MTL - Is the End Really Coming?-Chapter 60 secretly help

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As the clothes on his body were gradually soaked in the hot pot soup, and the skin felt damp and warm, Tang Jin also became numb.

Numbness until the blood in the whole body disappears, and the hands and feet are cold.

A pair of empty, dark eyes quietly looked at the aggressive guest at the table in front of him—a woman in her forties and fifties with two sons, one big and one small.

The woman is about forty or fifty years old, with thin hair, high cheekbones, triangular eyes, and looks fierce and mean.

In this "crusade" against Tang Jin, she was the main force.

At this time, she was holding a large amount of paper, wiping a small oil stain on her clothes, and pointed at Tang Jin's nose and scolded:

"How can you be a waiter!? Working in a hot pot restaurant, you can't carry the hot pot pot? You overturned the pot so big, and you almost spilled it on us! How dangerous is it? Why don't you go directly to the I got splashed on my face..."


Tang Jin wanted to explain that it wasn't a simple pot... Thanks to the fact that the family couldn't eat spicy food, they ordered a mandarin duck pot with half clear soup and half tomato. It was a pot of hot pot soup that weighed dozens of pounds. , even adults are not easy to carry...

But she opened her mouth and didn't explain it.


After being silent for a while, Tang Jin looked away slightly and looked at the slightly older boy opposite the woman.

The boy looked eighteen or nineteen, not a college student but also a high school student.

He looks ordinary, wears glasses, and has a bookish look on his face.

At this time, he was sitting there with a face full of embarrassment, sometimes looking at Tang Jin and the mess on the ground;

Sometimes I look at my mother who is crazy about outputting, and then look at the people around me who are looking at me,

He seemed to want to persuade him to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

It belongs to the crazy "paddling".

So, Tang Jin gave up her expectations for him and looked at the little boy again.

This little guy is unusual...

The boy was about seven or eight years old, with a long head and a head. He was stepping on the chair with his hips on his arms, following the example of the mother beside him, with a naive and unreasonable help—

"...That's right! You are so grown up, don't look at it, what should I do if I get hurt? Even my mother's clothes are soiled..."

A smug tone could be vaguely heard in his voice,

He should feel proud that he helped his mother.

But Tang Jin was a little strange.

Isn't it all because of him?

If he didn't come to make trouble, why did he avoid hurting him?

If you don't avoid it, how can you knock this pot of hot pot over to the ground?

And this woman...why doesn't she educate her children, but instead educate herself?


Time has become extremely slow.

Tang Jin felt that the surrounding noise was gradually disappearing.

Unconsciously, she found that she could only see the mouth of the woman in front of her constantly opening and closing, but could not hear her voice.

The sounds around her became smaller and smaller, and gradually she could only hear her own breathing.

This gave her an absurd, detached feeling.

At the same time, out of the corner of her eye, she also saw some guests and unfamiliar colleagues approaching one after another.

She felt her body getting colder.


what can we do about it……

Tang Jin thought numbly.

Actually, she really wanted to end this farce quickly, but she didn't know what else she could do.

I'm sorry I said it many times, but it was useless, so she didn't say it at all.

She didn't want to make her already cheap apology even cheaper.

And the easiest and quickest way is compensation.

But she has no money...

By the way, what about the boss?

Tang Jin couldn't help but looked left and right.

At this moment, she actually hoped that the boss would come and criticize her, and then it would be better for her to be fired...



Oh, no, no, that's it...

Tang Jin sighed softly and looked down at the upside-down hot pot pot and the soup all over the floor.


When you dodged just now, it would be fine if you didn't turn the pot towards you. Sprinkling it all over your body is troublesome and uncomfortable. You have to wash it. It's a waste of time... If it really spilled on this family... Can be caught by the police...

That way, you can stay away from everyone...

However, just when she thought so.

"Please let me go."

A familiar and flat voice suddenly pierced her ear.

Tang Jin was stunned for two seconds before looking over, and found out that it was the boy who was very popular at school recently, who he misunderstood as a benefactor and took the initiative to delete himself.

And just heard what their table said, his name seems to be... Zhou Qi?

And he said... let's go?

Tang Jin's neck was a little stiff and she looked left and right, and suddenly realized that she, including the cart in her hand, were all in the middle of the road, and the people on both sides couldn't get through at all.

For a while, she felt her face heat up rapidly, and so did her body.

The originally cold palms started to sweat...

In my heart, I couldn't care about the grievance and discomfort caused by being abused just now, only embarrassment was left.


Instinct drove her to make way for Zhou Qi.


On the other side, Zhou Qi stood there,

His gaze swept across the faces of the family in turn.

At this moment, the woman stopped for a while,

The aggressiveness on his face was less, he looked at Zhou Qi impatiently and suspiciously,

The little boy's face was also full of hostility,

Zhou Qi could feel that as long as he said one more word, the two would mark him as an enemy as well.

So he didn't speak.

She just looked away, looking at the large oil stains on Tang Jin's body, and at the mess on the ground.


He leaned over and picked up the thick hot pot pot on the ground, which was at least 40 centimeters in diameter, and threw it on the table.


At the moment of contact, it made a violent muffled sound, shaking the table, as if to show how heavy it was.


The surrounding atmosphere became a little weird.


Zhou Qi calmly crossed the mess and walked to the bathroom as if nothing happened.

He didn't say a word from beginning to end.


And at this time,

Tang Jin looked at his back and suddenly regained her senses.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone in the audience was attracted by this boy who suddenly interjected...

Is he... helping himself?



Zhou Qi really just went to the toilet.

At the same time, I took the opportunity to look at my phone and reply with a message or something.

Not to checkout.

How could he have the money to settle the bill? The few hundred dollars left were borrowed by Guan Li Qing.

Moreover, this is the only way to the bathroom...clearly.

So he just came to the toilet and didn't have any other thoughts...


When he came back from the bathroom, he found that he couldn't go back.

The aisle was crowded with people.

There was a lot of noise.


The situation has not eased because of his actions just now, and even aggravated it.

Of course, what he did just now did not have any other purpose, he was just thinking about it...

Now it is.

Zhou Qi stepped forward and looked for a path to pass through.

At this moment, a sharp shrew's voice came from the center of the crowd:

"...I don't care! What's the use of apologizing? You have to pay me!"


I could vaguely hear a mature and steady female voice: "Don't worry, we have caused inconvenience to you and your family, and of course you have to compensate, but the first priority is to ask the waiter to clean up for you, right? Let's first I'll get you some quiet clothes, and I'll rearrange a table for you..."

"No need!" The sharp voice before was obviously the middle-aged woman, and before she could finish her sentence, she yelled impatiently and meanly: "I still dare to eat at your house after all this? I'm on my head... let's not say more, now, it's a matter of paying me 20,000 yuan!"


Hearing this, there was a little commotion around, and the discussion became much louder.

Zhou Qi leaned in and found that it was really crowded. A group of waiters and a large group of guests were watching the fun.

The person who negotiated with the middle-aged woman should be the manager or owner of a hot pot restaurant. She is well-dressed and mature, wearing an upright lady's small suit. Although her appearance is ordinary, the color of her lipstick makes her whole makeup look very bright. ,

At this time, she said helplessly to the middle-aged woman: "...Compensation is definitely required, but your price is a bit unrealistic..."

"What's unrealistic!? Let me tell you, let me tell you, my clothes are only 5,000 yuan. I almost endangered my life by eating a meal, shouldn't I order more? What if the soup is thrown on me? What about your son? I think you just want to avoid responsibility! Besides, you can't even pay 20,000 yuan for such a big hotel??"

"..." The mature woman was dumbfounded after hearing this.

Everyone was also mourning.

This kind of person, this kind of thing, I usually see a lot on the Internet,

It's the first time I've seen reality...

The mature woman said helplessly: "But after all, it has not caused such a situation... Do you think this is okay? We can compensate you for your clothes according to the price and give you a free table, and then we will negotiate some other compensation in private. Let your satisfaction be the main thing... Is that okay? But please be quiet and don't disturb other customers..."

"Private negotiation?" The woman looked suspicious, then Honey Juice confident, "Don't think I don't know your tricks, if there is no witness to this matter, you won't plan to pay... I don't care! Today must be Give me the money to your face!"

Just as she was talking, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the culprit - Tang Jin who was standing in the corner with her head bowed and silent, so she rolled her eyes and said with enthusiasm: "That's it! It seems that it is not easy to see you, then Just give me 10,000 yuan, but let this little girl kneel down and apologize to me, and then wash my clothes for me..."

"..." The expression on the mature woman's face froze.

Well, it's not just her, everyone is a little stiff.

The discussion was quiet for a while.


They were all shocked by this woman's ugly face...

She, how could she be so shameless?

Unheard of...


"This, this is really long time to see..."

"With such a mother, those two children are useless..."

"It's the first time I've seen such a person when I've grown up, so shameless..."

After a few seconds of discussion, someone shouted, "Can you stop making trouble here and affect other people's business? Otherwise, you should call the police! You say that the waiter in the hot pot restaurant murdered your family, you see whether the police will accept it..."

Someone reacted and followed: "That's right, let's get rid of the trivial things, why are you still greedy?"


However, that woman's skin is not ordinary, and her fighting strength is first-class.

Turning around and roaring—

"Who said shameless! You are shameless!"

"What's wrong with the police? I am also responsible for calling the police, and I have to pay me!"

"What a trivial matter! The soup didn't spill on you! Just say, if you have the ability, will you pay me the money for her?"

Some people are dissatisfied: "One code is one code, you are obviously not that serious..."

The woman continued to scold: "Why isn't it serious!? I have to be scalded to be satisfied, right..."


Anyway, that's all.

Quarreling back and forth.

"..." Zhou Qi fell into contemplation as he watched this scene.

He's stuck in the aisle now.


Well, violent means can't be used, he has to use some other method to get out of here.

But at this moment,

He heard a familiar voice, it was Li Donglai:

"Shut up! You've lost your money? Why don't you dream about it? I really think you can charge the sky for this thing? 20,000, do you deserve it? Your ragged clothes are only 50 yuan. It's not worth it, what the **** is a girl doing!?"

These words are full of anger, and they sound strong enough.

Zhou Qi raised his brows and couldn't help but want to wait and see again.

After confirming that his roommates were all there, he was no longer in a hurry, and simply stood there leisurely and watched the excitement.

At this moment, another familiar voice, Bai Xuan,

He also seemed to be scolding from the wine: "...That boy, you are a college student, right? You are quite a big man, and you can't tell right from wrong? Your mother is splashing around, you can't even say a word? Then After many years of study, you have gained nothing?"

"..." The scene was a little quieter.

The woman also seemed to be overwhelmed and did not speak.

Zhou Qi could see several expressions in the crowd, and their faces were full of shock.'s not surprising.

Zhonghai City, a first-tier city in the middle of the country, gathers people from all over the country.

But in the end, there are more in the South, South China, and Central China, and the usual speech habits are more euphemistic.

So Li Donglai's set is really not something ordinary people can handle.

And Bai Xuan and him were together every day, so naturally they also learned the tricks.

Plus, he also drank alcohol...

So obviously, she was scolding the woman.

But it's more than that...

At this moment, another loud voice spoke up, even with a northeastern accent, and it sounded like a rough and rough man:

"...Well said! I waited for a long time to be considered someone scolded!"

Then there were whispers like "don't drag me", "don't stop me", "what can happen" and so on. It was obvious that the people around him were persuading him.

But then, he let go of his hands and feet: "I couldn't see it for a long time, and now I have to say a few words... You stinky bitch! Why are you licking your face to say it here!? Fuck! I was next to me just now. Just look at it, the little girl runs before and after to serve your family, hard-working and never complaining, without saying a word, what about you? You treat people like a maid, calling and drinking... You run the restaurant in your house? You are the waiter. Alone!?

I was wondering, is there something wrong with your brain? So I have a hard time holding the old Shen things, you don't say help the little girl, just sit there and play the music, and now you are overwhelmed, why don't you die? ?

You idiots, the more you think about it, the more you get angry, come to eat some good mood and let you all ruin it, let me get up! I have to give her a mouth today..."

Middle-aged woman: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Two seconds later, the crowd started to riot, and they quickly grabbed the elder brother and persuaded him to calm down.

The woman was also frightened.


Her youngest son, a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, kept shouting, "Bullying people! Bullying people! Beating people..."

Noisy people are annoying.

Finally, another ten seconds passed.

Someone shouted: "Forget it, if she doesn't call the police, we will report it! Quickly get this family away! It's so annoying..."

Someone else said, "Yes! Don't be afraid, little girl! We'll help you watch, you're not wrong at all, we'll tell you when the police come!"

The rest of the people joined in.


Someone took out his cell phone,

The woman finally recovered from the shock just now,

But then, she said very bravely: "Then call the police! Whoever is afraid! If the police come, they will have to pay me!"

Saying that, she called her eldest son to the police.


However, hearing this, Zhou Qi's eyes, who were watching the play on the other side, lit up.

He didn't want to get involved,

I just want to watch a play.


Call the police?

I seem to be able to help myself...

Thinking like this, interest surged on his face, and he took two steps back to get away from the crowd.

He first glanced out the window. Compared with the scenery outside, his reflection was a little clearer.

But it doesn't matter anymore, a smile appeared on his face, and then he made a very strange movement - he took out a fruit knife from his waist and pretended to show it.

Then, choose a random person,

He gestured twice towards the back of the man's neck.

"Huh? Not yet?"

The corner of Zhou Qi's mouth showed an interesting arc, and then he slowly stabbed the tip of the knife towards the man's neck.

Three inches, two inches, one inch...



ping ping ping-

The glass shattered.

In an instant, the knife in Zhou Qi's hand flew to an unknown place. At the same time, he also felt that his hand was going numb to death, and the tiger's mouth was cracked.


He was stunned for a moment.

"It turned out to be a sniper rifle?"

Well, the fact is, just now, a bullet from a sniper rifle hit the knife just now...

It's pretty accurate, otherwise, if it were a little bit off, his hands and arms might be gone.

And he also felt that the sniper gun xxxx was the one who hit him... Well, this power is quite familiar. When the state sent snipers to stare at him in the past, it was probably this model...

But, now there are sniper rifles staring at him?

It's been a while...


On this side, Zhou Qi was still measuring in his heart, on the other side, the rest of the hot pot restaurant were already stunned.

Especially the "lucky audience" selected by Zhou Qi, he felt a chill on his back, and his whole body was numb...


Until the first person started screaming, the whole hot pot restaurant started to riot.

No one cares about any conflict, what to watch for fun,

Screaming, shouting and huddled together.


Just a few seconds later, several menacing men and women rushed in from the window,

As soon as everyone glanced over, they were immediately frightened—

Because they are all holding pistols!

"Don't move!"

"Hold your head in your hands! Squat down!"

"Everything is quiet!"

Everyone was stunned.

In the end what happened? ?

"Again, everyone squat down with their heads in their hands!!"

The leading policeman roared with a very serious look.

It was only then that people began to regain their senses and squatted down with their heads folded.

"Don't look up!"

Everyone bowed their heads,


Panic and whispers have spread:

"Fuck, fuck, what's going on..."

"Police, are the police moving so fast now?"

"Yeah, I'm stupid, the call to the police came as soon as I called..."

"The problem is, just to settle a civil dispute, how can you hold a gun..."

"Could it be that the family of three are wanted criminals?"

"It doesn't look like it. Could it be that there are wanted criminals among the others??"

"Woooo is too scary. I no longer dare to eat hot pot with others without my boyfriend, I want to go back..."

"It's all tm's fault for that girl, and I also blame me. I've finished eating, so what are you watching here, grass..."


at the same time,

Several police officers looked at the only person standing in the audience——

Zhou Qi.

And they raised their guns at him.

Zhou Qi's face was a little helpless. He had to spread his hands first, indicating that he had no threat, then pointed to the police, then pointed to his mouth, and made an "x",

Then he pointed to the shivering family squatting over there.

The meaning is obvious,

Saying that everything happens for a reason, not for murder or evil, but just to resolve conflicts and act like, in addition, don't expose yourself...


Several police officers instantly understood that they were being used by Zhou Qi.

Their faces turned gloomy and terrifying, and several pistols were still pointed at Zhou Qi.

However, he really didn't say anything he shouldn't say.

Just like that, the scene was quiet for dozens of seconds.

Well, it's not particularly quiet.

In fact, because of the sudden incident, many people's hot pots are still on fire. During this time, the boiling sound of gurgling is everywhere.


Because the glass was shattered, the sound outside became much louder, and the noise of the noisy night market poured in.

A large group of people came to watch because of the movement here, and there was a lot of discussion.

At this moment, Zhou Qi blinked, then squatted down with his head in his hands.

"...Okay, the danger is lifted."

The lead policeman paused for a while, exhaled a sullen breath, tilted his head and said softly to the walkie-talkie.



He gave Zhou Qi a deep look, and slowly put down the gun,

After looking around,

He walked straight to the family of three.

"You, you, stand up."

"Ah?" The woman trembled and raised her head in fear.

Looking at that expression, how can there still be the slightest arrogance from before?

She didn't dare to stand up but asked in a trembling voice: "Police, comrade police, it's not so, I'm wrong, can't I... This is the first time for me, you forgive me Bar……"

"Oh," the policeman couldn't help but sneer: "Hurry up and stand up!"

"Ah!" The woman was shocked and hurriedly stood up.

There was no meanness and unreasonableness on her face, and there was only a look of crying.

But beside her, her seven- or eight-year-old son should not have received much education.

So I don't have enough respect for the police, and I wanted to open my mouth to say something, but she covered her mouth.

It can be seen that she still understands some things, and has enough awe of the government and the law...


The scene became very weird.

Everyone was thinking wildly in their hearts.

Li Donglai, Bai Xuan, and Chen Xing gathered together and kept whispering.

While wondering what happened, I also wondered how Zhou Qi is now...

In a certain corner, Tang Jin was also squatting there holding her head, weak and helpless, with a confused look on her face, until now she has not realized what happened.

And the others... are also guessing.

In the end, what's the situation?


In this strangely quiet atmosphere,

The leading police officer spoke with a sullen face:

"...According to the express provisions of our country's laws, when a customer's personal property is damaged, he can negotiate for compensation. This is everyone's civic rights... But that doesn't mean that you can over-protect your rights!"

"Now, I'll give you two choices, one is to truthfully calculate your losses and make compensation privately, and the other... go to the police station with me for the record!"
