MTL - It’s Not Easy Being a Master-Chapter 41 Due

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Shen Zhixian's first thought was to pretend nothing happened, and the second thought was that she was really bad, and she did not even apologize for the bad things.

... Although it was unintentional.

However, he looked at Yan Jin's expression, and finally decided to apologize for this vocal ...... It always felt that if he spoke, something extraordinary would happen.

He pretended to take a step back arbitrarily—without retreating, Yan Jin's hands clasped around his waist, and Shen Zhixian said helplessly: "A Jin looses his hands."

Yan Jin looked at him slightly sideways, her hands were slightly loose, but she still leaned against his waist and stared at him quietly.

Shen Zhixian was quite uncomfortable looking at him, and was about to say something, but he glanced at the slight red in his eyes. As soon as Shen Zhixian's heart was tight, he grasped his wrist subconsciously, thinking about it before he realized that he had no spiritual power.

Shen Zhixian's action was not concealed. Yan Jin understood it immediately. The redness under his eyes seemed to be more obvious. He whispered, "If I am enchanted, will I hate me when I see you?"

The instinct cultivated by the Book of Readings tells Shen Zhixuan that usually when a person asks such a sentence, he is not far from the magic.

Shen Zhixian was a little stunned in the heart. In the original book, is the opportunity for Yan Jin to get into the magic?

He wanted to be absorbed, but didn't respond for a moment. Yan Jin saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and his heart sank gradually, from scalding to cold, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

Just when Yan Jin was almost unable to bear it, Shen Zhixian returned to God, and said with a casual expression: "Cultivation of immortals and magic is only a matter of thought, there is no difference in essence, why not hate it?"

He patted Yan Jin's hand, and found that he still had a flower branch in his hand, and then handed it to Yan Jin. He got out of the situation and went to the front to see the children hiding behind the tree.

As soon as his hand was empty, Yan Jin, who was clogged with flower branches, looked down, and looked at the trembling flower with only half a flower and half a stunned, wondering what to think. In the end, when the wrist was turned over, the flower branch was He put away.

He stepped forward toward Shen Zhixian, who was not far away. Shen Zhixian was squatting halfway to communicate with the child.

The illusion was shattered, and the three spirits and seven souls who had been dismantled gathered together spontaneously and reunited as one person, but because his soul was scattered for too long, he couldn't merge well, and the whole person was awesome.

"Xiao Shi?" Shen Zhixian called.

The child nodded timidly, his eyes a little expectant: "You, did you see Yuyu?"

"Where is the fish?" Shen Zhixian asked Wen Wen, following his words.

"Yuyu, Yuyu ..." Xiaoshi thought hard for a while before hesitating to turn in a certain direction. "Yuyu is in it ... I can't get in ..."

He was sad as he was talking, his soul was full of shadows, and he was shaking more and more: "Yuyu ... Yuyu isn't happy? Yuyu laughed?" He gradually lost his eyes, "I play fish hide and seek ... fish The fish will laugh ... "

Shen Zhixian followed his eyes. With Xiao Shi's words, the mist there spread out, and a barrier gradually emerged.

Xiao Shi stumbled over and walked over, was bounced down by the barrier, and his soul was lost for a moment.

Shen Zhixian also followed, tentatively touching the barrier.

The barrier shone a little.

Shen Zhixian turned his head to look at Yan Jin, and Yan Jin knew that, before he could say anything, he clenched his waist lightly and passed the barrier easily—the barrier was not difficult and could not be blocked. Someone, it's just that Xiaoshi's soul is incomplete and difficult to pass through.

As soon as he passed the barrier, the sound of the waves came again. When the mist disappeared before his eyes, Shen Zhixian could see clearly that it turned out to be a sea.

The endless, blue sea like jade, reflects the floating clouds in the sky, sparkling in the sun.

Not far away, a rock stood still in the waves. On the largest rock, a scorpion with an ice-blue fish tail was sitting quietly, and a half of the fish tail was hidden under the water. He looked out at the distant sea, sometimes Humor minor.

Noticing the movement here, the man turned his head, as the long hair of the waterfall was blown by the wind, making his skin white and snowy.

Shen Zhixian saw him, somehow, a strange man's voice burst into his head.

"I'm willing to build three thousand illusions for him, the boundless ocean, the waves of the tornado, the sun and the moon, the thin clouds and the stars ... there will be no shortage, just one point, I will never let him leave.

This voice appeared suddenly, and Shen Zhixian glanced at Yan Jin subconsciously, the latter pulling him as usual to wading towards the Tatar side.

He retracted his gaze, frowned slightly, and there seemed to be some noisy sounds on and off intermittently, this time it was not clear, he listened carefully, but did not hear anything.

His head seemed to be stuffed with memories and feelings that did not belong to him, which caused a moment of confusion in his thoughts, and he did not even respond to walking in front of the uncle.

The Tatar stopped singing, and the beautiful ice-blue eyes gave Shen Zhixian a glance, and raised an eyebrow slightly: "Is the heart vein damaged?"

He clicked on the matter in a word, Yan Jin froze, without any hesitation, kneeling on the rock that was half-hermitic in the sea. When his knees bumped against the rock, even the water buffered it. Ringing: "Begging from seniors."

Shen Zhixian was shocked by the muffled sound, and then he dragged him subconsciously, unconsciously showing a distress.

The Tatar people took a look at all of this, and for a moment he looked awkwardly. After a moment, he smiled slightly, raised his hand slightly, and a gentle force stood up to hold Yan Jin.

"This heart disease, I am afraid that ordinary scales can't save it. You must reverse the scales." The cold voice sounded leisurely, and the daring man showed his inverse scales generously. "I have only half of the inverse scales left."

Shen Zhixian's heart sank a bit. Of course he knew how important the inverse scale was. If it was a normal scale, it would be better to say that if it was an inverse scale ... without the inverse scale, it would be equivalent to losing half of his life.

Yan Jin obviously thought of this too. He pursed his lips, and was about to continue to speak, but he raised his hand, and his long fingertips touched his lips, compared with a snoring gesture: "I have lived a short time, you If you are here, it ’s okay to give you the inverse scales. But ... ”

He paused, and then sighed in his tone when he opened his lips again: "Just another day to change his life, there should always be a price ... I once saved Xiao Shi with the scales, and the price is that Xiao Shi can no longer grow up in this life .I'm not sure what happens if you use the scales like this. "

"The senior knows the solution?"

The Tatar groaned for a long time before he was not sure: "I have been to a place called Undead City thousands of years ago, and it is said that there is a retrospective grass ... which may relieve the side effects of the scales."

He looked at both of them with a serious and serious look, and smiled: "If you can't hold it, it's okay to use a little bit now, at least it will allow you to use spiritual power for a short time and you won't get sick. Find the soul tracking grass and then completely repair the heart. "

Shen Zhixian hesitated. He always thought that the ancient Tatars should have disappeared long ago. Even if there were Tatar scales, it should be the relics left by chance. Who knows that he actually saw the Tatars live now.

It was a scumbag who seemed to have run out of light and lost his inverse scale and was bound to die instantly.

His heart was tormented and difficult to choose. Yan Jin noticed his entanglement and quietly took his hand.

The warmth in his hand made Shen Zhixuan feel warm in his heart. Without thinking about it, he tilted his head and showed a slight smile.

The sloppy fish tail patted the water surface, splashing the sound of water, telling them to return to God: "You are outside ... see Xiaoshi? What is he doing?"

This question is not difficult to answer, but the answer seems a bit cruel to the scum. Shen Zhixian, who had seen the illusions of their past, was very clear that the relationship between the little blue fish and the little pick was not a loved one than a loved one, but the child who was stupid but cute and cute now has become like this ...

He thought for a while, but was hard to tell the truth: "Xiao Shi played hide-and-seek with the other nine Xiao Shi. He misses you so much, ask us to ask you ... but are you happy?"

It took only a moment to understand. He was silent for a long time, softened his expression, and murmured, "What a fool ..." His hand was covered with inverse scales, and his ice-blue eyes stared directly at Shen Zhixian. "I can give you inverse scales, just a little Go and gather Xiaoshi's soul for me and send him to reincarnation. "

"The insomniac can't pass this barrier. After you gather his soul, quietly send me in for a look ... forget it." He paused for a while, then shook his head for a long while, hiding that point "... Forget it, it's gone, let him die soon."

I just saw it in memory. Shen Zhixian said what he hadn't finished in his heart, nodded in silence, and went out with Yan Jin again.

Xiao Shi was still staring at his place. He tried to cross the barrier countless times, but he was ruthlessly dropped to the ground every time.

The soul is probably able to feel the pain. He fell red in his eyes, but shed tears so hard that he saw Shen Zhixian coming out, and ran up and down, "Yuyu, Yuyu?"

Shen Zhixian rubbed his head and said gently, "Yuyu is back in the sea, you should sleep, and you can see Yuyu when you wake up."

Xiao Shi twisted his fingers in an understandable way, eyes sulking: "Really, really?"

"Well. Little pick-up." Yan Jin's previous aura of qi sent before had not been used up, Shen Zhixian drew a condensed amulet with this aura, and the condensed amulet turned into a light smoke into the small pick-up soul, His soul gradually solidified, but his expression gradually stunned.

Shen Zhixian was a little bit embarrassed. He and Yan Jin were both sword repairs. They did not have the ability of Duan Yun to cross the soul by sound. He still remembers the tone of the soul resurrection song, or else ... he tried to sing?

As soon as this thought flashed, he heard a cold, unhurried song sounding, quiet and peaceful, with soothing power.

Xiao Shi's soul faded gradually in the familiar singing voice. When he was about to disappear, he woke up in the chaos and suddenly struggled.

"Yuyu! Yuyu ..." A faint, almost inaudible shout sounded, with a deep crying voice, and the gentle singing sounded a little, and then continued to sing.

Xiao Shi still couldn't bear the power of reincarnation between heaven and earth, his crying gradually faded, his figure completely dissipated, and no trace was left.

When returning to Tatar again, Shen Zhixuan's mood was a bit heavy. Tatar looked calm as usual, and when he saw that Shen Zhixuan seemed to have a trance, he smiled softly and turned to comfort him: "Parting in the world is too common. Do n’t Too mindful. "

Shen Zhixian shook his head slightly, without speaking.

The Tatars have been trapped here for nearly a thousand years, and they do n’t know much about the outside world, and they can only perceive the whole secret situation. He inquired about them, and groaned for a moment before sighing: "This mystery is about to disappear. A few days ago, I felt Yin Ci Lingdan was broken, and knew that this day would come sooner or later ... Actually, it was a long time ago ... Before, it shouldn't be here. "

After Yin Ci entered the demon, he worked hard to design this small blue fish in captivity. The whole secret was supported by Yin Ci. Later, Yin Ci died, and was continued to be supported by Yin Ci.

Ke Lingdan is no better than humans. After feeling the lack of magic air in the secret realm, he began to actively search for the creatures with magic air according to the setting of Yin Ci, and absorbed them into the secret realm in some way. All the auras in them are integrated into the mystery.

The mystery of the early days was very picky. It only picked magical creatures. Later, it couldn't hold it. The monk who took the initiative to come in and became a good monk reluctantly accepted it. The secret city.

Shen Zhixian stumbled: "The secret realm is looking for magic repairs? But I ..."

He was also actively involved in the mystery, but he is the immortal of the Eight Classics! Can't hit the magic pole!

I was stunned for a moment. He thought that Shen Zhixian came in actively, but wasn't it?

He raised his hand to let Shen Zhixian approach, his white fingertips point on his forehead, and frowned a moment later: "You have magic in your body."

Shen Zhixian: "Ah?"

His first thought was the enchantment that was extradited from Yan Jin during the Qingyunzong test sword conference before, but he thought about it, that ’s not right, the enchantment was very weak, and it disappeared in a few days. It is impossible to stay in the body for so long without being noticed by him or the four elders ...

He was thinking, scumming lightly on the place where the mole was under his eyes. Suddenly a tingling sensation came, and the place was scorching hot, making him unable to resist frowning, holding Yan Jin's hand suddenly hard, only to endure without calling out.

The transfigured face was completely invalidated by the slapstick technique, exposing the teardrop mole. But at this time, the tear-mole had become a little dark, no longer red, and it was a little bit ridiculous, then the tear-mole suddenly escaped a ray of black gas, and quickly plunged into the sea!

It was running too fast, and several people were unprepared. They didn't catch it for a while, and watched it disappear into the waves.

"Master ..." For a long time I didn't see this face, Yan Jin was a little accustomed to it, but what shocked him even more was that the tear mole at the corner of Shen Zhixian's eye was gone!

Shen Zhixian touched the corner of his eyes, he really lost the slight bump, he touched and touched in shock-what's going on?

How could there be magic in him?

Is this tear mole a seal that imprisons this strand of magic?

These original books are not mentioned at all!

He was still thinking about it, but the stunned man suddenly sensed something, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately urged: "The mystery can't be sustained anymore-I can still support a little time for you."

Without hesitation, he lifted his half of the inverse scales and handed them to Shen Zhixuan, biting his lips, swallowing the **** swell of the throat, and ordered Yan Jin: "Exactly, you will bring the scales to him Heart and pulse fusion ... "

When time was tight, Shen Zhixian saw that the decision had been made, and pursed his lips, only to suppress the doubt in the bottom of his heart, bowed respectfully and gratefully to him, and then sat down with Yan Jin on a large rock and crossed his knees.

Although the big rock was large, the two sat cross-legged, but it was just right. The four palms were facing each other and the knees were against each other. Shen Zhixuan closed her eyes.

The Qiang people took a small piece of inverse scale and sent it to Shen Zhixian's chest. The inverse scale turned into a blue piece of light and sank into Shen Zhixian's chest.

Immediately, Shen Zhixian felt a gentle spiritual power belonging to the ancient Tatars, and began to infiltrate and repair his heart-wounded veins. With it came Yan Jin ’s spiritual power, carefully protecting his spiritual roots, not letting him Those overpowering spirits hurt him.

The contract in the depths of Reiki began to be hot. Reiki was a very important place for monks, and Yan Jin also divided a little of her power to protect.

Shen Zhixian was not prepared for him, so he didn't know what kind of spiritual power was quietly, so he went into the sea of ​​his aura.

The contract felt Yan Jin's spiritual power, trembling violently, and even trembling with Shen Zhixian's back, an indescribable sensation came out from the depth of the Reiki Sea, making him unable to hold his breath for a moment. Only resisted the urge to tremble together.

He thought it was just an accident, but for the next half hour, he thoroughly felt what torture was.

Yan Jin's spiritual power drew his contract over and over again, and the original high-cold contract, after feeling Yan Jin's spiritual power, was like a teased 28 girl, trembling shamelessly, In the end he even shook with Shen Zhixian.

--What the hell! Fatty four! False contract! Returns!

He gritted his teeth and held back the strange feeling, which was not pain, or something else, but ...

Suddenly an idea came to mind-hug him.

Shen Zhixian: "?????"

Who is it? Who holds it?

Hold Yan Jin? He holds it?


This idea was not what he was thinking! It seemed as if someone was living in his mind, and he was constantly forcing his thoughts on him!

After that small piece of scales was completely integrated into his heart, Shen Zhixian finally couldn't hold it, and his body would fall backwards as soon as he was lifted up. He was pulled by Yan Jin, who was eager to avoid the end of falling into the sea, and instead hit Into Yan Jin's arms.

He didn't have the energy to sit up straight, breathing slightly, his hands dragging Yan Jin's sleeves were still trembling, and Yan Jin's actions gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

When the scales were just merged, Yan Jin by the way resolved the imprisonment spiritual skill set by the elders for him. At this time, the imprisoned spiritual power circulated wildly in his body, so that he could not say a word. .

Yan Jin knew his situation and shook his hand. He still did not withdraw his spiritual power and helped him calm down the spiritual agitation.

After a moment, Shen Zhixuan took a breath, and by Yan Jin's strength, she leaned her head to look at the people.

The Tatars lost their inverse scales, and tried their best to protect the law for both of them. At this time, life was finally at its limit. His tail patted slowly and weakly in the water, and Shen Zhixian saw that there was a scar on the tailbone.

It was the scar caused by Yin Ci's ring.

But the buckle was not visible.

Did Yin Ci take it down? Or is he freeing himself?

The Tatar lost his strength, sank his tail into the water, and stopped moving. He stopped looking at the two of them, and his gaze drifted away into the distance.

Please chill out and sing, and sing free and unrestrained tunes in ancient and mysterious language.

Shen Zhixian listened in surprise, and suddenly felt a rush in her heart. He looked at the ice blue and asked softly, "The name of his predecessor is unknown ..."

The waves swept one after another from a distance and never stopped. Xu Shi felt the sadness of leaving, and the sound of the waves seemed to bring a little sadness.

The sultry stood up and plunged into the sea water, and the cold and leisurely voice was blurred to the ears in the sound of the waves.

"... I used to have no name, then my name was Yuyu, and then ... my name was Yin Gui."

Changfeng sends more hatred, and he deserves his resignation.

The author has something to say: I have been edited and renamed, and I am struggling to survive in a harmonious world. Grunting tears.


The next chapter is out of mystery. The stare of the contract king from unlocking new skills.jpg.

Regarding Yin Ci and Yuyu, Chapter 40 was intended to be detailed, but I didn't write it after thinking about it, mainly because it seemed that it was not good to put too much supporting role in Chapter V, and Blue Goose still didn't deal with it and let him roll over.

This pair just wants to satisfy my obsession with taking the smash while promoting the plot. Many things have happened between them, which led to Yuyu having to leave and Yin Hei ... Write it down (cover your face).

If you do n’t like this pair, forget them _ (: з) ∠) _, they will not appear again after the secret.


Thank you for your hand grenades: Jiang Yuanyuan x 2; less than you 897446405 x 1;

Thank you for the mines of Xiaokuo: swallow a grapefruit x1, Wo Qimingheng Suidex1, 007x1, Jiang Yanx1, sugarx1, milkshake without x1, pp white water x1;

Thank you Xiaokuo lovers: Jiang Yan x10 bottles; Qing Benjia x1 bottles;

(づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭ 啾 Mi ~