed? !!

The thrush of the thrush bird resounded in Shen Zhixian's mind. He was startled, and suddenly stood up and went out: "It's going to happen!"

The author has something to say: Friday to Saturday (8.2-8.3) to go to the field test, cooing!

I'm back on Saturday night. If I can't keep up with the update, it will change with Sunday. _ (: з 」∠) _


7. What's it?

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