MTL - Is the End Really Coming?-Chapter 27 believe in miracles

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Everyone was stunned.


"Well, what's going on!"

"Who is it? Why did you go down again?"

"I saw it, it's a young man, probably a stunned youth who jumped down to save people..."

"Fuck, isn't this causing trouble!"

"Don't say that, maybe his courage is commendable..."

The crowd rioted again. A group of people were talking and taking pictures with their mobile phones.

More people began to gather in the distance.

Wang Ping was squeezed in the center, stiffly guarding the child with his wife.

His face was pale and bloodless.

He is already doubting life.

In my mind, in my heart, I kept repeating a question:


Why, after finally deciding to do a good thing, the result will be like this?

The original life finally tasted a little sweet,

I want to share this sweetness with others,

Why did it become like this?

Obviously, it seems that there is nothing to do, why do you still jump down...

Wang Ping stared blankly at the lake. At this time, because someone jumped in again, the search and rescue boats and lifeguards were also in disarray.

Seeing this, Wang Ping's wife took his hand and said, "Don't worry, I don't think he is the kind of person who really wants to commit suicide... He might be there to save people..."

Wang Ping's voice trembled: "But he was..."

Wang Ping's wife thought: "He has admitted to you before, does he really want to commit suicide?"

"..." Wang Ping was stunned, as if... not really...

But he still couldn't believe it: "Yes, but, why hasn't he moved?"

Wang Ping's wife was silent for a while.

Actually, she doesn't know either.

Because she just glanced at the boy and didn't even remember what he looked like. She just relied on a woman's intuition and thought that the other party didn't want to commit suicide.

But anyway, she knew that her husband definitely didn't want to see that scene.

So she comforted her gently: "If he really went to save people, he would definitely be able to swim. He should have dived."

"..." Wang Ping was silent.

The surrounding crowd was still clamoring.

Someone raised the question Wang Ping wanted to ask:

"The latter one jumped in and didn't make a sound. What's going on?"

Someone answered:

"Maybe it's a dive, right?"

More people began to question:

"However, the rescue team wanted to find him, why didn't they find it??"

"Wait, what do I feel, it was the boy who saw someone committing suicide, and he wanted to accompany him?"

"Damn it, it feels possible! I just saw him like that, it doesn't look like he can swim..."

"Yeah... Otherwise, you said someone was saving him, so why did he jump in?"


Hearing this, Wang Ping felt very uncomfortable.

But when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say anything.

at this time.

A fire truck's unique siren sounded from a distance.

The crowd began to shout.

"The fire truck is here!"

"Why did it take so long! Human life is at stake..."

"…"'s already very fast. At this time, it's less than five minutes before the first girl jumps into the river.

But everyone's seconds are like years.

"Hurry up and save people!"

"It feels too late, that girl has been going down for a long time..."

"You must be rescued..."


In the expectation of the people,

The search and rescue personnel launched into the water one after another on the distant shore.

The lifeboats came under the bridge one by one,

Time passed by minute by minute.

But still no news.

Many insiders began to sigh rationally, saying, I'm afraid it's not possible, because the undercurrent at the bottom of the lake is very fast...

As a result, the bustling and beautiful Mingyan Lake on weekdays seems to be divided into two poles at this moment—

The people on the bridge feel like they are being roasted on a hot pan with oil,

The people under the bridge felt a biting chill and despair.

...the voice gradually subsided.

Only the cluttered lights flickered to and fro.

The large group of people on the bridge were already a little nervous to the point of numbness.

Someone turned off the camera.

Someone wiped away tears.

Someone covered the child's eyes.

People gradually realized that it is very likely that two lives will really disappear before their eyes.

From the anxiety and panic at the beginning, to now, everyone's heart has turned to fear and sadness.

But they couldn't do anything, they could only look under the bridge worriedly.

Many people began to pray.

I hope the rescuers will bring the two together...

Hoping for a miracle to happen...

Time seems to be passing faster.

the shore,

There are also many people looking forward to it.

Some of them were anxiously staring at the time on their mobile phones, while watching the rescuers on the water returned unsuccessfully several times.

Their hearts gradually sank to the bottom of the lake.

But suddenly, a sharp-eyed man reached out and pointed:

"what is that!"

Everyone was taken aback by his surprise,

Someone scolds,

Some people looked at it subconsciously.

Then, they were stunned.

Not far away, in the shallow water, something surfaced, quietly leaning towards the shore!

The movement of the thing seems to be very smooth, which brings a sense of eerie.

Someone couldn't help but take a step back.

But then, people saw clearly,

Those are two heads,

And then the body...

It turned out to be two people!

The petite girl has lost consciousness, her body is curled up, lying on the side of the boy's arms, her hands are tightly wrapped around the boy's neck.

Her hair is not long, and it falls neatly over her shoulders, leaving only a few strands on her forehead.

Under the separation of her hair, you can see that there is not much expression on her small face, her eyes are closed, but water is constantly flowing down her nose and corners of her mouth...

It looks so pitiful and heart-wrenching.

Look at that boy again...

The boy looks very young, with a thin body, wearing short-sleeved shorts with no visible color, his soft hair is already wet, some stick to his face, some are upturned, and the water dripping from his hair is connected in a string, Dripping into the lake water, it also flows along the cheeks.

His face was pale,

But his face was calm.

He held the girl and walked towards the shore step by step, and as the water became shallower, more and more body parts were revealed.

In the distance, rescuers discovered this scene.

Begin to drive the boat closer to the shore.

At this moment, the night sky is still gloomy, and the water surface flows quietly, reflecting the neon of the city and the flashlight beams flying everywhere.

There are countless starlights on the bridge, which are the light of mobile phones.

under such a circumstance,

A boy, holding a girl, walked towards the shore from the water,

Everyone was stunned by this strangely beautiful picture...

Zhou Qi carried the girl all the way to the shore,

People consciously gave way to an open space, and there were sporadic surprises and inquiries from the crowd. Some people responded and asked if there was a doctor, and some people were eager to help.

But Zhou Qi ignored them, because this girl was dying.

He is the only one who can save this girl now.

He sat down, put the **** his bent legs, face down, and pressed and slapped on his back.

This is a routine practice of cleaning foreign bodies in the cavity.

At this time, it seemed that several people with similar experiences stood up, and some firefighters rushed to the vicinity, but after seeing Zhou Qi's tactics, they stopped again.

Because they could see that Zhou Qi's technique was very sophisticated, just like a textbook, and the girl's mouth and nose began to drip with water and fine debris, so they didn't step forward.

After about ten seconds,

The sound of an ambulance also sounded from a distance.

In front of everyone's eyes, Zhou Qi put the **** the ground again,

Now, everyone can see the whole picture of this petite girl.

But everyone was shocked,

Because the girl's nose and mouth not only leaked water, but also blood!

Obviously, her lungs have been damaged!

Someone opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Some people want to come forward, but they dare not.

The whole Mingyan Lake became more and more "lively", but the atmosphere became more and more solemn. UU reading

Everyone quieted down.

They know that maybe, it's too late...

At this moment, Zhou Qi raised his head and said in a condensed voice, "Everyone close their eyes and say 'believe in miracles', keep saying it."

The onlookers were stunned.

Zhou Qi's tone was calm: "Trust me."


Someone in the crowd raised sporadic questions:

"What are you doing?"

"What exactly are you going to do?"

"What's the matter with this boy?"

"Can you stop making trouble..."

But more people, inexplicably, were attracted by Zhou Qi's eyes.

Those dark and deep pupils had an unusual calmness that made them involuntarily convinced...

Someone really did it.

"I believe in miracles." A fat uncle touched the peace talisman on his chest, closed his eyes and said.

"Believe in miracles." A young girl with fluttering long hair touched the red rope tied around her wrist and said, closing her eyes.

"Believe in miracles." A middle-aged woman closed her eyes and folded her hands in prayer.

"I believe in miracles." Some firefighters even closed their eyes.

More and more people began to say these four words,

Although, only the people in front believed in Zhou Qi.

The people behind are more dubious,

Or follow suit,

Or just simply pray.

But no matter what, the whole lakeshore began to "believe in miracles". The voices were continuous, synthesizing, and getting louder and louder. Even the people on the bridge heard it and shouted.



The girl's cough was heard.